Sweetest in the Universe

Chapter 22


At this stage of the game, a comeback is only theoretically possible. But no matter what, you can't just sit and wait to die.

So after Zhou Tian finished speaking, the teammates still agreed to give it a try to see if they could find a chance for a reversal.

It may be because this mentality of fighting to the death is already very torturous. In the next few small-scale team battles, although the five of them won some, they didn't catch Ye Bai even once.

Twenty-three minutes later, the two sides fought again in Dalongkeng, and Zhou Tian once again tasted the pain of facing Death Song with consecutive empty skills, and then being hit back instantly.

At this point, she really lost her mind.

Winning or losing in the professional arena is uncertain, and any result is quite normal, so if it is just a simple loss, it is really nothing.

But the question is, why did she transform when she met Ye Bai? This is too unreasonable, isn't it some kind of intelligence-reducing buff that will be spontaneously brought on when you see an idol? But obviously, I have never encountered such a thing in Rank...

Twenty-six minutes into the second game, YYG lost the high ground, and TSD's super soldiers pushed all the way to the front tooth tower. The output gap caused by the equipment gap could not be smoothed out, and YYG finally lost the round.

Zhou Huang frowned at the moment the crystal exploded, and did not get up for a long time to go to the backstage to rest and wait.

Later, when her teammates passed by her in turn, Ying Yuanxia even helped her take off the earphones, and she realized that she walked backstage in a daze.

After returning to the waiting room, the first thing the coach said was don't panic, there will be a third in a while.

"The third hand is a good BP, it must be no problem." The coach deliberately attributed the failure of this round to himself, "To be honest, I was a little confused before the second hand, and then I thought about it. The choice is wrong, and this kind of lineup with a low fault tolerance rate should not be used."

"Yeah, like my happy man." Wang Ren was the first to respond. After all, he was holding a Yasuo, and he really couldn't do anything in a disadvantaged situation, and he kept getting beaten in the second half.

But Zhou Tian felt that if it wasn't for his failure to operate well, this hand would not have fallen into such a disadvantage.

She scratched her hair and said, "It's my fault, I didn't do anything after that."

"Don't worry, you have a pretty good rhythm ahead." Han Ziliang said, "I have to say, I was not careful enough to break the rhythm of your bot lane first."

"You really didn't have any problems with your rhythm in the early stage." Ying Yuanxia also said the same, "If it weren't for you, we would have blown up before the big dragon was born, okay, splitting the pot is what should be done after the replay, now Don't think so much, the most important thing is to play the third set well."

At the end of his speech, he didn't know what he thought of. He glanced back at Xie Yi and said, "Brother Xie, don't you think so?"

Xie Yi also frowned, but he often did this, and his teammates wouldn't find it strange if he maintained such an expression at the moment.

But he didn't say yes right away, which still made others a little strange.

He stood there, looked at Zhou Tian, pondered for about a minute before saying: "Come here."

Zhou Huang was stunned for a moment: "...ah? What?"

"Come here." He didn't move, "I have something to tell you."

This next week, Zhou Huang was completely stunned, and the rest of the people were not much better.

Ying Yuanxia thought of the memory of being crazily educated by him every time he made a mistake when he was off the road with Xie Yi's group, and couldn't help feeling a little bit sweaty for Zhou Tian, so he wanted to persuade him not to be too strict, lest he be too strict for the first time. Before the three games started, the education of his jungle mentality collapsed.

But before he opened his mouth, Zhou Tian had already reacted, got up and passed.

The two went outside the lounge to talk, and the others knew Xie Yi's temper, so they didn't follow no matter how worried they were.

But in fact, the situation outside the lounge is indeed not as worrying as they thought.

After Xie Yi called Zhou Tian out, he didn't pick her faults and educate her at all, he just asked her: "Are you thinking about Ye Bai's operation?"

Zhou Huang nodded: "Yes, I think his operation has not regressed..."

Xie Yi shook his head, his tone was firm: "No."

"He has degenerated a lot." He paused, "The reaction speed is incomparable to yours."

"But I... I can't beat him at all." She really doubted her understanding of the game, "I have never used so many skills in one game."

Xie Yi hummed and said that I saw it.

"But it's not that he hides well." He said, "It's that you are too obsessed with prediction."

Zhou Huang: "!"

He continued to explain: "You attach too much importance to playing against him and want to block his chances of making calls as much as possible, so your mentality is different from before."

Because he didn't want to give Ye Bai any chance, during the game, Zhou Tian did his best to guess how Ye Bai would move in the previous and subsequent team battles.

She thinks that she has been a serious fan of Ye Bai for a long time, and has almost completed all his matches, and she knows his habits very well, so every time she presses skills, she presses the direction where Ye Bai is most likely to hide.

If it was Ye Bai three years ago, or even two years ago, if he met her now, he would suffer a lot from this kind of targeting.

But just like what Xie Yi said, Ye Bai is getting old, and his operation has degraded a lot. He doesn't have the same reaction speed as her now, which means that he can't go where he originally wanted to hide in the first place. Azimuth walk—

But his consciousness is still there, so the time difference is enough for him to avoid Zhou Tian's prediction, and then he uses this very cunningly to make her doubt her life more and more.

"Don't be nervous." Finally, Xie Yi said, "You're fine."

I have to say that his consolation method of analyzing the essential reasons is really very effective. At least after listening to his words, Zhou Tian finally did not continue to be confused.

She lowered her head, looked at her toes, and said in a low voice, "I'm the one who got stuck."

Xie Yi: "Just don't drill the third one."

She nodded immediately: "Okay! I will relax and hit."

Xie Yi didn't say anything else, turned around and went back to the lounge first.

Zhou Huang followed him in, and as soon as he entered, he saw that everyone including the coach was looking at him and Xie Yi. He knew that they must have misunderstood, so he hurriedly explained: "Further just came to enlighten me."

With this explanation, everyone's expressions became more complicated.

Xie Yi? enlighten? No matter how it sounds, it's magical, right

However, the ensuing third game really proved the effect of his enlightenment.

In the third game, TSD chose the blue team and did not change players. Ye Bai was still the jungler, but when it came to the BP link, they changed their target method.

"Damn, why did you start messing with me all of a sudden!" Ying Yuanxia, who was assisted by the third class when he came up, exclaimed, "Isn't it really good for me!"

"You are very accurate with the hook at critical moments, and they don't want you to play with the hook anymore." The coach said.

"Actually, I've never been able to do this before..."

"That's why they only started banning you in this game. Hey, they really have a lot of ideas. It doesn't matter what version is strong or not, they just ban you. It's worth learning."

"Speaking of which, since the first round of bans are all supports, should we give Xiao Zhou a Qian Jue?"

The coach said: "I have no objection, but if you take it early, you may be countered. Why don't you see what they choose for Ye Bai first."

As a result, Qian Jue was chosen on the opposite side.

Everyone in YYG: "..." Okay, I still don't have the fate to play the hero of my life.

"Forget it, they may not necessarily be targeting me." Zhou Huang himself thought the most openly, "Ye Bai is also old Qian Jue, and I learned from him when I first played Qian Jue."

"So what do we choose now?"

"Then it's better to take Olaf, but wait and choose again, first lock Lucian and the cat." The coach said, "It's time to deal with him in his own way."

"Xiao Yuan doesn't know what to treat a person with his own way. Xiao Yuan is just an innocent cat." Ying Yuanxia squeezed his throat and shouted.

When Wang Ren and Han Ziliang heard this, they immediately began to scold: "Aren't you disgusting!"

After being disturbed by the three of them, the atmosphere in the team, which was a little cramped before coming up, immediately took on a new look.

After locking down the bottom lane combination, their third choice was the jungler. They took Olaf according to the original plan, and put the mid-upper in the second round for selection.

In addition, the coach also devised another tactic, which was to switch Wang Ren and Han Ziliang.

"Brother Dao, go on the road, otherwise it will be difficult to match up." The coach said, "Xiao Han comes to the middle, if the hero counter still can't beat Dao, you can have a supper tonight."

"... isn't it a bit too ruthless." Han Ziliang also knew that his laning ability was weaker than Wang Ren, and it was inevitable that he would not be able to cope with the TSD player who was known as the league's top laner, "But it's okay, I can treat you, thank you Brother pays the bill."

To everyone's surprise, Xie Yi interrupted at this time.

"Just win," he said.

"Brother Xie is awesome!"

"Damn it, just pick it after you beat it!"

"Eat expensive ones and eat expensive ones."

"Hey, let's work hard, this one must win."

Just like the previous round, both sides were fighting for the early stage of this round, so Zhou Huang directly called two people to help him guard the red buff, so as not to be seized by the opponent.

But as a fan of Ye Bai, many of her jungle ideas were actually influenced by Ye Bai. Now that the two are playing against each other, it is inevitable that they will collide with each other.

In the last game, because of her hero attributes, she couldn't touch Ye Bai's clothes in the early stage. This round was completely the opposite. From the very beginning of the game, the two had collided in their jungle ideas, so that they fought directly at the red buff.

After listening to Xie Yi's enlightenment, Zhou Tian finally stopped thinking about pressing Ye Bai to death all the time.

In this wave of first-level regiments, she cut straight to the opponent's AD from the moment of the outbreak, moved wildly, and had a fairly accurate blood volume, allowing Xie Yi to complete the harvest at the last moment.

"Nice! They withdrew, one head and one red, is there any blood in the start!" Ying Yuanxia, who neither got a head nor an assist, was the most excited one in the microphone.

But what he said is correct, for YYG, this wave is indeed bloody, especially Xie Yi, who won the kill, used a very strong hero in the early stage.

During the laning period, he did not change his goal every week, cared about the bottom lane many times, and let Wang Ren TP, who had changed lanes to the top lane, come down once, which made the opposite bottom lane team experience the worst game experience since the start of the match.

As for Ye Bai's Qian Jue, when they met in the wild, they couldn't do anything to her Olaf.

The rhythm is in your own hands, and the rest will be much easier.

When TSD collapsed in the bottom lane, Ying Yuanxia, who was freed from the lane, followed Zhou Tian to get the Canyon Herald and began to push the middle lane.

In this case, Ye Bai, as the jungler, had to come to help and defend. Since the two sides collided head-on at this moment, YYG was completely worthy of TSD, so everyone simply had a wave of team battles in the middle.

In the team battle, Xie Yi, as a fat Lucian, had a full output. He avoided many skills just by walking, and then ate two more heads.

YYG played a wave of zero for three, and the two surviving opponents on the opposite side were also running out of health, so they could only run away in a flash.


"Of course I don't want to chase after them. I'm going to fight the Fire Dragon." Zhou Tian didn't hesitate, "We can't give them any chance of a possible comeback. The Fire Dragon is more important than the human head and the middle tower."

There was a time difference for the resurrection, and the fire dragon YYG took it down very easily.

So far, the economic gap between the two sides has reached 5,000, and the advantage can be said to be quite large.

But everyone didn't get excited because of this advantage. The points in the summer split were really important to them. They had already lost a small game, and they had to win the third game.

"Dalong is born in a minute and a half, which is enough for them to be resurrected, but our lineup is faster than the opponent's, so let's do the vision first." When Zhou Tian spoke again, he had already quickly manipulated the hero in his hand towards Dalong. The pit went.

"I've been in the Dragon Pit for a round before." Ying Yuanxia said, "There shouldn't be many eyes on the outside."

Of course, having said that, after arriving at Dalongkeng, YYG's Nosuke still cleaned everything inside and out.

When the big dragon was born, the five of them started fighting immediately. About halfway through the fight, the TSD people rushed over. Ye Bai's Qian Jue was watching from behind the dragon pit, as if preparing to fight to the death, and snatched it at the last moment.

"Qian Jue is on top!"

"Brother Dao, go out and grab the others, let's continue to fight." Zhou Tian didn't know when her self-confidence completely came back, but at this moment, she did have the confidence not to let Ye Bai snatch it, "Fight for punishment." I won't lose!"

Dalong's blood volume dropped rapidly, Zhou Huang held his breath as the numbers jumped.


"Punishment arrived!!! It's us!!!"

Accompanied by the killing announcement text displayed on the screen, the voices of several teammates in the headset can almost deafen people.

"Qian Jue is dead, there are four more." Like any time in the past, the only one who remained calm was Xie Yi, "I can fight."

During the game, Xie Yi was indeed the one who talked the least in the team, but generally speaking, as long as he spoke, he was making some extraordinarily correct decisions.

Right now YYG has won the big dragon, and took the lead in killing Ye Bai, who came down to fight for punishment. Taking advantage of the situation to fight another wave, whether it can kill another group or simply break them up, it will help to bring the big dragon Buff for a while. Push up to high ground.

The two commentators admired their decisiveness, and even used the words "the end of the world" when only two Shangfu were left in TSD.

After that, YYG flattened the base smoothly, and the game was declared over, and the commentator only went back to make up for it a little bit.

"In fact, the state of the two teams fluctuated quite a lot in the second and third rounds, don't you think?"

"But no matter what, tonight's Bo3 is quite exciting, and I believe the audience must have enjoyed watching it."

Zhou Huang took off his earphones, got up with his teammates, and went to the other side to shake hands with his opponents one by one.

When she got hold of Ye Bai, she was actually in a bit of a complicated mood, but Ye Bai seemed to have quickly accepted the result of the failure just now. Seeing her coming, she smiled at her and said, "The third fight is great."

Zhou Huang was flattered: "No, no!"

The audience at the scene probably also noticed that the two of them were talking, and they made a fuss for a while, half cheering and half yelling, pushing the atmosphere in the venue to a higher peak.

Ye Bai reminded her at the right time: "There are three people behind you who are waiting to shake hands with me."

Only then did Zhou Tian wake up from a dream and went forward to shake hands with TSD's mid laner, but the camera cut by the director had captured her embarrassing blushing scene in time.

When it came to the post-match interview stage, the host really made fun of it and asked her why she didn't leave all of a sudden.

"I was so happy to hear Yelaoshi praise me for playing well." She paused, "I think every jungler is eager to be recognized by him."

"It seems that our Yuzhou is really a die-hard fan of Oracle." The host asked again, "Then how does it feel to play against Oracle today?"

Zhou Huang: "... I was very excited at first, but I was almost stunned in the second fight, thanks to our AD who enlightened me."

The host immediately caught up with the conversation, and turned to Xie Yi who came up for the interview together: "Further, can you tell everyone how you enlightened Yuzhou?"

Zhou Huang looked at Xie Yi, and she felt that depending on this person's character, she might be able to say no directly.

It didn't.

He lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then said, "Tell her not to take Abo seriously."


The various live streams of this game were also filled with various barrages in an instant.

[This friendship is too real, don't take him seriously and you can win]

[Hahahahahahahahahaha @Delphi, Xie Yi, he looked down on you again, and came out to curse people!]

[In the playoffs of last season, I remember Oracle said in an interview that he knew Xie Dad too well, so YYG was quite easy for him to play...]

[#It’s really beautiful friendship, I’m crying, how about you? #]

The author has something to say: Back! ! ! ! ! !