Sweetest in the Universe

Chapter 25


Same as the last time against TSD, this game against SAG also played three rounds.

But it is regrettable that this time YYG is the loser, and it is the most unacceptable way for fans to be chased and lost.

After the game, almost no one in the team opened their mouths to speak, and Zhou Tian couldn't help himself at all. He almost missed the opponent's post-match handshake, and he got up only after being reminded by Han Ziliang.

The SAG team members are very polite and kind, especially the two who used to know each other in the rankings and smiled at her.

Zhou Tian also wanted to laugh, but no matter how he moved the corners of his mouth, he looked very stiff, and in the end he didn't force himself at all.

Not long after, the coach also came up from the backstage, packed up the peripherals with them, and comforted them by the way.

"We played very well. We didn't make any mistakes in decision-making today." The coach said sincerely, "It's just that they are a little behind in support. If we play again in the second round, we may not lose."

Zhou Huang was the most embarrassed to accept such comfort, drooping his head and said: "But they failed to count their support, and they were tricked twice, which is also a big mistake."

Han Ziliang: "Hey, blame me."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it." The coach quickly stopped their behavior of taking the blame, "Go back to the base first, and slowly resume the game at night."

"… Um."

"Let's go."

The game started at 7 o'clock in the evening, and it took nearly four hours to play three rounds, plus the rest time in between.

So when everyone packed up and got on the bus, and then went back to YYG's base through half of the urban area, it was already past zero.

But even so, when they sat in the training room and started the replay, no one complained, not even Wang Ren, who usually had to order a takeaway at this point.

"Come on." The coach and the analyst sat at the positions closest to the exit of the training room, turned on a machine at random, and directly clicked on the second one tonight, and spoke first.

"Our team has never been on the edge. The second BP idea is actually quite similar to the first one, and the three lines are not completely opposite, and they will not fall into a complete disadvantage, so BP is no problem." The analyst said. , "There is no problem with the lineup, the heroes are also players you can play, and everyone's laning period is also playing well, and both the middle and the bottom are pressing the knife."

"Although the top lane was suppressed, it's not a big problem, because our 3 Ban top laner left Su Wang with Karma."

Zhou Tian: "But this Karma brought us a lot of trouble in the end. After he got the line right, every time the TP was good, he immediately ran to help his teammates."

Regardless of whether it is the version that has just passed or the new version now, Karma is a very disgusting auxiliary hero, and the damage is not enough in the later stage? It doesn't matter, bless your teammates so that the teammate with the most damage can't die, and wait until the endgame to reap the harvest and it's over.

"It can't be counted like this." As the one who faced Su Wang tonight, Han Ziliang is quite self-aware, "If we ban Karma and give him other things, such as Pike, he might be like a fish in water in the early stage, and even more so." It's not easy to fight."

"Let's not talk about the hypotheticals in advance." The coach felt that if this kind of thing is meaningless, "Karma's acceleration and shield are not released today, and this system is not completely unbreakable, so the focus is not on Karma itself."

Having said that, he dragged the progress bar to about eight and a half minutes into the game, which was also the time point when YYG crashed in the bottom lane.

"At that time, we had the right to the bottom lane, and this fire dragon should have been easy to get."

"It's just that I didn't expect a small dragon to come here together, and the dragon was snatched by the opposite Tam."

This is what frustrates Zhou Huang the most. Although she knows that no jungler can control the dragon 100% in every game, she was indeed surprised by the TP on the top laner at the time, so she couldn't deal with it immediately. Unleash your punishment and snatch the fire dragon.

In the game, there are many operations and situations. After the game, you may not think it is a big deal. Just keep playing and keep playing.

However, the reality is that because every second may change, it often happens on the field that a small mistake leads to a collapse all the way to the end.

After Zhou Huang was robbed of the fire dragon by the opponent's support, she was indeed a little more anxious than before. Then she and Ying Yuanxia were killed in two-on-three double-doubles, but they couldn't kill the opponent's jungler as well, so the situation was even more not optimistic.

During the review process, she listened to the analysis of the coaching staff word by word, feeling very heavy.

After the end, in order to ease her emotions, she logged on to Rank at 2:00 a.m. for a long time.

The teammates seemed to know that she was in a bad mood at the moment, so none of them came to persuade her.

As a result, the unhappiness in reality seems to have brought it to the rankings. This night, she ranked four and lost three. The only one she won was that the opponent was too stupid. She chose a lineup that was impossible to play and was desperate —In short, the opponent sent her a game.

Of course, such a bad ranking experience would only make her feel worse. In order not to get worse, she closed the game after playing the fourth round and went upstairs.

Because she went to bed late, of course she was the last one to wake up the next day.

When they went downstairs, the team members other than Xie Yi were already sitting in the training room, but there was no training, and they were frowning and wringing their noses to discuss something.

Zhou Huang felt very strange: "What are you talking about?"

Ying Yuanxia, who was in the center of the discussion, was the first to change his face, saying it was nothing, just chatting.

This reaction is wrong even if you think about it with your feet, Zhou Huang naturally doesn't believe it.

"Really?" She raised her eyebrows and said casually, "It's not like talking ill of me behind my back."

"How could we speak ill of you!"

"That's it."

Zhou Huang: "..." Wait, from the tone of her voice, someone really is talking bad about her, but isn't it them

Seeing her complexion change, it gradually became clear that the teammates also knew that there was no point in hiding it anymore, so they simply confessed: "That's right, didn't we lose the game yesterday, and before the game, your fans and brother Xie fans confused each other The matter was brought out and quarreled all morning."

Zhou Tian: "Huh? Can this be noisy all morning?"

"Of course this alone can't quarrel all morning, but yesterday you two fans fought against each other, Brother Xie's fans probably suffocated, and we lost again." Ying Yuanxia paused when he said this After a while, I considered the tone of the second half, "Brother Xie, those crazy fans, just grasp this matter, from your fans to scolding you..."

In fact, Ying Yuanxia put it mildly.

The real situation is that fans pinching each other is just a lead. It is the unilateral output of Xie Yi's fans to Zhou Huang himself that really makes fans from all walks of life eat melons and watch the show all morning.

They even intercepted the GIFs of Zhou Tian's mistakes yesterday, and made a collection of YYG's new wild vegetables and wildly reposted them wildly.

The grandeur of the scene really stunned the YYG players who have seen many storms.

After hearing the whole story, Zhou Huang was speechless for a while.

It's not that he felt hurt because of being scolded, it's simply that he didn't expect Xie Yi's fans to be so free.

"They... work very hard." She commented after picking up her phone and browsing Weibo.

"Hey, it's just that he has a poor understanding of the game and loves to dance." Wang Ren concluded, "Don't worry, it's not worth worrying about these people."

"I'm not worried about it." After sleeping, Zhou Tian has recovered a lot, and he has regained his composure, "And no matter how good I am, I don't need these people to teach me how to play wild."

She spoke the truth.

She did feel down and blamed herself after losing the game, but that was because she felt that she hadn't done enough; as for those who scolded her, they probably started scolding without even understanding where they lost last night, so what good is she? Care

Seeing her like this, all the teammates felt relieved.

Afterwards, the coach and Xie Yi came back one after another, but everyone didn't mention this matter at all, and started training directly.

But Xie Yi still knew about it.

At 9 o'clock that night, after YYG finished the training match with the second team, he went out of the training room and made a phone call.

After returning from the game, his teammates found that he had reposted a Weibo.

The original Weibo was posted by Song Chu, with two photos, one of which is a photo of him and Ye Bai at the backstage of the competition venue tonight, and the other is a group photo of the three of them, with Xie Yi sitting in the middle, and Song Chu and Ye Bai. Then in the group photo of the three of them, Xie Yi who was sitting in the middle was blurred.

The word matching is simple and crude: three years ago and three years later.

Xie Yi forwarded it and said, "I can see that you love me."

As soon as this Weibo was uploaded, the fans who had happily scolded Zhou Tian before turned off their fire.

Firstly, the idol business is more important than anything else, and secondly, the idols themselves say that obfuscation is love, so what else can they do

"Damn, Brother Xie, your move is really amazing." Ying Yuanxia, who was the first to realize what Xie Yi's action meant, exclaimed on the phone screen, "It diverted the attention of fans, And by the way, directly pressed the conflict between your two fans, high, it is really high."

Xie Yi didn't speak.

The more he didn't take it seriously, the more Zhou Tian felt sorry for him.

You must know that he never cared about what the fans were scolding or pinching before. After she came in the summer game, for various reasons, he actually took care of it twice.

With such an apologetic and thankful mood, when the whole team went out for supper together later, she deliberately stayed at the end, sincerely thanking and apologizing.

Xie Yi: "...what do you have to be sorry for?"

"Just... I've been bothering you because of these off-court rhythms since I came here." She was really embarrassed, "You didn't need to worry about this before."

He was silent for a moment, and when he spoke again, his voice was a little lower, and he said, "I used to think that the performance of the players is based on the performance of the players, and the remarks outside the court are ignored."

Just as Zhou Huang wanted to say yes, that was the case, he continued, "But what happened with Su Wang proves that off-court factors are also very important."

"Boss Su?" Zhou Tian understood what he was talking about after a moment of reaction, "Ah, do you mean that he left SF because the fans made too much noise?"

"Yeah." He paused, his eyes shifted to her again, becoming more serious, "I'm the captain now, I can't let the same thing happen to YYG."

So when it's time to protect the team members, I will definitely protect them, even if it takes some effort that I didn't need to spend before.

The author has something to say: Sorry, I went to the hospital this afternoon_(:з」∠)_ and came back to write this evening... I will try to stabilize and fix the update time as soon as possible.

This chapter gives out red envelopes! Sorry for the lateness! !

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who voted [Mine]: Lassie and Lan Wei 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

1 bottle of Salted Fish Girl;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!