Sweetest in the Universe

Chapter 36


Even when he was filming the promotional video for the season, Zhou Tian was never watched by so many colleagues at the same time.

Although these gazes were not malicious, Zhou Tian was at a loss for a moment when they all came together.

Fortunately, when everyone realized that she seemed embarrassed, they all turned their faces away immediately.

Zhou Huang breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately began to think about what gift he could give.

But to be honest, since she was a child, this is the aspect she is least good at. I used to have no money, but now I don't lack money, but it is true that I have no experience in this area.

At the end of the thought, she was still in trouble, so she had to whisper to her nearest teammates for help.

The one closest to her was Wang Ren, who was speechless for a while, before he asked, "Then what to buy?"

Zhou Huang: "... Isn't it a bit perfunctory?"

"Then what else can we prepare?" Wang Ren asked back, "The main reason is that we are in Taiwan now, and the schedule is tight, so we don't have time to choose slowly for you."


"If you want me to say, you shouldn't have responded to him like that at that time." Wang Ren said, "Korean people pay attention to these things!"

Zhou Huang was already thinking about giving up on himself a little bit, but when he heard this sentence again, he suddenly became even more dizzy.

She scratched her head, but in the end she couldn't come up with a proper solution, and finally rubbed her face and said, "Forget it, I'll apologize to him frankly, and treat him to dinner after the intercontinental competition is over."

Wang Ren said this is fine, but do you really not need to bring a translator with you when you eat

Zhou Huang looked sad: "...just, let's practice English."

Wang Ren rubbed his chin for a while and thought for a while, glanced at the other side from the corner of his eye, and finally said with a half-smile: "Well, that's fine, then I'll recommend a restaurant to you. point."

Zhou Tian was worried, so of course he nodded immediately: "Okay! Thank you Brother Dao!"

After the voice fell, the staff outside came to inform the teams of the next match that they could start preparations.

The next game is TSD, which has both games scheduled for today. The opponent is the team that is currently second only to HCG in the LCK division. In view of the worrying state of TSD since the start of the summer split, the other three teams are actually a little worried about them at this moment.

Compared with the players, the temporary joint coaching staff considered more.

In fact, they were more or less prepared for TSD to lose this game with a high probability, so they were doing the ideological work of "don't be burdened" for others before the game officially started.

But no one expected that after nearly an hour of fierce fighting, TSD would decisively seize the opportunity in the last wave of highland team battles, ending the game with one wave, and scoring another valuable point for the LPL division.

When Zhou Huang saw this scene in the background, he almost jumped up from his chair with excitement and shouted Nice!

"Wow, the group in the end did really well! My idol is still great!" She grabbed Wang Ren's shoulder and shook wildly, "Did you see that!"

"...I saw it." Wang Ren was really frightened by her, "Are you really a TSD fan?!"

Zhou Huang calmed down a little, and corrected his teammates' misconceptions righteously: "No, I'm just Ye Bai's only fan."

These words directly caused Ying Yuanxia, who was several seats away from her, to spit out: "You even know Weifan, you're a quick learner?!"

Zhou Huang was quite proud at first, but before he could say anything, Xie Yi clicked his tongue inexplicably, as if he was not very happy.

"Get ready, it's our time." Xie Yi said after a while.

I don't know why, looking at his expression when he said this, Zhou Huang always felt that what he originally wanted to say was not this.

It's a pity that just like when he was in a bad mood on the way to the expedition, no one could spy on the things he didn't want to say.

Although Zhou Huang was curious for a short while, but because he was going to play in a while, he quickly put this curiosity behind him.

When the game ended unsatisfactorily as the coach predicted, she was too tired to think about anything.

Yes, the process of the match against the LMS division was very difficult. If it is said that YYG did not play well, that is not necessarily the case. At least they gained a lot of advantages in the early stage.

However, during the time when the bottom lane is the best, and the second half of the jungle is also the best time to visit, all the players are full of wind dragons and water dragons that are useless to the YYG lineup.

After more than 20 minutes, the serious lineup on the opposite side began to exert strength, and the frontal team was a bit difficult to deal with.

In addition, the jungler who was temporarily brought to the intercontinental competition on the opposite side also played very well.

"He is too good at blocking vision, talent." During the team battle, Zhou Huang was irritated by this opponent more than once, so he also gave a very high evaluation after the end, "Practice punishment again, I will I think he'll be a solid starter in the future."

"Xiao Zhou really cares about punishment hahahahaha."

"I noticed that too."

"Hey, isn't it just that a dragon was robbed yesterday, as for remembering it now?"

Zhou Huang: "..." Reasonable, every jungler cares about punishment very much!

After being ridiculed by her teammates in turn, she couldn't help but bared her teeth at them, and then turned her head, only to meet the gaze of the only person on the other side who didn't speak.

"...Are you going to laugh at me too?!" Seeing that there seemed to be a little smile in those eyes, Zhou Huang immediately became alert.

However, even she didn't realize it, she subconsciously popped out such a sentence, because she took it for granted that the other three teammates could just smile, but Xie Yi couldn't.

Fortunately, Xie Yi didn't give her time to think carefully, and answered her in time.

"No." His tone was brisk, and even his eyebrows softened a little, "You did well today."

Although Zhou Huang really felt that he punished himself very well today, he was still very happy when he heard him praise him slowly.

"Hey." She couldn't restrain the corners of her mouth from crazily rising, "You're good too."

When the other three heard this, they quit immediately.

"What do you mean, are we just stretching our hips?"

"That's right, why do you only say Brother Xie played well?"

"We are biased in the jungle, no wonder we keep the middle lane!"

Zhou Huang had no choice but to make amends immediately, saying that everything was fine, but how could he win if it wasn't good

"That's about the same."

"Yes, when you are a jungler, you can't be partial, and you have to take care of the three lanes."

"Hey, is that Star over there?"

Hearing the familiar ID, Zhou Tian couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then looked up and searched, and finally saw Quan Xing waiting at the door of the lounge prepared for the LPL team backstage.

At the same time, Quan Xing also saw her.

He seemed to be looking for her, so he turned his head and looked at her for a while, then walked towards her quickly.

"Yuzhou!" I don't know if it was an illusion, but after a day, this sound seemed more standard.

Zhou Huang blinked, stepped forward with doubts, and asked him why he came here.

After asking this question, she turned to look at her teammates. She originally wanted to say that they should go in first without waiting for her, but unexpectedly, the four of them stopped moving as if they had made an appointment.

Zhou Huang: "???" What are you doing? I'm sorry for making me speak broken English in front of you!

However, neither her teammates nor Quan Xing could get her mood. One of them still didn't move, and the other simply replied in not-so-fluent English.

Quan Xing said that he came here specially to congratulate her, and also...

"?" Zhou Tian understood the first half of the sentence, but he didn't understand why he got stuck, which was very puzzling.

The next moment, the teenager in front of him took out his mobile phone, quickly pressed it for half a minute, and then directly lit the screen in front of her eyes.

It was an instant machine-translated webpage. On the left was his Korean writing, and on the right was machine-translated Chinese with a messy grammatical structure.

But Zhou Huang still understood. He wanted to say that he learned from the team translator that she seemed to have encountered some troubles on social media today, and was a little worried. It happened that YYG also finished the game, so he came to her directly.

After Zhou Huang understood what he meant, his first reaction was actually that your team's translator was gossip? !

But Quan Xing couldn't wait for her answer, thinking that the translation of the webpage was not good, and he couldn't express his intentions. In a hurry, his English, which was even worse than hers, jumped out again.

When he is in a hurry on the field, he often brings a wave of Tianxiu operations to the audience, but it is different in reality. When he is in a hurry, he looks extremely embarrassed and even blushes.

Seeing his appearance, Zhou Huang immediately began to explain, but to be honest, even if her English was good enough for her to explain what happened last night, Quan Xing probably couldn't understand it, so she could only say "no big deal" past.

Quan Xing seemed uneasy, and tilted his head to try to confirm: "...Really?"

Of course Zhou Tian nodded. In fact, she didn't mean to play him off. She really didn't care about the rhythm of the social network, not to mention that the team had already responded two hours ago.

Quan Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered something in Korean by the way, then smiled at her.

Zhou Huang also pursed his lips to thank him and confessed the fact that he hadn't prepared a gift and offered compensation.

The two people who didn't understand the language stood there for a long time, but when they understood, the smile on his face became more obvious.

Zhou Huang didn't understand why this person was so happy after learning that he had been cheated on by him, but no matter what, he didn't care about it, and this friendship with netizens who scored together was saved!

She breathed a sigh of relief, and wanted to say that in this case, we'll see you at the end of the intercontinental competition, but before she could figure out what the first word should be, Quan Xing once again turned on the phone screen in front of her.

What came into view was a WeChat QR code interface, and Zhou Tian almost lost his mind.

Of course she knew that Quan Xing wanted to ask her for a contact method outside the game, but the question is, do Koreans really use this social software? !

The author has something to say: I'm sorry that the third dimension was in a terrible state before, and I haven't recovered from my illness, so I haven't been able to write an article! ! ! ! Stable updates should resume after this chapter! Really sorry! ! ! !