Sweetest in the Universe

Chapter 38


Zhou Huang knew that she had said something wrong, but she couldn't apologize for such a thing, because mentioning it again would only make the situation more embarrassing.

So on the way back to the training center from the restaurant, she simply hid at the back of the line and acted like an ostrich, as if Xie Yi could immediately forget that coldness.

But you can hide on the road, but it's not so easy to hide when you go back to the training center for cross-review, especially when the two of them are still very close to each other.

Fortunately, not long after going back, the cross-review meeting of the four teams began. Everyone gathered in one place to listen to the opinions of the intercontinental intercontinental joint coaching staff.

The match between YYG and Taiwan didn't take much time. First, the problems exposed were very small. Second, if there were no accidents, it would be impossible for the Taiwan division to win the Korean division and enter the final against them.

"However, there is one thing to be aware of. In today's game, after entering the period when the opponent's lineup is strong, you obviously played in a bit of a hurry. In fact, your lineup does not need to take the initiative to start a team at all. Just wait for the counterattack. If it is not the opponent's operation After fighting you, the bot lane Highland Tanabo is very likely to break the entire rhythm, and the third dragon has been refreshed at that time, so you can’t do this when you play the LCK in the final.”

Zhou Huang nodded again and again, and after listening to the first opening: "Okay, I will pay attention to the final."

"So you commanded that wave?" TSD coach, who didn't know much about YYG's command power, was a little surprised and asked.

Jungle command is very common, but generally it is commanding the early stage, controlling the map resources and the rhythm of the game, how to play the team and how to advance in the later stage, the opinion of the C position is absolutely very important.

Especially Zhou Huang is a complete rookie.

"Well, it's me." Zhou Huang admitted without hesitation, "At that time, I thought I could fight, so I wanted to give it a try. If I win, I can end the game in one wave, and if I lose, I can fight for the ancient dragon."

And this decision did have an effect in the end, because at that stage, the resurrection time after each player's death has become very long. After winning the team battle, YYG, who is the dominant side, didn't even go to the third dragon. If you fight, you will directly flatten the base.

The coaching staff thinks that playing like this is risky, of course they are right, but Zhou Huang feels that the economic gap is almost meaningless when a game is played at that time, and when it really drags on when everyone has no room to improve their equipment, the psychological pressure will only increase. , at least she is.

What's more, she is not a fool. How to make decisions will of course be adjusted according to the style of the opposing team. The Taiwan team seeks stability. Even if they really win, they can quickly stop losses in the future.

Just as she was thinking this way, Xie Yi also spoke.

He seemed to be supplementing her, and he also seemed to be supporting the scene for her. He said: "The commander asked if it was possible to fight, and everyone thought it was okay to try."

"Yes, we will definitely be more cautious when playing LCK in the final." Wang Ren also said.

"That's fine, as long as you know what's in your mind." The coaching staff didn't hold on to it, and directly opened the TSD game.

Compared with YYG's game, this game is much more valuable as a replay, not only because of the anxious play, but also because you can study one of the opponents in the final by the way.

Therefore, from the beginning of this match, all the members of the four teams in the training center listened very carefully. At the end of the hearing, everyone discussed it even more intensely, so that when it was completely over, the sky outside was almost dawn.

"Oh my god, this meeting has been going on for too long. I haven't stayed up all night for a long time since our team asked to get up at 10:30."

"The main thing is that I used to rank while eating all night long, but this time I'm just focusing on reviewing games and researching opponents, and I'm doing so much research all at once, which makes my mouth dry."

"Who isn't? Hey, I'm not sleepy at all now, but I'm so hungry."

Counting the substitutes from the four teams, nearly 30 players gathered together, and it was quite noisy when you talked to each other.

At the end of the noise, I don't know who suggested that since the sky is already bright, it is better to go out to have a meal together and then go back to the hotel to rest. Everyone agreed.

Although it is midsummer, the heat of the island has not yet risen in the early morning. As soon as you leave the training center, you will be greeted by a cool breeze, which is more refreshing than the air-conditioning in the house all night.

Zhou Huang didn't wear a team uniform and jacket, and when he was blown by the wind, goose bumps suddenly appeared on both arms, and he flinched a bit.

She turned her head to look at the people around her, and found that the group of elders didn't seem to feel anything. She hesitated for a while, and decided to bear it, and not go back to get the coat, so as not to make everyone wait for her.

"By the way, where are we going to eat?"

"I don't know. I don't know Taipei well. Who knows better?"

Otaku are like this, talking about going out for breakfast, but in fact, they don't even think about where to go, but almost everyone has this virtue, so they don't care about each other.

Just as everyone was discussing passionately in the wind, Zhou Tian noticed that someone patted his shoulder from behind.

She turned her head, and there was no one in sight, only a large coat that almost fell from the sky—it was buttoned directly on her head.

"Wrap it up." The man who gave the coat not only acted ungentlemanly, but also spoke very bluntly, even colder than usual when he invited her to go up in a row.

Zhou Huang raised his hand to grab the coat off, the zipper ran across the ears and hair on the sideburns, pulled it, and immediately grinned in pain.

But without the coat in front of her eyes, when she raised her eyes, the owner of the coat came into her sight.

Xie Yi wasn't looking at her, after he buttoned the coat on her head, he turned his face to talk to Ye Bai on the other side. Ye Bai came over to ask if they had any suggestion for a place to eat, and because he was familiar enough, he put Xie Yi on the shoulder as soon as he came.

At this moment, Zhou Huang raised his head, and in addition to admiring the profile of his own AD up close, he also met his idol's eyes.

"How about it, Universe, do you have anything you want to eat? We, a group of elders, can eat anything, or you can decide." Ye Bai said.

"I can do anything." She touched the scalp that was hurt by the zipper just now, and quickly replied, "You can discuss it."

"It can't be discussed." Ye Bai said with a smile, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to ask you."

"It's really not possible, let's go for a while and eat whichever store is open?" Zhou Huang tentatively suggested, "It's still early."

"That's fine." Ye Bai readily agreed, "This way you don't have to blow the hair."

Zhou Huang suddenly became embarrassed, of course she knew that Ye Bai's words were not malicious, not even a joke. But for some reason, as he spoke, she felt that the coat wrapped around her body suddenly became much hotter.

This hot feeling lasted until the mighty group of people found a place to eat, and after entering the shop, she was placed next to Xie Yi.

There are a total of less than ten tables in the small shop. After all are seated, let alone the same table, there is almost no gap between the front and back tables.

Zhou Tian could clearly feel the heat from Xie Yi's arm through the summer coat that wasn't thick enough.

She had never been so close to anyone before.

Kind of... weird.