Sweetest in the Universe

Chapter 6


Because he and Xie Yi lined up almost all night, Zhou Tian's schedule was ruined on the first day when he came to the YYG base.

When she opened her eyes the next day, her phone, which was running out of battery, showed that it was half past eleven.

The moment she saw the line of numbers clearly, she jumped off the bed and rushed into the bathroom to wash up.

Fortunately, she washed up very quickly, and after five minutes, she went downstairs refreshed.

The teammates were all sitting on the sofa on the first floor, and when they heard her coming downstairs, they immediately waved to her: "Wow, you're up, come, come, come, the takeaway just arrived."

Zhou Huang: "... Hey, what did you order?"

"There's a newly opened Cantonese restaurant nearby." Ying Yuanxia explained, "I wanted to go directly to eat, but you haven't got up yet, and the line started to line up at 11:30, so we simply ordered takeaway."

When Zhou Tian heard it, he felt a little sorry: "I'm sorry, I forgot to set the alarm clock."

Wang Ren: "You and Brother Xie lined up all night, it's normal that you can't get up, and it's not too late, just in time to have dinner together."

"What time is the training match?" When she sat down, she vaguely remembered that the coach didn't inform the specific time yesterday, and only said afternoon, so she asked.

"It's usually three o'clock, but SF has never been punctual." Ying Yuanxia said, "I often say three o'clock, and then I don't come at half past three."

Zhou Huang: "..." Can it still be like this

Facts have proved that Ying Yuanxia's complaints are true, this afternoon's training match, SF was late for more than half an hour again.

Like YYG, SF is also one of the three old strong teams in the league, and its performance has been very stable in the past few seasons, and it has an extremely considerable number of fans.

However, SF changed the team's top laner and support team after the Spring Split, and now the specific lineup for next season is still under wraps. Even inside the professional circle, they don't know whether it is a new signing or a second team. .

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing that she was in a daze after she sat down, Wang Ren beside her asked casually, "Don't be too nervous, it's just a training match, if you win, look for your condition, if you lose, look for problems. "

"No, I'm just thinking about SF's starting jungler's farming habits and Gank choices." She frowned, "I think he doesn't like to help, but this is also related to their previous top lane style, and now they have changed As a top laner, will he change his style of play?"

"Xiao Zhou has entered the state very quickly." The coach heard their conversation, praised her, and mocked SF's mentally handicapped operation during the offseason, "Actually, their previous assistant is really the most suitable for them. He has been playing very well, so if he is replaced like this, there is a high probability that the summer game will be overturned."

Zhou Huang recalled for a while, nodded in agreement: "They really played very well. Yesterday, Further and I were in line for them."

Ying Yuanxia also interjected: "Yesterday's scene was recorded, and then someone beat Boss Su four times to death and scolded him. I'm really convinced."

Boss Su's full name is Su Wang, that is, the top laner who just transferred from SF.

"Ah?!" Zhou Tian was startled, "Before he died, he changed the two flashes and two big moves on the opposite side. It's too miserable to be scolded, isn't it?"

"It can only be said that there are a lot of mentally handicapped people in this circle who have a worse understanding of the game and still want to comment blindly." Ying Yuanxia paused, "You may also encounter it in the future, remember not to take these nonsense to heart Just go up."

At this point in the conversation, Zhou Tian realized belatedly that his teammates had been laying the groundwork for so long, just to inoculate her with this mentality.

To be honest, she was quite moved, so she nodded solemnly: "I understand."

After waiting for about two minutes, SF finally arrived late.

Because of their late arrival, the training match lasted until dark. The two sides fought five games, and YYG won four and lost one. Their state was unexpectedly good.

At the end of the game, Zhou Huang was still in a daze: Oh my God, did she really win a group of professional players in a near-professional match? It's not as difficult as you think, is it

"Still sitting?" Just as she was thinking this, the teammates beside her had already stood up, and Wang Ren stretched out his hand and shook in front of her, "Let's go, let's go out for dinner. Alright, brother thank you for your invitation."

Only then did Zhou Huang come back to his senses: "Ah? Who is the treat?"

Wang Ren: "Brother Xie, every time we win a training match, he will treat guests, this is the demeanor of a king!"

Zhou Huang looked at Xie Yi, and the latter happened to look at her, and found that she was stunned, and couldn't help pulling the corners of her lips for a moment, and said, "Let's go."

A group of people left the YYG base in this way and went to a nearby shopping mall.

"What are you eating today, Brother Xie?" Since Xie Yi is the one who pays the bill, he usually decides what to eat every time everyone goes out, and the others are only responsible for what to eat.

"Chaozhou cuisine." Xie Yi pondered for a moment before answering, "The one on the eighth floor."

"Hey, why do you suddenly want to eat Chaozhou cuisine?" As the person in the team who has known Xie Yi for the longest time, Ying Yuanxia knows the ADC's taste very well. He knows that he is a Sichuan and Hunan cuisine lover. Spicy Buhuan, "Could it be that brother Xie, you have a stomach problem again recently?"

Xie Yi: "...No."

As he said this, he glanced sideways at Zhou Tian, and then added: "She is from Cantonese."

Zhou Huang was flattered and puzzled at the same time: "You... how do you know I'm from Cantonese?"

Xie Yi looked at her with the eyes of a fool, and said, "Accent." It couldn't be more obvious.

Zhou Huang: "..."

While she fell silent, the other three teammates burst into laughter.

Fortunately, the coach was also there this time. He coughed at the critical moment and stopped them in time, saying, "Okay, stop bullying Xiao Zhou. Today's win is thanks to her breaking the opponent's rhythm, okay?"

Everyone chatted and laughed all the way into the elevator, and went to the Chaozhou restaurant that Xie Yi mentioned. While waiting for the food, they even verbally replayed the game that they lost to SF. The atmosphere was very enthusiastic.

After summing up the problem, the coach told them that tomorrow's training match will be at 7:00 pm, and the opponent is from the Korean division next door. The style is very different from the Chinese division, so they must take it seriously.

"Why seven o'clock?" Wang Ren and Han Ziliang asked.

"During the day, Xiao Xie is going to the headquarters to shoot a promotional video for the summer season, have you forgotten?" the coach said, "As far as the efficiency of the headquarters is concerned, it will be thankful to be able to release him before six o'clock in the afternoon."

"That can't be helped. Brother Xie is the face of the alliance. Any ace in the promotional film can be absent, but Brother Xie is absolutely not allowed."

"I bet 50 cents, this time the C position will definitely be Brother Xie!"

Zhou Huang listened to her teammates discussing the promotional video of the summer season, and couldn't help but glance at the faces of the league next to her, thinking that it shouldn't be a waste to grow up like this. Pull him over to shoot publicity.

However, when she thought this way, she never expected that on the morning of the second day, before Xie Yi left for the headquarters, YYG received an official notice that they hoped that Zhou Huang would go over to participate in the filming of the promotional video.

When Zhou Huang heard the news from Lin Lina, he froze in place: "I want to shoot too?"

"You're so popular." Lin Lin wasn't too surprised. "Counting all the regions in the world, the first female player in the history of League of Legends is such a gimmick. It would be a pity for the officials not to use it."

Zhou Huang was speechless, so he had no choice but to put on his mobile phone and go out with Xie Yi to take a taxi to the shooting location.

Compared to Xie Yi, who is already familiar with the game, Zhou Tian, who has only registered as a professional player for two days, has been nervous since getting off the taxi.

"It's over, I don't know how to pose at all, and I must be very stiff when I start shooting later." She muttered in a low voice, her voice was full of anxiety, "Will you be disgusted?"

"No." Xie Yi said firmly, "Just do what the photographer says."

The two arrived neither early nor late, and after entering the shooting location, the first ones just finished their makeup.

When all the professional players saw her coming in beside Xie Yi, they all looked towards them without exception. To put it a bit exaggeratedly, it felt like the time of the entire field was stopped for a moment.

Fortunately, a staff member came up to them after a while, saying that they were taking the two of them to make up.

Zhou Huang hurriedly responded: "Okay."

Thanks to the skin quality, the makeup process of the two went very smoothly. Zhou Tian was even praised by the makeup artist that the facial features are three-dimensional, which can directly save the step of contouring.

As for Xie Yi, he has been the face of the alliance for two years, and his transformation is even faster, as long as he covers his dark circles a little, he can immediately appear in the mirror.

"You YYG is really a treasure land of geomantic omen, and the two you sent out are all responsible for their appearance." After the two of them melted, the photography team responsible for shooting the promotional video said with surprise, "Listen to our instructions later. , finish filming as soon as possible, okay?"

Zhou Huang pursed his lips and nodded, but still couldn't get rid of the tension in his heart.

Fortunately, most of the shots were taken with Xie Yi, and the photographers didn't ask her to pose in any difficult poses. They took a few shots of walking side by side and looking back at the same time, even if they took the whole shot of the two.

When shooting a single shot, the camera sensed that she couldn't let go, and simply chose the simplest action for her, sitting on a chair and looking up.

But even if it was such a simple action, she couldn't go through it once.

In the end, Xie Yi couldn't stand it anymore, and walked over to tell her the trick: "Thinking that the game has started, the computer screen is in front of you, and then look up."

For some reason, when he heard him whispering in his ear, Zhou Tian only felt his heart beat faster.

After he retreated to the sidelines, she took several deep breaths before calming down and completing the shoot.

The summer competition is about to start, and that night, the official camera crew who finished filming all the editing materials worked overtime to cut out the promotional video.

However, this promotional film was not released immediately as a prelude to the start of the competition, because the director of the publicity department had a new idea after watching the film.

"Let's re-cut it, and put the scene of Yuzhou looking up at the end. The first female contestant is still so popular, it would be too wasteful not to use it."

"But in previous years, it was Xie Yi who came to set the frame." The people below were a little embarrassed, "It just so happens that his ID is Further, and the competition is endless, which is especially in line with the purpose of the alliance."

"This year's situation is special." The supervisor said, "Go and say hello to Xie Yi, and tell him in advance. With his personality, he definitely won't mind."

"..." It seems that this is the only way to go.

So in the middle of the night, like the night before, Xie Yi, who had a tacit relationship with Zhou Huang, received a call from the official staff.

After hearing the reason for changing the order of appearance in the promotional video, he said it without thinking about it.

He really didn't think it was a big deal, and when he hung up the phone, he didn't even mention it to Zhou Tian, and just wanted to do it again as soon as he opened his mouth.

Zhou Huang didn't ask who was calling, and nodded directly: "Okay."

She learned her lesson that night, after returning to the room after the double row, she set an alarm clock before lying down in peace.

At 9:30 the next morning, when she went out of the room and went downstairs, there was not even a ghost on the training floor, so she nestled on the sofa and played with her mobile phone for a while.

Then as soon as she opened Weibo, she saw the official promotional video released by LPL.

It was just posted at 8:00 in the morning, and in just one and a half hours, it has already been retweeted by several thousand, and the comments are even more exaggerated, directly breaking through 10,000.

She clicked in and took a look, and found that the ones with the most likes were all scolding her...

@XXXXX: The first female player has a card face. She squeezed her teammate's fixed C position before playing a game. It's really awesome! Be willing to bow down, willingly bow down!

@XXX: Damn, I've waited so long for the promotional video, not to see that cosmic girl snatching our Xie Dad's C position! ! ! Being so shameless and careful turned into a shame of forced push!

@XXXX: You LPL is still smart, you know what is the most popular these days, women's rights! Therefore, female players must be the last ones to come out!

@XXXXXXX: Fuck, do you really think that our Xie Dad fans are easy to bully

Zhou Huang: "???"

She was also dazed, and hurriedly clicked on the promotional video to start watching, but when the two-minute progress bar came to the end, what appeared was her head-up shot that had been taken several times.

After watching this promotional video, Zhou Huang really didn't know how to describe his mood.

She sat on the sofa, unable to speak for a long time, and she didn't even notice the footsteps of her teammates coming downstairs from the stairs behind her.

Xie Yi thought he was the first to get up, but when he went downstairs to the living room, he saw her leaning there with a demonic expression on his face, so he couldn't help but frowned and walked over.

"Double row?" He still said the same sentence when he opened his mouth.

"Ah!" Zhou Huang was taken aback by him, "When did you come down?"


Zhou Huang saw that his expression was normal, and when he thought of him asking himself if he was in a double row or not, he felt that he probably hadn't seen the promotional video that forcibly pushed her into the C position.

After thinking about it, she decided to explain that she really didn't know.

Xie Yi was speechless for a while.

She couldn't wait for his reaction, and she felt even more anxious, so she had to take the initiative to change the topic: "What is that, double row?"

Xie Yi: "Wait a minute."

He took out his mobile phone while talking, clicked on Weibo to find the official post, and directly forwarded Aite to her.

A group of Further fans are tearing up, and after refreshing again, they see the one he retweeted——

@YYG-Further: Finally the C bit of the era @YYG-Yuzhou

Fans: "..." Damn, how can I tear this up