Sweetest in the Universe

Chapter 67


"Well, actually, I still feel a little pity. I should have been more careful in the beginning." After lying down for less than half a minute, Ying Yuanxia broke the silence in the physiotherapy room, "We have never lost in the bottom lane in the regular season. In the semi-finals, this kind of game should not have happened."

"Don't say that." Zhou Tian said, "They adjusted too quickly. This game's jungle thinking is much better than the previous two games. It's also a very important reason why I can't suppress them in the jungle."

When Wang Ren came in after going to the bathroom, what she heard was her words, he immediately closed the door, and said, "Don't worry, I still have the former world's number one jungler to help me adjust, and the first two are yours. His thoughts exploded."

"Speaking of this, the third prince is really like my idol who was all-powerful in the canyon a few years ago." Zhou Tian sighed, trying to let himself go for a while, "Forget it, hurry up and lie down for a while."

No one spoke again until the coach knocked on the door to remind them that they could go back on stage.

The fourth game of the semi-final officially kicked off. Both sides were ready to go, returned to their seats, and started the game under the watchful eyes of the referee.

As predicted by the coach, TSD's goal is still to seek the initiative in the early stage, but compared to the third one, the prince who played well in the last one was already pressed by YYG in the first round.

However, as the red side, TSD didn't dare to press too many junglers, because the blue side had an advantage, and YYG's consistent style is to grab the jungler first.

"Olaf." The coach saw that they only pressed the barrel of a jungler in the first round, and immediately decided, "We are not in vain in the early stage."

"Where's Olaf!" Han Ziliang was flustered because of his nervousness, "Oh, oh, I found it, damn it, it's the last second!"

coach:"… "

The remaining four people: "..."

"They should lock down the road first." Before the other side did anything, Zhou Huang guessed first.

"I think so too, and they banned Tamm when they came up, it must be for the consideration of going down the tower." While the coach was pondering, TSD's first and second hands finally lit up.

It's Xayah and Titan.

"I thought I would take the bull's head, isn't the bull's head still outside?"

"Because their support is more confident in Titan. I remember that his hook is quite accurate. It seems that the strong opening hero like Niu has never played well." The coach has long studied the various lines of TSD.

"Then what should we take? Lucian? Or Kai'Sa?" Ying Yuanxia had an idea in the middle of the question, "Then why don't I come to play with the bull? I think it's good to choose a Kai'Sa and a cow."

"Where's A Yi?" The bottom lane is a two-player lane after all, and both the support and AD think it's good to play.

"Listen to him." Xie Yi was straightforward.

"Wow, is A Yuan so cool?" Wang Ren bared his teeth and joked, "Brother Xie can play whatever you want."

Zhou Tian also smiled and turned his head to look over.

In the end, Xie Yi shook his head, and said seriously: "Lucian has to be paired with a female tank. His female tank is too rubbish compared to the bull's head."

Ying Yuanxia: "..." Why is it always me who gets hurt? !

"Actually, Ah Yuan's female tank is not bad." After the coach laughed, he finally said something to his proud disciple, "The main reason is that Niu played too well."

"Then how about taking it like this?" Zhou Tian had already selected Xia, and there was only one confirmation left.


After the first round, the coaches of both sides have almost figured out what kind of lineup they and their opponents will use. This directly leads to the rapid progress of the second round. Everyone's bans and selections are decisive, and the commentators have no time. Explain the past in turn.

"Everyone came prepared."

"Now we can see that compared to the previous game, YYG's lineup in this game has become more focused on the early rhythm, but they also have a big core in the late game. They have Kai'Sa. If they really play in the late game, They won't be short of output."

"The main thing is to see who plays, Kai'Sa from Further knows everything."

"Master's bull head is also very good. I remember that he won the MVP twice with the bull's head in the summer split. Everyone should understand how difficult it is to win the MVP for the support position."

When explaining and analyzing the lineup, the YYG team was enthusiastically discussing whether Ying Yuanxia had been given his most confident hero, should he be the carry team for this match.

"Come on, believe in yourself, you are the number one bull in the world!"

"No, no, no, I can't, look at the jungler, look at the jungler." He shook his head frantically.

Zhou Huang expressed contempt for his behavior of "causing misfortune to the east", but after the game really started, he took care of the bottom lane repeatedly. At level 4, he sacrificed himself to help the bottom lane duo play a one-for-two, making them comfortable The service continued to push the line.

When the resurrection time came, she came out of the spring and heard Han Ziliang say that the opposite jungler had appeared on the top lane. It should be that when she learned that she was showing up in the bottom lane, she had planned to go to the upper half to do something.

"Then be careful." She didn't intend to go immediately, "I'll call—"

"—No, I'm going to die!" Han Ziliang went crazy, "Shan has already handed it in!"

Zhou Huang: "..." Why are you so pitiful.

Han Ziliang: "Damn! This is all manipulated by me!"

Accompanied by his voice, there was also a reminder that he and the opponent's top laner were killed together. It turned out that he had a counterattack under the tower and replaced the opponent's one.

Seeing this, Zhou Huang also changed her mind, because the jungler on the other side was in a bad state at this time, so she rushed over quickly, and there was a 70% chance of accepting the head.

Seeing this, the commentator couldn't help but praise her for her perfect rhythm. Not only did she help the bottom lane establish an advantage, but she also revitalized the top lane after a wave of Gank on the opposite side.

If you continue to play at this pace, YYG's chances of winning are not insignificant.

"Oh, it still doesn't work." TSD's coach looked very worried, "Yuzhou's brain is really flexible, I don't think Ah Song will be able to catch up with her in a short time, the most taboo thing for a jungler is being led by the nose, He was too passive from the beginning, but now he is getting anxious."

What he was talking about was the TSD jungler's insistence on bringing the middle and bottom to fight for the first fire dragon.

In fact, at this moment, the two sides fight together, and there is only harm to TSD. Kai'Sa has two heads, and her equipment is far ahead of Xia. Even if TSD comes with four people, the output may not be comparable.

Not to mention that because of the choice of decisively focusing on the Titans in half of the competition, the number of TSDs will not have an advantage.

Zhou Huang was actually also very confused: "I thought they would let me go directly? Let me go and don't come here to send the head, okay?"

"I want to win so much, I'm in a hurry." Ying Yuanxia commented, "Now I lost my wife and lost my army."

The reason why I say this is because the small group at the fire dragon not only gave away the head and lost the dragon, but also made Wang Ren, who had not moved in the middle, feel at ease to push the line into the tower and eat two layers of plating.

This also means that this wave of small groups is over, and YYG's matchup economy in the five positions will lead.

"The next one is the fire dragon." Zhou Huang was very happy, "It seems that this one is finally our turn to be lucky, otherwise we will always follow the wind to make feng shui, and headwind to make fire and earth. I really want to think about buying something for transshipment. Wear it."

"Do you still believe this?" Wang Ren was shocked, "Are you really seventeen years old this year?"

Zhou Huang: "..." This person is so annoying!

"But our little dragon luck this season is really bad." Ying Yuanxia, as the person with the best memory in the team, interjected, "It was the time when we were chased by SAG in the first round of the regular season. Almost didn't kill me."

"I remember too." Zhou Tian gritted his teeth.

When Nosuke and Nosuke were reminiscing about bitterness and thinking about sweetness, TSD took the initiative to change lanes because they were completely outmatched in the second half, with the intention of defending the canyon vanguard.

After Zhou Tian found out, he only thought for two seconds before deciding not to rush there for the time being.

"They just want to defend, and they dare not fight. Unless they want to send a few more heads, then let them defend. We also change the bottom lane to the lane, and then just match up."

Xie Yi and Ying Yuanxia obeyed immediately.

When they switched to the road, the commentator was very excited, saying that they should now want to compete around the canyon pioneer.

As a result, three minutes later, Zhou Tian appeared in Xiaolongkeng with Wang Ren again, and the canyon pioneer was still squatting there.

"The coating has fallen off, and the benefits of playing now are actually not that big, but even if not big, it's better than nothing!" The commentator was very anxious for TSD, "YYG's middle field is playing Earth Dragon now, but TSD has almost no vision in the second half of the field. Don’t know this, or they can seize this opportunity to exchange resources.”

"The dragon is over!"

"TSD still has one last chance. After all, it will take time for YYG's Nakano to come back to support after beating Tulong! Whether to fight or not, will we fight or not!"

"Do it! Finally do it!"

Just like what their coach said, TSD is already in a state of being completely led by the nose at the moment, and it is not appropriate to choose or make decisions.

But I can only bite the bullet and continue.

"The upper tower has the worst health. If they take it down, they should put it on the road. There is no plating at the moment, and knocking down the tower is the most realistic." Zhou Huang adjusted his command again, "Let it go, Further stay On the road, don't let the vanguard hit the second tower, Ah Yuan will hit it."

If the middle tower is replaced with a tower, we will make a lot of money.

"Okay, anyway, the pawn line should be fine." Ying Yuanxia is indeed the kind of support who likes to leave AD to play with other lanes, "Here I come!"

"Hurry up, I have to go back after finishing this wave." Wang Ren has eaten a lot of plating before, and has a lot of money on his back. It's time to update his equipment.

At this stage of the game, YYG's mid-to-early rhythm can be said to be much better than they expected.

The stadium was full of voices, and some fans even started to cry and celebrate that the home team will enter the final in advance.

But completely contrary to the enthusiasm in front of the stage, in the lounge, Lin Lin, who received another call from Zhou Huang's family, was helpless to the point of powerlessness.

He is an old man in the industry, and he has brought dozens of e-sports players over the years. Many of them are strongly opposed by their families and express disapproval of this industry, but it is indeed extremely rare to be dragged back and snobbish to such an extent.

"She's still competing now. It's a very important match. I've emphasized it to you many times."

"I know, that's why she works so hard for your team, why shouldn't you treat her own sister with death? You should have a conscience in business!"

Lin Lin rolled his eyes on the spot and almost wanted to hang up.

It's a pity that he took a step too late and made Zhou's father say one more sentence.

"Let me tell you, I have already contacted someone who is willing to help me expose this matter on the Internet!"