Sweetest in the Universe

Chapter 68


"With the breaking of the TSD base crystal, this semi-final has also come to an end. Let us congratulate the YYG team for winning this game with their outstanding performance and entering the finals of this summer split."

"Now their spring points and summer guaranteed points add up to 140 points. I believe they are bound to win this year's global finals."

"Yes, let us congratulate them again. At the same time, I hope that the audience friends at the scene can also applaud our TSD team. Although they stopped in the semi-finals, their performance today is as remarkable and admirable."

When Zhou Huang took off his earphones, the on-site commentary had just finished these cutscenes, and the fans in the auditorium also cheered and applauded in good time.

The moment she shook hands with her opponent with her teammates and walked to the front of the stage to bow, she was actually still immersed in the unreal feeling of winning this Bo5.

After all, this is her first time playing Bo5. Even if she told Xie Yi before the game that she could trust her a little more, but if she is sure of winning, it is really not enough.

So when she stood in front of the stage and enjoyed the cheers of the audience, she was really relieved.

The moment she straightened up, she turned her head to look at the person next to her and next to her, and found that the other person happened to be looking over.

The eyes of the two met in the air, and neither of them moved away for a while. Finally, the hosts came forward to start preparing for the interview, and Xie Yi smiled at her.

This time it was Wang Ren who was being interviewed, so when the other four left, Zhou Tian and Xie Yi helped him take away the peripherals, one with the keyboard and the other with the mouse and pad.

"You played really well today." At the end, the eyes of the two collided again, and Xie Yi said this in a low voice.

"...Thank you." Maybe because he had already left the arena at this moment, under his gaze, Zhou Huang felt cramped again after a long absence.

For Xie Yi, this kind of her is really not common, which directly caused him to never take his eyes off her when he walked backstage.

Zhou Huang was still dazed by this victory, but if he stared at him all the way, his whole body would be wrong, he almost couldn't walk with his hands and feet.

But before she could think of a word that could be used at this moment, their leader walked up to her and said he had something to say to her.

Seeing that he was in a hurry, Zhou Tian couldn't help being a little puzzled: "What's the matter?"

Lin Lin asked her to give the peripherals to other teammates to take into the waiting room first, and then said: "Your phone is out of power and turned off, and your sister's number has contacted me."

Zhou Huang was even more puzzled: "My sister? Is there anything she needs to contact me immediately?"

Lin Lin felt that this matter could not be concealed, and it was obvious that her father had made up his mind to blackmail him. How the club should deal with it had to ask her about her attitude first.

So he briefly recounted the last few minutes of the third game and the few phone calls in the middle of the fourth game, and said: "At present, your sister's situation should be fine, but the phone must have been in your father's hands. "

It was really hard for Zhou Huang to describe her feelings. Emotionally, she felt that this was ridiculous, but intellectually, she was very clear that this was indeed something her father could do.

The only question now is, who on earth has he connected with who can help him gain exposure online

In Zhou Huang's impression, her father wasn't even a person who knew the Internet very well, otherwise he wouldn't always look down on her current career.

So it's a bit strange to suddenly come to such a hand now.

"Brother Lin, you don't have to worry about me." After a short while, she made up her mind, "You can deal with it as you like, and don't worry about my mentality being affected, everyone should know about my relationship with my family. "

"Okay." Lin Lin breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid that Zhou Tian would mind, "Then I can rest assured and let them do it."

After the two finished talking, Zhou Tian paced into the lounge thoughtfully.

Everyone in the lounge is already packing up their things, the only one who is sitting still is Xie Yi, I don't know whether they are not in a hurry to pack up or have already finished packing up quickly.

"What does Brother Lin want from you?" He was the first to speak and was concerned about this question.

"My family... Tsk, it must have caused some trouble." She didn't elaborate, "He told me."

"Seriously?" he asked, frowning.

"Brother Lin is going to deal with it." She said in a somewhat uncertain tone, "I guess I have already figured out what to do."

At this point in the conversation, Ying Yuanxia, who was packing the bag on the right, also turned around and interjected: "So what's the matter? I saw that Brother Lin had a very serious expression when he came to you just now, and his face was so dark."

Zhou Huang: "Oh, my dad originally wanted to blackmail me, but my phone ran out of battery and he was playing again, so he went to Brother Lin."

Ying Yuanxia: "???" Huh? Father wants to blackmail you, are you so calm? You are really not a seventeen-year-old young girl, are you

In fact, what he doesn't know is that Zhou Tian is not so calm in everything, but she really can't bring up any emotions when it comes to her original family. She might have been a little bit resentful in the past two years, but now she doesn't even have a lot of resentment. No, just treat them as strangers.

The stranger is trying to blackmail, and it seems that there is a high probability of success, so why should she give a particularly big reaction.

No need, really no need.

"So, now he has cheated on the club?" Xie Yi was more able to grasp the point, "He has the courage to blackmail, so he should have something to rely on."

Zhou Huang nodded: "He told Brother Lin on the phone that if the team didn't pay him, he would go to the Internet to expose that I abandoned my family after becoming famous, and wouldn't even lend a helping hand to my sister in a car accident."

"Wait, what happened to your sister's car accident?" Ying Yuanxia always felt as if he missed something and didn't hear it.

"The car accident was real, and I went to the hospital." She said succinctly, "But my dad wants to ask me for 500,000 yuan for treatment. What do you think he meant besides taking the opportunity to blackmail?"

Ying Yuanxia was dumbfounded: "...your father is not a human being, how could he treat his daughter like this?"

Zhou Huang didn't take it seriously: "He thinks it's enough for him to treat his son well, and he wants to send my brother to study in a big city."

After saying this, she froze for a moment, and then realized that the reason why her father wanted to ask her or YYG to take such a large sum of money was actually to collect money for his precious son's education. It's a lot of money to go to a good school in a big city.

But having said that, her father is actually a person with little experience, so why did he suddenly have the idea of letting her brother transfer to another school

Someone must have said something to him, but he is a person who hardly listens to other people's words—except for her brother, who has poor grades and is even worse at playing games.

Zhou Huang thought of this, and suddenly felt that everything was very clear.

Yes, it is indeed impossible for a middle-aged man who is over half a century old to suddenly be able to use the power of the Internet, but his son is an out-and-out Internet addict.

Seeing her standing there thinking for a long time, Ying Yuanxia suddenly sneered and couldn't help shaking.

Xie Yi kept looking at her, as if he could read something from her expression.

In the end, she herself couldn't bear the scrutiny, and she took the initiative to explain: "Well, I suddenly thought that my brother should instigate my dad to do this. They are really a father-son pair."

Ying Yuanxia doesn't know what to say, let's relax, it seems a little too insincere, but it doesn't seem appropriate to mock her family members together.

Because it was too embarrassing, after holding back for a long time, he simply found an excuse to go to the bathroom and went out first.

"Should there be an interview with the whole team in a while?" Zhou Huang is already used to the many procedures after each victory, "Which companies are today?"

"The same way." Xie Yi didn't even count for her, and dealt with the old way, and then began to add as if he remembered something, "I should have prepared a lot of questions for you."

Zhou Huang: "...Why me again?"

He sat on the chair, raised his eyes and looked straight at her, his brows softened a bit under the bright light of the lounge, and said, "You are so talkative."

"Is there?" She really didn't think so, besides, didn't he say that she was fierce

She thought she was muttering the second half of the sentence in her heart, but in fact, under his gaze, she muttered and said it directly.

Xie Yi: "..."

"You are only fierce when you are in command." Even a month ago, he would never have imagined that he would have a day to patch up his past words.

And this patch is actually only half a block.

The back plate was hidden deep in his lips and teeth, silently.

You are only fierce when you are directing, and you are genuinely obedient and sweet at other times.

The universe is the sweetest, and people live up to their name.