Sweetest in the Universe

Chapter 9


In the last week before the summer split, Zhou Tian only had four things in his life—eating, sleeping, training, and playing ranked with Xie Yi.

It stands to reason that the training status of their first five players is very good, and she and Xie Yi don't need to practice extra training every night, but since Xie Yi is interested, she is happy to accompany her, especially with the opening day of the summer competition. As she approached, she found that she inevitably had some nervous emotions.

For Zhou Tian, doing nothing will only intensify the tension, so there is nothing wrong with spending the time after training on qualifying.

At least when she's devoting herself to the game, she doesn't think that much at all.

A week later, the offseason ended completely, and this year's LPL Summer Split officially kicked off.

The YYG team, as the most dynamic veteran giant in this offseason, was arranged for the opening game after many years, and the other team in the opening game happened to be the first training match that Zhou Tian encountered after entering the professional circle. The SF team that had a lot of movement in the off-season.

The full name of the SF team is Staunch Faith, which means firmness. It sounds a bit secondary, but it is indeed very popular in the context of e-sports.

The confrontation between the two giants is still the opening game of the new season. This game is naturally highly anticipated.

On the opening day, the YYG team arrived at the venue three hours in advance. After entering the team lounge backstage, Zhou Tian realized that he had to put on makeup before going on stage to play.

"No way, it's officially stipulated." Ying Yuanxia spread his hands, "Maybe it's because e-sports has no sleep, and our group of people go up without makeup. When the camera cuts over, the state is too haggard, and it's easy to scare the audience."

Zhou Huang: "..." She looked up at herself in the mirror with obvious dark circles under her eyes, and felt that she couldn't refute it.

Speaking of this, she felt that God was really unfair, obviously she and Xie Yi had almost the same sleep time, but Xie Yi had no dark circles on his face at all.

He only needs to put on a little foundation, and he looks handsome and radiant, and he can't tell that he is a person who stays up all year round.

"Oh." Zhou Tian couldn't hold back a sigh.

"What's the matter? Are you nervous about the game?" Ying Yuanxia, who is responsible for the active atmosphere in the team, was the first to say, "Actually, it's nothing. After you really sit on it, what you see is not the audience below, but the computer screen. Just play as we usually do in training games with the team, we have beaten them more than once in training games.”

Zhou Huang: "I know, so I'm not nervous about the game."

Ying Yuanxia: "??" Then why are you sighing

"I'm just envious of Further's ability to stay up all night without ruining his skin." Zhou Tian said, "Obviously I sleep with him every day?"

She meant that the two of them turned off their phones and went upstairs to rest at the same time every day, but it inevitably became another meaning in the ears of the beautiful makeup artist who put on her makeup.

So as soon as she finished speaking, the makeup artist's hand shook.

But the rest of the team didn't think so much at all, they laughed collectively, and said: "This is really helpless, let alone us night owls, even the hosts in the circle want to ask Brother Xie for advice when they see him." How about maintenance?"

Zhou Huang was eager to try: "So there is?"

The eyes of the entire lounge were all focused on Xie Yi.

Xie Yi twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "No."

"... In other words, you are a natural beauty." Zhou Tian was extremely regretful, "Damn, it's even more annoying."

"Is natural beauty okay?" Ying Yuanxia almost spit out the water he just drank.

"Then what else?" Zhou Tian felt that his words were quite precise, "It was originally."

Ying Yuanxia: "..."

He looked at Xie Yi, who had a hard-to-discern expression, and then at Zhou Tian, and finally decided to remind her, saying, "Our e-sports focuses on strength, not appearance."

The implication of this is that Xie Yi generally doesn't like others to praise his appearance.

Zhou Huang felt that this was not contradictory: "I didn't say that he is not good enough, I just praised him for his good looks."

Ying Yuanxia said again: "..." You really are not afraid of Brother Xie at all!

In fact, since being told by his idol Ye Bai about Xie Yi's true personality and what he did for her behind the scenes, Zhou Tian is no longer afraid of this teammate who is known for his indifference.

In the past few days, when the two of them continued to compete in duos in the middle of the night, if he suddenly made a mistake in the operation, she would speak up.

Although Xie Yi would not specifically apologize for his mistakes, as long as she said so, he would never make similar mistakes again.

As for her mistakes, he had never been polite because she was a newcomer, and he always said what should be said without hesitation.

After coming and going, the relationship between the two really got closer.

After putting on makeup, the team members in the lounge went to the stage to adjust the peripherals together, and came back to rest and prepare after confirming that they were correct.

At this time, people have already entered and sat down in the auditorium under the stage.

Zhou Huang stood on the stage and looked down, it was difficult to describe his mood for a while.

She remembered the time when she became financially independent by playing live broadcasts and games. While asking her for money, her family members often mocked her for not going the right way. How could there be a good future for doing these things? Maybe she won’t be able to get married in the future. .

But no matter what, she persisted, and even walked all the way to this position that she never thought of.

She doesn't want to disappoint the person who gave her a chance, and she doesn't want to disappoint herself.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the opening game of the summer split started on time.

After the host expressed his true feelings eloquently, members of Team YYG and Team SF entered the arena one after another and took their seats.

The coaches of both sides also took their positions and began to guide the players to carry out the Ban Pick session.

The summer regular season is the same as the spring, it is a best-of-three game system, and the first game is YYG's red side.

In the current version, the red side is considered by the players to be the disadvantaged side, because after the two sides ban three heroes respectively, the blue side on the opposite side will choose the first hero first.

This also means that the blue side can not ban the most powerful hero in the current version, and give the right to choose to the red side.

If the red side chooses to ban, then the blue side earns an extra ban position. If the red side chooses not to ban, then when it comes to the selection link, the blue side can directly grab the most powerful hero to increase its advantage.

"But this has little effect on this game." The coach said to them with a smile, "We will release Sword Demon directly, and they dare not take it, because once Boss Su leaves, only the mid laner of their team will be able to master Sword Demon , we can only take the middle lane if we grab it, so our backhand counter position is too easy to choose.”

The team's mid laner Wang Ren: "Yes, yes, then I expect them to take the sword demon to make me feel good."

Sure enough, after the sword demon was not banned, SF hesitated for a long time, and finally chose a jungler instead of grabbing the sword demon.

"Oh my god, grab Qian Jue, is this the training match where Xiao Zhou was scared and replaced Ban?" After seeing the opponent's choice, Ying Yuanxia directly exclaimed, "Xiao Zhou really has a lineup. "

Zhou Huang was shocked: "... I'm only playing for the first time. Is it necessary to target me like this?"

The coach smiled again: "You played fiercely in the training match, the opponent was scared, and it happened that their jungler Qian Jue also played well."

Zhou Huang thought to himself, then I really want to see how good it is.

After the BP session ended, the game officially started, and the fans of the two teams cheered enthusiastically.

Because Zhou Huang was crazily targeted in the BP link, he finally took Qinggang Ying, which was weakened a lot in this version.

But that’s okay, in the professional arena, it’s impossible to target all five opponents in the past. SF chose to target her, so she couldn’t target others, so her four teammates all got the right ones. hero.

"Come on Xiao Zhou, they haven't seen your Qinggangying, but we have, and last time Ye Bai praised you for playing Qinggangying well, you must be fine with this." Before going down, The coach patted her on the shoulder and gave her some encouragement.

Except for Xie Yi, the other three teammates heard it and agreed, but Xie Yi didn't say anything.

Zhou Tian didn't say anything, she just nodded solemnly, then took a deep breath, and stared at the screen in front of her.

The opponent made it clear that they wanted to use her, a rookie who had just entered the arena, as a breakthrough, forcing her to do her best to develop in the wild area to increase her survival guarantee.

However, the hero Qinggangying is more difficult to clear the jungle in the early stage, and is relatively weak in terms of development speed. Coupled with the extremely high operational requirements, it can be said that the beginning is more difficult to play than others.

"I won't give him a chance." As soon as she was promoted to the second level, she went to the middle without hesitation, and before the opponent reacted, she joined forces with Wang Ren to take a blood, "Give me this head first, Brother Ha Dao, otherwise I was a little injured before the sixth level."

"Understood." Wang Ren happily ate a wave of soldiers, and he deserved it quickly, "You can go down the road."

"I can't collapse down the road, and I can hold on to a dozen or two with Further." She said, while controlling her hero to go to the river, and made a vision, "I don't need to go for now."

"I think if we win today, the words you just praised brother Xie will definitely be cut into Mike's madness." It's only been a few minutes since the game started, and Ying Yuanxia has already thought of going so far.

But the others didn't dislike him either, because everyone believed that they would definitely win today.

In the end, the first game came to an end at 29 minutes. Zhou Tian relied on Gank in the early stage to fight against the wilderness, eating up all the resources lost in the previous game. He was cut to death only once in the team battle in the whole game, and got a Almost perfect data.

This directly led to the banning of her Qinggang Shadow after the start of the second round.

"It's ok, I don't want to be tough, and I will ban immediately when I see the strength. I appreciate it." The coach was very satisfied with the first game, and the BP had a lot of jokes in the second game.

"Then can we expect them to release Qian Jue to Xiao Zhou?"

"Yeah, please do me a favor. At any rate, Xiao Zhou is also number one Qian Jue in Hanbok. In the first professional game, let her play her most famous hero."

Zhou Huang didn't really care much at first. She always insisted that it doesn't matter what she plays, the important thing is to win the game with a reasonable lineup. However, when they said that, she couldn't help raising some expectations.

As a result, when she was looking forward to it the most, Xie Yi, who never moved his eyes from the lower left corner of the screen, spoke.

"No more." Xie Yi said, "Let's play something else."

I don't know if it was my own illusion, but at this moment, Zhou Tian seemed to hear a hint of gloating from the tone of his own ADC...