Sword God

Chapter 279: I am a mountain


The darkness covered the bright moon, the starlight, the sky, the pavilions in all directions, all the people in the pavilions, and the ground beneath our feet.

Darkness is coming!

Seeing nothing, hearing nothing, this feeling, the silence is terrifying, as if being locked in a small black room, calling every day should not be, and the earth is not working.

Suddenly, a cold light bloomed in front of his eyes, sharp to the extreme, piercing through the darkness, as if shooting out from the endless abyss.

Fast, fast and amazing.

It was a sword light, the sword light emitted from Ye Feifan's hand.

That sword contains an indescribable taste, as if it symbolizes a higher realm of swordsmanship, with a unique charm.

With one strike, Chen Zong was repelled more than ten meters, and he was powerless to resist.

Today, five days have passed since the meeting that day, Chen Zong often recalls the battles at the meeting to improve himself, especially the sword that he asked Ye Feifan for advice at the end.

I remember very clearly that every time Chen Zong reappears through memories, he just wants to comprehend the mystery of that sword, but it seems to be separated by a layer of membrane.

But in general, after five days, Chen Zong can feel that his swordsmanship has made a lot of progress, and many swordsmanship have been upgraded to the subtle state, and he has a new comprehension, which further increases the accumulation of swordsmanship.

Brainstorming and learning from others' strengths, this is the direction Chen Zong subconsciously set for himself.

From Bo to Jing!

"If you have a chance, you must go out, and I hope you can come to Chongshan County. If you come to Chongshan County, you can come to Chongshan Prince's Mansion to find me. At that time, just report my name." This is the last day of the party. What he said to Chen Zong was a kind of less formal invitation.

After getting up, Chen Zong went down the climbing list and went to Guanshan Residence to greet Master Linshanhou, and at the same time ask some questions about cultivation.

After getting the answer, Chen Zong left Guanshan Residence and returned to the climbing list. While walking, suddenly, Chen Zong stopped and stared at the climbing list as if feeling something.

The name is very strange, but it is a mountain with a height of 999 meters. It stands behind the Linshanyuan. There is only this mountain in all directions, and there is nothing else.

Therefore, the climbing list appears to be very prominent.

"Little Gushan..." For no reason, a flash of inspiration flashed in Chen Zong's mind, as if he wanted to catch something, but he couldn't catch it for a while.

Little Gushan...

Little Gushan...

Little Gushan...

The inspiration became clearer and stronger, and there was an urge to burst forth.

Xiaogushan Visualization Technique!

Since he got it, Chen Zong has been cultivating all the time, in order to be able to realize the truth as soon as possible. If he realizes the truth, his realm will be higher, and his combat power will also be greatly improved.

It's just that twenty days have passed, but I can't get in, and I can't find the feeling.

Chen Zong also knew that it would not be so easy to cultivate Xiaogushan Visualization Technique, so he was prepared for long-term enlightenment, but when he came back and saw the climbing list, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

The opportunity is rare, Chen Zong discarded all distracting thoughts, and carefully looked for that kind of inspiration.

His eyes seem to be absent-minded, reflecting the climbing list.

"Take your body as a mountain, feel the world..."

"Little Lonely Mountain..."

"There is only one mountain climbing list, it is a lonely mountain..."

Inspiration exploded like a turbulent tide, but Chen Zong also knew that this was not a suitable place for enlightenment, so he immediately started to climb the mountain at an astonishing speed, and returned to the eighty-ninth floor, where he compared Sit cross-legged on the flat ground and have direct contact with the climbing list.

Sitting cross-legged, following the feeling just now, he began to comprehend carefully.

Take your body as a mountain.

The little lonely mountain visualization technique is to imagine oneself as a mountain, a lonely mountain, standing on the earth, proudly under the sky, the only one.

People are people, mountains are mountains, and taking the body as a mountain is like a change in shape, which is very difficult.

Fortunately, the Xiaogushan Visualization Technique does not allow people to truly become a mountain, but to imagine a mountain. From the spiritual level, the body is a mountain, otherwise no one can do it.

Even if it is only on the spiritual level, it is very difficult.

Following the feeling, Chen Zong gradually comprehended, forgot everything around him, the world, and even himself gradually.

In the dark, without knowing the passage of time or how long it has been, Chen Zong remained motionless, as if he had fallen asleep or turned into a wooden man.

Before he knew it, the sun was setting and the red clouds were referring to him. Chen Zong was wearing a layer of red robes, and his face seemed to have a divine light.

As night falls, the crescent moon rises into the sky, and the night wind blows slowly, stirring Chen Zong's hair and clothes fluttering, but the person still has his eyes closed, without moving at all, and gradually, even his breathing becomes long and difficult. feel.

The moon is in the middle of the sky, the sky is cloudy, covering the moonlight, and the sky and the earth are dark.

The moon sets and the sun rises, and a new day arrives.

Chen Zong was still sitting cross-legged.

Day after day, in a blink of an eye, even three days passed, Chen Zong was still sitting, and the maids who took care of his daily life did not dare to disturb him. As the maids on the mountain climbing list, they all had some cultivation and corresponding martial arts skills. Learning knowledge, knowing that Chen Zong is in a certain state of cultivation, he cannot be disturbed, on the contrary, he must try his best to protect him.

The fourth day passed, Chen Zong was still there, with some dust on his body.

When Guan Yunxi arrived, he saw Chen Zong's state and knew that Chen Zong was in the process of enlightenment, so he stayed aside.

On the fifth day, the flying bird came from a distance, landed on Chen Zong's shoulder, and jumped around lightly, as if it regarded Chen Zong as a stone.

"What exactly is Junior Brother practicing?" Guan Yunxi was very surprised.

Birds are alert by nature and will be frightened by the slightest movement. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a bird to approach a person, let alone land on a person.

One must know that after training in the Qi and blood realm, a warrior has a strong body of Qi and blood, which can deter tigers and leopards, let alone just a bird.

But at this moment, two more birds flew over, a total of three birds were playing on Chen Zong's body, as if Chen Zong was a tree and a stone.

It's a strange feeling.

In the past, although Chen Zong didn't emit any breath fluctuations, he could still make people feel the natural fluctuations of his body, but it was different from the current feeling. Although he was alive, he seemed lifeless, very strange, like wood and stone.

Guan Yunxi, who was puzzled and a little panicked deep in his heart, had no choice but to tell the maid to be careful, and left quickly by himself, and returned to Guanshanju to find Linshanhou, accompanied by Yanwei.

When seeing Chen Zong, no matter Lin Shanhou or Yan Wei's eyes, there was a gleam of brilliance, and immediately, there was an indescribable surprise.

"Good boy..." Lin Shanhou couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Congratulations, Lord Hou." Yan Wei smiled again, also very excited.

"Father, Uncle Wei, what's going on?" Guan Yunxi didn't know what was going on, but he could clearly see the expressions of Lin Shanhou and Yan Wei, so he guessed it wasn't a bad thing, and asked curiously.

"Your junior brother is practicing the Xiaogushan visualization technique." Lin Shanhou said with a smile.

Guan Yunxi also knows this skill, and she can start practicing it after her energy is perfect, but there is still a little distance.

Chen Zong practiced Xiaogushan Visualization Technique, and Guan Yunxi also knew about its difficulty, but he didn't expect that only twenty days had passed, and his junior brother seemed to be about to achieve something.

"Ah Wei, do you remember, what is the shortest time in our dynasty from the time when we first came into contact with the true cultivation method to the beginning of the cultivation method?" Lin Shanhou asked suddenly.

"Half a year." Yan Wei replied without thinking.

This is considered a secret among ordinary warriors, but it is widely spread among those warriors who have already realized the truth.

"Beginning in half a year, enlightening to the truth in a year, a genius in the sky, I thought that no one could surpass it, but I didn't expect..." Lin Shanhou couldn't help smiling, but he resisted the urge to laugh, lest he would disturb Chen Zong.

"It takes less than a month to get started, and within half a year, you will be able to realize the truth." Yan Wei also smiled from the bottom of his heart: "Congratulations to Master Hou for getting this good apprentice."

When Guan Yunxi listened, she was so shocked that she felt dizzy.

"Awei, just stay here, don't let anyone disturb Chen Zong." Lin Shanhou ordered.

"Hou Ye don't worry." Yan Wei assured.

After standing for a while, Lin Shanhou turned and left with a smile on his face.

Lin Shanhou's biggest goal is naturally to break through and become a strong man in the Transcendent Realm, but it is too difficult. He has worked hard for many years, but he can't find a way. If he doesn't have enough opportunities, he may not be able to break through in his lifetime.

Now I have received a disciple with outstanding talent. According to Chen Zong's performance, the possibility of becoming a Transcendent Realm in the future is not small. To a certain extent, my wish has been fulfilled. Of course, if the disciple has enough ability, he can also help Reach the Transcendent Realm by yourself.

In any case, it was a dream to receive such an excellent disciple.

Lin Shanhou came and went, Chen Zong didn't know, he didn't have any perception, at this moment, it was like drifting in endless darkness.

On the sixth day, Chen Zong's body began to exude an inexplicable aura, which was the same as the mountain under his feet, as if the two were about to merge into one.

"It's time to get started." Yan Wei nodded secretly, and gradually felt relieved.

He who has practiced Xiaogushan visualization technique knows that feeling very well.

Take your body as a mountain!

"I am a mountain..." In the endless darkness, there seemed to be a voice sounding. It was very weak at first, and gradually spread, becoming more and more powerful. Finally, it was like a tsunami and thunder, resounding through the endless darkness, echoing endlessly.

In the darkness, a ray of light appeared and gradually grew larger. In the light, there was a phantom of a hill, which was slowly solidifying with the passage of time.

In the end, the hill became as real as it was a real mountain, standing alone in the darkness as if it was isolated from the world.

The wind and cloud are changing, the darkness seems to be receding, and the sky is filled with the earth, as if the sky and the earth have been opened.

I don't know how long it has passed, and a land of thousands of miles has completely appeared. Above the land, a lonely mountain stands, and above the mountain is a cloudless sky.

Heaven and earth, one world.

However, the edge of this world is still dark, it seems to be broken, and it is full of indescribable power.

The mountain is still that mountain, still lonely, and the world is expanding little by little...

(end of this chapter)