Sword God

Chapter 3294: Travel across this territory


Successfully refining the bloodline of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Phoenix and merging it into the bloodline of the Fenxing True Phoenix, unexpectedly went smoothly. The Fenxing True Phoenix completely absorbed the energy of the bloodline of the Skyfire Sacred Phoenix, and used it as a nutrient to improve itself and constantly break through limit.

Previously, Yu Nianxin's bloodline of the Burning Star True Phoenix was indeed not weak, but in fact it was not considered very strong, strength and weakness were relative.

Strong is compared to ordinary cultivators, and weak is compared to the blood of celestial beings and demons.

Yu Nianxin had actually stimulated the potential of her Burning Star True Phoenix bloodline before, and basically reached the extreme. It is already very difficult to go further, but such a level of Burning Star True Phoenix bloodline can only be barely compared with the most ordinary Compared with the Celestial-human bloodline, it is even a bit inferior. In addition, the Celestial-human bloodline has a high growth potential, but Yu Nianxin's Burning Star True Phoenix bloodline did not have such growth potential at that time, and the gap is even more obvious.

But this time, after devouring the blood of the Heavenly Fire Sacred Phoenix, the bloodline of the Burning Star True Phoenix not only soared, reaching the level equivalent to the bloodline of a top celestial being, it was also slightly better than the Heavenly Fire Sacred Phoenix, and closer to the extreme level heaven human blood.

Another point, the original Burning Star True Phoenix bloodline is difficult to break through the limit, the upper limit is there, but although the bloodline of the Celestial Man also has an upper limit, it is also possible to break through the upper limit.

Anyway, today's Fenxing Zhenhuang bloodline has already transformed, completely transformed, and its essence has been upgraded several levels, allowing Yu Nianxin's strength to soar and advance by leaps and bounds. At the same time, its potential has also soared, reaching an astonishing level. the point.

The white Burning Star True Flame contains astonishing divine power, especially against demons and the like.

Under Chen Zong's verification, it was determined that Yu Nianxin's strength had soared several times compared to before, reaching the level of top heavenly king or top demon king, stronger than Baijian Shenjun and Wujue Shenjianjun.

Maybe when it comes to swordsmanship alone, Yu Nianxin still can't compare with Baijian Shenjun and Wujue Shenjianjun, but the power of burning stars and true flames is too tyrannical, and Baijian Shenjun and Wujue Shenjianjun dare not face it .

The most important thing is that the potentials of Baijian Shenjun and Wujue Shenjianjun have basically been developed. If they don't get more opportunities in this life, they can only stop here. The top demon king level is their limit, but Yu Nianxin's upper limit is Raised to the level of Demon Emperor, Heavenly Venerable, and Super Saint Realm.

In the future, it is not hopeless to hit the demigod realm.

Yu Nianxin successfully refined the blood of the Heavenly Fire Holy Phoenix, which greatly improved her own blood of the Burning Star True Phoenix, and directly transformed her body. Her strength increased several times, and her potential was raised to a higher level. According to Chen Zong's plan, this It should be time for an excursion.

However, Yu Nianxin proposed to wait a little longer, and wait for a while.

During this period of time, Yu Nianxin used the Burning Star True Flame to temper Chen An's blood.

Chen An's bloodline inherited Yu Nianxin's Fenxing Zhenhuang bloodline, but it was further optimized on the original basis.

If Yu Nianxin's Fenxing Zhenhuang bloodline at that time could only barely reach the level of ordinary celestial-human bloodlines, then Chen An's Fenxing Zhenhuang bloodlines were truly at the level of ordinary celestial-human bloodlines.

Now, Yu Nianxin refines and absorbs the essence of the blood of the Heavenly Fire Holy Phoenix, causing her own blood of the Burning Star True Phoenix to increase dramatically, completely surpassing Chen An's blood, but the blood of the two is from the same root, so Yu Nianxin can Use his own Star Burning True Flame to temper Chen An's bloodline, further enhancing its potential.

The consequences of doing so will consume Yu Nianxin's blood essence and cause a certain degree of damage. It will take a lot of time and resources to recover slowly, but for her own child, she is willing.

Yu Nian wanted to do this, but Chen Zong didn't stop him.

This tempering took another few years, and it was finally tempered to the extreme. Chen An's bloodline level was further improved to the level of the elite-level celestial bloodline, but it did not have the growth potential of the celestial bloodline. .

However, Yu Nianxin's aura has weakened a lot, and even his strength has been affected. It has dropped by several percent, and his bloodline has almost dropped below the top level, and he can barely maintain it at the top level.

Fortunately, Chen Zong has also purchased a lot of corresponding pills over the years, which stabilized Yu Nianxin's bloodline. However, it can be regarded as a decline to a certain extent, which affected his potential. In the long run, it can still recover gradually.

After being tempered by Yu Nianxin's Burning Star True Flame for several years, Chen An's bloodline level has been improved, so that his strength has also increased a lot, and his potential has also increased.

With Chen Zong teaching swordsmanship and Yu Nianxin tempering and improving his bloodline, Chen An's strength has improved by leaps and bounds in just a few years.

Chen An began to challenge the top ten powerhouses in the true chaos list. In the first battle, his opponent ranked ninth in the true chaos list and was defeated by Chen An.

In the second battle, the opponent was the sixth in the true chaos list, and Chen An won after a fierce battle.

In the third battle, the opponent was the fourth on the Chaos True Ranking. In this battle, Chen An broke out to defeat the opponent with all his strength, successfully replaced the opponent's ranking, and ranked among them. The three are Wushenjun, Wujueshenjianjun and Baijianshenjun.

Chen An's strength is still inferior to the Hundred Swords God, but his potential is superior. It is only a matter of time before he surpasses the Hundred Swords and Five Absolute Swords, and he can even surpass the Valkyrie.

In this way, the goal Chen Zong set for Chen An was achieved. Chen Zong took Chen An and Yu Nianxin together and set off for Zhaogu Chaos City.

As for Taihao Mountain, there is an incarnation of the super-sacred realm sitting in the town, which is enough to ensure peace of mind. What's more, there are Baijian Shenjun and Wujue Shenjian, which are enough to resist many foreign enemies. It is worth mentioning that this time, thanks to the Under Chen Zong's guidance, the swordsmanship of Baijian Shenjun and Wujue Shenjianjun has improved a lot, and Wujue Shenjianjun has also officially joined Taihao Mountain and became an elder, not a priest.

In the large formation in the Temple of Time and Space in Zhaogu Chaos City, three figures appeared at the same time. They did not stay in Zhaogu Chaos City, but quickly left Zhaogu Chaos City and flew towards the gate of Zhaogu God Dynasty.

When seeing the huge platform for the first time, both Yu Nianxin and Chen An were surprised. Although the platform looked very simple, the mysteries contained in each pattern on it were extraordinary, which greatly shocked everyone's minds.

"Master Gu Ling." Chen Zong called out.

First, an old voice sounded, and then a doll-like person appeared, which made Yu Nianxin and Chen An secretly amazed, but they were also informed by Chen Zong on the way here, so they didn't show it, and just kept it in their hearts.

"So it's you." Gu Ling, who looked like a baby, glanced at Chen Zong, showing some interest in his eyes. He had some impressions of Chen Zong. For a life like the spirit, decades are nothing at all, and sometimes they pass away in just one sleep.

I didn't expect that the last time I saw it, it wasn't that bad. It's only been a long time now, and I saw it again.

The speed of this improvement is really amazing.

However, Gu Ling was only slightly interested, that's all, not too much, after all, he is not a human, just a kind of spirit body, whether Chen Zong is strong or weak, really has nothing to do with him.

When the door opened, Chen Zong brought Yu Nianxin and Chen An in. Although he brought Yu Nianxin in, Yu Nianxin couldn't stay in Zhaogu Shenchao for a long time.

Enter Zhaogu God Dynasty and take Chen An to Zhaogu Palace for a test.

With Chen An's current level of strength, it is not difficult to pass the test of Zhaogu Temple, and the blood test does not have any disadvantages. If he passes it directly, he will become a disciple of the outer hall of Zhaogu Temple. After that, he can stay in Zhaogu Temple to practice.

Then, Chen Zong took Chen An to visit Zhongli Gengming, he said that Chen An was his son, and Zhongli understood what Chen Zong meant.

Knowing that Chen An is Chen Zong's son, Zhong Li Gengming is very enthusiastic.

"From now on, it's better to practice." Chen Zong told Chen An, there is no need to say more, the current Chen An is not a child who doesn't understand anything, on the contrary, he has his own complete concept, and Chen Zong doesn't need to say more .

Bai Yi and Jing Wuxue are still staying in the Dahetian Empire and have never come out, so naturally they have no way to see them, and Chen Zong doesn't plan to stay here for a long time, because due to the rules, Yu Nianxin can't stay here for a long time.

Not long after, Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin joined forces and left, leaving only Chen An here to practice.

Outside the gate of Zhaogu Shenchao, on the huge circular platform, Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin stood in the air, looking into the distance.

"Nianxin, from today onwards, we will travel all over the territory of the original human race." Chen Zong said with a smile.

Yu Nianxin nodded with a smile.

The chaotic universe is very vast, and the territory of the original human race is only a part of it. In addition, there are the territory of the ancient monster race, the ancient demon race, the gods and demons, and many other races. Beyond these frontiers lies an unexplored region known as Outland.

After all, the current chaotic universe has only gone through more than a thousand years. Compared with any cosmic era, it is in its infancy. If the universe is compared to a person, then the current chaotic universe, In fact, it's just a baby, the kind of baby who is just learning to crawl.

In this way, in the entire chaotic universe, there are naturally some places that have not been explored by humans. Perhaps demigods have visited, but those below demigods rarely set foot.

A large universe should contain countless dangers and countless dangerous places, some of which are already known to people, and some of them are unknown to people.

Not to mention anything else, the combined territory of the human race and the original tribe is very vast, and even if a demigod wants to travel across the entire territory, it will take a lot of time.

Chen Zong intends to travel with Yu Nianxin to the territory of the original human race. One is to increase knowledge and experience, so as to increase his accumulation and foundation. It is to find a more suitable place to establish a clan for Mount Taihao.

(end of this chapter)