Sword God

Chapter 3298: A good show






Yuhun Zhenjun frightened the others all of a sudden, making all the true saints dare not say anything.

The pressure continued to permeate, getting stronger and stronger, making people suffocated. It seemed that the sky was about to collapse directly, as if it was going to crush everyone.

"I surrender." Finally someone couldn't bear the growing pressure and couldn't help but speak.

"I surrender too."

"I am willing to surrender."

The power is stronger than others, if you continue to resist, you can only get killed.

Although it is not easy to cultivate to the true holy place, and one is not willing to submit to others, especially a person of unknown origin, but in the face of death, one still needs to make a choice.

Cultivation is not easy, if you die right away, all your efforts in the past will be in vain, let's talk about surviving first.

Now it can be said that you have to surrender, as long as you leave here, the sky is high, the earth is wide and the universe is boundless, and you can find a place to hide, and you can still be at ease.

Left and right, surrender is just a word.

"Very good, you made the right choice." Zhenjun Yuhun chuckled immediately, his eyes flickering black, very mysterious: "Now, let go of your souls, don't have any resistance, I want to fight against you in your souls. Plant a soul seed inside."


The expressions of the True Sages who were talking about surrendering changed drastically.

It is also necessary to open up the so-called soul seed planted by the other party. Although it is not clear what the soul seed is, but to open up your own soul without any resistance to planting, the soul seed must not be a good thing.

You must know that for the vast majority of cultivators, the soul is extremely important, but it is relatively weak. Once a soul seed is planted, life and death may be controlled by the other party, and they cannot be controlled by themselves.

"I'm willing to surrender, but I can't plant any soul-seeds." A true saint said immediately.

"Then go die." Zhenjun Zhenjun's complexion suddenly became very terrifying, and he pointed out again, and a silver thunderbolt instantly blasted out of the air, bombarding the Zhenjun who refused to plant the soul seed like smashing everything. The holy land was shaken in a vacuum, rendered with thick ink, turned into pitch black, and the majesty of destruction was eerie.


With a single finger of Thunder, he was directly smashed into slag.

"Do you think that a word of surrender is enough?" True Lord Yuhun flicked his fingers after killing someone with one finger, in an understatement: "Planting a soul seed is the real surrender."

"Be obediently let go of your spirits and let the master plant the soul seed. Only in this way can you gain the trust of the master." The three of them said immediately, with the appearance of loyal and loyal dog legs for the master's consideration.

"Today, I let the two of us watch a good show." Just when those true saints were hesitating, hovering between life and death or being controlled, a chuckle suddenly came from nowhere ringing everywhere.

The understatement, so calm and freehand, immediately made everyone startled and looked at it one after another.

"How long does this Zhenjun think that you are going to hide?" Zhenjun Yuhun's expression did not change, but he stared away with a somewhat mocking expression, his eyes were extremely gloomy, like water rippling endlessly.

Zhenjun Yuhun is in charge of this small world. Naturally, everything in this small world is under his perception and control. Although Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin restrain their aura to hide their bodies, they can't hide from Zhenjun Yuhun. perception.

It's just that Zhenjun Yuhun didn't point it out all the time, because he planned to subdue these true holy realms first, and then deal with those two little mice hiding in hiding. He didn't expect them to be exposed first.

Being discovered by the other party, Chen Zong actually didn't care. After all, when Zhenjun Yuhun appeared, Chen Zong felt an invisible force locked him, and he realized that he was exposed by the other party as soon as he thought about it. Now, since this is the case, there is no need to hide for too long.

In fact, it was also Chen Zong who was unwilling to watch these true holy realms being planted with soul seeds by this so-called true soul master, so that life and death would be controlled by him.

Hundreds of true saints, in the territory of the human race and the original race, it can be regarded as a powerful force. You must know that in Taihao Mountain today, there are less than ten real saints, hundreds of them. What is the concept of true holy land, even though most of them are very ordinary true holy land, but true holy land is true holy land, which is not comparable to ordinary practitioners.

If hundreds of True Sacred Realms are controlled by the soul seeds planted by this True Soul Master, God knows what troubles will arise at that time. No matter how you look at this True Soul Master, he is not a good guy, and it may disturb the original race of the human race Territory, set off a war, and even spread to Taihao Mountain.

In order to avoid subsequent troubles, and there were other reasons, Chen Zong took the initiative to show up.

All the true saints were stunned, when

When did those two people come in

Did you just come in? Or has it been in for a long time

"True Soul Master, who are you?" Chen Zong was still a little curious about this, as if this person had just emerged, with no footsteps.

"Surrender to this true monarch, you naturally know." Yuhun Zhenjun smiled slyly.

"Surrender." Chen Zong smiled: "You don't have that qualification."

"If that's the case, then go die." Before the voice of Yuhun Zhenjun fell, he immediately raised a finger and pointed out, a silvery thunder light burst out, condensed, and collided at the fingertips instantly, releasing a terrifying power of destruction , blasted at Chen Zong in an instant, trying to blast him into scum like other true holy realms before.

The power of this small world blends into it, as if rendered and soaked by thick ink, making this thunderbolt turn into pitch black, and the destructive power it emits becomes more terrifying, and even more so, it carries a gloomy chill.

The speed of this pitch-black thunder was extremely fast, and it was bombarded in front of Chen Zong in an instant. Everyone stared wide-eyed, as if they would see the previous scene, watching this person being directly blasted to pieces by that jet-black thunder.

Chen Zong remained motionless as if he didn't realize it, as if he didn't have time to react, but he raised his arm and pointed like a sword just when the jet of pitch-black thunder struck in front of him.

An understatement, it seems that there is no power contained in it, but at the moment it hits the pitch-black thunder, it blocks the bombardment of the pitch-black thunder and defeats it.

This scene immediately stunned everyone.

This is the first person to block Zhenjun Yuhun's blow, of course it will shock people.

Zhenjun Yuhun himself was also very surprised, he didn't expect that there would be someone who could block such a blow from him.

This so-called God of Thunder God himself is a natural Thunder Spirit Dharma Physique. It is very easy to practice Thunder Thunder together, and it is very easy to comprehend Thunder Thunder Dao. The so-called true chaotic list fifth.

The Chaos True List is a very authoritative list in the original territory of the human race. Those who are on it are all peerless powerhouses, and Yu Lei Shenjun is the best among them.

After being occupied by himself, and compatible with the little power of this small world, the power of the shot became more and more powerful, completely surpassing the previous God of Thunder. A blow with such strength was unable to defeat the opponent, and was even blocked by the opponent's finger.

Who is this person

Could it be that his strength is stronger than that of Yu Leishenjun

When the thoughts turned, I saw Chen Zong pointed like a sword and slashed at the void, a faint ray of cold light bloomed on the fingertips, and instantly cut through the air, as if the ray of sword light appeared in front of Zhenjun Yuhun , the terrifying killing intent directly impacted the Divine Will of Yuhun Zhenjun.


Zhenjun Yuhun immediately reacted, and hastily mobilized all his strength to resist the cutting of this ray of sword light. At the same time, his divine will was also raised to the extreme to block the invasion of his killing intent, but he was instantly repelled hundreds of meters, and the sword energy surged Underneath, his body was attacked even more, as if being cut continuously.

Chen Zong's regular strength is at the super-sacred level, even if he does not draw his sword, and uses it as a substitute for the sword, he can barely reach the level of the super-sacred level. With this Fang Xiaotiandi present, his strength is still at the level of the top demon king in the true holy realm.

This scene immediately shocked the group of true saints.

Who is this person

Its strength is so powerful and terrifying, it is simply appalling.

"Who are you?" Yuhun Zhenjun dispelled the sword energy that invaded his body, while staring at Chen Zong, his eyes became darker and deeper, and his tone was extremely gloomy.

"Teacher of Taihao Mountain, Peerless Sword Master Chen Zong." Chen Zong responded calmly.

The titles of the top ten in the Chaos True Ranking will also change accordingly. Generally, they will be crowned with some kind of god or the like. For example, the owner of the Xuanyan Palace is called the Dazzling Flame God, such as the fifth in the Chaos True Ranking, Yu Lei Shenjun , Another example is the second and third Wujue Shenjianjun and Baijian Shenjun, and the Valkyrie Lord who is number one on the Chaos True List and so on.

But Chen Zong didn't challenge the top ten of the Chaos True Ranking just because there was no need for that.

Now Chen Zong's strength has already surpassed the level of the Chaos True Ranking, even the Martial God Lord who is number one on the Chaos True Ranking cannot compare with Chen Zong, there is a big difference.

In this way, Chen Zong has been known as the Peerless Sword Master until now.

But now everyone has an idea, this person should not be the Wushuang Sword Master, but the Wushuang Excalibur Lord, this level of strength is definitely the top ten strength in the Chaos True Ranking, even the top five strength.

"No matter who you are, I will give you a chance." Yuhun Zhenjun stared at Chen Zong with a strange voice: "Surrender to Ben Zhenjun, and I will give you the supreme opportunity to become a demigod." No chance."

"You yourself are not even a demigod, what a chance." Chen Zong smiled disapprovingly.

If there is an opportunity to become a demigod, then of course you have to use it yourself first, and then talk about other things.

It seems that Chen Zong poked the sore spot, Yuhun Zhenjun's expression became more and more gloomy. He did have the opportunity to be promoted to a demigod, but unfortunately there were some accidents that led to failure, and he was reduced to this point. Otherwise, he would have already He is a high and mighty demigod, so there is no need to attack a bunch of ants and control them.

"It won't do you any good to provoke this true master." The long hair of Zhenjun Yuhun suddenly burst into anger, fluttering in the strong wind.

(end of this chapter)