Sword God

Chapter 3303: The Demon God Awakens (Part 2)



A strong man in the demon god realm is equivalent to a strong man in the demigod realm of the original human race, what a superb existence, what a powerful existence.


The disciple of Yuling Villa was trembling and chilling all over, and the chill was spreading continuously on his body, almost freezing to death.

The thousand-meter-high dark giant tree kept shaking, its branches waving like hands and feet, and the terrifying and boundless aura raged and spread, crazily impacting in all directions, like a long-sleeping monster waking up, earth-shattering.

The burrow, the whole burrow was shaking, as if it was about to collapse.

The disciple of Yuling Mountain Villa, who came back to his senses, was terrified and immediately burst out with all his strength. The Yuling Dragon Snake, who was a little weaker, also blessed his body in an instant, surrounded himself, and turned into a phantom as if fused into one , rushed towards the place he came from extremely quickly, even if he knew that a group of powerful demons were chasing and killing him, he didn't dare to stay in the slightest.

Compared with a group of demon king level powerhouses and a awakened demon god, there is too much difference. Even if there are a thousand or ten thousand demon kings, they are still inferior to a demon god. The gap is as big as heaven.

However, that giant dark tree with a height of one thousand meters suddenly trembled, and a branch shot through the air instantly, shooting out like a spear and a sharp sword. Pierce through the phantom that the disciple of Yuling Villa turned into.

"No..." The expression of the disciple of Yuling Villa changed drastically, he struggled crazily, unceasingly exploded his own power, even ignited the Yuling Dragon Snake, and burned it directly in exchange for more powerful power, but it was of no avail, all resistance seemed So weak, like struggling in vain.

There seemed to be a gurgling sound, as if he was swallowing something, and the body of the disciple of Yuling Villa shriveled up quickly, and finally turned into ashes.

Thousands of branches are dancing, and each branch seems to be alive, as if it has a certain spirituality.

The rumbling sound kept ringing, and the whole cave was shaking endlessly.

In the cave, there are seven devil-level powerhouses diving continuously. They are powerhouses from a large tribe. They are chasing and killing the disciples of Yuling Villa who pretended to be demon kings. Suddenly, they felt the vibration of the cave and their expressions changed big change.

"Back!" The leader of the top demon king felt that the cave was shaking, as if it was about to collapse, his expression suddenly changed, his thinking changed, and he immediately gave an order after a breath.


You must know that they have penetrated thousands of meters underground. If the cave collapses, the power emanating from the thousands of meters of subsidence will be extremely terrifying. Under the circumstances, nine out of ten will also be affected to death.


Get out first, and don't care about the chaser. I believe that with the strength of the other party, there is only one way to die in this kind of landfall. Even if you don't die, it is still a problem to get out alive.

But in the next breath, the branches seemed to stab through the void, like a peerless assassin who had been lurking around for a long time, seizing the fleeting moment and bursting out with the most tyrannical precision and ruthlessness in his life One blow, caught off guard and extremely tyrannical, directly assassinated them.

No one can avoid it, and it is too late to even react.

In an instant, seven demon kings were pierced under the branch, and then swallowed into mummified corpses.

Deep in the cave, the thousand-meter-high dark giant tree began to shrink, continuously shrinking towards the center, and finally shrank to about three meters, turning into a stalwart body, standing in the cave, with clods of soil and stones constantly in the sky They fell one after another like a torrential rain, and each piece was extremely heavy. When it hit the ground, it immediately smashed potholes and cracks in the ground.

A stone fell, falling from the top of a kilometer high with terrifying force, as if a meteorite had fallen, and directly blasted at the three-meter-high stalwart figure, but it was not close, and it was still a few meters away. At that point, the stone carrying the terrifying power suddenly disappeared, as if it had been evaporated without a trace.

The terrifying invisible flames burned endlessly on this stalwart body, as if burning everything around it, turning it into a vacuum and nothingness.

The closed pupils opened in an instant, and the extremely dark pupils looked down on the world like a god, looking down on the common people, indifferent to everything, as if they looked at everything and common people like mayflies.

In the next breath, a terrifying aura suddenly permeated from Wei An's body and soared into the sky. This place is located at a depth of 10,000 meters underground, but the aura penetrated the 10,000-meter-thick soil and rocks in an instant Layers, appearing directly on the surface of the earth, soaring into the sky, instantly turning into a 100,000-meter-high dark giant tree, standing directly between the sky and the earth, filled with an incomparable dark atmosphere, majestic and boundless.

This breath is overwhelming, as if covering a whole world.

Not long after, from the deepest part of the imperial family of the Great Heitian Empire, an aura suddenly diffused out, turning into a huge darkness and covering the sky, as if covering the sky and covering the sun, and the aura was very powerful and astonishing.

Far away in the western pole of the Great Heitian Empire, there are icebergs standing one after another. The iceberg at the center is as high as 10,000 meters, towering above the earth and under the sky. As if sensing something, a bit of darkness diffused from the deepest part of this huge iceberg, and gradually spread, filling the entire iceberg in a short time.

The sound of clicking and clicking sounded continuously, and cracks appeared on the huge iceberg, and finally shattered. A stalwart figure sat on the ground, surrounded by strands of dark aura, as if the dark cold air was condensed, turning into ice. For a heavy sweep of the sky.

The demon emperor-level powerhouses of the Great Heitian Empire sensed these three auras for the first time, and their expressions changed drastically, becoming incomparably dignified.

"This is..." In the depths of the royal family of the Great Heitian Empire, the muddy eyes of an old demon man opened, emitting a strong light. He was very old, so old that he was dying, but when he opened his eyes at this moment, he was Suddenly burst out an incomparably astonishing aura, extremely tyrannical, and it is a top devil emperor level powerhouse: "The aura of the ancestor... is the aura of the ancestor..."

Excited, this old devil emperor is extremely excited, the ancestor disappeared for many years, he thought that the ancestor had already fallen, but he did not expect that he was still alive, that kind of excitement cannot be described in words.

Within the capital of the Great Heitian Emperor, among the Shu Mu clan that ranked second in the Great Heitian Empire, the two demon emperors trembled when they felt the tyrannical aura, which was from the same root but surpassed many others. , after looking at each other, both eyes burst into extremely excited eyes, with a bit of disbelief.


That is clearly the breath of the ancestor of the Shu Mu clan.

Still alive, the ancestor is still alive.


In the Great Black Sky Empire, three demon gods woke up from their endless slumber.

After the three demon gods woke up, their auras came into contact with each other. The ancestor of the Shu Mu family was also the demon god who woke up from the cave, and shared all the information he got with the Great Black Sky Demon God and Eternal Ice devil.

"I didn't expect that such a long time would have passed after we fell into a deep sleep." The voice of the Great Hetian Demon God was low, and there was a bit of consternation.

From the Era of the Demon Universe to the current Era of the Chaos Universe, many cosmic epochs have passed at once, and how many years are there in one cosmic epoch

It’s hard to say, different cosmic epochs exist for a long time or a short time, but even the short ones can exist for tens of millions of years, and the long ones can even exceed 100 million years. She chose to sleep, and woke up again, but it was already countless years later.

Moreover, the Era of the Demon Universe couldn't resist the destruction after all, but there are still fragments left.

The Great Hetian Empire, this is the empire created by the Great Hetian Demon God back then.

"People from the outside world dare to pretend to be our people and sneak into our world to plunder our blood. You should be killed." The Ice Demon God said angrily. Everything seems to be alive.

"Nowadays, there are quite a few people pretending to be our clan and sneaking into the empire. Find them first." The ancestor of the Shumu family, the Eternal Demon God, said in a concentrated voice.

The hearts of the three demon gods were filled with astonishing murderous intent and anger.

During their slumber, even their empire became a hunting ground for other races.

Even if there are demon gods in that race, no, it should be said that they are in the demigod state, and their anger cannot be reduced.

Immediately, the three major demon gods issued an order to make the entire Heitian Empire take action and start a comprehensive investigation. For a while, there was a lot of turmoil, and the hearts of those who were still in the Heitian Empire tensed up, and they immediately felt bad .

Suddenly, different people made different choices.

Some lurked, while others left immediately.

Some people managed to get away, but some of them were arrested and revealed their identities.

The three demon gods had just woken up from their endless slumber, and their strength had not yet recovered, so they recovered their strength first, and left everything to the empire and various tribes to handle.

"Let's escape separately, whoever can escape depends on luck." Bai Yi said to Jing Wuxue.

The two have not left until now, and they have gained a lot, or quite a lot. Their strength has also improved significantly during this period of time, but they still have not reached the devil emperor level. It should be said that he has reached the top level of the Demon King level, and is only one step away from the Demon Emperor level.

With such strength, even if you meet an ordinary Demon Emperor, you can still contend for a little bit, but you are definitely not the opponent of the Demon Emperor.

However, compared to when they first entered the Great Heitian Empire, their strength has indeed been greatly improved and become stronger.

Now, the two are facing the pursuit of a group of strong demon kings, including many top demon kings.

They never imagined that such a thing would happen, and where did something go wrong that caused such a thing to happen.

You know, this has never happened before.

Now, facing the pursuers, the pressure on the two of them to be together is too great, so they can only separate to disperse the pursuers, and it depends on whose luck is better.

(end of this chapter)