Sword God

Chapter 3305: The pursuit from across the universe (Part 1)


After crossing that mysterious and magnificent portal, three figures appeared on the huge circular platform, and they looked at each other with joy in each other's eyes.

In the next breath, the three figures exploded at an astonishing speed, and left the circular platform in an instant, appearing in the distant void.

"It really is a newborn universe." An extremely indifferent voice sounded from Bai Wei's mouth.

"It's still very immature." The body occupied by the Eternal Darkness Tree Demon God is exactly a disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect, named Longchi. The disciple of the Spirit Sword Sect should have given people a light and elegant feeling, as if he was surrounded by immortals. Human-like, but at this moment, Long Chi's body lacked that kind of lightness and elegance, and was a little more majestic and gloomy.

"My clan should take root here, re-prosper, and become the master of the universe here." The body occupied by the ancient ice demon god is the person from Qishalou, wearing a silver-gray mysterious mask, with a breath of ice all over his body. It was extremely cold.

"I can feel it, the bloodline curse seal of our family." The Eternal Demon God who occupied the body of the dragon ruler suddenly said, his tone was a little more cold and murderous.

Bloodline Curse Seal!

What this means, the Great Hetian Demon God and the Eternal Ice Demon God are very clear, it means that someone killed the descendants of the Eternal Demon God's bloodline, and they are descendants of a high bloodline level, and they were planted with the bloodline curse seal just now.

If it is just an ordinary bloodline descendant, it is not enough to form a bloodline curse seal.

"I'm going to kill this person." Eternal Demon God said, and as soon as the words fell, it immediately turned into a stream of light and disappeared from the eyes of Dahetian Demon God and Eternal Ice Demon God, disappearing.

The Great Black Sky Demon God and the Eternal Ice Demon God did not stop them. After staring at the clone of the Eternal Demon God and leaving, they also acted separately.

Enter this universe first, learn more about everything in this universe, and then wait for the opportunity to find the right place and time to lead the arrival of the Great Black Sky Empire, so that the demons can truly return to the universe. Take root in the universe, and eventually dominate this universe.

For the continuation, inheritance and development of the race, any step must not be sloppy. After all, there are many strong demigods in this universe. The plan of the dark sky might fail.

Chen Zong got another batch of Chaos God Crystals, without any reservations, he threw all the millions of Chaos God Crystals into the World Fragments, and let the pure vitality in them be released, nourishing the small world in the World Fragments, Make that small world further expand and strengthen.

Practitioners must obtain the Chaos Crystal, because the cultivation that is related to oneself is like money to ordinary people. Without money, how to get food, clothing, housing and transportation will be difficult, and even starve to death.

Usually, the more powerful the cultivator, the faster he can obtain Chaos God Crystals. In the past, Chen Zong had to go through a lot of danger and time to get hopeful if he wanted to get several million Chaos God Crystals, but now, the millions of Chaos God Crystals Jing is nothing to Chen Zong, as long as he breaks into a chaos-level forbidden area and searches for the treasures in it, he is expected to get it.

For example, the origin of the flames in the Great Flame Mountain before can easily sell millions of Chaos Crystals.

The problem now is not how fast Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin can obtain the Chaos Crystal, but the limitation caused by the environment.

To use a metaphor, the most valuable thing about Daguangyan Mountain is the source of the flame, and one flower can be worth millions of Chaos God Crystals. Wealth not possessed by the powerful.

However, the birth of the source of flames takes a long time, decades or even hundreds of years is normal, and there are not many births at a time, sometimes one, sometimes several, all in all, quite rare.

Even if there are a hundred flame sources, Chen Zong can get them without any danger, but the problem is that there are none, and now there is not even one.

It is precisely this kind of restriction that has caused Chen Zong to harvest millions of Chaos Crystals after all these years. Otherwise, tens of millions is not a difficult task.

"Hmm..." Chen Zong frowned suddenly, and vaguely felt a deep and obscure murderous intent permeating from nothingness, but it was so strong and sharp, the moment it appeared, unexpectedly Tell yourself to give birth to a creepy feeling.

who is it

Whose murderous intent is this

Another killing intent from that column

Chen Zong's thinking was spinning in an instant, faster than lightning, making various analyzes and speculations.

With my current strength, the strength of the extreme-level super-sacred realm, there are very few people who can bring such a sense of crisis. Even the Shenhui Emperor of the Shenhui Dynasty is hard to give Bring such a strong sense of crisis.

So, what kind of talent is it

A strong demigod

I don't have any grievances with any demigod realm powerhouse, right

It seems that I have never taken the initiative to provoke any strong demigods, so they have no reason to attack me.

Leaving aside the strong demigods, then who can create such a strong sense of thrilling crisis for themselves

For a moment, Chen Zong's thoughts flickered endlessly, and countless ideas flew by, but he couldn't think of who it was

Suddenly, Chen Zong thought of Xuanyan Shenjun who was killed by him. Could it be that the demigod ancestor of Xuanyan Palace wanted to avenge Xuanyan Shenjun and shot him

It's just, it shouldn't be.

Chen Zong is not sure about the temperament of the demigods, but one thing is certain is that different demigods have different temperaments, perhaps his own guess is possible.

However, if a strong demigod wants to attack him, this sense of crisis will definitely not stop there, it will not be like this, it will give him a feeling of horror, but he does not have the feeling of a catastrophe.

Seems... defensible.

If it was a demigod attack, would he be able to resist it

The more he practiced and the more he comprehended, the more Chen Zong felt that a strong man in the demigod realm, even if his current strength could reach the level of the ultimate super-sacred realm, he would not be sure about facing a demigod.

Or, the coming crisis is not man-made, but a disaster

"Nianxin, you are advanced into the world fragments." Chen Zong said to Yu Nianxin while thinking.

Yu Nianxin was slightly taken aback, then looked at Chen Zong and nodded, she didn't ask any more questions.

"Don't worry." Chen Zong smiled slightly, and put Yu Nianxin into the world fragments, so that even if any crisis came, he could better deal with it.

In the final analysis, although Yu Nianxin's current strength has reached the level of the top demon king, which is only one step away from the level of the devil emperor, it is still not enough. This kind of strength can at most compete with the ordinary devil emperor level. , is still too weak.

After letting Yu Nianxin enter the world fragments, Chen Zong also put away the world fragments and protected them tightly, and he was relieved just now.

So, no matter what the crisis is, whether it is a disaster or a powerful enemy, if it is inevitable, then come.

Chen Zong did not wait in place, but flew towards the depths of the universe, away from those cities.

If there is any powerful enemy attacking, a battle will inevitably break out. If the city is too close to those original human cities, it may be affected and destroyed because the aftermath of the battle is too strong.

Even the defense of a chaos-level city can hardly completely resist the power of the extreme super-sacred realm.

Time flies, the crisis not only did not disappear with Chen Zong's escape, but became more and more intense, until one day, Chen Zong felt a slight tingling pain rising from his neck. Zong was startled for a moment, and a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

Bloodline Curse Seal!

It turned out that the bloodline curse seal reacted. What does this have to do with the approaching crisis

Chen Zong will never forget that this bloodline curse seal came from Shu Muyuan in the Dahetian Empire, and was later strengthened by a demon emperor of the Shumu family. However, the Dahetian Empire is a fragmented relic belonging to the demon universe era, and it is not related to the chaos. The big universe is not in the same cosmic epoch at all, that is no longer the gap of time and space.

It is also because of this that the bloodline curse seal did not have any impact on Chen Zong, so Chen Zong didn't care much about it.

Why is there such a reaction to the bloodline curse seal now

What the hell is going on

For a moment, Chen Zong thought a lot.

Intuitively speaking, it will cause the reaction of the bloodline curse seal, so the person who is chasing and killing should be related to the bloodline curse seal, but the one related to this bloodline curse seal is the Shu Mu family, and the Shu Mu family is located in Dahei. Inside the Heavenly Empire, and the Daheitian Empire is located in the remains of the fragments of the Demon Universe Era.

"Could it be that the strong men of the Shu Mu family came out of the Great Heitian Empire?" Chen Zong couldn't help guessing, but overturned the guessing.

First, according to the ancient gods, there are demigods sitting in the court, and once they appear, they will be locked and tested by the demigod's mind.

Second, the most powerful member of the Shu Mu clan is the Devil Emperor, at most the Ultimate Devil Emperor, and he is also at the level of the Ultimate Devil Emperor, so he shouldn't feel such a strong crisis.

Chen Zong didn't know what was going on, but what was certain was that he was in trouble, and it was still a big trouble.

If you can't figure it out, if you can't figure it out, since you can't avoid it, then go for it. If you want to kill yourself, you are the enemy. If you are the enemy, then kill it.

Chen Zong didn't leave anymore, but stood in the void and waited, waiting for the arrival of the person who brought him a strong crisis, and he wanted to see who it was.

Here, it is already on the edge of the territory of the original human race. Everything around is so empty and nothingness, as if nothing exists. It is very far away from those cities. Even if a fierce battle breaks out here, the breath cannot It spread to the nearest city through such a long distance, and was felt by others, not to mention that the aftermath of the battle was too strong and affected the safety of those cities.


Chen Zong slowly circulated his own kung fu, and his extremely powerful Hunyuan mental energy circulated endlessly in his body. He was always in the most cohesive and peak state. In the next breath, Chen Zong's eyes suddenly narrowed. Blooming cold light staring ahead.


(end of this chapter)