Sword God

Chapter 3308: Cosmic deities


"Senior Moxin?" Chen Zong stared at the figure in the luxurious and mysterious black gold-patterned robe, with a bit of doubt and exploration in his tone.

"It's me." This is indeed Mo Xin, the heart god of the Heavenly Palace, Mo Xin, who was attached to Chen Zong back then to protect Chen Zong.

Seeing Senior Moxin again, even with Chen Zong's disposition, he couldn't help feeling excited, extremely excited, extremely excited.

Mo Xin was also very happy to see Chen Zong again.

Anyway, no matter how the universe changes, Chen Zong always has an identity, that is, the disciple of Xinyi Tiangong, the most outstanding disciple.

Immediately, the two started talking.

Especially Chen Zong was very curious about why the demon heart disappeared back then.

It turned out that when Chen Zong broke through the fifth realm, the demon heart was stripped off by the will of the outer universe and integrated into the will of the outer universe, because the form of the demon heart is very special, neither life nor spirit, but a very Wonderful cohesion of will.

In other words, it is not considered to be completely integrated, but to become a representative of the will of the outer universe. At that time, the demon heart had been in a state of merging with the will of the outer universe, and eventually, it would completely become the will of the outer universe.

But unfortunately, it failed at the last moment, just because the ancient demon and demigod broke the will of the outer universe.

At that time, Chen Zong was able to receive the final gift of the will of the outer universe, which was also related to the demon heart, which was promoted by him, but Chen Zong didn't know it at the time, and at that time, the demon heart was also unable to communicate with Chen Zong.

In the new chaotic universe, the demon heart is equivalent to the representative of the will of the outer universe in the previous ancient universe, but because the will of the outer universe was broken, he fell into a deep sleep. Into the will of the chaotic universe.

However, the chaotic universe is a powerful universe, a complete universe, not a dilapidated universe like that of the pre-cosmic era. Although it is only a newborn, it is perfect in every way.

In this case, the Demon Heart can't really replace the will of the chaotic universe at all, it can only blend into it and become its spokesperson.

Well, if the chaotic universe is compared to a sect, then the will of the chaotic universe is the suzerain, and if it wants to replace the suzerain, it seems to be usurping the throne, and Moxin's current identity is like a sect insider. The elders of the sect are inferior in status to the suzerain, but they also hold part of the sect's power.


This is the truth about the so-called temple gods.

In the legends about the gods in the chaotic universe, those gods are the spokespersons of the will of the universe, just like the elders of a sect.

In a huge sect, there must be more than one elder, and among those elders, there is also a distinction between high and low status, and the status of different levels determines the power they wield.

This time, Chen Zong was hunted down by the clone of the Eternal Demon God, and it was almost impossible to escape. The demon heart just woke up, and successfully took over a part of the power of the chaotic universe, and opened a channel so that Chen Zong could get rid of the pursuit of the clone of the Eternal Demon God. into his place.

Here, it is within the territory of the temple of the god demon heart.

After listening to Mo Xin's explanation, Chen Zong immediately understood, but he still felt in a trance.


Senior Moxin was the god of Xinyi Tiangong in the early days. He voluntarily became a god after death in order to protect the outstanding disciples of Xinyi Tiangong. protector.

But the current Demon Heart is a real god, a god who controls part of the authority of the universe.

But there is one thing, that is the authority of the demon heart, and its duty is to maintain the stability of the universe from being destroyed, and it cannot deliberately deal with whoever it is, unless that person has caused great damage to the universe.

Of course, if there is an existence that can cause great damage to the universe, its strength must be very terrifying. It is difficult for the gods to deal with them, because the real strength of the gods is not their strength, but the fusion of parts. The will of the universe is authorized, but that is not direct strength.

A simple metaphor is an elder of a sect, his strength is not necessarily very strong, maybe there are people outside the sect who are much stronger than the elders.

In any case, with the help of Moxin, Chen Zong was temporarily freed from the pursuit of the Eternal Demon God clone, but only temporarily, as long as the blood curse seal on his neck exists, as soon as Chen Zong leaves the realm of the gods, he will Being perceived by the other party again, and then being hunted down again.

How can I get rid of the pursuit

There are two methods, one is to kill the opponent, as long as the opponent dies, there will naturally be no pursuers.

The second is to get rid of the blood curse mark on the body.

"I can help you suppress the bloodline curse mark on your body." Mo Xin said with a smile, he meant suppression, not elimination.

Suppression and elimination are two concepts.

To eliminate means to eliminate directly, expel it, so that it no longer exists, and to suppress means to cover it up, but it still exists.

As a god, why can't it be eliminated

There are too many aspects involved in this. The gods are not true gods or demigods, and they are not omnipotent.

What's more, this bloodline curse seal does not come from this universe, but from the previous ancient universe, and it is also a very powerful former ancient universe.

However, it cannot be eliminated, but it is good to be able to suppress it, at least to a certain extent to eliminate hidden dangers.

Before, Chen Zong didn't take the bloodline curse seal to heart, thinking that there would be no hindrance after leaving the Great Black Sky Empire and the cosmic era, but this time being hunted down made Chen Zong understand that there must be no harm. The fluke mentality, as long as it is something that is not good for you, you can eliminate it as soon as possible, and suppress it as soon as possible, otherwise you don’t know when it will bring you big trouble.

"Senior, please take action." Chen Zong immediately said to Mo Xin.

Mo Xin nodded, formed seals with both hands, and flew out into a black-gold divine seal, directly landed on Chen Zong's neck, and landed on the bloodline curse seal on his neck.

The Bloodline Curse Seal seemed to instinctively sensed that something was wrong, and immediately burst into shocking fluctuations, bursts of blazing heat seemed to burn like flames, as if it was about to incinerate Chen Zong, and kept fighting, but was suppressed by the black and golden God Seal go down.

Not long after, Chen Zong felt that the bloodline curse seal on his neck had disappeared, but when he felt it carefully, he could still feel the existence of the bloodline curse seal, but it seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and no longer emitted the slightest breath, because On the bloodline curse seal, there is a layer of black and gold divine pattern covering it, wrapping it like a net.

The bloodline curse seal was finally suppressed, which made Chen Zong heave a sigh of relief.

However, suppressing the bloodline curse seal is not a long-term solution after all, it is best to be able to dispel it, Chen Zong can't do it for a while, and in addition, he wants to kill the people who chase him.

However, Chen Zong faced a problem, that is, lack of strength.

"I can send you to the Great God King to practice." Mo Xin smiled.

"Great God King..." Chen Zong was a little dazed.

After some explanations from Moxin, they realized that it was a division of power, or division of status, among their gods.

God Venerable, God King, Great God King.

The level of status determines the level of authority controlled by the gods.

For example, Mo Xin is the lowest level of gods, that is, gods at the level of gods, and their authority is very limited.

In the entire chaotic universe, there is only one Great God King.

The existence of gods is a secret to many creatures in the universe. Only a very few people know their existence, but even if they know their existence, they may not have seen them. Of course, there are legends about temples and gods circulating outside. Yes, legends are legends after all, and there is a difference from reality. Many people even think that the so-called temples and gods do not exist at all.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the Great God King." Mo Xin said, and immediately grabbed Chen Zong's arm. In an instant, Chen Zong felt that everything in front of him was changing, as if the sea was changing.

I felt like I didn't move, but seemed to move again. When Chen Zong came back to his senses, he immediately found that the surroundings were different.

It is no longer in the temple of Moxin, but in a void, an extremely calm and silent void. In Chen Zong's perception, this void is even quieter than the previous one, because the void here The vitality of heaven and earth and the avenue of heaven and earth became more and more stable, as if frozen.

Vaguely, Chen Zong seemed to feel an even more astonishing aura, full of unfathomable majesty.

Staring at the front of Chen Zong's eyes, there is a star, a star that looks very clear and rotates slowly. The star is not big, and its diameter is estimated to be only 100,000 meters. Compared with the stars I have seen before, Undoubtedly small.

Even, Chen Zong could clearly see everything on the stars.

A forest, a mountain, a lake, a wilderness, and a thatched hut.

Demon heart first, Chen Zong followed, the two flew towards the star, the closer they got, Chen Zong felt that his flying speed was decreasing, it seemed that the star was very close, but there was another feeling of being pulled infinitely The feeling of stretching, that feeling is like looking at the blue sky, it feels very close, and you can touch it with your hand, but in fact the distance is extremely far away.

It seems that there are countless time and space intervals, no matter how much you fly, you can't reach it.

Mo Xin paused, then grabbed Chen Zong's arm again, his expression was awe-inspiring, his eyes seemed to be filled with endless divine light, and a layer of radiance permeated his body, and then spread to Chen Zong's body, covering Chen Zong's body surface.

This layer of brilliance is just a kind of power of the gods. Chen Zong carefully perceives it, but it is difficult to perceive anything. He just feels that the power of that layer does not exist, but he can see it with his eyes.

After being covered by the divine brilliance, the demon heart continued to fly forward. Chen Zong immediately found that the feeling of being out of reach disappeared, and the stars were rapidly enlarged in front of his eyes. The two kept approaching the surface of the stars and finally arrived.


In an instant, as if they had penetrated through an invisible film, Mo Xin and Chen Zong's bodies seemed to be pulled by a force, and they fell rapidly.

(end of this chapter)