Sword God

Chapter 3314: Instructions from the Great God King


A sword volleyed into the air, piercing through the Nine Layers of Heaven.

Xutian White Crane's wings vibrate, its body shape is extremely flexible, and it turns into countless double images, real and false changing alternately, making it difficult to distinguish.

However, under the light of Chen Zong's sword, there was nothing to hide, Xutian Baihe was hit directly, and all phantoms collapsed and dissipated like bubbles.

Xutian White Crane flew high, its wings flapping slowly, suspended in the sky, those cold eyes were full of complexities staring at Chen Zong below.

I was actually defeated.

The growth rate of this human race is astonishing.

From being unable to walk an inch when he first arrived at God Star to now not only being able to move freely, he can even show his strength to fight fiercely with himself, and then defeat himself. There have been several processes in the middle, but this growth rate is indeed too amazing.

How many years

So far, less than a hundred years.

A hundred years may be a long journey from birth to death for ordinary people, but for powerful practitioners, it is just a small fragment of a lifetime.

The Great God King put down his paintbrush, turned around and stared at Chen Zong.

Chen Zong felt an indescribable awe for no reason, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous in his heart.

Facing the Great God King, this feeling is inevitable, because the Great God King always has an indescribable majesty, which is a majesty that he cannot resist no matter what.

"From now on, I will teach you how to cultivate." The Great God King just stared at Chen Zong, and then said, with an indescribable solemnity and sacredness in his voice.

"Thank you, Great God King." Chen Zong immediately saluted with his sword.

"Your swordsmanship is superb, and I can't give you any more advice." The Great God King said calmly, "Your cultivation is self-contained, and I can't give you any advice either."

Chen Zong did not respond, but quietly listened to the words of the Great God King. Since the Great God King said that he wanted to teach himself to practice, he must be able to teach himself to practice. It is just a feeling. No need to tease yourself.

"Cultivation is also cultivation of the mind. Your mind is not pure enough and not peaceful enough." The Great God King seemed very satisfied with Chen Zong's attitude, and said after nodding slightly.

Chen Zong was startled for a moment, his heart was not pure enough, not peaceful enough

I don't feel it.

When it comes to the mind, I should be more outstanding than other practitioners. After all, what I practice is the One Heart Art, starting from the initial single-mindedness, and the single-mindedness is to make my mind more cohesive and concentrated. It also laid a solid foundation for the follow-up of One Heart, Ten Artistic Conceptions, One Heart and Hundred Artistic Conceptions, etc.

The cultivation of mind and mind has always been something that Chen Zong is proud of, even if it is not shown on the surface.

Now, the Great God King actually said that his heart was not pure enough and not peaceful enough, Chen Zong disagreed a little.

"From now on, you will meditate on the top of the tree." The Great God King did not give any explanation, but said: "When will your heart be able to calm down completely, and then enter the next stage of cultivation. "

"Yes." Chen Zong could only respond in this way.

The white crane soars in the sky, and the thin golden monkey pulls Chen Zong's clothes to go towards the big tree. Chen Zong follows the trend and climbs up the big tree until it reaches the top of the big tree.

If it was before, Chen Zong would not be able to climb up at all, but now, he has adapted to the heavy pressure of the god star, and with the continuous circulation of Hunyuan's mind, it is enough to easily resist the heavy pressure here. With Yuanxin power, only relying on the indestructibility of the universe, the body can resist the heavy pressure and act normally like ordinary people.

It is almost impossible to find a foothold at the top of the 100-meter-high tree. The branches are very thin, and the leaves are even thinner. How to bear the weight of a normal person is simply impossible.

If it is outside, Chen Zong can easily do it, but here, the pressure is very strong, even if Chen Zong is used to the pressure now, but the pressure has always existed, and the delicate branches and leaves can't bear Chen Zong. body weight.

Trying to raise his breath and stand up lightly, the branches couldn't bear Chen Zong's body, and bent quickly, Chen Zong couldn't stand or sit steadily.

Xiao Jin chirped twice, leaped lightly, and landed on a delicate branch and leaf. At the beginning, it was shaking violently, as if it was about to fall, but in the next breath, Xiao Jin was sitting upright, with his eyes slightly closed, and there was something strange in his expression. It has a solemn and solemn feeling. Its body seems to be glued to the branches and leaves, and it seems to be integrated with the branches and leaves. With the branches and leaves fluctuating up and down, there is an indescribable sense of rhythm.

Chen Zong couldn't help but widen his eyes, Xiao Jin actually did it.

After touching Xiao Jin's body, Chen Zong knew very well that although Xiao Jin looked less than one meter, he was not light at all, perhaps even heavier than himself.

How does it do it

As soon as he changed his mind, Chen Zong immediately thought about it, and then concluded that it is the so-called purity and tranquility.

The purity of the heart, the tranquility of the heart!

So what should I do so that I can do it myself

The Great God King's advice is very simple, just a sentence, but whether he can understand it or not depends on Chen Zong's own ability.

Chen Zong stared at Xiao Jin, Xiao Jin's body seemed to be integrated with that leaf, swaying gently in the wind, and sometimes, Chen Zong looked at the white crane soaring in the sky, with such an elegant posture and divinity , It is so comfortable and leisurely.

Unknowingly, Chen Zong's heart gradually calmed down, and his thoughts became less and less.

Don't think about it, don't think about it deliberately, let it be, and appreciate the beautiful scenery everywhere in this world. Chen Zong suddenly felt that sometimes because of too much thinking about how to comprehend and how to practice, he would unconsciously What was overlooked.

Some scenery, even a small stone on the roadside, or a nearly dry weed, seems so insignificant, but it also has its shape and life, but very few people pay attention to it , someone will take it seriously.

In a trance, Chen Zong seemed to have gained something, but he seemed to have gained nothing.

Don't care, don't care, just look at it like this, look here and there, very casually, unknowingly, as if driven by a kind of instinct, Chen Zong got down from the tree and immediately walked forward , went forward and went out.

Walk on God Star!

Shenxing is not too big. There are forests, lakes, wilderness, etc. on it. The scenery is also unique. There are many plants that have never been seen before, and there are many strange-shaped stones.

As if carelessly, as if intentionally or unintentionally, every time you look at it, you will feel a kind of beauty. Even the angle of a stone has its own uniqueness, which makes people feel a touch of emotion inadvertently and unknowingly.

Unknowingly, Chen Zong walked around the god star and returned to the original point, back under the 100-meter tree, standing still, as if he was looking at the lines on the tree, but Chen Zong's His eyes were a little distracted, and he didn't focus on anything.

Climbing, climbing straight up, the movement seems a bit weird, but it also has a natural feeling, which seems to fit some kind of mystery.

Climbing to the top of the tree again, staring at a leaf, the lines on it are so clear, Chen Zong even vaguely felt that the leaf seems to be breathing, maintaining a mysterious rhythm, as if in Chen Zong The leaves in front of his eyes were constantly enlarged, and the leaves, which were originally only the size of a palm, seemed to become many times larger in an instant, as if they were made into a continent, and those lines were rivers on the continent, crisscrossing and stretching endlessly.

With a leap, his figure floated lightly, and landed on the leaf. The leaf immediately sank, but as Chen Zong's breathing matched the rhythm of the leaf, as if fused into one, the leaf immediately floated up again. , as if swaying gently in the wind.

Chen Zong's body seemed to have lost all weight.

Up and down, left and right, floating and sinking, moving with the wind, dancing with the leaves, so careless, and so comfortable and leisurely.

It seems that I can think of anything, and it seems that I don’t think about anything. I completely empty my mind, don’t think about anything, don’t stagnate about anything, the world is dark and boundless.


An indescribable tranquility flows in my heart, like a spring stream, so light, free and continuous.

Chen Zong woke up suddenly, and suddenly felt his state at this moment, a very strange state, that feeling, as if his body fell asleep, but his heart was awake, extremely awake, but he would not There is no distracting thought, it is as quiet and clear as the cloudless sky.

With a wonderful state and a wonderful feeling, Chen Zong finally understood why the Great God King said that his heart was not pure enough and not peaceful enough.

The heart is the heart, not the mind. The mind is the same root as the heart, but there are differences. A simple metaphor, the mind and the mind, the inner is the heart and the outer is the god.

What I have been cultivating is the mind, not the pure heart, so it is not pure enough, and because there are too many distractions and thoughts, it is not peaceful enough.

When you understand the difference between the heart and the gods, when you let go of so many thoughts and make yourself more calm and comfortable, you can notice more beauty that you usually ignore. .

What is pure

That's how pure it is!

What is tranquility

It is such tranquility!

It is difficult to describe clearly in words, enlightenment is enlightenment, no wonder the advice of the Great God King sounds so simple, because it can only be said that, whether you can understand it or not depends on the individual.

The body sits on the palm-sized leaf, as if it is so light that it loses all its weight. The mysterious breathing method and the rhythm of the swaying leaves fit together, regardless of each other, as if it should be like this.

"What a talent." The Great God King raised his head and glanced at Chen Zong, and was secretly amazed.

In fact, Chen Zong's heart is purer and quieter than most of the cultivators known by the Great God King, and that kind of extreme purity and tranquility is actually exclusive to the gods, because the life of the gods is special, Their hearts are easily pure and serene.

It is almost impossible for a life that is not a god to do that.

"He is indeed qualified to go there for further study." The gaze of the Great God King seemed to flash with divine brilliance.

(end of this chapter)