Sword God

Chapter 3315: The house of origin of the gods


There is no alternation of day and night, no rotation of the sun, the moon and the stars. Chen Zong is completely immersed in the peace of mind. He has no practice or enlightenment, and some just empties himself, as if he has let go of everything, and he seems to be able to take everything up.

Get carried away and immerse yourself in it.

At a certain time, Chen Zong really woke up and broke away from that state of peace of mind. The moment he just left, Chen Zong immediately felt that there seemed to be countless distracting thoughts emerging, like the waves of the sea. As if to crush one's mind and submerge one's will.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's mind and will were very strong, and he adjusted quickly.

That kind of feeling is like a strong wind howling outside, while the doors and windows of the house are closed, and when they are opened suddenly, the strong wind rushes in through the doors and windows.

"Thank you, Great God King." Chen Zong walked in front of the Great God King, bowed his sword respectfully, and spoke solemnly.

If it weren't for the guidance of the Great God King, I am afraid that I will not be able to understand this point in the years to come.

The purity of the heart, the tranquility of the heart!

One sentence is better than reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles.

True biography, that sentence, that sentence pointed out a direction for Chen Zong, allowing Chen Zong to understand.

What good does a pure heart and a peaceful heart do to oneself

At present, Chen Zong has no clear experience, but his intuition tells himself that it must be useful, and it will be very useful.

"You can enter the final stage of cultivation." The Great God King's gaze was calm and deep, like a vast ocean with no waves, like a boundless and boundless void of the universe.

"Please give advice from the Great God King." Chen Zong said respectfully.

"Go." The Great God King waved his hand, and that arm cut across the void of God Star like a magic knife, directly drawing a white crack, causing Chen Zong's eyelids to tremble unconsciously, and secretly startled.

The spatial strength of Shenxing is extremely astonishing. I fought fiercely with Xutian Baihe again and again, but failed to break through it, let alone break it, and even couldn't do it by swinging the ripples.

Chen Zong pays himself, even if he is armed with the Ancient God Sword Armor and strikes with all his strength, he still cannot break through the space of God Star, but what about now

With a swipe of the Great God King, he tore apart the space of God Star so easily, so understatement, it is simply appalling.

What is the strength of the Great God King

Demigod Realm

Chen Zong did not speculate on the higher true god realm, after all, the power of the demigod realm is beyond measure, let alone the legendary true god realm.

"Remember, you only have one chance to enter the house of origin of the gods, so stay as long as possible." The Great God King warned, ignoring Chen Zong, and the phantom white scratches suddenly separated from the left and right, as if separated by a pair of people. As if being pulled by an invisible big hand, an oval-shaped portal was formed, filled with a burst of white luster.

"House of Spirit Origin." Chen Zong murmured again, not knowing what it was

It sounds like a house, but what exactly is it for

have no idea.

The only way to know is when you enter.

With a solemn expression and firm eyes, Chen Zong immediately strode towards the door formed by the white scratch. When he stepped in first, he felt a strange feeling, as if he had stepped into another time and space, which was indescribable.

In the second step, the whole body is completely submerged in it.

Out of the corner of the Great God King's eyes, he saw that Chen Zong had completely stepped into the portal, and also felt that Chen Zong had really entered the house of the origin of the gods, so he couldn't help secretly looking forward to it.

The house of origin of the gods is a unique space created by the Great God King himself with his mighty power. It is directly connected to the unique space of the origin of the universe. In it, the origin of the universe can be seen more intuitively without being assimilated by it.

A piece of emptiness, endless emptiness, boundless emptiness, presented directly in front of Chen Zong's eyes.

Everything up, down, left, and right is a piece of whiteness, so white that it makes one's heart palpitate, so white that one can't consciously feel flustered.


Incomparably empty, except for a portal, there is nothing.

Standing here, Chen Zong directly felt an indescribable sense of loneliness growing from his heart, and it was as if his powerful cultivation base and tyrannical physical strength had disappeared, as well as that pure and tyrannical sword intent. It seems to have disappeared.

An ordinary person!

At this moment, I seem to have become an ordinary person.

Chen Zong was just surprised, calmed down instantly, and did not panic in the slightest because of this, it was not the first time he had experienced such a situation, it was nothing.

That power is still there, but for some reason it is temporarily not felt. As long as you leave here, the powerful power will return to you.

Putting aside this doubt, Chen Zong immediately began to observe further, but no matter how you look at it, here is a seemingly boundless empty space. After looking at that color for a long time, with Chen Zong's strong will and mind, he couldn't help but give birth to A trace of indescribable panic, unstoppable.

move around!

Chen Zong walked slowly, and suddenly found that as he walked, his breathing seemed to be affected, and he lost his powerful strength, as if he had been beaten back to his original shape and became an ordinary person. Breathing is an instinct, and it is also necessary.

But the breath here is very thin. After walking, Chen Zong felt that his breathing became short and unsmooth, as if he couldn't breathe enough. It felt like an ordinary person running on a plateau , almost suffocating.

Even if he stopped walking and stopped walking, the feeling of not being able to breathe smoothly and almost suffocating was still there, without dissipating in the slightest.

Boom boom boom!

Chen Zong heard his heart beating wildly, and it became more and more intense. If this situation continued, he might have to leave if he couldn't stay here for a long time.

There was a sudden flash of inspiration in his mind, and Chen Zong immediately thought of the peace of mind that the Great God King had enlightened and mastered not long ago.

During breathing, Chen Zong's distracting thoughts were gradually eliminated, and his heart became pure and peaceful, as if everything was emptied, the mind was emptied, the body was also emptied, and the feeling of suffocation faded and disappeared.

Chen Zong suddenly had a clear understanding, and the great god king asked himself to first understand and grasp the peace of mind, probably just to prepare for entering the house of the origin of the gods.

Here, only by mastering the peace of mind and maintaining this state of tranquility can we stay longer, otherwise we will not be able to bear it in a short time and must leave.

In the state of peace of mind, Chen Zong walked around again, this time, he would not have the feeling of shortness of breath, like a fish in water.

I don't know when, a ray of light suddenly flashed, as if it came from nothingness, pierced through the whiteness, it was like a ray of light, like a dragon and snake dancing.

The first, second, third...

Rays of rays of light spread from all directions, as if dancing in the sky, and gradually formed a piece, which looked so magnificent and beautiful, making Chen Zong couldn't help staring away, feeling thrilling , amazed by it.


However, Chen Zong felt the terrifying power contained in the glow, which was boundless and pure.

It was a supreme aura, as if it contained the mysteries of thousands of avenues, the deepest mysteries, and the most direct mysteries.

This kind of breath immediately reminded Chen Zong of the origin that he had comprehended in the past, the origin of the world.

Could it be that the mysteries contained in these rays are also the mysteries of the origin

There seemed to be flashes of inspiration in his mind, dots diffused like starlight, and then combined, Chen Zong's thinking suddenly changed, and he combined all kinds of things to make an inference, and the result of the inference shocked Chen Zong.

The origin of the universe!

Those rays of light are most likely a manifestation of the origin of the chaotic universe here.

In theory, the origin of the universe is the same as the origin of the world, but there is still the most essential difference, because the origin of the universe is more perfect than the origin of the world, and it is also more brilliant. gap.

The origin of the world is like ordinary people, and the origin of the universe is like God.

Gods may be cultivated by humans, but to become a god is to get rid of the shackles of humans and become a more advanced existence.

There is a world of difference.

The origin of the world is relatively easy to comprehend, and can be directly comprehended, but the origin of the universe is different. Only those who are strong in the demigod realm can face the origin of the universe, observe, and comprehend the mysteries contained in it, because the powerhouse in the demigod realm It is enough to withstand the power emitted by the source of the universe all the time, but not for cultivators below the demigod level.

The origin of the universe is the fusion of the origin of the entire universe. It is the core of the core. It contains the deepest and most intuitive mysteries of the origin of thousands of ways. Each of them is extremely powerful. When they are fused together, they emit The breath will also be fused together.

Perhaps one breath is nothing, even the True Sacred Realm can bear it, two breaths are nothing, ten breaths are nothing, but a hundred breaths, a thousand breaths, ten thousand breaths or even more When the breath is fused together, it is like thousands of small streams converging into a vast ocean, and a single roar of a wave can destroy everything.

Even a strong person at the level of the super-sacred realm cannot bear the power radiation emanating from the source of the universe, and will be defeated in a short time and turn into nothingness.

Even many gods cannot directly face the origin of the universe, such as the demon heart. Once they directly face the origin of the universe, they will be assimilated and fully integrated into the origin of the universe, which is tantamount to death.

The house of the origin of the gods is to let the radiation power of the origin of the universe enter it, manifesting it as rays of light, and deduce unique mysteries, so that the gods who enter the house of the origin of the gods can understand the mysteries without being assimilated.

Among the gods in the entire chaotic universe, who can face the origin of the universe, only the Great God King.

In the entire chaotic universe, there is only one Great God King.

It is not so easy even for those gods at the level of gods and kings to enter the house of origin of the gods. He was so amazed that he was willing to give Chen Zong such a chance.

There are thousands of rays of light, dancing in the sky, and performing thousands of mysteries in front of Chen Zong. Chen Zong immediately seized the opportunity and quietly comprehended it.

(end of this chapter)