Sword God

Chapter 3350: Ultimate Phantom


The ancestral land is filled with endless primitive divine power.

However, Chen Zong did not absorb the original divine power anymore, because this primitive divine power could no longer bring Chen Zong any tempering effect or improvement effect. Since this is the case, there is no need to waste it.

Flying past at a fast speed, his eyes swept across quickly, and all the words on the stone tablets were caught by Chen Zong's eyes.

Compared with the first time when he entered the ancestral land, Chen Zong's strength has been significantly improved, and he can better resist the rejection in the ancestral land. He can stay here for a longer time and have more time for him. Chen Zong can read and select carefully, and finally find a more suitable inheritance.

With fast speed, strong resistance, and being able to understand the writing on the stone tablet, and generally understand what kind of inheritance it is, Chen Zong is very efficient.

Browsing one stone tablet after another, Chen Zong saw the inheritance stone tablet of the Void Tibetan Yuan Secret Technique again, and passed it directly without any pause.

Keeping looking around, the repulsive power of the ancestral land is becoming more and more obvious and stronger, as if a pair of invisible big hands are constantly pushing Chen Zong's body, trying to push Chen Zong out, out here.

Resisting the ever-increasing repelling force in the ancestral land, Chen Zong even opened the Nine Void Acupoints to further resist the repelling pressure here and continue to search.

In the end, Chen Zong read all the inheritance in the ancestral land.

"It seems that only that inheritance is suitable for me now." Chen Zong's mind flashed all kinds of inheritance information just now, and he immediately made a decision.

Because, that repulsive force is getting stronger and stronger, if it continues, I will be unable to support myself and have to leave.

And since it costs a piece of precious Ancient Domain Token to enter the ancestral land, it would be too wasteful to leave without getting a inheritance.

Then, we can only choose the taller one among the short ones, and choose a relatively suitable one to accept the inheritance.

The inheritance of this sect is a secret method, called the secret method of the ultimate phantom body.

After choosing the inheritance, Chen Zong immediately accepted the inheritance. After accepting the inheritance, he could no longer bear the repelling force in the ancestral land, and was directly repelled away, appearing outside the huge ancient bronze portal.

In the next breath, Chen Zong once again traveled through time and space, away from the bronze portal, returned to the body, and brought back a inheritance.

Extreme phantom!

This is a secret law inheritance that can be transformed into a clone, suitable for cultivation below the demigod level, and useless to the demigod level.

In fact, all inheritance in the ancestral land is useless to the demigod level, only suitable for demigod level and below.

The Jidao phantom body has been cultivated to the extreme, and can transform into a clone, a clone that has 100% of its own strength, and can also use all its own methods. It is almost like a replica of the deity.

It sounds that the secret method of Jidao Illusion Body is very powerful and amazing, but it is not the case. Its advantages are obvious, and its disadvantages are also obvious.

The secret method of extreme phantom body must be practiced in advance, that is, a clone must be condensed in advance, and that clone can live in the body of the deity and be summoned when needed.

Once summoned, it cannot be taken back immediately, until the power of the clone is exhausted, and it can be taken back and replenished.

The second shortcoming is that the avatar does not have any intelligence. It is like a puppet, a puppet that needs to be controlled by the deity. Only when the deity controls it can the avatar show its strength.

Therefore, to a certain extent, the avatar condensed by the extreme phantom body secret method is actually used to replace the deity for some explorations.

For example, when wandering through some secret realms and forbidden places, if you are worried about encountering irresistible dangers, you will use the extreme phantom body secret method to condense the avatar, and the real deity will perform remote control, go for a break, try the danger, and see if you can handle it. If it is really impossible to deal with it, then the deity will give up, but if it can be dealt with, the deity can really make a breakthrough.

This is the usual application method of the extreme phantom body secret method.

However, there are also some people who have different usages, such as fighting with the deity.

To fight with the deity, it means that the deity must have the ability to be distracted and multi-purpose. It is a real distraction and multi-purpose, and it will not interfere with each other at all. It will weaken the control over the avatar, and the consequence of doing so will undoubtedly be that the deity and the avatar cannot fully exert their due strength.

However, this shortcoming is nothing to Chen Zong, it is not a shortcoming at all.

Because, Chen Zong can easily control the doppelgänger under the Primal Primal Realm.

As for whether this is the case, it needs to be verified, how to verify

It's very simple, first practice the secret method of extreme phantom body, practice it to the extreme, and then condense out a clone and try it out.

With the cooperation of Chen Zong's superb comprehension and the single-minded Primordial Realm, Chen Zong quickly completed his comprehension of the secret method of the extreme illusion and began to practice.

The requirement for cultivating the secret method of the extreme illusion is to control one's own power, which is not difficult for Chen Zong. Moreover, Chen Zong has refined the incarnation, and it has become an experience. Therefore, it is only a short period of time. In less than a month, Chen Zong succeeded in cultivating this secret technique that took others ten years or more to practice to the extreme, and cultivated it to the extreme.

In order to practice the secret method of extreme illusion, in addition to thoroughly comprehending and practicing this secret method, you also need to use external force, a kind of treasure, a treasure called phantom gold.

After spending some military exploits, Chen Zong exchanged for a piece of Illusion God Gold from God War League.

The Illusory God Gold is indeed a treasure, but it is not considered a heavy treasure, and its uses are relatively limited, so the value is not particularly high, and of course, it is not too low. Chen Zong spent a full 50,000 military exploits to successfully exchange it.

50,000 military exploits, compared to Chen Zong's previous 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 military exploits, is indeed not much, but it is not a lot at all. You must know that the basic military exploits of a campaign mission is 1,000. Only by performing well in the field can you get more military exploits, but basically hundreds to thousands, rarely tens of thousands.

Ordinary true saints want to collect 50,000 combat achievements, but it takes a lot of time and endures a lot of danger.

The texture of Phantom God Gold is soft, but it does not lose its toughness. It is not suitable for refining weapons, but it is just suitable for the cultivation of extreme phantom body secrets. Injecting power into it, refining it over and over again, so that his own power and the magic gold were completely fused, Chen Zong successfully condensed a clone, and then summoned the clone.

With a flash of light, Chen Zong's figure seemed to be in a trance for an instant, and a figure suddenly emerged from Chen Zong's body, appearing next to him, and his figure quickly changed from virtual to real, looking exactly the same as Chen Zong.

However, it may be because the avatar is condensed and formed based on the phantom gold, and its skin looks pale golden, so it is easy to distinguish it from the deity. Moreover, the avatar's eyes are dull and motionless , like a wooden man.

After careful inspection, Chen Zong nodded, and then separated his mind into the avatar.

When he moved, the avatar began to move under the control of Chen Zong's consciousness. First he raised his hand, then walked, ran, jumped, and then punched out a set of punches to get familiar with this avatar.

Not long after, Chen Zong was completely familiar with and mastered the avatar, and then drew his sword.

Yes, there is also a sword at the waist of the avatar, which is equivalent to a replica of the Xinyi Heavenly Sword. Of course, it does not have the powerful power of the Xinyi Heavenly Sword. The environment is useless, and it is useless to demi-artifacts.

Therefore, the sword on the avatar's waist is just a very ordinary sword, at best equal to the level of the top chaos holy weapon.

"It seems that we have to get another suitable sword weapon, at least at the level of a quasi-sacred weapon." Chen Zong said secretly involuntarily.

It is unrealistic to want to obtain a semi-sacred weapon. Of course, if there is a chance, Chen Zong also wants to obtain it, but compared to a semi-sacred weapon, a quasi-sacred weapon is easier to obtain.

Otherwise, first take away the quasi-sacred weapon of the incarnation, the Black Emperor Sword, and let the incarnation use the original top-notch holy weapon of chaos.

The avatar immediately swung out a sword, displaying the Yixinshen swordsmanship.

Everything about the avatar is inherited from the deity, how strong the deity is, how strong the avatar is.

The deity and the avatar began to exchange ideas.

It's still a strange feeling to use the single-minded swordsmanship, controlled by the consciousness of Chen Zong himself.

Hit yourself!

Fighting against an avatar is of course considered beating yourself, but there is still a difference, because the avatar does not need the deity to control, has wisdom, and acts independently.

However, the consciousness of the deity to control the avatar and fight against the deity, the feeling is different from fighting against the avatar, Chen Zong soon gave up.

It's boring.

That kind of feeling is like playing cards, or playing open cards, clearly seeing the opponent's cards, and the cards are all the same, there is no mystery at all, it is very boring.

Constantly trying, Chen Zong finally explored the power and mystery of the avatar cultivated by the extreme magic body secret method.

The avatar that I have condensed under the normal strength has my own normal strength, and if I control it, I can use various methods of my own, but there is one thing that I cannot use is the secret method of void storage.

Void Zangyuan needs to open up the Void Acupoint first. Obviously, the avatar cannot open the Void Acupoint, which means a flaw, that is, the combat endurance of the avatar is obviously limited, just like an incarnation.

Fortunately, Chen Zong also discovered that the Void Aperture Point of the deity can be connected with the clone, which can supplement the power consumption of the clone.

In other words, as long as the power of Chen Zong's deity is not exhausted, there is hope for the avatar to exist forever.

When Chen Zong tried to arm the King-level Ancient God Sword Armor and then condensed the clone with all his strength, the power of the clone also reached the level of Chen Zong's armed Ancient God Sword Armor, and its body was also covered with a layer of light golden sword First.

The Ancient God Sword Armor is not something like the Xinyi Heavenly Sword, but is cultivated from Chen Zong's body, so it can be manifested on the clone.

"With the extreme phantom body near me, my combat power has increased again. Even the clone of the god can be killed." Chen Zong secretly said, the eyes were flickering, extremely sharp.

(end of this chapter)