Sword God

Chapter 3363: Marine reinforcements


Fight, fight, fight!

No one is spared in the race to the death.

Until death!

The strength of the avatar of the Eternal Ice Demon God is extremely powerful, even if Chen Zong's incarnation and Yu Nianxin join forces to hold it, they cannot be suppressed, so that the eternal cold air of the avatar of the Eternal Ice Demon God permeates and freezes the surrounding area, and it will also spread to everyone. To other human race and original race practitioners.

"Nianxin, I will abandon this incarnation and injure him severely, so you take the opportunity to kill him." Chen Zong immediately said to Yu Nianxin via voice transmission.

"..." Yu Nian was taken aback.

"Remember, protect yourself and wait for my deity to leave the customs." Chen Zong finally urged, and immediately broke out with all his strength, and smashed through the air with a sword to kill the clone of the ancient ice demon god.

Chen Zong's avatar seemed to be on fire, and he put all his strength into the sword.

This is the sword that Chen Zong gave up his incarnation and released completely. Its power has directly reached the level of a clone of a god.

But this sword is different from the Sword God's Descending Sword used by the deity.

As soon as the sword god came and cast it, time and space seemed to be stagnant and frozen, but this sword was extremely violent, it was a sword full of darkness and death, it was a sword of death, just because Chen Zong transformed everything into a sword. They were all overdrawn and burned, just for this sword.

This is the last desperate move of the avatar.

When Chen Zong unleashed this sword, the incomparably terrifying breath of death permeated, disturbing all directions, and also the avatars of Dahetian Demon God and Eternal Darkness Demon God. They all stared at them with horror on their faces.

The avatar of the Eternal Ice Demon God also looked horrified, continuously condensing walls of ice, but was pierced continuously by the death sword light, with such force that it was impossible to dodge, and finally stabbed the Eternal Ice Demon God directly.

Without the Eternal Ice God's Halberd in hand, the Eternal Ice Demon God's avatar could not block this sword.

A sword pierced through the air, and immediately pierced through the body of the avatar of the Eternal Ice Demon God, and the terrifying death force raged in its body, destroying it crazily.

Yu Nianxin exploded with all his strength, and the blood of Fenxing Zhenhuang was stimulated to the extreme, as if his whole body was on fire, all of Fenxing's true flames erupted, merged into the quasi-sacred weapon in his hand, and then slashed out with a sword.

The 100-meter Burning Star True Phoenix fired and bombarded, and directly bombarded the clone of the Eternal Ice Demon God. It was impossible to dodge being hit, and it immediately burst into flames.

Although Yu Nianxin's strength is not as strong as the Eternal Ice Demon God, the Burning Star True Flame is indeed terrifying, and can restrain the Eternal Ice Demon God clone to a certain extent.


The avatar of the Eternal Ice Demon God was first stabbed by Chen Zong's death sword at the cost of destroying his avatar, and he was directly injured severely.

Struggling, but to no avail.

Seeing this scene, the great emperors of the original human race entangled the avatars of Heitian Demon God and Eternal Darkness Demon God one after another, making them unable to reinforce the avatars of Eternal Ice Demon God, so that Eternal Ice Demon God was burned alive.

At the same time, their hearts were filled with sorrow.

In order to kill the opponent's god clone, Wushuang Shenjiandi actually gave his life.

They didn't know about Chen Zong's real body retreat, and they didn't know that what was sacrificed was actually Chen Zong's incarnation.

The avatar of the Eternal Ice Demon God died, but the avatar of Chen Zong also disappeared, which can only be regarded as relieving the pressure on the original side of the human race to a certain extent, but they are still at a disadvantage and are constantly being killed.

In the other two places, without Chen Zong's powerful means, they could barely resist the attack of the god's avatar, and with the help of the formation, they could resist for a while.

The demigods looked dignified. If things go on like this, they might be defeated.

There was a sudden change. In the void in the distance, it was originally empty, but suddenly water emerged from the depths of the void.

It was water, gurgling out, faster and faster, turning into a wave and surging away, followed by the second and third waves.

One after another, the waves continued to surge, and in less than ten breaths, the empty void turned into a vast ocean. Countless sea waters were turbulent, and countless waves were surging and surging continuously.

The water vapor diffused away, with a hint of salty smell, which was the smell of sea water.

For a time, no matter whether it was the original human race, the celestial human race, the demon race or the giant race, all of them stopped fighting, and they all turned their heads to look over, even the demigods.

Why is it so sudden that sea water emerges from the depths of the void and spreads out at an astonishing speed, turning into a vast ocean in less than ten breaths, with endless fluctuations.

This kind of change is the most vigilant, especially at this important moment.

Immediately, in that expanse of ocean, a vortex appeared, spinning endlessly like a sea eye, spreading out continuously, and endless sea water poured out crazily from the huge sea eye, like a torrent.

The tyrannical aura suddenly diffused along with the continuously emerging sea water, it was an astonishing coercion.

When that aura appeared, it seemed to permeate the sky and cover the earth, causing the expressions of the demigod powerhouses of all ethnic groups to change drastically.

Demi god!

That aura is clearly the aura of a demigod.

Now, there is actually one more demigod.

The current situation is that the original human race is at a disadvantage, but the confrontation at the demigod level is considered evenly matched. After all, this is the territory of the original human race, surrounded by formations, and occupying the geographical advantage. Now there is another one and a half God's word changed the situation.

Which side will the demigod turn towards

Or alone

Immediately afterwards, the expressions of the demigods changed again, because a second aura of demigod realm diffused from the sea eye.

Then came the third and fourth ways.

The breath of the four demigod realms means that four demigod realm powerhouses will appear.

One demigod can already affect the situation of the battle, and four demigods are enough to influence the direction of the battle.

But that's not all, the aura of the fifth demigod realm appeared again, stronger than the aura of the previous four demigod realms.

It seems to be the breath of a demigod.

One demigod dominates, and four demigods come down.

"It's the Sea Clan." A human demigod said via voice transmission.

"It is indeed the breath of the Sea Clan."

"The Sea Clan has disappeared for many years, why did they suddenly appear?"

The eight demigods' hearts are heavy. Could it be that the purpose of the appearance of the Sea Clan is also to fight for the ownership of the chaotic universe

Right now, this situation is already extremely bad for the original people of the human race. If the sea people intervene again, it will only get worse and more chaotic.

The Celestials, Demons, and Giants didn't know the existence of the Sea Clan. In fact, the Sea Clan disappeared when the last incomplete universe was shattered. No one knew where they went, and they didn't appear until now.

Sea people!

In the last incomplete universe, it was also an extremely powerful race, not inferior to the human race and the original race in the slightest, and even surpassed it.

That seems to be the case today.

A sea clan has five demigods, or should be said to be sea gods.

The five sea gods are more than the pure human race and also more than the pure original race.

At this time, from the eye of the sea, a figure gradually floated up. It was a ten-meter-high figure with ears like fish fins, long hair like seaweed, strong body, and covered with green scales. It seemed to be glowing with golden light, holding a trident in his hand.

Sea people!

The demigod of the Sea Clan, among the Sea Clan, is the Sea God.

The first Seagod appeared, followed by the second Seagod, a female Seagod holding two swords.

The third, fourth, and four sea gods appeared one after another, standing around, as if guarding the sea eye, and then, a sea god wearing a golden-blue crown appeared, like a king.

Poseidon dominates!

The Sea God Lord waved the trident, which symbolized supreme power, and immediately, a series of vortices appeared, which expanded in an instant, and then, a series of figures appeared from it.

Sea warriors!

A large number of Sea Clan fighters then appeared.

In just a few breaths of time, millions of Sea Clan fighters appeared in that vast ocean, and every one of the Sea Clan fighters exuded a terrifying aura, giving people the feeling that they had at least reached the level of a god. There is also a part of the emperor level.

At least the millions of warriors at the level of the gods, the aura is incomparably astonishing, and it spreads out mightily, like a surging tide, sweeping in all directions.

"The life of the pre-ancient cosmic era, where did it come and go." The Sea God Master said, and his voice carried a mighty divine power, sweeping away.

The original side of the human race suddenly showed joy.

The Sea Clan is here for reinforcements.

Five demigods plus an army of at least a million god-level fighters are a powerful reinforcement for the original human race, enough to turn the tide of the battle.

"The Sea God Army obeys the order and kills all the lives of the previous ancient universe era." The Sea God Master directly ordered, very decisive and very ruthless.

kill them all!

Kill without hesitation.

Millions of Sea Clan fighters roared loudly, their voices shaking the heavens.

Immediately, the soldiers divided into three groups, and killed the Celestials, Demons and Giants respectively.

The war started again.

Although there are no god clones among the Sea Clan, there are many Great Emperor-level powerhouses, more than any other clan, and there are also many Extreme-level Great Emperor powerhouses, and the Sea Clan is born with a strong physique, which is also very strong among the same level The presence.

With the joint efforts of several extreme-level great emperors, it is enough to contend against a clone of a god.

The pressure on the original side of the human race has been greatly relieved.


They started to counterattack the Celestials, Demons, and Giants. They were originally at a disadvantage, but now they are reinforced by the Sea Clan army, and they launched a counterattack, a very fierce counterattack.

The five demigods of the Sea Clan did not attack directly, but dispersed, with the Sea God dominating one side, and the four Sea Gods scattered to the other two, assisting the original demigods of the Human Race against the Celestial, Demon and Giant races. The demigod suppressed them in momentum.

Although the demigod realm powerhouses have not yet started fighting, the situation has gradually become clearer.

The demigods of the Celestials, Demons, and Giants had very ugly faces and were filled with anger. After planning for many years and paying a huge price, they finally reached this point. They were about to succeed. No one expected that such an accident would happen. .

(end of this chapter)