Sword God

Chapter 3364: swept up


The God of Sea Lord had all his strength, and together with the two demigod masters of the original human race against the three demigods of the Celestial Race, among them, Shenhui Tianshen had the strength of a demigod master and was very powerful.

Originally, the three gods of the Celestial-Human race overwhelmed the two demigod masters of the original human race, gaining the upper hand in the momentum confrontation, but now, due to the arrival of the Sea God master, they gradually lost the wind.

In the second place, the three demigods from the demon race faced the three original demigods from the human race. Originally, they were evenly matched, but now there are two more sea gods. , The terrifying coercion was like a turbulent sea tide, one after another, the turbulent impact came, surging and mighty, it seemed to crush them all.

In the third place, the tyrannical and huge bodies of the three giants of the giant gods continued to release incomparable coercion, and the divine power rushed away, as if three ancient sacred mountains crazily hit the three demigods of the original human race, but Now, because of the joining of the two Seagod Realm powerhouses, the aura of divine power was superimposed with the divine power of the three demigods of the original human race, crushing and crushing the three giant gods.


As a last resort, the demigod powerhouses of the Celestials, Demons, and Giants retreated one after another, looking very ugly.


Never expected that such an accident would happen.

Originally, everything should be under their control. After all, the Sea Clan has long since disappeared. Even the Human Race and the Yuan Clan have forgotten the Sea Clan in a corner, let alone the three races from the ancient universe era, who don’t even know about it. Any information about Haizu.

Millions of sea warriors were divided into three groups, and the armies of the celestials, demons, and giants were immediately suppressed. It was almost a one-sided attack on the original army of the human race, but now because of the joining of the sea warriors, the situation was overwhelmed. Evening, a tug-of-war was formed for a while, but the cooperation between the sea clan and the original human clan seemed to be getting more and more tacit, and they began to gain the upper hand little by little.


None of the three major races expected this to be the case. They had thought about it a lot, but they didn't expect that an extremely powerful race would emerge to reinforce the original human race. It was simply unbelievable.

Do you want to leave here

Years of hard work and preparation, just give up

You know, they spent countless resources to build altars and the like, smashing the time and space of the chaotic universe, thus creating a chaotic passage, leading their respective countries to come to this universe, which is equivalent to giving up the original fragments of the cosmic era , it is impossible to go back.

Either take root in the chaotic universe, or die.

"Kill!" With a loud roar, the evil spirit billowed, so resolutely, the aura and divine power also skyrocketed.

However, in the face of the difference in strength, it is still useless. It seems that the original human race is not as strong as the opponent. Even if they fight with the determination to break the boat, at most they will cause more casualties to the opponent, unable to reverse the situation.

The armies of the Celestials, Demons, and Giants began to retreat steadily, with constant casualties.

If this continues, the original human race will be able to defend their territory and repel powerful enemies.

However, there are no absolutes in the world, and they are always full of surprises.

A terrifying aura suddenly appeared, sweeping from three different directions.

One breath is full of strange monster nature, one breath is full of ferocious demon nature, and one breath is overbearing like a god-like demon.

The ancient demon race, ancient demon race, and god-devil race appeared.

The demigod-level powerhouses of the three major clans came out first, bringing along the warriors of the ancient demon clan, the ancient demon clan, and the god-demon clan, rushing like a tidal wave.

The faces of the demigod powerhouses of the Celestials, Demons, and Giants all turned green.

A Sea Clan came, and now there are three powerful races. Although none of them can compare with the Sea Clan, each clan has three demigod-level powerhouses, which are not inferior to them now.

If the three powerful clans that appeared were also on the side of the original human race, then the invasion could be declared a failure, and they could only flee, fleeing in a panic, fleeing away like a bereaved dog, and only them half Only gods have the ability to escape, and the clansmen below demigods can only die.

The demigod expression of the original human race became dignified.

Is the expected worst-case scenario still to come

Before, it was the demigods of these three powerful races that held back the demigods of the original race of the human race, otherwise there would be no such terrible situation.

It's normal for a demigod to not attack people below the demigod, but it depends on the situation.

The three powerful races from the ancient cosmic era have all invaded the chaotic universe. Wouldn't it be too stupid if they didn't take action, after all, the enemies were going to break into the house and plunder.

However, the ancient demon clan, the ancient demon clan and the god demon clan feared that the world would not be chaotic, and held back the eight demigods of the original human race, telling them not to make a move, otherwise the original human race would be killed countless times.

When the demigods of the three powerful clans from the three pre-ancient universe eras really descended and initially adapted to the origin of the chaotic universe, the demigods of the three powerful clans such as the ancient monster clan retreated one after another. The demigods of the Era and the demigods of the original human race fought to the death, causing the major races to fight to the death.

No matter who wins in the end, it must be a heavy loss. At that time, they can defeat it and divide the chaotic universe. As for the subsequent competition, it will become a competition among the three of them, belonging to the three of them.

The demigod powerhouses of the ancient demon race, ancient demon race, and god-devil race did not directly choose their camps. They did not really stand among the three pre-ancient universe era powerhouses, but formed their own camp to intervene.

The two don't help each other, but intervene in it, forming a tripartite force, but to some extent, it can be felt that they are actually more inclined to the three pre-ancient universe era powerhouses.

"Duorogo, the life of the pre-ancient cosmic era should stay in the fragments of the pre-ancient cosmic era. The chaotic universe belongs to our universe." A demigod of the human race roared at the demigod of the ancient monster race again .

"As long as it is life, it is qualified to survive in this universe." The demigod Dorogo of the ancient monster clan laughed sharply.

The original demigods of the human race did not know how many times they persuaded the ancient demons, the ancient demons, and the gods and demons demigods, and let them work together to defeat the three powerful races of the ancient universe era, instead of leading wolves into the house.

But it is a pity that the ancient demons, ancient demons and gods and demons are not willing to listen to such opinions, but go their own way and have their own plans, which seems stupid. Of course, this is from the perspective of the original human race In fact, the more chaotic the universe is, the more beneficial it is for them.

Fishing in troubled waters!

No one is a fool, especially beings who can cultivate to the semi-god level, their wisdom is not low, some decisions and practices that seem stupid to others are beneficial to themselves, but the nature of life is different and the perspective is different , simply put, the positions are different.

Who is right and who is wrong, you can't say absolutely until the end.

Shenwei hedged, and for a while, the outcome was unpredictable.

Before he could actually do anything, under the collision of the divine power, countless cracks appeared in the void, which appeared and healed and reappeared continuously. In the cycle of disillusionment, every crack will be filled with a terrible power of destruction.

The powerhouses in the demigod realm confronted each other with divine power, but that was not the case below the demigod realm, it was a life-and-death fight with real knives and guns.

The army of ancient monsters, ancient demons, and gods and demons directly attacked the original human race and the sea race. The three races were naturally tyrannical and amazing, and they were not inferior to the sea race at the same level. They each dispatched two to three hundred thousand tyrannical warriors to enter the battlefield , Killing the human camp is tantamount to assisting the three powerful armies of the ancient universe era.

For a time, the pressure on the three powerful armies of the ancient universe era was greatly reduced, and they began to launch a counterattack.

Yu Nianxin's body was burning with layers of Burning Star True Flame. The Burning Star True Flame seemed to possess spirituality. It turned into the outline of a phoenix to protect Yu Nianxin firmly. The result of Zhenyan's terrifying and fiery roasting and calcination is that he can't bear it, and his blood boils and burns. The whole body seems to have a flame burning from the inside out, like a torch, burning himself into ashes.

Sword slashing, using the tyrannical True Phoenix swordsmanship, the sword energy flew through the air like a burning star true phoenix flapping its wings. Wherever it passed, it immediately killed many demon warriors, and those corpses were burnt black, as if The charred wood was even burned to ashes.

The strength of the ultimate emperor, coupled with the blood of the Burning Star True Phoenix that was stimulated with all his strength, made Yu Nianxin's strength very tyrannical.

In the other place, Chen An, who was already a great emperor-level powerhouse, held a sharp sword and galloped in all directions wearing a battle armor.

The Litian Jiangang bodyguard that has been cultivated to the extreme is difficult for top-level emperors to break it. Even if it is attacked by an extreme-level emperor, it can hold up for an instant, enough to protect itself.

Xiucheng, the ancient god and star emperor, has also improved in strength in the past hundred years. He is the number one emperor of the original human race, second only to Chen Zong.

His blood is back to his ancestors, the blood of the ancient ancestors, and he controls the power of the stars. With a wave of his hand, stars appear, flickering in the sky and then fall. Every star that falls carries extremely powerful power, smashing a vacuum. The bombardment kills the Celestial Human Race.

Rays of starlight surrounded his body endlessly, like a group of stars protecting his body firmly.

Xiu Cheng had seen Chen Zong's Yixin Jue and tried to practice it, but unfortunately his talent in Yixin Jue was not high, it took more than ten years to practice Yixin Jue's introductory Yixin Yiyi, which made his mind even stronger Concise, more focused between shots.

Then, it took decades to practice the second level of the Yixin Jue, the Yixin Ten Artistic Conception, which directly increased the strength of one's body by several percent, controlled one's own strength more finely and calmly, and the power between shots became more and more tyrannical , The combat power surged.

With a wave of the hand, there are immediately starlight condensed, densely covered in all directions, dazzling, but there is a sense of death in the twinkling, and they fly directly, killing the warriors of the Celestial Race like meteors piercing the sky, piercing through and defeating them one after another.

(end of this chapter)