Sword God

Chapter 4: Sword back Chen Dalei


In the early morning, the sun rises slowly, and the golden red light fills the small lake.

By the lake, a person is practicing sword, the blade reflects the sunlight, which is a bit dazzling.

A sword pierced through the air violently, rushed out, and the body and steps were coordinated. After the iron sword circled and swept around in the sky, it slashed forward heavily, without stopping, and danced with the momentum, like a butterfly piercing through flowers. Before the shadow of the sword dissipated, a sword thrust out unexpectedly at an astonishing speed, swish swish swish three swords in a row.

Immediately, the iron sword quickly retracted, and after a slight pause, all the strength in his body rushed to his right arm. The blue veins on the back of his hand protruded, and the force penetrated the sword body in an instant, and stabbed fiercely, as if to smash all the obstacles in front of him.

The rushing sword style, the ring sword style, the chopping sword style, the chaotic sword style, the quick sword style, and the explosive sword style are performed consecutively, and the three sword body steps are coordinated and integrated.

"It took five days to finally master the eight moves of the real sword." Chen Zong put the sword back into its sheath, wiped off the sweat from his forehead, and showed a smile on his face.

The difficulty of practicing the Eight Forms of the True Sword is several times more difficult than that of the Tiger Power Fist, especially the coordination of the three swords, body, and steps. It must be in place, and there is no slight difference. If it were in the past, Chen Zong estimated that he would have to practice hard for more than a year It is possible to get started, and now after the pulse cutting and marrow washing are reborn, everything is different.

Every time he practiced, he could feel the slight tremor of the sword tip in the space between the eyebrows, and the cool breath, which made his mind extremely clear, better understand the sword technique, better control his body, and his cultivation efficiency soared many times.

"Small success in the eight moves of the real sword can exercise 60% of the body, and the training speed is obviously faster than the tiger power boxing at the peak of Dacheng, but it still won't allow me to break through to the third level of Qi and Blood Realm in the next twenty days." Chen Zong looked forward, which was the direction of Fenghou Forest: "Perhaps, I should enter Fenghou Forest to find herbs that can nourish blood energy, and hunt some animals by the way. Eating more animal meat is also good for cultivation."

Thinking of this, Chen Zong immediately strode towards Fenghou Lin.

Fenghou Forest is some distance away from Xiaohu Town. Chen Zong kept running at a constant speed all the way, and it took him a full hour to reach the forest. The wind blew past and howled, as if many wild beasts were roaring, hence the name.

After resting for a few minutes and recovering his strength, Chen Zong raised his sword and walked into Fenghou Forest.

The Fenghou forest is very large, with dense trees and luxuriant foliage, the sun is blocked, and the light becomes dim, like dusk, but Chen Zong's eyesight is better after the adventure, and he has not been greatly affected.

There are winds roaring outside the forest, but the forest is quiet, only the chirping of insects makes this quiet like a picture scroll.

Looking around carefully for a long time, I didn't find any herbs, not even a rabbit.

"It seems that the outskirts of the forest have been searched many times, so we can only go deep into the forest." Chen Zong said to himself, looking coldly into the depths of the forest.

Fenghou Forest is located at the foot of Fenghou Mountain, there may be monsters appearing at the border with Fenghou Forest, if there is no warrior with the strength to encounter monsters, there is only one dead end.

In the middle of the woods, there are snakes, insects, ferocious beasts, wolves, tigers and leopards running rampant. With Chen Zong's cultivation level, it is also very dangerous.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong stepped forward and walked resolutely into the forest, his vigilance raised to the highest level, his eyes fixed on the front, blood flowing all over his body, ready to go.

Suddenly, there was a slight movement on the right side. Chen Zong caught a glimpse of a white shadow out of the corner of his eyes. He subconsciously drew his sword and stabbed it out, but only cut off a few white hairs. It was a rabbit with extremely fast speed. In the tree hole, let yourself have no choice but to give up.

A trace of coolness made my skin crawl, and my hair stood on end. Without the slightest hesitation, the iron sword slashed upwards, the light of the sword was dim, and with a puff, a flying snake was cut off and fell to the distance.

Looking at the writhing brown body and the triangular head, Chen Zong gasped. His heart was beating wildly and he was terrified, and cold sweat oozes from his forehead. He recognized it as a withered snake, not a monster. However, the toxicity is astonishing. One bite would kill even a strong cow in just a few minutes, and even a warrior would not be able to last long.

"It's really dangerous everywhere." Chen Zong calmed down, but he didn't have the slightest fear. On the contrary, an unprecedented impulse made him continue to go deep into the Fenghou Forest. With a loud grunt.

"It turns out that I have been in for so long, go back first, and come back tomorrow." Chen Zong rubbed his belly and exited Fenghou Forest. When exiting, he still maintained a high degree of vigilance.

Walking slowly when going back, while thinking, to go home, he will pass the small lake first, but Chen Zong saw a brown figure standing by the small lake.

"Chen Dalei..." Frowning slightly, Chen Zong strode over without fear.

Chen Dalei, like Chen Zhongjie, is Chen Zhigang's henchman, but Chen Dalei's cultivation has reached the third level of Qi and Blood Realm, and he also practices Tiger Power Boxing, so his strength is much stronger than Chen Zhongjie's.

"I don't know if I can beat Chen Dalei with my current strength?" Chen Zong secretly said.

In terms of cultivation, he is not as good as Chen Dalei, but in terms of Huli Boxing, he has reached the peak of Dacheng, while Chen Dalei is at the peak of Xiaocheng.

"Chen Zong, you kept me waiting for an hour." Chen Dalei was strong and strong, shouting at Chen Zong with his eyes wide open, taking the lead.

"That's your business." Chen Zong was not shocked, but smiled.

"You injured Chen Zhongjie, and even threatened Brother Gang and me. This account should be settled." Chen Dalei roared, striding forward, and rushed towards Chen Zong, with a menacing aura and a fierce face, like a head Angry tiger.

Raising the tiger's claws, he punched and gathered momentum, and the power of the three layers of Qi and blood was condensed in it.

"It's just for you to try the eight moves of the real sword." The thought flashed by, Chen Zong separated his legs back and forth, his right leg was slightly bent in front, and his left foot was bent more in the rear. Standing up, the soles of the front feet are used as support, the muscles of the left leg are tense to the extreme, the body is slightly turned to the left and leaned forward, the left hand holds the iron sword close to the waist, and the five fingers of the right hand gently move.

Fujian style!

This is the starting move of the True Sword Eight Form.

With cold eyes and staring pupils, he could clearly see every expression and every movement of Chen Dalei, silently calculating the distance between the two sides.

"Hey!" He exhaled, fighting Chunlei with his tongue, Chen Dalei was about to throw out his right fist fiercely, if he was hit by a punch, he would definitely suffer internal injuries.

He exhaled, and at the same time quickly clasped the hilt of the sword with his right hand, kicked his left foot violently as if about to crush the ground, and twisted his waist to the right suddenly, driving a tyrannical force straight through his right arm, and the iron sword came out of its sheath, ear-piercing The sound of rubbing was still echoing in my ears, and the sword had already slashed forward, across a half-moon.

Draw the sword!

Frightened, Chen Dalei stopped in his tracks, only feeling a chill in his chest, the brown military uniform was cut open, and the tip of the sword almost slashed across his chest, leaving a fine mark with blood oozing out.

Tie Jian pointed at Chen Dalei, Chen Zong's face was cold.

"Chen Zong, don't use the sword if you have the ability." Chen Dalei stepped back a few steps, startled and furious, he was shocked.

"Knowing how to use a sword is my skill." Chen Zong was very calm.

"You..." Chen Dalei pointed at Chen Zong angrily, his face flushed with anger, his breathing was short of breath and his chest heaved violently: "Put down the sword and let me punch you, or you will die if Brother Gang strikes himself."

"Go back and tell Chen Zhigang that I will participate in the Martial Apprentice Battle in the near future, and then I will have a showdown with him." Chen Zong said coldly.

"Okay, since you're so overwhelmed, let Brother Gang take care of you." Chen Dalei smiled angrily, pointed at Chen Zong, then took a few steps back, turned and left.

Putting the sword back into its sheath, Chen Zong touched his stomach again, turned around and walked towards home: "Father should be back, I have to cook first."

The changes in himself can't be hidden from the father who once had the seventh level of Qi and blood.

Chen Zong made up a reason. On a certain night, after he finished boxing practice, he looked at the moon in a daze. A senior expert passed by and ate a fruit for him. On the second floor of the blood realm, he taught him the tiger power boxing technique, and finally taught him a foundation building sword technique.

It sounds very mysterious and hard to believe, but Chen Zhengtang just believed it, because he had heard of similar things. According to his words: If there is such a lucky person, why can't it be my son.

Since Chen Zhengtang believed it, Chen Zong heaved a sigh of relief. After all, the less people knew about that one-night adventure, the better. With Chen Zong's current experience, he couldn't tell why. It was just an intuition.

Washing rice and cooking, and Dad hadn't come back yet, Chen Zong pulled out a simple black wooden box covered with fine cracks from under the bed, opened the box, took out a scroll, and spread it on the table.

In an instant, there seemed to be a roar, and a fierce tiger jumped on the scroll.

"Tiger Down the Mountain Picture"!

This is what Dad found out after he learned that Chen Zong's Tiger Power Fist had reached the peak of Dacheng. Help Chen Zong.

When he said those words, Chen Zong noticed a smug look on his father's face, as if a child had snatched a toy.

Looking at the picture scroll carefully, black and white are distinct, the strokes are very simple, but they have a unique charm, and the brushwork is extraordinary. Under the simple outline, a steep mountain and a fierce tiger running and leaping down from the mountain are lifelike, and an aura is about to come to life. Come out through the paper.

The inscription is Chen Liwei's three characters, vigorous and powerful, three inches through the paper.

Whenever he is free in the past few days, Chen Zong will take out the picture scroll to observe carefully. As expected, he has a deeper understanding and comprehension of the Tiger Power Fist, and he is even more proficient in the Tiger Power Fist. Progress, but there is still no clue about the state of perfection.

"Great achievement is easy to obtain, but perfection is hard to find." Chen Zong secretly said, "I don't know how this senior Chen Liwei cultivated the Tiger Power Fist to perfection?"

"It would be great if I could ask this senior for advice in person, maybe I can find inspiration faster and make a breakthrough."

With a mutter, Chen Zong put aside this thought and focused on the picture of the tiger descending the mountain, savoring the unique charm contained in it carefully.

Looking at it, he felt that he seemed to see something in it, but he didn't grasp it, and the feeling of being unable to move up and down was really uncomfortable.

"You said he was going to challenge me?" Chen Zhigang, who was dressed in a green military uniform, had his back to Chen Dalei, raised his head to the sky with his hands behind his back.

"Yes." Chen Dalei nodded vigorously.

"The method of provocation, it's nothing more than a bug, who has the right to challenge me." Chen Zhigang sneered and said, "Da Lei, ask your brother to take action and let him lie down for ten days and eight months as punishment for challenging me. "

"Okay, I'll go find my brother right now." Chen Dalei clenched his fists, his face full of excitement, his brother's cultivation had reached the fourth level of Qi and Blood Realm, and he was a warrior.

(end of this chapter)