Sword God

Chapter 55: Suddenly realized


"It's really a strange skill."

After reading the content and detailed annotations of exercise exercises, Chen Zong thought secretly.

For normal people, due to physical limitations, the strength of a heavy arm is the limit. Since it is the limit, it is not so easy to break.

Because once it is broken, it will be another world.

For example, monsters have different bloodlines and life essences from humans. Their physical limits are many times higher than humans. Therefore, they have stronger survival capabilities and better fighting abilities.

This body training skill, the first to the third level is the foundation, tempering the membrane to strengthen the tendons and bones, making it into a copper-skinned reinforced iron bone, which has stronger defense and anti-strike ability, and can withstand stronger impacts. However, all aspects of strength and speed will not be enhanced.

It's like the same one thousand catty weight, just change the wood into stone and then into steel.

Only by practicing the fourth Hunyuan body can one break the limits of the human body.

There are nine exercises in total, and each exercise has nine variations. The first to third exercises correspond to the first stage, the fourth to sixth exercises correspond to the second stage, and the seventh to ninth exercises correspond to the third stage. Heavy, as for the fourth heavy, according to the above record, you need to comprehend it yourself.

Chen Zong tried the first form, nine changes, and immediately felt the difficulty. He barely finished it, unable to connect coherently, and felt that the skin membrane was torn, and the pain was unbearable.

For the practice of physical exercise, it is best to match the corresponding prescriptions to be effective, otherwise it will take several years, and you may not be able to practice the first level.

After familiarizing himself with the first form, Chen Zong stopped practicing and looked at the last roll of animal skin paper.

According to the real Jianglong, this is the map he drew after he failed to enter the Beast Mountain Range, and it shows the route he passed.

Chen Zong opened it and took a few glances. It was indeed very detailed, but his mood also fluctuated accordingly.

"Is there really a wider world beyond the Beast Mountain Range?"

"If so, what is it like?"

Chen Zong couldn't help feeling a little longing, and then laughed at himself. He was just a small Qi and blood warrior, and he didn't know how far he was from practicing strength, let alone the real martial arts. Breaking through, he was seriously injured and died in the end, not to mention others.

However, an invisible seed was also planted in Chen Zong's heart, and he didn't even realize it.

Five volumes of animal skin paper, two volumes of body exercises and prescriptions, the handwriting is obviously different from the other three volumes, it is indeed not written by Jianglong Zhenren, it seems that it should be left by the owner of this stone room as stated in his suicide note.

Putting down the map animal skin paper, Chen Zong's eyes slid to the bookshelf in front, and strode forward.

Books record all kinds of knowledge, and reading can accumulate wisdom and enrich oneself. The more books you read, the more obvious this experience will be.

"One hundred and thirty-two."

Every book has a name. It seems that it is not martial arts and martial arts, but miscellaneous books such as "Illustrated Demon and Beast", "Compendium of Herbal Medicine", "Jiangshan Picture Scroll" and so on.

Chen Zong brought all the names of the 132 books into his eyes, and then he took out a book called "The Millennium Kingdom" and flipped through it.

The content recorded in this book of the Millennium Kingdom is the Kingdom Era before the Zhenwu Era.

At that time, there were three kingdoms in Donglu, namely White Mang, Heishui, and Qingyun. Donglu was divided into three kingdoms, and there were royal families, nobles and other classes in the kingdom.

Looking at it, Chen Zong knew why Yang Yigu lamented that they were born in the age of real martial arts. If they were born in the age of the kingdom, they might not have the chance to practice martial arts, because the martial arts and martial arts in the age of the kingdom can only be mastered by the royal family and nobles. , ordinary people can only come into contact with Foundation Establishment martial arts at most.

If you want to become a warrior, you must either join the army of the kingdom or sell yourself to the noble royal family.

Holding "The Millennium Kingdom", Chen Zong followed the words in it, as if he had come to the era of the Three Kingdoms.

"Perhaps, I can stay here and read all the books before leaving." Chen Zong secretly thought, otherwise, he would not be able to carry all these books with him, that would be unrealistic, at most he would have to bring the five volumes of animal skin paper.

Reading is important, but cultivation is even more important.

The stone room is not too small, no matter it is for cultivating True Sword Heaven Skill or swordsmanship, but if you need food, you can't always rely on energy pills, not to mention there are only a dozen or so energy pills left.

Walk out of the stone chamber, go back to the place where you entered again, grope about it as recorded in Jianglong Zhenren’s posthumous note, and indeed feel a bump, press it down hard, the door on the mountain wall opens again, Chen Zong looks out a few times, twelve The iron-backed blue wolf disappeared, perhaps he left.

With a flash of his figure, he passed through the door on the mountain wall to the outside, and the door closed automatically without leaving any traces. He took off the black iron piece and put it in his arms. Chen Zong walked around to look for food.

Wild fruits, puddles, and monsters became Chen Zong's source of food.

Practicing and reading every day, the time just passed by slowly.

The practice is mainly based on the real sword and swordsmanship, and occasionally comprehend a little dragon subduing hand, which does not require specific skills to motivate.

The mysterious sword tip can also significantly promote the cultivation of Xiaolongshou, but Chen Zong can feel that compared with swordsmanship, it is always slower.

It took a day and practiced fifty times to get started with Xiaolongshou.

The stone room was lit by fire, and Chen Zong was sitting on a stone chair, flipping through a new book called "Ten Years of Darkness". It's settled.

According to "Dark Ten Years", it was the ten years when the Three Kingdoms were about to perish under the attacks of countless monsters.

"Half human, half monster..." Chen Zong focused his eyes on the five words, and the snake man whose arm he had cut off that day flashed in his mind.

"The attack of monsters and the destruction of the kingdom are directly related to those half-human, half-monster monsters?" After reading this book, Chen Zong fell into thinking.

The information is too little and not clear enough.

After thinking for a while to no avail, Chen Zong got up and walked out with his sword in hand. It was time to practice the sword.

It takes almost two hours to read five books a day, which is the limit Chen Zong can squeeze out every day.

Beyond the mountain wall, there is a cliff on the other side. Chen Zong came here to practice his sword every day, welcoming the morning sun and sending off the sunset, day after day.

First practice the Tiger Power Fist to warm up, and then practice the Little Dragon Subduing Hands ten times. Then, there will be Shadow Sword, Willow Flicker, Eagle Fencing, Lightning Sword, Eight Forms of Real Sword, and lastly Light Splitting Sword** ***** Flow down, a morning passed.

In the afternoon, read a book first, and then practice the real sword of heaven and become familiar with the movements of the exercise. After dinner, practice sword skills, read a book, and practice sword skills a few times before going to bed.

I don't know the years in the mountains, and in the blink of an eye, fifteen days have passed.

The weather in Fulong Mountain can change a lot. It may be sunny and the sun is shining brightly in the first breath, and the clouds will be covered with strong winds in the next breath, and then thunderstorms and rainstorms will come.

Watching the lightning and listening to the thunder a few times, I also found an opportunity for the Shanlei swordsmanship, which has reached a subtle state, and its power is obviously better than the other three swordsmanship.

At night, outside the stone chamber on the mountain wall, there was a violent storm, lightning and thunder, but inside the stone chamber it was peaceful and peaceful, with the light of the fire flickering gently, and Chen Zong was reading a book.

Day after day, there are fewer and fewer books not read, Chen Zong has accumulated more and more, and various aspects such as history, geography, travel, monsters, herbs, martial arts insights, etc. have been further precipitated.

The cultivation base is still at the fifth level of Qi and Blood Realm. Even with the Beast Blood Pill, Chixue Pill, and the second level of true sword Tianjue Gong that greatly increase the speed of cultivation, the gap between the fifth level and the sixth level is Still not small.

"I wonder if I can raise my cultivation level to the sixth level of Qi and Blood Realm before this year's battle of Fengwu Heroes?" Chen Zong thought to himself after reading the book in his hand.

The goal I set for myself before was to raise my cultivation base to the sixth level of Qi and Blood Realm before the age of eighteen, participate in the Battle of Fengwu City's Heroes and win the top 100, and thus be admitted to Qiyao Martial Academy.

But as he practiced, he unexpectedly tempered his blood energy seven times, and his potential seemed to be further tapped, and he also obtained skills that surpassed the human level such as the True Sword Heaven Absolute Kungfu, and his cultivation speed was faster. Some of the factors, with some achievements now.

Today, he is less than seventeen years old.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Chen Zong put the books back on the shelf, walked to the empty space of the stone room, and practiced sword skills with his sword drawn.

After practicing the sword technique, he put down the sword, put on the small dragon subduing hand gesture, and slapped out with one palm. There seemed to be a dragon's roar, which echoed endlessly in the stone room.

Persevere in practicing a little every day, and now, Xiaolongshou has also reached the realm of Xiaocheng.

After practicing the Little Dragon Subduing Hands ten times, and then practicing the first three exercises, Chen Zong felt that the skin membrane was about to be torn in each exercise, which was very painful, but he endured it.

Without the Ice Fire Quenching Membrane Cream, Chen Zong also felt that his skin membrane seemed to become more resilient after more than ten days of practice.

Blow out the flames, sleep on the ground, the stone room is warm, it's not a problem.

Woke up on time the next day, opened the door, the rain stopped, but the sky was still dark, Chen Zong rinsed his mouth and face with clean water, and the mountain breeze blew with coolness, refreshing him.

Go to the edge of the cliff and look ahead.

The dark clouds condensed into a large piece, as if solidified and still asleep, and the sky was still dim.

Warm up with Huli Boxing, draw your sword and practice.

Practice each of the several swordsmanship ten times, and then practice the light-splitting swordsmanship.

A sword slashed out, eight sword lights flashed instantly, four of them turned into phantoms and merged into the other four, making the four sword lights even more brilliant, and in an instant, two more sword lights seemed to be extremely bright, turning into virtual The shadow, and then merged into the other two sword lights, made the power of the last two sword lights increase again.

Chi Chi, the moss on the mountain wall was cut open, leaving two straight sword marks more than two meters long.

The realm of splitting light without shadow!

Using it once, a little over 30% of the Qi and blood power of the fifth level of the Qi and blood realm will be consumed directly. Its power is really tyrannical, and it can split the iron-backed blue wolf in half with a single sword.

Dark clouds formed a sea, as if having slept enough, woke up, and surged up.

As the sea of dark clouds churned, the sleeping sky seemed to be awakened, and there was a faint light, from stillness to movement, covered by the sun, passing through a gap, like sword light, falling on the sea of clouds, on the vegetation, on the cliffs And Chen Zong's face.

When the sunlight fell on his eyes, the light seemed to shine into his mind through the pupils, dispelling a trace of haze and breaking a bottleneck.

The mountain wind seemed to be solidified. In an instant, Chen Zong seemed to understand something. He had pursued it so hard but couldn't find it. Once he had an epiphany and suddenly became enlightened, he couldn't help dancing with his sword, facing the sword-like light that pierced through the thick clouds...

(end of this chapter)