Sword God

Chapter 90: When a titmouse


In the middle of the night, the blood-colored crescent moon hangs, as if inlaid in the sky, as long as you jump up hard, you can touch it.

Chen Zong hid in a stone cave that was not completely sealed in the sky. This cave was left behind at some time, and it was cleaned up a little. Sparks splash.

The flames are strong and bright, illuminating the cave brightly, and it also brings waves of warmth in this cold night, which affects the blood and yin to a certain extent, making them more afraid to approach easily.

Chen Zong tried the practice of boiling blood.

The practice of the first stage of boiling blood is not difficult, it is similar to burning blood, and it is easy to master it.

After spending several hours intermittently, Chen Zong successfully practiced the first step of boiling blood.

"Try it." He said something to himself, and Chen Zong immediately cast the blood boiling technique.

The use of blood burning technique is to strongly collide and rub the qi and blood, and then burn it up. The utilization rate of the whole body's qi and blood is very low. The use of blood boiling technique is also related to collision, but it is not so strong, but it is more frequent. , causing the blood temperature to rise sharply, boiling like boiling water.

For the utilization rate of the power of qi and blood, the blood boiling technique is more thorough than the blood burning technique.

As the qi and blood in his body boiled, Chen Zong felt his body temperature rise rapidly, but it was not as high as the blood burning technique, and a stronger force immediately flooded his whole body, and his arm strength increased by 500 catties.

The sound of the sword was melodious, and the sword light burst out at the same time, piercing the fire light and leaving a clear trace on the rock.

"The speed has indeed increased, about 10%." Chen Zong secretly said.

The power of boiling Qi and blood was consumed rapidly, Chen Zong's expression changed slightly, and he stopped immediately.

"What's the matter, can't it last for ten seconds? Now it's only been three seconds and half of the energy and blood have been consumed, and it can only last for six seconds at most." Chen Zong was very puzzled and thought about it.

The difference between six seconds and ten seconds is four seconds, which is very obvious.

Could it be that I made a mistake in my cultivation

Taking out the animal skin paper and reading it carefully, and comparing his own situation, Chen Zong finally came to a conclusion that the so-called duration of ten seconds should refer to warriors at the eighth level of Qi and Blood Realm, which is less than the eighth level of Qi and Blood Realm, and the duration may be long or short. .

But speculation is guesswork, whether it is true or false remains to be verified.

Quickly run the real sword Tianjue Kung Fu to restore the power of Qi and blood.

There is a huge gap between the third level and the fourth level of the True Sword Heaven Absolute Art. Chen Zong estimated that it will take several months before he can break through to the fourth level.

The power of Qi and blood recovered, and under the light of the fire, Chen Zong practiced his sword without a specific sword technique.

At about the same time, he stopped practicing swords and rested until dawn, but he did not encounter the attack of blood yin.

The birth of blood yin is not so easy. In the entire black blood battlefield, there are not many blood yin, and as for blood li, there are even fewer.

After packing up and eating some dry food, Chen Zong set off again.

It has been five or six days since entering the Black Blood Battlefield, but Shen Xueyu only got four pieces, which in Chen Zong's view, was too little.

"You, bring your burden here." During the break, four warriors walked over. They looked young, and they all wore similar military uniforms. They should be warriors from a certain force. One of them pointed Chen Zong said bluntly, the other three either looked indifferent or joking.

The qi and blood fluctuations emitted by these four people let Chen Zong know that they were four qi and blood realm ninth-level warriors.

Grabbing the burden, he threw it directly at the four warriors. Chen Zong took the opportunity to get up and walk away quickly.

"Stop!" The martial artist who caught the burden immediately shouted, "Otherwise you will die."

Chen Zong is not that stupid, but his speed is a bit faster. On the black blood battlefield, even acquaintances can stab in the back, let alone a few unfamiliar warriors, especially those whose cultivation bases are far superior to his own. Under such circumstances, approaching rashly is like sending a lamb to a wolf's mouth.

"The cultivation level is not high, but he is quite alert."

"Fortunately, he ran fast, otherwise I would have chopped him down."

Unpacking the burden, there are some dry food, energy pills, animal blood pills, and red blood pills inside. Shenxueyu Chen Zong put them in a dark pocket in his arms, which is safer.

"There are still 20 energy pills left, 10 animal blood pills left, and no dry food. We can only last for another three or four days." Chen Zong was a little distressed.

Fortunately, I didn't put all my things in my luggage, otherwise my success would fall short, and I would have to leave the Black Blood Battlefield immediately.

"Spend some more time looking for it. If it doesn't work, leave the Black Blood Battlefield and go to the town to supply supplies." With a secret thought, he chose another direction to move forward.

On the black blood battlefield, the dark brown ground is the most common, followed by dead wood, gravel, and dilapidated houses.

Walking, Chen Zong saw a palace in the distance, half of it collapsed, half of it was still intact, but it looked very old, but it still stood firm.

As Chen Zong approached, intermittent voices came and entered his ears.

"Someone is fighting..."

"More than one person..."

On the black-blooded battlefield, most fighters will not fight for no reason, either because of conflicts, interests, or wanting to rob the opponent, doing it for nothing will only consume their own strength.

Chen Zong's light footsteps and speed also increased a little, and he quickly approached the dilapidated palace.


"Get out of the way."

"Kill it, the Shen Xueyu inside is all ours."

"Shen Xueyu!" Chen Zong's eyes lit up immediately.

Going forward, he used the walls of the ruined palace to hide his figure. Through the gap, Chen Zong saw four warriors fighting a monster.

Yes, monsters.

The body seemed to be solidified from blood, mud and flesh foam, and the ferocious head was made of wolf and bear heads crushed and pieced together. The exposed teeth were disordered and sharp.

It has a strong body, especially a pair of arms that are very thick and long. There are no fingers, and some are only sharp claws. Each arm has three, each of which is 20 to 30 centimeters long, very sharp.

The incomparably cold and ferocious aura continued to permeate from the monster, creating a kind of spiritual oppression, which would make people who are not strong enough to feel chest tightness, nausea, dizziness, and then be torn apart by sharp claws.

"Blood fierce!" Chen Zong secretly said.

This thing is an evolutionary body composed of flesh and blood after absorbing enough qi and blood. It has very terrifying strength. Like those four warriors, they are all warriors at the ninth level of qi and blood realm. Every shot is very sophisticated. It was the four people who wanted to take their burden and even planned to attack him not long ago. They were very strong, and they cooperated with each other tacitly. They couldn't kill it, they could only grind it slowly.

I heard that there are some more powerful Xue Li, who can kill even those who practice Jinjing martial arts.

Turning his eyes away from the four warriors and Xue Li, Chen Zong glanced at other places, and immediately, his eyes froze.

In the corner of the palace, Chen Zong saw some blood-red stones, which were very familiar, and they were Shenxueyu.

"one two three… "

"There are at least a dozen pieces, and each piece is at least the size of a fist."

The heartbeat immediately became faster, and the breathing became a little quicker, and I was secretly excited.

Shenxueyu is very heavy, a piece the size of an egg weighs three or two, so a fist-sized Shenxueyu is estimated to weigh a catty, which means it is worth 100,000 white jade coins.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong withdrew his eyes from the sinking blood jades, and looked at the four warriors and Xue Li. It was obvious that these sinking blood jades were blood-liking. The four warriors at the ninth level of Qi and Blood Realm discovered that they wanted to seize those sinking blood jades. Blood jade, Xue Li naturally refused, and also set his sights on the flesh and blood of these four warriors, and the two sides inevitably fought.

If the blood is victorious, it will absorb the qi and blood of four warriors at the ninth level of Qi and Blood Realm, and become stronger. It may be able to threaten the warriors who practice Jinjing. Millions, but it is said that Xueli's body will condense a kind of blood essence, which is somewhat similar to the blood essence inner alchemy of monsters, but it is also different.

In terms of value, the blood essence is better than the blood essence inner pill of the second-level top-grade monster, because the blood energy contained in the blood essence is more pure and can be absorbed more easily.

"If it's someone else, maybe I have to think about it, but since it's you four, I'll just be an oriole..." Chen Zong secretly smiled, and approached the blood-sinking jade along the wall little by little, while waiting for the opportunity.

The best thing is that Xue Li and the four warriors at the ninth level of Qi and blood will lose both sides.

Those four warriors, two with knives, one with a gun and the other with a pair of iron arms, fought fiercely in a bloody way, without dodging at all, letting the knives and guns fall on themselves, directly resisting, blood mud and flesh spray , The two claws fought back ferociously, tearing the air with each claw, leaving a red afterimage, and the wind gusts paved the surface.

"Exert martial arts and kill it as soon as possible."

"Remnant Wind Three Swords!"

Qi and blood erupted, and he slashed out three times in a row. The knife was tyrannical, leaving three deep wounds on Xue Li's body.

"It's raining continuously!"

The spear shook, and the tip of the spear turned into countless, sharp and tyrannical lines, all piercing Xue Li's body.

"Break the wood with one knife!"

The long knife was raised, the blood exploded, and it suddenly slashed, as if all the strength of the whole body was concentrated on this knife, even if it was a century-old tree in front of it, it would be chopped off. The incomparably sharp voice is like a brain-piercing magic sound, which makes people dizzy.

"Iron arm chain breaking mountain style!"

The arms collided with sparks and splashed, and they were propelled by a tyrannical force, like two sledgehammers slammed hard, hitting Xue Li's chest heavily, making him back again and again.

The bloody sharp claws counterattacked, but grabbed the chests of the two warriors, and they couldn't dodge. Three claw marks were torn on the chest of the warrior who used a knife and the other used a gun. white.

"It is said that Xueli's claws are very special. Once scratched, the pain will be more than twice the normal." Chen Zong saw this scene through the gap in the wall.


"Remnant Wind Four Swords!"

Exploding again under the severe pain, he unleashed a more powerful attack, slashing four consecutive times on the same wound of Xueli, almost cutting off Xueli's body.

Xue Li was even more fierce, forcibly withstood four slashes, and the only remaining arm with a sharp claw swung out fiercely. At the same time, his mouth opened, and a cloud of dark red liquid sprayed out, as if shot out. The sharp arrow, with an unpleasant stench, immediately made the expressions of the four warriors change drastically, and they all backed away.

(end of this chapter)