Sword Master Online

Chapter 10: Iron middle finger ring


Three days later, Lu Yu, who had been meditating in the secret room, opened his eyes, got up and moved his hands and feet. Now my mana and consciousness have returned to their best condition. The remaining fine steel swords can be refined again.

Lu Yu took out the remaining five pieces of refined iron from the material bag. He took a piece casually, and put the remaining refined iron on the side of the table. Then he said Fa Jue in his mouth, and a raging fire ignited in the cave in Taichung. At this time, a layer of water vapor had already emerged from Lu Yu's body. Lu Yu skillfully put the refined iron into the ground fire to smelt, and the refined iron slowly melted.

Suddenly, a strange color flashed across Lu Yu's face. After the refined iron in the ground fire melted, a dark ring-shaped thing was exposed in the center. As the refined iron gradually turned into molten iron, there was still no trace of this black lacquered ring. This made Lu Yu very surprised. Although the ground fire was only considered as the fire of ordinary refining, it was not something ordinary metals could compete with.

Lu Yu settled his mind, ignored the black ring for now, and condensed the molten iron into a sword embryo with his spiritual consciousness. Then wait quietly for the telepathy, and this time it will come soon. Lu Yu quickly took out the sword, poured it with water spells, and held it in front of his eyes for a closer look.

"Oh, I failed again this time." Lu Yu looked at the long sword annoyed. Then he fixed his eyes on the ring that was still being tempered in the ground fire. The black ring didn't show any signs of melting until now, and it remained motionless in the ground fire. Why is this ring in a piece of fine iron? Was it put in there on purpose, or was it in there for some other special reason

Lu Yu pondered for a moment, but decided to take out the ring first. After Lu Yu made up his mind, he put his hand wrapped in water vapor into the ground fire, and took out the ring smoothly. This made Lu Yu disappointed for a while, because he had heard from people in books since he was a child that all treasures would have earth-shattering momentum once they came into contact with them.

Lu Yu looked at the black ring in his hand with some disappointment. It is said to be a ring, but it is actually like a hoop made of iron sheets. No matter how you look at it, it looks like the hoop rings made by mortal fathers to coax their children. Naturally, Lu Yu would not think that this was just an ordinary hoop ring. Lu Yu carefully put the ring in front of his eyes and observed it carefully. He poured mana into his eyes and performed the Wang Qi Jue that he had just learned not long ago. With this method, Lu Yu vaguely saw something densely engraved on the iron ring that resembled words. But it's not clear at all.

Lu Yu tried several times, but it still didn't work, so he could only give up the idea of continuing to observe with Wang Qi Jue. Lu Yu then remembered what old man Sun had told him some time ago that all weapons and armor had to be recognized by a drop of blood in order to be connected with each other. Lu Yu immediately took out the only finished stainless steel sword from the storage bag, and swiped lightly towards his wrist. Immediately, Yin Hong's blood slowly left and dripped on the black ring. Dozens of drops of blood were dripped continuously. The ring remained unresponsive. Then Lu Yu tried to stick it on his forehead and invaded the ring with his consciousness. As a result, the spiritual consciousness was like a mud cow falling into the sea, and there was no reaction at all; I also tried to infuse it with mana, but it had no effect at all.

At the end, Lu Yu simply had a heartbreak. Hold the only finished fine steel sword in your hand, and pour all the remaining mana into the sword. Suddenly, a layer of faint white light flashed on the surface of the fine steel sword. Then, Lu Yu put the ring on the table. Then aimed at the ring, raised the fine steel sword with his right hand, and swung it down vigorously.

"Bang—" There was a crisp sound, and the blade of the refined steel sword broke into two pieces. The ring is still intact on the table. Lu Yu stared blankly at the ring, and then at the half steel sword in his hand. My heart is both happy and sad. The happy thing is that this ring is definitely not an ordinary thing, but the sad thing is that I managed to refine a finished sword, and it just disappeared. The fifty low-grade spirit stones just disappeared.

Lu Yu calmed down and carefully recalled whether there was still a way to unlock the secret of the ring. After a while, Lu Yu sighed helplessly. Seeing that with his current knowledge and magic power, there is no way to unlock the password of this ring. I can only take it with me first, and then think of other ways later.

Lu Yu put the ring in his hand and played with it for a while, then wanted to put the ring in the storage bag. However, Lu Yu thought about it again and decided to put it on the ring finger of his left hand first. After all, the storage bag is easy to lose, and it is more at ease to wear it on the hand. In addition, the ring itself is inconspicuous, so wearing it on the hand will not attract the attention of others.

Lu Yu raised his left hand to have a look, and after making sure that wearing the ring would not attract attention, he began to meditate again to recover his mana and consciousness. After preparing to restore the best condition, the remaining four pieces of refined iron will be refined together. See if you can succeed again and recover your losses.

Two days later, Lu Yu woke up from the trance. His state has returned to the best state. Immediately, he got up and came to the long platform. Picking up a piece of fine iron from above, the sound of the magic decision sounded in the mouth. Lu Yu started refining the seventh fine steel sword. The ring did not reappear after the refined iron was melted. This can't help but make Lu Yu a little disappointed, but this is in Lu Yu's expectation. It would be abnormal if such a cherished thing reappears.

Lu Yu condensed the molten iron into a sword embryo, and then waited for the connection between his mind and spirit. It took about half a cup of tea, and with a thought, Lu Yu quickly took the sword out of the ground fire with his right hand. However, Lu Yu did not notice that the moment he took the sword, the ring of the ring finger of his left hand hidden in his sleeve flashed white light.

Lu Yu put the sword in front of his eyes and observed it carefully, and then injected mana, and the long sword suddenly flashed a faint white light. Lu Yu was overjoyed, this fine steel sword was a success. Lu Yu looked at the fine steel sword several times, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it, he put the sword into the sword box. This feeling of lost and found is really indescribable.

Lu Yu forcibly suppressed the joy in his heart, and his expression became calm. Lu Yu planned to strike while the iron was hot and refine the eighth sword. As a result, the refining of the eighth sword went extremely smoothly, and there was no abnormality until the finished sword was taken out. Lu Yu looked excitedly at another refined steel sword, and sighed in his heart: "It seems that my luck is really good today." Then he refined the ninth sword without stopping. In the end, it was successfully refined, and Lu Yu suddenly felt that he was born to be a craftsman. Successfully winning three fine steel swords in a row made Lu Yu feel a little smug, and his self-confidence was extremely high.

It wasn't until he was about to refine the last sword that Lu Yu realized that only a trace of his mana and consciousness had been consumed. There is no way to cast spells anymore.

Lu Yu had no choice but to meditate again and settle down. Slowly, Lu Yu's mood gradually calmed down. The hot and excited mood before also slowly disappeared. Lu Yu thought carefully about all the things that happened in this refining. Suddenly, I felt a weird feeling from the last three refinements. Even if I have a great talent for refining weapons, why didn't I show it the previous few times? When it comes to proficiency, I have only refined nine fine steel swords, which is still a thousand miles away from proficiency. People's weapon refining masters refine the same weapon thousands of times or even tens of thousands of times, and only then can they succeed one after another. I am just a beginner who has just touched the threshold, how can I succeed so many times in a row.

Lu Yu hypothesized several possibilities, but he denied them one by one. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind. Lu Yu violently raised his left hand, his eyes fixed on the ring. All the weird changes started after wearing this ring. Are these exceptions caused by it? However, I have never heard of anything that can make a refiner succeed continuously. However, he quickly denied the thoughts in his heart. He had only stepped into cultivation for a few days, and it was normal that he had never heard of it. Besides, if there is such a thing, it must be the kind of treasure that I dare not even think about. Once they get this thing, who will make a fuss about it? Who dares to speak out

The more Lu Yu thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high. Lu Yu decided to wait for his mana and consciousness to recover, take off the ring, and try refining the last sword. After making up his mind, Lu Yu stopped thinking about it and slowly entered a state of complete concentration.

A few days later, Lu Yu opened his eyes. He took off the ring on his left hand and put it in the storage bag. Then, he got up and went to the table to hold the last piece of fine iron in his hand. Taking a deep breath, he began to refine the last fine steel sword.

Everything went very smoothly in the front, until finally the mind was connected. He quickly took out the sword, put it in front of his eyes and looked carefully, and found that there were no flaws, and then injected mana into the fine steel sword, and the fine steel sword broke in two again.

"Failed." Lu Yu whispered to himself. Then he took out the ring from the storage bag. With a strange expression on his face, he quickly analyzed all the possibilities in his heart.

The first possibility is that all of this was an accident. The first three consecutive successes were accidents, and the final failure was also an accident.

The second possibility is that this ring has magical power. Once the ring is worn, it can increase the success rate or 100% success.

Both possibilities are possible. After a long time of thinking, Lu Yu came to this conclusion. The best way to verify it is to refine another batch of swords and put on the ring to see if they can be successful all the time or consecutively. If it can, it means that this ring must be an incredible treasure. If not, those consecutive successes can only be attributed to accidents.

After thinking about everything, Lu Yu packed up his things one by one, got up and left the secret room. It has been more than ten days since Lu Yu refined the weapon in the secret room, which is considered a long time based on his cultivation. Lu Yu came to the hall on the first floor and returned the token to the man in purple robe. Seeing Lu Yu's gloomy face, the purple-robed man didn't say much. After checking the token, he returned more than 30 low-grade spirit stones to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu thanked him and left the refining room. When he came to the door, Lu Yu took out a fine steel sword from the storage bag. He said Yujianfajue in his mouth, and suddenly the sword body flashed white light, Lu Yu stepped on the sword, and said softly: "Get up". Feijian carried Lu Yu and flew towards his residence. Originally, flying with the sword does not need to be so complicated, it only needs to move your mind to fly with the sword. It's just that those swords that can fly with a single thought are all recognized by their masters with a drop of blood. Lu Yu still plans to sell these swords, so naturally he won't admit the master with blood.

Jin Xinxin just managed to reach the swordsman floor today, and just wanted to go out to get some air. As soon as he went out, he saw Lu Yu Yujian coming.

Jin Xinxin asked in surprise, "It's done?"

Lu Yu nodded with a smile, and threw the steel sword in his hand to Jin Xinxin.

Jin Xinxin looked at the fine steel sword with a look of envy, looked at the tip of the sword, and touched the body of the sword.

Seeing that Jin Xinxin liked it so much, Lu Yu smiled and said, "This sword is for you."

"How can I do that. A gentleman does not take away people's love." Having said that, Jin Xinxin still cannot do without the steel sword.

Lu Yu took out two more sword boxes from the storage bag, handed them to Jin Xinxin, and said, "There is no need to be so polite between us brothers. This time I succeeded with three fine steel swords."

Jin Xinxin opened the other two sword boxes, and after confirming that they were two finished steel swords, his eyes widened.

"Brother, you are really a genius for making weapons. I heard from people in Fangshi that the success rate of a master craftsman is similar to yours." Jin Xinxin said.

"It's just luck." Lu Yu continued. "You pick a drop of blood to admit the master. The other two will be sold for me, and then replaced with refined iron."

"Sure enough, he is a good brother." Jin Xinxin didn't delay, picked up the sword directly, and recognized the master with a drop of blood.

Jin Xinxin didn't hesitate afterwards, chatted a few gossips with Lu Yu, and left with the sword, selling the sword for Lu Yu for fine iron.

Seeing that Jin Xinxin had already gone to buy materials, Lu Yu also went into the house to meditate and practice quickly. The more magic power, the more confident the refining tool would be.