Sword Master Online

Chapter 109: Space Tunnel


Seven days later, Lu Yu was holding a book in his hand and standing motionless in front of the bookshelf.

At this moment, strange symbols are slowly appearing in Lu Yu's mind. And in the order in which they were found, they were arranged one by one.

After a while, a huge pattern appeared in Lu Yu's mind. The previously seemingly linear and unrelated patterns can be seamlessly combined to form a huge map. Moreover, Lu Yu could tell at a glance that this was the map of Jiuzhong Palace, and he also accurately depicted every organ and passage on the map.

Lu Yu stood quietly in front of the bookshelf, carefully examining the map in his mind. Every detail, every passage, every mechanism, and every arrangement on the map, Lu Yu will repeatedly deliberate and ponder. Lu Yu's stop lasted for three full days.

Three days later, Lu Yu gradually came to his senses. There was a hint of surprise and doubt in his eyes.

Surprisingly, during these three days, Lu Yu discovered an ancient space tunnel at the third level of the map. This made Lu Yu very excited. He had been worrying about how to escape from the Nine Layers Palace under the watchful eyes of these imperial monks, and now he had a god-sent opportunity in front of him.

As for where this tunnel leads to, and how should it be used? There is no description on this map. But even if this is the case, it is much better than Lu Yu staying with these sword emperors and living a life of falling at any time. Especially after seeing Ziyu's sinister eyes, Lu Yu didn't want to stay here for a moment.

During these three days, the more Lu Yu understood the map, the more puzzled he felt. Faintly, Lu Yu had a bold guess that this Sword God Palace was actually just a magic weapon refined by this ancient power. As soon as this idea appeared in Lu Yu's mind, even he himself was slightly taken aback, turning such a big thing into a magic weapon. What an incredible thing this is! However, Lu Yu was relieved when he thought of the refining method of the holy weapons described in the fragment. It seems that this idea is still very possible.

"Forget it, what does it matter to me whether this is a magic weapon? The most important thing now is how to open the space tunnel." Lu Yu whispered to himself.

Finally, Lu Yu thought of several powerful ancient restrictions. Maybe you can rely on these restrictions to open the space tunnel.

"Little guy, what are you thinking?" A familiar voice interrupted Lu Yu's thinking.

Lu Yu turned his head abruptly, only to see Ling Tian and Bing Yu appearing behind him. Bing Yu still had a charming smile on her face, but Ling Tian's face was a little pale.

"Master, you are back. I was just wondering why this ancient monk was so powerful, why did he disappear in the end?" Lu Yu said without changing his expression. After speaking, he handed a book in his hand to Ling Tian. This last book happened to be written in the common language of Jianyu, and it was also the handwriting of an ancient great power.

Ling Tian took the book and flipped through it casually. The originally tense face instantly softened. Originally, he was worried about what kind of tricks Lu Yu was doing here, but now he saw that it was beyond his expectation. Lu Yu was just obsessed with these majestic deeds of ancient powers.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian couldn't help sneering in his heart: After all, Lu Yu is still too young, and he still values this kind of power desire too much.

"I don't know about this as a teacher. Let's go to the second level now. There are also so many bookshelves inside. Maybe you can find the answer from there." Ling Tian smiled slightly.

When Lu Yu heard this, a gleam of joy appeared on his face. I thought to myself: Is there a way to open the space tunnel on the second floor

"Fellow Daoist Ling Tian, you're a day or two earlier than usual this time, is the difficulty lessened this time?" Bing Yu asked curiously.

"It's not weakened, I just want to break through the level as soon as possible. That's why I used some kind of secret technique to break through the level as soon as possible." Ling Tian shook his head and smiled wryly.

Bing Yu nodded and said, "In that case, let's hurry up to pass the level. After all, we have a great hope of passing the third level this time, so we must hurry up to avoid others from doubting us."

After finishing speaking, the three of them turned into a ray of light and flew into the gate in the center of the hall.

Lu Yu only felt that as soon as the scenery changed, he appeared in an empty room. The room was empty, with nothing in it.

"This is the second floor?" Lu Yu asked suspiciously.

Bing Yu heard the words, chuckled and said, "Of course this is not the second floor. This is just the room where Brother Ling Tian broke through the level just now. I heard that tens of thousands of years ago, as long as you passed the first level, there will be a row of The stone boxes in the row are filled with Shouyuan Daoguo. Everyone can take a stone box by themselves and leave here!"

"Let's not recall the past, let's deal with the second level quickly." Ling Tian urged.

Lu Yu let out an "oh", and followed the two of them towards another stone door in this room. However, before leaving, Lu Yu took another deep look at the room. Then he followed the two of them out of the room without hesitation.

After a while, the two appeared in an empty hall. There is a huge stone gate in the main hall, and there are five or six dark caves beside it. It doesn't know where it leads.

After studying the map, Lu Yu naturally knew where these caves lead. These caves are divided into several directions, flying to various exits, and the caves do not intersect each other, so there is no need to worry about meeting other monks when leaving. However, as soon as he enters this cave, the speed of escape will be suppressed to the appearance of the early master state. The supernatural powers of monks in the imperial realm can't be used in this cave.

"Let's go. Let's enter the door in the middle!" Ling Tian said, grabbed Lu Yu, turned into a ray of light and flew into the door in the middle, and Bing Yu followed behind.

The moment Bing Yu disappeared through the door, in a certain corner of the hall. With a flash of white light, Ziyu and Crazy Li appeared out of thin air.

"Friend Daoist Li, what do you think of my invisible flag?" Ziyu said with a smile while holding a silver flag.

"Brother Ziyu is really good at tricks! Even a cultivator like Bing Yu, who majors in spiritual consciousness and illusion, was deceived. I think it is even more impossible for others to find out." Crazy Li laughed.

As soon as the words fell, the two disappeared again. The whole hall fell silent again...

The main hall of the second level of Jiuzhong Palace is exactly the same as the main hall of the first level. If Lu Yu hadn't seen a change in the color of the stone gate, Lu Yu would have doubted whether he had reached the first floor.

"Fellow Daoist Bingyu, this test is up to you." Ling Tian cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"Just don't worry, this level is mainly a test of concentration. How can you trap me?" Bing Yumei smiled. Immediately afterwards, the pink mist flashed, enveloping Bingyu in it. Fly towards the direction of Shimen.

Ling Tian looked at Bing Yu who had disappeared into the stone gate, and said to Lu Yu beside him, "It will take at least seven days for Fellow Daoist Bing Yu to break through this level. During this time, you can move freely in the hall."

Lu Yu nodded slightly, and flew straight to the rows of bookshelves on the right.

Ling Tian looked at Lu Yu's back with a sneer on his face. Immediately, it flew towards the futon on the left.

With the experience of last time, Lu Yu got a lot faster this time by relying on the fragments to find patterns. In just one day, the symbols to be collected were collected. And also formed a huge pattern in my mind.

The content in the pattern was exactly as Lu Yu expected, it was a detailed layout method to open the restriction of the space tunnel. The specific layout method of the prohibition is densely written on the huge pattern, which shows that it is not a simple matter to arrange the prohibition.

Lu Yu simply closed his eyes, and deduced the various changes of this restriction step by step in his mind, and began to break down and simplify them one by one. At that time, Lu Yu broke the ancient prohibitions of the forbidden mountain by relying on the method of changing from complicated to simple. Now Lu Yu also wants to use this method to simplify this restriction into the simplest mode. Let yourself be more handy and reduce the time for arrangement when it is time to arrange.

Five days later, Lu Yu slowly opened his eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

After five days of calculation and decomposition, Lu Yu finally came up with the simplest method for this restriction. The ancient prohibition that originally required at least four hours to arrange was shortened to half an hour. It's just that according to the above, once the restriction is activated, all the magic circles and restrictions in the Jiuzhong Palace will be invalid, and they will not be restored until the space tunnel disappears. This is not good news for Lu Yu.

"This restriction is really ingenious, and it is even better than the last ancient restriction on the Forbidden Mountain. If I follow the restrictions I originally imagined, I will definitely not be able to open the space tunnel. However, after opening the restriction, there will be certain dangers. It would be terrible if those sword emperors found out during this period. But, there is no other way now, and we can only do this first." Lu Yu whispered to himself.

Immediately, a trace of hesitation appeared on Lu Yu's face, and he hesitated in his heart. After seeing the ingenious restriction of the second level, Lu Yu immediately wanted to see what was hidden in the bookshelf of the third level? However, Ling Tian and Bing Yu would definitely not let Lu Yu waste time going to the bookshelf of the third level. If you insist on watching it, it may arouse the suspicion of the two of you, and it will be even worse at that time.

After a while, Lu Yu sighed lightly. No longer thinking about the third level, it is more practical to think about how to escape. As for the third level, we can only wait for a chance to take a look at it later. However, there were some guesses in Lu Yu's mind. Judging from the map of the first level, the Nine Layers Palace looks like a huge magic weapon, more precisely, it looks like a weapon. The bookshelf of the third level should contain a method of how to control this weapon, right

"Little guy, we should go!" A seductive voice came into Lu Yu's ears. Let Lu Yu recover from his thoughts. He quickly settled down and flew towards the stone gate in the center.

In front of the stone gate at this moment, Bing Yu and Ling Tian were standing side by side, discussing something silently. As soon as Lu Yu flew over, the two immediately stopped talking and stared at Lu Yu who flew over.

After a while, the three of them turned into a ray of light and flew into the stone gate, heading straight for the third pass...

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