Sword Master Online

Chapter 42: Son of the Moon (below)


When Young Master Yue saw that there were more than a hundred monkey-like puppets densely packed behind Lu Yu, his eyes narrowed. With his puppet attainments, one can see the special features of these puppets at a glance. These little monkey puppets are extremely sensitive, unlike ordinary puppets who are clumsy and slow. Moreover, the eyes of these puppets are dull, which means that the body has not integrated into the soul. It was the first time Young Master Yue had seen such a puppet that hadn't been integrated into the soul. And behind these puppets, there is a small black storage bag on their backs, which looks very ridiculous. However, in Young Master Yue's heart, he felt that the things contained in this black storage bag must be unusual.

What reassures Mr. Yue is that the aura of these little monkey puppets is very weak, and most of them are at the eighth or ninth level of swordsmen. Compared with his giant ape puppet, it is still far behind. In the face of absolute power, these little monkey puppets should not be able to play any tricks.

"With these puppets of the eighth and ninth ranks of swordsmen, they also want to fight my giant ape puppet. They are really asking for their own death." Young Master Yue snorted coldly with disdain.

Lu Yu smiled calmly and said, "Whether you are looking for a dead end, you will know after a while."

Seeing Lu Yu's calm expression, Young Master Yue felt a little puzzled. There is an insurmountable gap between the little monkey puppet and the giant ape puppet. Where does Lu Yu get his confidence? Did he do something on the puppet

"Young Master Yue, since this trick is to compete with puppets, why don't we both control our own puppets and let these puppets fight each other, what do you like?" Lu Yu suggested seeing Young Master Yue's pondering expression.

This suggestion was in the hands of Mr. Yue. He also felt that it was a bit inappropriate to let those mysterious puppets attack him. If the puppets of the two sides were to fight, even if the puppets did something, he could stay out of it.

"Okay, let these puppets fight each other!" Young Master Yue nodded in response.

As soon as the words fell, Young Master Yue began to chant the mantra in a low voice. Dozens of giant ape puppets behind him, with a red light in their eyes, raised their heads and let out a long roar. They walked towards Lu Yu like hills and hills. Every time the giant ape puppet took a step, the ground would vibrate slightly, making people feel trembling involuntarily.

Lu Yu looked calmly at the giant ape approaching like a hill. With a thought, more than a hundred little monkeys ran nimbly. During the running process, every two little monkeys form a group, and each group locks on a giant ape puppet. The little monkey puppet also took out black iron balls from the storage bag behind him, holding two or three of these black iron balls in each hand, and ran towards the giant ape quickly.

The distance between the giant ape puppet and the little monkey puppet was quickly shortened. When there was still a few feet away, the little monkey puppet quickly threw the black iron ball in its hand towards the giant ape puppet. Due to the short distance and the huge body of the giant ape puppet, there was no way to dodge it. You can only catch these black iron balls hard. Hearing loud "rumbling" noises again and again, as soon as the black iron ball touched the body of the giant ape, a violent explosion occurred. The power of this explosion was comparable to a sword spirit's full blow at the beginning. In an instant, a large number of giant apes lacked arms and legs, and some were even scrapped.

These black iron balls are naturally the second-order explosive poison refined by Lu Yu. The power is comparable to a full blow from a master of the sword spirit realm. At the beginning, Jin Xinxin collected a large number of poison sacs for Lu Yu in Lianhefang City, so the amount of explosive poison produced was quite amazing.

However, these giant ape puppets are also quite sturdy. In the case of lacking arms and legs, many small monkey puppets were smashed into pieces with a full blow. The little monkey has almost no resistance at all, after all the realms of the two are very different. The little monkey puppet could only rely on its agility, and waited for the opportunity to throw a few explosive poisons while avoiding the giant ape's attack.

In less than a stick of incense, the puppets on both sides suffered heavy losses. Lu Yu's little monkey puppets were still alive and kicking, but there were only about 20 of them, and the rest were torn to pieces by the giant ape puppets; Yue Gongzi's giant ape puppets were not much better, only a dozen or so giant apes remained Puppets, and all of them are missing arms and legs.

Lu Yu's face at this time was not as calm as water before, but slightly frowned, with a gloomy expression. Originally thought that with the help of a large amount of explosive poison and the agility of the little monkey puppets, these giant ape puppets should be able to be wiped out with very little loss. Unexpectedly, the result turned out to be the loss of more than a hundred little monkey puppets and thousands of second-order explosive poisons. You know, although these little monkey puppets are easy to refine, it will take a lot of effort to upgrade them all to the level of seven or eight swordsmen. Now, the list of puppet at the sword spirit level given to him by Mr. Xia still lacks a main material, which has made it impossible to refine it. The puppets lost this time were almost half of the total puppets he owned. As for the explosive poison, the loss is even greater, and now there are only a hundred or so left on him.

Compared with Lu Yu, Young Master Yue's complexion was even uglier, almost dripping with gloom. These puppets were all his painstaking efforts. In order to refine these puppets, he didn't know how many sect resources he used, and how many people he killed to match the living souls. This time, he risked being discovered by the magic sound gate, and wanted to hunt down and kill Fairy Mengting. It was just to refine the last puppet, just to gather a powerful puppet sword formation. Today, the entire puppet team is almost completely lost.

"Lu Yu, you dare to destroy my puppets. I want you to bury them with me." Young Master Yue was so angry that his voice trembled slightly. At this time, Young Master Yue had already forgotten the previous agreement of the three moves, and only wanted to smash the guy who destroyed his puppet to pieces.

As soon as the words fell, Young Master Yue slapped the storage bag, and a gourd appeared in his hand. Young Master Yue is holding a gourd in his right hand and muttering words in his mouth.

When Lu Yu saw this gourd, he couldn't help but be surprised. Xia Lao said that this gourd is at least an intermediate magic weapon. With his current strength, it is estimated that it will be difficult to resist the power of this treasure. Thinking of this, Lu Yu no longer hesitated, and prepared to trap Young Master Yue first and then escape. Immediately, he slapped the storage bag, and a formation flag emerged, and several spells were played against the formation flag.

I saw white light all over Young Master Yue's body, and the surrounding plane trees quickly condensed together, turning into a huge cage and falling towards Young Master Yue. At this moment, Young Master Yue just finished reciting the incantation, and threw the gourd into his mouth. The gourd shot out at an astonishing speed, and flew straight over Lu Yu's head. Because of this delay, Young Master Yue happened to be shrouded in a huge prison.

Lu Yu saw a flash of golden light, and then the gourd floated above his head, turned the mouth of the gourd upside down, and sprayed a golden light at him. In the midst of this flash, Lu Yu decisively took out the Blood River Sword that had never been used, frantically mobilized the mana in his body, and poured it into the Blood River Sword. At this moment, the golden light also enveloped Lu Yu's whole body. Lu Yu only felt his whole body stiffen, his body refused to listen to control, and stood motionless.

Lu Yu said badly to himself, the golden light must be some kind of restriction. In the next moment, Lu Yu felt that his body was slowly leaving the ground and flying towards the mouth of the gourd.

"Haha! The one surnamed Lu is covered by my golden yuan gourd, you can't fly even if you have wings!" Young Master Yue was trapped in the cage, seeing Lu Yu covered by the golden light, he suddenly laughed.

Although Lu Yu couldn't move at this time, he had poured a lot of mana into the Blood River Sword before he was shrouded in golden light. At this time, the Blood River Sword was frantically absorbing his blood essence.

Just when Lu Yu felt that he was about to be sucked into the gourd. The silver and blood-colored sword light flashed on the Blood River Sword, and it slashed towards the mouth of the gourd. The silver and blood-colored sword light could ignore the restraint of the gourd and slash directly.

"Boom—" There was a loud noise, Lu Yu only felt that he was hit by a powerful force on his body, and the whole person shot backwards quickly. After the Jin Yuan Gourd and the Blood River Sword struck each other, they also flew upside down. While flying upside down, Lu Yu pointed at the Xuehe Sword, and the Xuehe Sword quickly flew towards Lu Yu. Young Master Yue also waved at the golden jade gourd at the same time, and the golden jade gourd ignored the cage and fell directly into Young Master Yue's hands. It seems that this cage can trap Young Master Yue, but it cannot trap the golden jade gourd. Young Master Yue held the gourd in his hand, glanced at Lu Yu coldly, and began to chant the spell again.

Seeing that Master Yue was still planning to continue casting spells, Lu Yu didn't dare to delay. Quickly took out the formation plate, and with a thought, the whole person disappeared into the void...