Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 101: The old testing ground


Soon, under the leadership of Byron, Gawain arrived at the frontier of the exploration of the ruins of the Dark Mountains.

This place is already located near the middle level of the ruins. It is the result of several days of hard work by the exploration team led by Byron. It is connected to the upper level area through a large ladder, and there is a wider space and a tall roof built in the mountain. Such an extraordinarily wide space is not easy, and since its builders have chosen such a scale, it can only show that this area needs such a large space.

All corridors are raised, as are all doors and rooms.

Gawain picked up a map, and looked at the route on the map with the light of the magic spar held by Hetty next to him. Knight Byron completed the drawing of the area along the route very diligently, and many straight roads could be clearly seen on it. Corridors and rooms, some of the rooms or corridor forks are also marked with special marks to indicate that there are unknown objects or suspicious forks in them. Obviously, even after several days of exploration, Knight Byron and his party failed to understand the scale of this astonishingly huge ruin.

How insane is the scale of this thing

Now Gawain, Hetty, Amber, Byron and a large group of soldiers have come to that special room, Byron pointed to the door and the control mechanism that have been cleared in front: "My lord, our discovery is purely by chance, this door The door was originally sealed, but there was probably a gap due to disrepair, so we discovered the air flow. The control device next to it should have been broken, and its identification function has failed, and anyone can activate it. "

"The creations of the Gondor Empire can't last a thousand years..." Gawain sighed softly, "Let me demonstrate it."

Byron nodded, took off his gloves and stepped forward, putting his hands on the metal device, and then a distorted voice came from the device: "Detection... sample tester... stabilization period... allowed to pass. Opening the isolation door..."

Amidst the creaking sound of mechanical operation, the ancient isolation door inlaid on the wall slowly opened.

"As long as this is done, the gate will open, and then no matter whether there is anyone coming in or out, the gate will close by itself within 5 minutes, or if you tap this pillar twice in a row, the gate will also close. In addition, there is the same on the other side of the passage. device." Byron explained in detail.

Then two more soldiers stepped forward, and indeed a similar sound sounded from the device, notifying that the isolation door had been opened.

It appears to identify anyone who touches the device as a so-called stable sample tester, with no identity verification.

But Gao Wen couldn't help frowning: he had deep thoughts about the words "sample tester" mentioned in the device.

"This thing can actually talk!" Amber became interested in the device itself. She ran over and put her hands on the top of the metal pillar in a similar manner, and said enthusiastically, "I heard that elves and wizards They also make a talking golem, but I've never…”

"Detection... warning, disqualification, non-identifiable target, channel closed, alarm active."

Accompanied by this blunt and cold sound, the isolation door quickly closed again in a burst of loud noise, leaving only Amber standing next to the device with a mask on his face: "Hey... I didn't do anything?!"

Gao Wen put his hand on the hilt of the Pioneer Sword the moment the so-called alarm activation sounded, but he didn't hear anything else after waiting for half a minute, so he was a little relieved. : It seems that most of the functions in this facility have been shut down. The door in front of me may also operate independently, and it will not really send out any alarms.

Byron, Hetty and the others were also taken aback by the sudden turn of events. One by one, they pulled out their weapons and set up a stance, until it was confirmed that no ancient traps had been activated, and Hetty breathed a sigh of relief and was shocked Looking at the metal device, he asked, "What's going on here? Why does the amber die when you touch it?"

"Don't worry about this," Gao Wen stepped forward and pulled Amber aside, and put his hands on the metal pillar, "Let's see if this thing can still be used."

As a result, in the next second, the old access control device heard the sound of identity verification again, and the isolation door creaked and opened again.

"...Do you have to be ashamed of this door!" Hu Po immediately jumped up and down, "Why is it okay for anyone to touch it, but I just touch the door and it will be closed?!"

"I probably guessed what's going on..." Gao Wen frowned, and boldly deduced some facts from the guard's several reactions, "I'm afraid the verification device isn't broken."

Amber looked disbelieving: "It's not broken? Why can anyone open it if it's not broken?"

"The security setting of this door may not be as high as I imagined at first, and its function is to ensure that the people who pass through the door are 'normal people'," Gao Wen said with a frown, "Remember what Nicholas Dan once said What? This facility has conducted research on suspected human experiments, so the "sample testers" mentioned by the access control are likely to be living people, and the so-called "stable period"... Mostly there are no mutations or other out-of-control The meaning of the situation. In other words, as long as they are normal ordinary people, they can pass through this door."

"Then why can't I?" Amber stared, "I'm quite normal!"

Gao Wen looked this guy up and down: "Are you a normal, ordinary human? Let alone normal, are you a human?"

Amber's pointed ears twitched: "...well, it makes sense."

The others also nodded thoughtfully. It seemed that Gao Wen's explanation was approved by everyone, but Gao Wen himself fell into deep doubts after he finished speaking.

Is the situation really that simple? Is this door just to prevent out-of-control test subjects from escaping? Will it have some other filtering mechanism

For some reason, after hearing the blunt and cold voice of the access control system, he couldn't help feeling a very faint but real sense of disgust and resistance, but he couldn't find such a feeling when he searched his memory. source of negativity.

But no matter what was behind this door, he had to go in.

After confirming that Amber just couldn't use the verification device at the door, and that she would not trigger any alarm when she entered the door after others, Gao Wen led the team into the space behind the door.

They passed through a corridor made of unknown metal materials. The metal pillars lined up on both sides of the corridor reminded Gawain of sterilization or static electricity removal devices. At the end of the corridor was another open isolation door. The door, opposite the isolation door, is a circular hall as a whole.

The hall is built with man-made materials, the white wall paint is dusty and peeling, but it still reminds people how bright and spacious the whole space was in the past, and around the hall, you can see a large number of Ancient magical devices that are arranged and connected by pipes or metal columns, and another part of the pipes extending from these devices all converge into the center of the hall: there are more than a dozen strange objects standing there.

They have a metal base, and on the base is a transparent tubular structure like a biological culture tank. On the top of the tubular structure, a heavy top cover can be seen. The top cover is engraved with runes and magic circles, but all The runes have all been extinguished.

The inexplicable scene in front of him, whether it was a magical or sci-fi scene, made Gawain a little dazed, but the scenes in Gawain Cecil's memory about the glorious period of the Gondor Empire quickly weakened the sense of disobedience in his heart.

Looking at the neatly arranged devices in front of him, Gao Wen could almost imagine the scene when these containers were once filled with biomass solvent, soaking individual test subjects. Around these containers, there were imperial demons busy walking around. Mentors, they recorded various parameters of the samples in the container, stimulated the samples inside with spells from time to time, and dealt with the "test subjects" of the same race as them in the container with an almost inhuman cold attitude.

Human experiments were not uncommon in the Gondor Empire back then, and even less so in the Anzu Kingdom today.

"It's incredible..." Hetty looked at those mysterious ancient magic devices with an almost fascinated expression. The neatly arranged runes and fine metal structures made her extremely amazed, "Such a complex combination of runes... so seamlessly stitched together The assembly of... such neat parts... how did they do it?!"

"These runes are made with the help of the endless energy of the Deep Blue Well, regardless of the consumption of hard piles of experimental data, and these parts..." Gawain looked at the magic devices that already had a certain prototype of industrial products, and sighed softly, "They Thousands of skilled craftsmen are needed, more than 20 kinds of basic workshops are needed, a complete set of complex production techniques and thousands of standard parameters are needed, as well as the technical system supported by the entire empire."

Hetty was a little distracted for a moment: "... We actually lost such advanced technology... We really couldn't keep them back then?"

Gao Wen sighed: "The first generation of Ansu pioneers tried hard to restore these things in their lifetime, but the materials we rescued were not enough to restore half of them. The industrial chain was broken, and a group of people who ran out from the border land It is difficult for a semi-literate person to study blueprints for ten years to make up for one part of it. What's more, the conditions at that time did not allow anyone to go off-duty to do research. The number of people dying of starvation will not outnumber the number of new births...”

Speaking of this, he shook his head: "But compared to these, the more important reason is that we have lost the huge pure energy provided by the Deep Blue Well. In other magical environments, it may not work at all. The most basic and simple things are okay, but the more complex and advanced things are, the more completely they will be scrapped after leaving the Deep Blue Well."

Listening to Gao Wen's words, Amber was suddenly touched: "That's why you value versatility and applicability so much?"

"Magic industrialization supported by the Deep Blue Well is not a real industrialization," Gao Wen casually said something that everyone present may not understand, and then looked around with a smile, "Compared with this, let's look at this one first." How many surprises this ancient test site has left for us."

His gaze swept across the thousand-year-old culture containers, consoles, magic bases, and sensors, and finally landed on a nearby wall, his eyes could not help but concentrate.

There is a huge line of text written in the ancient human lingua franca:

Human beings will live forever even if they rebel against the gods.