Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 105: When the storm rises


After a long time after Jenny finished speaking, neither Gawain nor Hetty broke the silence.

But Hetty could feel that a powerful aura was overflowing from the ancestor, and his side was like an ice cave, so that just sitting nearby, she felt that the magic power in her body was gradually freezing. The unbearable feeling lasted until Gao Wen opened his mouth.

Gao Wen spoke in an unexpectedly calm tone: "What's your tutor's name?"

"...William, William Birkenstock," Jenny mumbled, "he's not a court mage, but he has a lot of status in Saint-Sunil City. He's an honorary advisor to the Royal Society of Mages, and... he's very powerful."

Gawain just nodded quietly: "William Birkenstock, honorary advisor to the Royal Society of Mages, I see."

Hetty felt that the atmosphere was too oppressive, and she had to say something to re-flow the almost frozen air: "After that? Are you still studying the content in the notes?"

"I pretended to give up the theory in the notes, but I was studying them secretly," Jenny said in a low voice. "The tutor had a little interest in the notes at first, but he didn't bother to read them carefully, but just sat and watched." What can we come up with? The death of Mr. Ravencrest seems to be evidence, making the instructor confirm that the research in the notebook is absurd and wrong, so he completely diverted his attention from this aspect, and I pretended to give up the same those theories."

"So, he will never be able to know the existence of the constant e. He doesn't bother to read any statement in the notes carefully, and completes all judgments based on his impressions, based on his stupid impressions," Gawain said in an extremely contemptuous tone. "He doesn't know what he's scorning, he doesn't know what he's missing, he doesn't even know what he's missing. I've never heard of such a stupid and ignorant person."

Jenny opened her eyes slightly. This was the first time she had heard someone use the words "stupid and ignorant" to evaluate her mentor, a person who was well-known in the Royal Mages Society and even had an honorary seat in the Arcane Society. great magician...

But she didn't dare to echo Gao Wen's words, she just lowered her head slightly and continued: "Then I gradually became a skilled rune master. My mentor once wondered why I could complete rune adjustments with apprentice-level magic skills, but He still has a lot of things to pay attention to, and there are too many servants and apprentices like me in his mage tower, so he quickly took his attention away from me. Until not long ago, the king wanted to form a southern pioneer team When the news came, various powerful nobles started to set up this team, and the mentor suddenly found me... "

Hetty snorted lightly: "So it was that great wizard William Birkenstock again who packaged a fourth-level runemaster who was a mage apprentice as a mid-level professional and arranged it into the aid team."

"Probably he just wants to get rid of a burden. After all, I am in his heart... I have always been considered neither obedient nor talented," Jenny smiled wryly and nodded, "And let a mage apprentice fill up with the level of a rune master. He was seriously deceived and humiliated, so he probably got the instruction and support of some big figures in the capital. My lord, I want to remind you that I am not a special case. Half of the team of one hundred people are Those who are stuffed in like this are basically people who are squeezed out and deviant. They either have no status and are the burden of being kicked out, or they have a professional level but are actually useless. Like the second-level official mage Mr. Santis, although he is a second-level arcanist, he is actually born with weak mental power and can only cast three or four second-level spells in a row, and Mr. Bruce, the carpenter, he He spent half his life researching institutions, but he was squeezed out by the carpenters' association because he was not sociable. He was expelled from the association many years ago. It was not until this time that the association organized an aid team that the association temporarily found him. Fill up the line... ”

Hetty was dumbfounded when she heard this: "What about the nobles in the capital..."

However, Gao Wen couldn't help laughing, "Instead, I would like to thank them, thank every family that intervened in this matter, and also thank Jenny, your mentor, those idiots will never know how much wealth they missed. Deviant? Okay Ah, the most feared thing in this land is deviant, if those people who stick to the rules and bring a lot of connections come here, I don't want it!"

Hetty looked at Gawain with worried eyes: "Ancestor, you don't have to comfort yourself like this..."

Gao Wen: "...Why do you have a tendency to be Rebecca?"


"I'm talking about the top... Forget it, you don't understand," Gao Wen waved his hand, and turned to look at Jenny, "Let the past pass, Miss Jenny Perot, you have arrived at your new home. Throw all your fears and worries aside, you can continue your own research, openly, and do whatever you want, I not only allow, but I will support you, from now on you can go to Hetty has the materials for rune research, I only have one request."

Jenny never expected that Gao Wen would declare his support for her so frankly and even enthusiastically. She was still immersed in great shock, and at this moment she just asked subconsciously: "What request?"

"Sort out, summarize, and summarize your research into formulas and theorems that are as simple and understandable as possible," Gao Wen said while looking at the notebook on the table, "I can tell from your notes that you are a practical researcher, you are good at using experience to pile up these calculations, and there is a person who can complement you in my territory. My descendant, Rebecca Cecil, is extremely flexible and good at mathematics Girl, I'll let the two of you work on these things together. I hope what you end up with is a book of... "

Gawain stopped suddenly when he said this, as if he was carefully considering the vocabulary. It was not until a few seconds later, under the curious eyes of Hetty and Jenny, that he found the most suitable vocabulary: "Textbook, I hope you can put this Everything is organized into a textbook that can be understood by as many people as possible. Of course, this is just the final result, a wish of mine. It will be difficult to realize it. You can take your time, and you can lack anything Tell me."

"Are these... really so important?" Jenny finally realized that Gao Wen was not lying to herself, but she was only confused and incredulous after the huge surprise, "Do you want to train a large number of rune masters like me? "

Gao Wen smiled slightly: "Cultivate rune masters? No, I plan to make the contents of this notebook the common sense of every spellcaster in the territory from now on, even everyone's common sense."

After finishing speaking, he stood up, and solemnly pushed the big book back to Jenny: "Keep it away, protect it, and if there is time and opportunity in the future, it is best to make a copy, knowledge is better than books More precious in itself, the writing on its first parts is beginning to fade."

Jenny nodded in a panic: "Yes... yes, I will definitely remember your order."

"Then I'll go first, you have a good rest, and I'll introduce Rebecca to you later."

Gawain and Hetty left the cabin, leaving Jenny staring blankly at the heavy book in her hand.

The burn scar on the left cheek seemed to be starting to ache. This was the first time she walked into the mentor's laboratory and stood on the magic circle as an experimental material. The scar had been with her for five full years. The pain stopped, but for some reason, it started to hurt again.

Then she finally understood that those injuries were actually hurting all the time, but it became a habit to hurt and hurt, so much so that she took them for granted.

To this day, in front of an ancient hero resurrected from seven hundred years ago, she seems to have lost control, pouring out many things that have been suppressed in her heart for many years, leaving behind all the numbness and pretense used to relieve pain, Only then did she gradually feel that she had regained a little... the consciousness of a living person.

It turns out that living people will suffer.

Holding the notebook that carried the behest of three generations of masters and her painstaking efforts for several years, she suddenly burst into tears.

After leaving Jenny's cabin, Gawain's face became gloomy again, and Hetty once again had the illusion that her magic power was about to be frozen. She carefully looked at her ancestor's face: "You... are very angry ?”

Gao Wen couldn't help yelling: "It's stupid! Ignorant! Stupid! Ten percent mentally handicapped!"

"You mean... Jenny's mentor?"

"That guy has the nerve to say he's Jenny's 'mentor'?" Gawain snorted disdainfully, "I'm ashamed to be of the same race as him."

"I also think... that mage named William Birkenstock is really stupid," Hetty also shook his head, "I know that traditional mages are very stubborn, but I never imagined that someone would be so stubborn and blind. Jenny and Ravencase has obviously achieved a lot, but that William Birkenstock can turn a blind eye, and he didn't take a look at the notebook from the beginning to the end, is he blind?"

Gao Wen snorted, "Blind? Of course he's not blind, he just perfectly conforms to the code of conduct of his class. Why do you think that William Birkenstock ignored the achievements of Jenny and Ravencrest? Ignoring the fact that those formulas exist?"

Hetty speculated: "Because Jenny and Ravencrest are weak? So their research is not credible?"

"This is only a secondary reason. The real reason is that Jenny and Ravencrest are slave apprentices and slaves." Gawain had already seen through all of this, "This is enough for the magician to regard the two as peaceful." His own different 'another species', did he 'deliberately' ignore Jenny's achievements? No, not at all, he didn't even notice what Jenny's achievements were from the beginning, he didn't even look at them, at all No idea. All he noticed was 'his slaves don't obey orders'."

Hetty: "..."

After a while, she asked: "We can send a letter of protest to the king. With your duke title, it is impossible for the king not to react. That great magician is more or less..."

"No, I don't like protesting, because it's useless." Gawain waved his hand forcefully, "Since this patchwork of one hundred people has already arrived in the territory, do you think the king will be afraid of my protest? It is indeed the king. The powerful nobles in the city have joined the team, but since the team can start, it means that Francis II at least acquiesced in this matter, so why did he acquiesce?"

Hetty quickly realized: "Because he has fulfilled the 'proprieties' and 'rules', as a king, he has no other faults."

"That's right, everyone in this era only recognizes the etiquette and rules of nobles."

"Then this matter..."

"Don't worry, Hetty, don't worry," Gao Wen let out a long breath, and laughed slowly, "Etiquette and rules won't protect them forever."