Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 120: First steps in art


The crystal in the ruby vessel shattered into a pool, and Gawain and Hetty stood beside each other and looked at each other.

After being stunned for a long time, Gao Wen twitched the corner of his mouth and choked out a sentence: "This is the failure of star promotion, right?"

Hetty: "Huh?"

"Ahem, I mean, what's the situation?" Gawain quickly coughed twice to cover up his subconscious words just now, "Did you use too much force when the magic circle was extracting energy, and it turned into slag?"

There was a slight arcane light in Hetty's eyes. She carefully observed the traces of magic power remaining in the ruby dish, and the original excitement on her face gradually dimmed: "No... I'm afraid it's a birth defect of this crystal..."

"Defect?" Gao Wen immediately frowned, vaguely had a premonition that the non-chief krypton gold draw card flashed like a golden light, but it was a guarantee, "Could it be a one-off? It will definitely be destroyed if you release it after charging it?"

If this is the case, the value of this "artificial crystal" will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, but Gao Wen feels that he can still accept it: in this world, crystals that can store magic power are extremely valuable materials, and magicians will This kind of crystal is divided into two qualities: high-quality crystals are pure and stable, and can engrave magic circles and run stably, so they are used as the core of various magic items, such as inlaid staffs, while low-level crystals are stable because they are stable. Due to its poor performance, it can't describe the magic circle, but it can be used as a magic storage container, and it is also regarded as an important strategic resource by spellcasters.

But for a long time, energy storage crystals can only be obtained from nature, and artificial crystals cannot replace them at all. This is because artificial crystals have a serious problem of "natural dissipation", and the magic power stored in crystals will be lost at an alarming rate. , or even dissipate within a few days, it is unusable at all, so man-made crystals have always been used only as auxiliary materials for magic items, and even as decorations in noble castles...

If the crystals created by Rebecca just have the defect of "one-time use", in Gao Wen's opinion, the problem is not serious at all. Hetty has already confirmed that these crystals are very stable, so at most they can be used to make one-time magic props , for Gao Wen, who is used to the industrial age, "disposable" does not mean that the practical value is low, but it is synonymous with cheap, fast, and mass production.

However, Hetty shook her head: "It's not a one-off, but the magic power stored in it can't be extracted and used at all."

This time Gao Wen was completely dumbfounded: "How could this happen?"

"The magic power lost its 'coordination', which probably happened at the moment of extraction. The originally ordered magic power became disordered 'waste energy' in this process, and it would dissipate the moment it was extracted, and even in the It's useless to collect it before it dissipates, after all... it's 'waste energy'."

Waste energy, this is a special vocabulary for magicians, also known as disordered magic power, this is a kind of magic power that cannot participate in any magical reaction, nor can it be used to release any spells, just like losing the notes of tuning. worthless. The magic power of disorder is a subsidiary product of many spells, and it is the "residue" after the mages release their magic. As far as Gawain knows, the magic power of disorder has the most sense of existence in the year before the fall of the Gondor Empire The big explosion of the Deep Blue Well—a large amount of disordered magic power appeared inside the "Dark Blue", which directly caused the Deep Blue Well to operate at full power but could not output any energy, and finally the furnace core melted and exploded.

What is stored in the crystal is magic power, but when it is extracted, it will turn into residue. This is simply a powerful weapon in some black-hearted games in the previous life. What is put in is equipment and gems, and what is taken out is slag and the small speaker of the whole server...

The facts are already very clear, what Rebecca smelted was a small white crystal block that could blast the strengthened party in place (correct).

Looking at the powdery crystal dust in disappointment, Gawain shook his head: "Maybe Rebecca will be able to refine a usable energy storage crystal... Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. Let's not talk about it, I saw you just now What's the result of tossing those antique crystals?"

Hetty lifted her spirits, but her tone was quite apologetic: "Sorry, ancestor, many magic circles and rune laws in the crystal have been lost now, and they are combined in an incomprehensible way. Today's The precision of the crystal resonator is limited, so far I can only distinguish a small part of it and restore it to a magic circle... Please come here."

Gawain followed, and saw Hetty take out some organized drawings of the magic circle from her desk. Apart from various symbols and lines, there were also notes written in beautiful fonts on the drawings, which were left by her. Notes below.

Gawain looked at the blueprint, while Hetty talked about his thoughts beside him: "The magic system of the ancient Gondor Empire is very different from the current one. Their magic circle is 'layered', and each layer is separated by a key. The nodes are connected, and the combination of those nodes is actually a kind of magic circle, just like nesting layers. It is impossible to build a magic circle with this structure with today's technology. I can't even imagine the ancient Gondor How did the magisters manage to squeeze this whole complex set of runes into one tiny crystal... ”

Gawain raised his head and said with a smile: "They first prepared a room that was almost free of dust and suspended particles, and then used magic materials to build a huge magic circle model in this room, then evacuated the air in the room, and finally used The powerful magic power of the Deep Blue Well illuminates the magic circle model, and on the 'focus' of the irradiation, there is a blank crystal to be processed. Through special polarization technology, the magic power will imprint the layered magic circle inside the crystal layer by layer— In this way, once the magic power is irradiated, a set of magic circles will be branded in the crystal, and twenty-seven of them will be created in one minute."

With a "click", a dip pen in Hetty's hand fell to the ground and broke into two pieces.

Oh my god, were the ancients so powerful? !

"So this is where my point of view is most different from people of this era - you think that many things are precious and rare, and it is natural for masters to hand them down from generation to generation, but in my opinion, these things are cheap Mass production is normal. It’s a pity, losing the Deep Blue Well, and the first generation all died, it’s inevitable for you to develop like this.”

Hetty's expression was strange, and she deeply felt that the unworthy descendants had let the ancestors down again...

At this moment, Gao Wen's eyes were suddenly attracted by the magic circle on one of the blueprints: "Huh?"

Hetty hurried forward, and after seeing Gawain's line of sight, she explained: "That is the magic circle that controls the self-explosion of crystals. You know, the last function of these standard crystals is self-explosion when they are on the verge of collapse, so this A layer of magic circle is imprinted in a position independent of other rune groups, and it is extremely simple, so it is easier to restore. However, the part of the identification of friend and foe related to this detonation magic circle cannot be restored, and I have not found it yet. Which runes realize this incredible function, I really lack talent in this area... "

"Wait a minute, don't worry about how those identification runes are arranged," Gawain interrupted Hetty's self-criticism—this eldest granddaughter is good everywhere, but once she thinks that her ancestor is unhappy, she will immediately fall into self-criticism and self-reflection The state of the situation is very confusing, it is obviously a character who walks the line of the Royal Sister and Queen casually, but it seems to be always bullied in front of him, "I saw the comment you wrote here... You said that this magic circle is not related to the magic circle. The conventional magic circle is different, instead of releasing the energy in the crystal to the outside world to generate an explosion, but to detonate the energy in the crystal, and use the crystal itself as an explosive?"

Hetty was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes. Ordinary similar magic circles will guide energy out of the energy storage crystals and produce effects in the outside world, but because the function of this magic circle is to self-destruct, it skips the guidance Instead, the energy is directly detonated in the energy storage crystal, and the exploded crystal fragments will also have a strong lethality. To be honest, I have never been in contact with this kind of magic circle before. Although it is not complicated, I am afraid that any A magician with a normal mind will not use it, this thing will directly destroy the precious energy storage crystal... "

Hetty stopped talking as she talked, obviously, she was not stupid, and she had quickly realized the usefulness of this thing.

She and Gao Wen looked at the ruby dish on the experimental table in unison, and the tiny amount of crystal dust in the ruby dish seemed to shine again in their eyes.

That's the brilliance of art (sure).

"The magic power extracted from those crystals will instantly become waste energy, but when they are stored in the crystal, their state is stable..." Gao Wen said slowly, "Then let's not extract it at all, and directly store it in the crystal." It would be nice to detonate in the crystal."

Hetty also said slowly: "Yeah, anyway, this kind of 'crystal' is refined from stone, and it's worthless..."

Magicians with normal minds will not use an explosion circle that will blow up the energy storage crystals together, this is because the energy storage crystals are of high value, and they only need to add a structure to export energy to the explosion circle, then Explosion magic can be released on the premise of keeping the crystal. Since the effect is exactly the same, why destroy a crystal

But what if there is a kind of crystal whose magical power cannot be exported at all, and it is worthless at all

Then this thing is simply born to explode - its nature is almost as straightforward as its inventor.

Countless exciting and bold ideas instantly appeared in Gao Wen's mind. These ideas were accompanied by bright fire lights and shocking sounds. They were the future, hope, and the sword and shield to defend the people and the land. A ray of light that dispelled the dark clouds caused by the failure of the trial production of gunpowder...

is art.

Art is no longer good, it is on the same level as the Louvre.

Gawain suppressed those exciting thoughts, and suddenly asked a very practical question with a strange expression: "How do we engrave an explosion circle on a crystal the size of a grain of rice?"

Hetty also calmed down, and thought about this question seriously, and then said uncertainly: "Perhaps... it doesn't have to be engraved on the crystal, because this is an 'interference type' magic circle."

(Oh my god, it will be on the shelves the day after tomorrow!)