Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 123: talent and population


Hetty and Rebecca were called to Gawain's camp, and after hearing Gawain's thoughts, the two were startled as expected.

"Education? Teach every commoner and even serf?" Hetty's eyes widened, and he almost lost his demeanor completely, "And it must be listed as the law of the territory, and everyone must receive education like paying taxes? !"

"That's right, reading and writing from now on will not only be a right, but also an obligation," Gawain smiled, seeing Hetty, who had always been mature and stable, startled by him. Quite a pleasing thing, "Everyone in the territory now must be able to read and write, and the people who come to this land in the future must also be able to do this, otherwise they will not be able to survive in the new order I am promoting. "

Hetty showed a thoughtful expression: "The new order..."

Rebecca next to her was more practical, and she immediately thought of how difficult it was: "Master Zu, it is not so easy to teach an illiterate commoner to be a learned and reasonable person. It requires a literature teacher. Mathematics teachers, history and geography teachers, teachers who teach swordsmanship and riding skills, and one or two naturalist instructors. Even if these relatively basic courses are completed, there are also super-difficult and super-difficult subjects such as art, etiquette, and heraldry. It’s not enough to take these courses for more than ten years!”

Gao Wen was dumbfounded when he heard this, and just as he was about to explain, Hetty in front of him covered his forehead and said, "Rebecca... not everyone has to study etiquette and heraldry for more than ten years, and in fact you I haven't learned them yet..."

Rebecca was stunned for a while: "Eh? Is that so? Why did I remember that my etiquette teacher said that I have already graduated..."

Hetty had a look of resentment: "Because he really can't beat you!"

Rebecca: "…"

Amber, who was standing behind Gawain, laughed suddenly, and the whole tent was filled with joyful air.

And Gao Wen had to quickly interrupt the topic that the two eldest granddaughters had become more and more biased: "Stop, stop, stop, talk more and more, I think you have misunderstood what I mean, the education I said is not the same as yours. The kind of education that big families cultivate heirs is completely different from what I know, I don’t want to cultivate a nobleman or a trainee priest, but to cultivate talents with reading, writing and mathematical logic, and remember, it is a large number of cultivation.”

As he spoke, he shook his head: "The method of finding a large number of famous tutors, studying from early to the end every day, and educating several young masters and ladies in more than ten years will not work here. The education I want is very simple: For working adults, two hours of basic general education after work every day, literacy and numeracy are enough; for children who are not yet able to take on work, half a day of education is given, and the other half day is reserved for them to help their parents with work at home .”

This kind of "superficial" and "cheap" education method is really unheard of, and Hetty couldn't help but frowned: "In other words, their minimum standard only needs to be able to read and write, and teachers only need this level... so What will be the effect of basic education?"

In fact, she still didn't say half a sentence: Why do commoners and serfs need the ability to read and write

If it was her before, she would probably just blurt it out, but now she is not so sure, because she has actually seen the other side of commoners and serfs, and Gao Wen mentioned once before that everyone in the territory should be literate. The plan is equivalent to giving her a vaccination, but she didn't expect that her old ancestor would actually play it for real, and it would be so soon.

"If you can read and write, you can understand the truth, take on more complicated tasks, understand the thoughts we convey to them, live more clearly, and become more useful talents," Gao Wen smiled, looking at Hetty, "maybe Some people are indeed destined not to become magicians and knights, priests, or awaken extraordinary talents from birth, but the vast majority of people are born with acquired knowledge, at least in this respect, fate is relatively fair."

Hetty didn't realize what Gao Wen was referring to at first, but she quickly thought of a person, a silver-haired girl from the capital who had just met today.

She finally showed a horrified expression: "Ancestor, don't you plan to... add rune theory to those general education courses?"

"That's an intermediate and advanced course, but why not?" Gawain smiled, feeling unprecedentedly excited and happy, "Recall carefully, Hetty, the formulas and theorems recorded in that notebook... which one is related to Is it related to magic talent?"

Hetty opened her mouth, and finally made a sound after a while: "No, no, those... are all pure calculations!"

"That's right, that notebook confirmed an idea I had before, that is, the gap between extraordinary power and mortals is not as big as imagined, and perhaps this kind of power does favor those with special talents, but since It is a natural phenomenon, so it doesn't make sense that more than 90% of the ordinary people in this world are isolated from it just because of a mere talent problem," Gao Wen said, with a sigh in his tone, "Runes and magic have their own meanings. Regularity, and summing up the law... requires wisdom, not strength."

Yes, mortals can also touch the superhuman realm, even if they can never cast a spell themselves, they can also use the "leverage" of mathematics and logic to establish indirect contact with supernatural power, and as long as they have contact, then The frighteningly large "number of mortals" can almost destroy the old order, Gao Wen firmly believes in this.

Hetty pondered in astonishment, and finally asked a question hesitantly: "Do most people... really have this kind of wisdom?"

"Your tone is hesitant, which means you have the answer," Gawain looked at Heidi with a half-smile, "Are you still not sure that they are all the same people as you and me? "

"I understand," Hetty took a deep breath, "I will make preparations. First, select people who can read and write from the one hundred people from the capital to serve as the most basic teachers. Arrange everyone's labor and study time."

"Remember, the most basic reading and writing skills," Gao Wen nodded with satisfaction, and emphasized, "and we can't delay the construction of the territory, no matter teachers or students, teachers who can't teach reading and writing full-time at this stage can't do it after class. You have to work for it.”

"Don't worry, I will do well."

Rebecca looked at Hetty, then at Gawain, and scratched her hair a little confusedly: "What did you say last? Rune theory? Why can't I understand..."

"It's normal that you don't understand, because you didn't go with us this morning." Gao Wen leaned back, leaned on the chair, and looked at the iron-headed fireball with a smile, "Rebecca, I'll find you a I have a friend who is good at the same field as you... "

Before Gao Wen could finish speaking, Rebecca's eyes lit up: "She can also shoot three big fireballs in a row?!"

Gawain: "...Um, I'm not talking about the ability to launch big fireballs."

Rebecca rolled her eyes half a circle, and wanted to ask if she could climb trees, dig out bird nests and roast grasshoppers since she didn't know how to make big fireballs. When Wen Ze saw the girl's expression, he deeply realized the fact that no matter how talented the child in front of him was, he couldn't change his temper (and his head was caught by the door), so he had to say: "The friend I'm talking about is not a companion. You are fooling around, she is studying with you. Her name is Jenny Perot. She is a member of the 100-person aid and construction group, a fourth-level rune teacher. She has the same high talent in mathematical calculations as you, and she studies magic. The method also has a lot of complementarities and commonalities with you... "

In order to prevent the girl from losing control of her mind again, Gawain told all about Jenni Perrault in one breath.

And Rebecca listened in a daze, and finally slapped her hand suddenly: "You said that she has developed a technique that relies on calculations instead of spells to construct rune blueprints?"

Although the process was tortuous, Gao Wen didn't explain too much at this time: "Almost the same meaning."

"Hey! I want to meet that person!" Rebecca really showed a very happy expression, "I think she is amazing!"

Gao Wen was very happy to see that Rebecca was very interested in this matter, but he still reminded him before the silly roe deer ran away: "Don't delay the development of the magic engine and 'cement'."

"Don't worry! I know!"

"Then that's the end of this discussion," Gawain nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Amber, "Amber, make another trip and call Knight Byron."

Amber looked reluctant, but her figure gradually faded in the air: "Oh, what a hard life."

Soon, Knight Byron, who was resting in the barracks, was brought into the tent. The middle-aged knight who was born as a mercenary saluted Gawain: "My lord, are you looking for me?"

"Are you familiar with the serf market and refugees?"

Knight Byron froze for a moment, then nodded, "I'm very familiar with serfs. I used to buy slaves from other nobles on behalf of Miss Rebecca's father. As for refugees... I can't say whether I'm familiar with them or not. Some wandering, wildling-like people, in the old mines and the abandoned Gorring's Mill farther north of Tanzanite... ”

Gao Wen interrupted him: "I don't want those who have already fallen into bandits, but those who are innocent for the time being."

"Refugees are not innocent, but I think I understand what you mean. You want those who are still wandering around towns and villages, and haven't given up trying to earn a living in the civilized world?"

As expected of someone who used to be a mercenary, dealt with all kinds of poor people, and struggled in the gray area, Byron immediately understood Gawain's request, and immediately made a suggestion: "My lord, if You are really ready to recruit refugees, then I have a suggestion: why not try to issue a mercenary commission in Tanzan Town, saying that you want to buy a large number of slaves at less than 30% of the market price. Posting notices everywhere and communicating with nobles and lords everywhere will cost more money, and the efficiency will be particularly high.”