Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 126: management issues


Gao Wen knew very well that Norris actually didn't know what the "position" he was talking about meant, and he didn't know what the new system was going to be like in this land. He was just ignorantly immersed in In the joy of becoming a "decent person", but in fact, even those decent people living in towns usually live, this old farmer may not be able to imagine.

But it doesn't matter, because what Gawain wants to establish in this world is a kind of order and situation that has never existed before, not only Norris can't imagine, even Hetty and Rebecca can't imagine.

He knew that he had to proceed cautiously to keep everything going smoothly and under control, so as not to be too impatient and suffer the backlash of this era, but he had to do it—the alarm from the satellite monitoring station a few days ago was still By the ear, if the tide of evil is really unavoidable, it is better to make some efforts than to do nothing.

After Norris left, Hetty finally couldn't help expressing her doubts: "Ancestor, do you really want him to manage your field?"

Gawain knew that Heidi would have doubts, so there was no surprise on his face, he just looked at her with a smile: "Is there anything wrong?"

"Although he is literate, he..." Hetty originally wanted to say that he came from a poor and humble background, but after thinking about it, he changed the phrase, "I'm afraid he is not educated enough, and he doesn't understand the rules of the upper class. Let him be your land steward. Worrying that he's going to screw things up — and get punished for nothing."

Gao Wen just looked at Heidi quietly, until the other party felt a little uncomfortable, he suddenly asked: "Where is the high society you mentioned?"

Hetty was taken aback.

Gao Wen smiled, and raised his finger to point around: "Look at this land of nothing—there is no upper class, no aristocracy and pariah rules here, just throw all those pedantic things into the Old Cypress. Go to the scorched land of Syrling! In this land, everything will start from scratch, and all rules, laws, and norms will be brand new!"

Hetty stared blankly at the wasteland that was being reclaimed, as well as the camps in the distance that had already seen their scale. Here, she could not see towering castles, nor the dwellings of the poor. The camp strictly followed Gawain's plan. Built according to the four principles of "neatness, sanitation, efficiency, and reserved space for development", those "untouchable houses must not face the castle", "the aristocratic area must be separated from the poor area by more than one street", "serfs cannot live in the middle and inner Layers" and other rules are simply not seen here.

She vaguely understood what Gao Wen meant.

Gawain looked at Hetty. He knew that the other party did not actually have a deep-rooted traditional concept of nobility. As a down-and-out nobleman, the embarrassment in life is the best factor to motivate his thinking. The recent generations of the Cecil family have been Excluded from the core circle of aristocrats, so they will become more and more "unlike aristocrats". Like Hetty, she will even go to the construction site to help with work, so there is absolutely no problem with her thinking flexibility—just " The habit and social constraints brought about by the status of "nobility" are difficult things to deal with, so she subconsciously believes that even if a farmer from a poor peasant family can read and write, he is not qualified to help Gao Wen manage the territory— But also to manage the most important food issue.

Seeing the change in this descendant's expression, Gawain knew that she already had an idea, but he needed to push it again, so he continued: "As for whether a farmer from a poor background can be a manager—do you know that the East Territory has an idea? What did the ancestors of the Franklin family do?"

"Duke of the West?" Hetty was stunned for a moment, "I remember that the history books say that Franklin's ancestor was in charge of steel and was the 'Iron General' of the expeditionary force..."

"Yes, he is a blacksmith, but he has the strength of a monster, and has enough talent and luck to grow up during the Northern Expedition." Gawain smiled, "Guess what I did back then?"

Heidi had already been shocked by the truth about the first Duke of the West, and at this moment she dared not be so sure: "I remember in the history books... it seems to say that you are a knight among knights, and you are the starting point of all model knights..."

"Yes, I'm an apprentice knight. I didn't know how to master my first martial art until I was fifteen years old, but my mentor got drunk and fell into the river and drowned before I could write a letter of recommendation to my lord. I can't help it. , I wrote a letter of recommendation and stamped it with my instructor’s stamp to find the lord, but halfway through the demon tide broke out and the lord died—then I met Charlie who led a group of people to escape, and he said that the south was in chaos It’s a pot of porridge, and going south is a dead end. I said to him: "I still have to be knighted. I have studied for several years and finally passed." As a result, Charlie told me a wise saying in front of everyone: "

Gawain deliberately paused, and Hetty couldn't help asking, "What is the most famous saying?"

"Let's call them knights—all the gentlemen in the South are dead anyway."

Hetty: "... so-called?! This is also okay?!"

"However, this is the truth." Gao Wen put away his smile and looked into Hetty's eyes. "A middle schooler who is known as the leader of the Northern Army led a group of blacksmiths, carpenters, apprentices and vagrants who were known as pioneering knights. You can pass through the entire wasteland and establish a kingdom here, do you think it is because of our natural noble blood? Or are we all blessed by God?"

Hetty: "..."

"There were no nobles on the land, but those who stood up first held their property in their hands in advance, so they became nobles." Gawain pressed Heidi's shoulder (this is too old to be with Rui Becca pats his head all day long), "Aside from this difference, Ansu is just a kingdom built by a bunch of mud legs. And the land in front of us now is the beginning of Ansu's founding. situation, and I am going to implement some new rules on this land."

Hetty frowned slightly, a vague anxiety made her hesitate, but she didn't know what was wrong: "I... I can't imagine what the future will be like if I really do this..."

"Yeah, it's a bit early for me to tell you this," Gao Wen nodded slightly, "but I believe you will stand by my side."

"Of course!" Hetty replied without hesitation, "You are the only pillar of this land! You are also the only pillar of me and Rebecca..."

"Then I promise you one thing - everything I do is to bring prosperity and civilization to this land, as long as you follow in my footsteps, both you and Rebecca will meet an unprecedentedly powerful Cecil family," Gao Wen said seriously, "do you accept this promise?"

Hetty nodded vigorously.

"Then let's get back to the management issue," Gao Wen laughed, "about the plan to allow the so-called 'commoners' or even 'poor people' to participate in the management of the territory."

"Have you prepared more 'jobs'?" Hetty had already guessed what Gawain wanted to do from the previous conversation, "Although I don't think it's wrong now, is it really necessary? "

Gawain looked Heidi up and down. This beautiful and elegant lady has been overworked in the past few days, and even her face has become haggard. At this time, let alone elegance, she didn't even bother to wash her face today.

Almost one person is responsible for the internal affairs of the entire camp. At this time, she still has a fairy face on her face. She has not realized the lack of a management team...

"Do you think you can manage all the internal affairs by yourself?" Gao Wen said slowly.

"It's really tiring now, but after all, it's the initial period, and when the territory is on the right track..."

"You can't manage to get on the right track, because you have never had 'management' before," Gao Wen squinted at each other, "Have you done demographic statistics? Have you done production statistics? Have you done economic statistics? Purchases and sales in previous years Have you ever done a development plan for Cunhe in the coming year? Not to mention this—have you even once mastered how many gold coins flowed in and how many gold coins flowed out of the entire territory in a year?"

Hetty looked at the mosquito coils: "... huh?"

"At the end of each year, send someone to the granary to see how much grain is left, and count how many people still owe rent when collecting grain. This is not considered internal affairs management," Gao Wen chuckled, "I let the You and Rebecca counted the names, ages, occupations, and family conditions of the 800 people, to be honest, what do you think of those tables?"

Hetty was convinced: "It's really convenient to use - it's the first time I know that I can use such a simple method to find out how many people from all walks of life are in the territory, and when arranging production, I can directly use the records on the form, Instead of sending people to find out where the various craftsmen are... "

"One day the territory will have a population of 8,000, or even 80,000. Are you and Rebecca planning to go and count it yourself? One day the territory will expand to the south of the Dark Mountains. Are you still going to knock on doors one by one to ask about the family situation? ?”

Hetty: "..."

"If you want to continue to be so convenient, you must have a 'management team'," Gao Wen spread his hands, "and to establish such an organization, we must involve the citizens."

Hetty thought for a while, then frowned again: "But most people in the territory can't even write their own names, so what..."

"So that's my next plan," Gao Wen said with a smile, "let them learn to read."

Hetty: "..."

The number of times she lost her speech due to shock today is probably more than in the previous half of her life.

Gawain gave Hetty some time to think and react, while he himself looked at the leaders not far away who were reporting the work progress to the supervisor.

Things don't happen overnight.

It takes time to establish a system, and it is more difficult to establish a society based on this system, and to build a kingdom on the basis of the latter... It may be many years later.

The current population of the territory is only 800 people, and it is true that Hetty can manage it with the efforts of one person. At most, Rebecca, who has half a bottle of vinegar, can put a big fireball to add to the fun... Burning wasteland or something, but if you want to go long-term Development, some foundations will be established step by step from now on.