Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 128: cold


After Rebecca and Jenny left, Gawain stood up from behind the desk, walked around to the large French window, and looked thoughtfully at the new building being built across the square.

That is the headquarters of the "Public Security Bureau". Some of the former militiamen who have undergone training and ideological education will become the first batch of professional "patrol officers" or "security officers" on the territory to replace the current status quo of letting soldiers from combat corps serve as patrol members.

What Gao Wen was thinking about was not the implementation of this new system, what he was concerned about was the construction process of that building.

Wherever the new facilities are built, the honeycomb magic net will be laid. Therefore, before the construction of the Public Security Bureau building starts, the honeycomb units and output terminals of the magic net have already been buried in the foundation around it, and these magical powers will also become the foundation of the construction site. Important assistance: Before starting work, the craftsmen will draw simple weight-reducing magic circles, heating runes, elemental blessing runes, etc. The sent building materials will be processed in these areas that depict the simple magic circle. Some are heat-cured, some are blessed with elements to prolong their service life, and more are to reduce weight to facilitate transportation and installation.

Inferior weight-reducing circles drawn with cheap materials can also provide a weight-reducing effect of up to one hour. During this period, heavy building materials will be transported to suitable positions, such as beams and roofs, and the intelligent Craftsmen have gained experience in this process, and they know how to install these lightened materials to ensure that they will not impact the building structure when the weight suddenly recovers, but will be more firmly bonded to other building materials The production and construction activities throughout the territory have greatly accelerated the integration of new applied magic and traditional craftsmanship. Craftsmen in the field of construction can be said to be one of the first groups to accept and get used to using magic in their work.

And the participation of these simple spells has improved the efficiency of building construction in Cecil's territory to an incredible level, even exceeding Gawain and Hetty's initial expectations. They were all surprised, but the latter was surprised by the fact that There will be such a change in the popularization of magic among the people, and the former is rethinking whether his judgment of the world is accurate...

Is the Ansu Kingdom in the "Middle Ages", or the whole world, really "backward"

Gao Wen frowned. He thought of the task he had given to Rebecca and Jenny, as well as what he had seen and heard in the past few months.

The communication ring of the Mithril Treasury, Hetty's levitation and weight loss techniques, the human brain array of the Eternal Sleepers, the biochemical transformation of the Death of All Things...

If we simply judge from the perspective of "whether a certain purpose can be achieved" or "whether a certain technical means exists", the world is actually not far behind its advanced inconceivable.

There is long-distance and low-latency long-distance communication technology here, and there are advanced facilities such as magic information towers at the country-to-country level. In the country of the silver elves, there is even a flying city called "The Temple of Stars". The city can cover the entire Silver Empire with long-distance communication signals, and it can be said to be the most powerful information base station that Gao Wen has ever heard of;

The manifestation of scorching rays is similar to a high-energy laser, or a plasma jet with extremely high temperature and binding force;

The technology of the Eternal Sleeper has created a neural thinking network. In Gao Wen's view, the human brain array computer is simply a black technology, but what else has this technology achieved at the same time? Realized a fully immersive virtual reality that can even affect the real world;

The biochemical technology of the Death Society has realized organ transplantation and even dna fusion between different species many years ago;

The holy water of the Holy Light Church can achieve almost 100% sterilization and disinfection effect, and their healing magic can even instantly regenerate human limbs;

Mages can create energy shields, focused energy rays, damaging sound waves, and even small-scale artificial weather...

In Gawain's sight, a beam that has lost more than half its weight is being transported to the roof by the workers with a sling, and it is easily installed in place. What is it in essence? It's anti-gravity technology!

The Temple of Stars relies on some kind of powerful anti-gravity device to float above the Silver Empire for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. If it is used properly, how many space carriers is it equivalent to

So is a world with remote instant messaging, energy weapons, energy shields, anti-gravity technology, flight technology, and high-end biochemical technology really lagging behind

It stands to reason that it will not lag behind, and it has even advanced to the point where it can only be described as "science fiction".

However, in Gao Wen's eyes, it is still backward. Most of the people are still planing food in the ground, still using crude wooden tools and physical strength to survive, still struggling to find food and clothing, and will die from minor illnesses and disasters. The reason for all this is not that the technical level has not reached the technical level, it is just that it has not been popularized.

This is the special feature of this world: Even if various advanced technologies based on magic are not popularized, they can still be mastered and realized by individuals!

Even if their development is restricted by the factor of "unpopularity", the "high starting point" of magic has determined that even their original use methods are enough to allow those who have power to live a good life.

People at the top possess supernatural power, and they have been able to use this supernatural power to enable themselves to live an advanced life of extreme comfort and convenience. At the same time, there are still a large number of "lower people" to drive. As the ruling power spreads, even if there are a very small number of gifted lucky people in the lower class who have mastered these powers, they will be absorbed by the social structure of this world and transformed into a new aristocratic class, and become a part of maintaining this situation. And more importantly, before the emergence of the Hive Magic Net and rune logic, before the appearance of the "third-party observer" Gawain, no one would have thought of how to popularize all of this, and the popularization of all of this. s consequence.

So this world is lagging behind, even if it has long-distance communication, even if it has energy weapons, even if it has biochemical technology, virtual reality technology, and anti-gravity technology, it still lags behind for thousands of years.

However, Gao Wen believes that even if there is no appearance of himself, the world will always get rid of this sinking situation one day. As long as human beings are still thinking, then changes will always occur. If a wild mage is buried, there will always be new people to conclude With the rules of runes and the concept of the magic net, there will always be someone who is extremely talented or even just lucky enough to realize all this...

There is no need to worry about whether the technology accumulation in this world is enough. There is no shortage of technology accumulation here. What is lacking is only a process of popularization and the power to ensure popularization.

But since he has appeared in this era, and has not seen anyone other than himself realize the significance of popularizing all this, he is more than happy to do it himself...

Gao Wen's thoughts were ups and downs. After realizing that there are actually countless advanced technologies waiting to be liberated in this world, his fighting spirit was burning again, but at this moment, he saw a black shadow suddenly flashing on the square below. Passed and flew towards this side.

He closed the window with ease.

"Gao Wen, let me tell you something about the Machinery Manufacturing Plant... Paji."

It wasn't until the half-elf lady was shot out with a slap that Gao Wen realized that he seemed to have heard the words "Mechanical Manufacturing Institute." The shame of all things came to report the business

Gao Wen hurriedly opened the window again, and almost the moment the window was opened, he saw a black shadow rushing up from below, and bumped into himself: "You are going to die! How can you see it so clearly? Someone came and closed the window on purpose!"

Gao Wen grabbed Hu Po, who was baring his teeth and claws: "How can you not go through the front door every day! Next time I put a mousetrap on the window, I will warn you and you said what happened to the Machinery Manufacturing Institute?"

Amber barked her teeth and claws for the last few times, and when she found that she couldn't get free, she quickly got down to business: "There seems to be something wrong with that Nicholas egg. It fell to the ground just now, and it's in a mess!"

Work machine accident? !

It is no exaggeration to say that Gao Wen really broke out in a cold sweat at this moment. He grabbed Amber's belt without saying a word, pinched her to the armpit, and then walked out of the room without even leaving the door. The window jumped out: "Hold on firmly!!"

"Didn't you jump out of the window too!"

"Shut up!"

Gao Wen rushed to the new factory building of the Machinery Manufacturing Institute almost in a straight line. The citizens along the way didn't even see what happened, they just felt a gust of wind blowing across the street. After just a few minutes, he had already arrived at Nicholas ... Where the egg always stays.

The main workshop of the new machinery manufacturing plant is brightly lit, and almost all the craftsmen and apprentices in the machinery manufacturing plant have gathered in the wide interior space, while Nicholas Egg is in the middle of the crowd. He "lays" there quietly, a huge silver-white Funny smile to the sky, it looks so funny...

The corner of Gao Wen's mouth trembled. He felt that the funny painting on the surface of this big ball was too eye-catching, so that it could give people a sense of drama in this situation, but he quickly adjusted and asked: "What is it? What happened? Can Eggy still hear me?"

"How many times have I said it, at least call me a boss!" Nicholas made a buzzing sound inside the egg, and the sphere shook slightly on the spot, but there was still no sign of floating up, "I said, why are you humans making such a fuss? Of... I am not dead..."

Gawain heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that the iron ball star still had a response, and then looked suspiciously at the big metal ball in front of him: "Then you are..."

"Looks like I have a cold," Nicholas said buzzingly, "a sudden cold."


"Yes, a cold. Isn't it common sense that you can't float when you have a cold?"

"...This is not common sense for human beings!" Gawain stared at him immediately, and at the same time deeply felt the differences brought about by different species, and then asked a little worriedly, "By the way, why did your race catch a cold? You caught a cold." ? Or is it infected?"

"Probably because I was exposed to a stimulus," Nicholas said in a muffled voice, "When I come into contact with certain energy fields or material stimuli, I tend to catch a cold... I tried to process several new materials today, and there may be stimulus in them." .”

Gawain immediately turned to the craftsmen and apprentices around him: "What has he been exposed to today?"

A rune craftsman shrank his head: "My lord, the most special thing the director processed today should be this..."

As he spoke, he asked his apprentices to push over a large piece of "rough stone" that was loaded on a trolley.

"This is a new ore discovered by the exploration team from the Dark Mountains. Ms. Hetty said that she sensed that the ore has a high magical activity."