Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 133: arrange


As soon as Gao Wen walked into the hall, Amber rushed over with an afterimage, and the first thing he said when they met was: "Oh my god, you're finally here! If you don't come, I won't be able to hold on!"

"Aren't you looking forward to playing with my name?" Gawain gave her a strange look, "Why do you look like this when you have the opportunity this time?"

"Don't mention it, it's totally different from what I thought!" Amber said bitterly, "I didn't have so many people watching me when I was working before—this kind of work environment that attracts so much attention is too unfriendly..."

Gao Wen: "... I really still can't understand where your mysterious professional pride comes from."

Then he tossed the enigmatic half-elven thief aside, and strode out onto the ledge himself.

Dozens of eyes in the hall immediately shifted to him.

Gawain scanned the people below. He saw the advisors, treasurer and chief knight in the castle, as well as the Holy Light Priest he saw last night, and several anxious country gentlemen with morning dew on their bodies. That should be the territorial steward who just came from the town to help the Kant family manage the property, and seeing their respective expressions, Gawain knew that the situation should be similar to what he expected.

"Gentlemen and ladies," Gawain said in a low and steady tone, coupled with his impressive height, he managed to calm down the people below, "I think you should be in a daze. , You should have suddenly realized what happened in the past few decades, and these things are completely different from what you remember and perceive, and I am here to answer your doubts."

"Last night, a major event happened in the castle. I want to tell you with regret that the Kant family came to an end that night..."

Gao Wen told the truth to these people in a simple and direct way as much as possible. He let these people know the truth because they wanted to maintain the order of the Kant Territory in the next period of time, and they had to bear the responsibility of handing over to the surrounding nobles. , and the investigators sent by the king, but he chose to describe the parts that were too sensational—such as the pile of bones under the old stable area, and the fact that the land was only one step away. The fact that it will be corrupted by a terrifying nightmare creation.

After all, that "Master Belm" had already stepped into the real world with both feet at that time!

These things, if he said them, would probably make people feel sensational. It would be better to let the people present see with their own eyes, so that they can better understand what happened.

When Gao Wen's narration came to an end, the hall fell into a short and dead silence. It was not until a few seconds later that people's uneasy discussions finally sounded. The pastor of the Church of the Holy Light kept drawing the holy Symbols, trying to dispel the fear entrenched in his heart, but the chief knight, who is almost completely greyed and is now the knight instructor of Fort Konder, couldn't help asking loudly: "Then what should we do?"

"Concerning the future of this land, Viscount Kant has left arrangements," Gawain nodded, and took out the letters left by Victor Kant from his arms, "Although Viscount Kant is trapped by a nightmare, he is still A tenacious warrior, you should thank him, he used the last remaining strength of his soul to arrange a way out for everyone. First of all, about the inheritance of the territory... "

After clearly explaining the arrangements left by Viscount Kant and encouraging the stewards present, Gao Wen left the high stage for free discussion to those present, and he himself left the high platform as if to express his position. Go to the tea table on the west side of the hall to rest on your own.

This is a gesture, indicating that the Cecil family will not take this opportunity to make trouble and swallow the Kant Territory—this kind of annexation is not uncommon in this era, especially after the establishment of the second dynasty, the royal family has greatly restrained the nobles everywhere. It is not uncommon for small nobles on the borders of the kingdom to eat each other up and fight each other, but Gawain deliberately made this gesture to reassure the people present.

But obviously someone had a different idea. Not long after he sat down, a short, fat middle-aged man in a black coat walked over. He bowed in front of Gao Wen with a slightly respectful expression on his face. Nervous expression: "Your Excellency, I am Viscount Kant's advisor, Patrick Boehm, and I want to talk to you about something."

"The old Viscount's advisor?" Gawain glanced at the short and fat gentleman. The latter looked simple and honest, and he had a bit of a scholar's elegance, which fit the image of a "noble advisor". "What do you want from me?"

"It's like this - we lost the lord, and what's worse, we lost Mr. Carter, the steward. Without the person in charge of the overall situation, I, a little affairs consultant, have to take on the heavy responsibility of maintaining order in the entire territory. I am very worried about myself. Is his prestige enough?" Padrik stood up nervously and said, the first time he directly faced an unearthed figure of orange quality like Gao Wen obviously put him under a lot of pressure, "So I discussed with a few gentlemen, I hope you can... Temporarily become the acting lord of Kant Territory and help us through this most difficult time. Of course, this request is really too much, and it doesn't matter if you don't agree."

Gao Wen raised his eyebrows, but he didn't look too surprised: "You mean, let me temporarily act as the lord?"

"This seems to be the best choice," Padraic spread his hands helplessly, "You are the most prestigious and capable nobleman we can get in touch with, and no one can control you in this situation except you." situation. And you saved the land outright—and I don't think anyone would object to your taking over, logically."

However, Gao Wen just smiled, and said unhurriedly: "I have no intention of becoming the lord of the Kant Territory, even if it is on behalf of him."

Patrick looked a little uneasy: "But..."

"I haven't finished yet," Gao Wen waved his hand, "I became the lord of Kant Land under such circumstances, you know what's going on, but other nobles outside the territory may not think so, Kant Land is just a piece of land. I don't want it to be a stain on my reputation. It's private, but for the public, the Viscount Kant is a royal noble directly entrusted by the royal family. His fief transfer, recovery, and re-division can only be made by the king Designate, although I am the elder of Francis II, I do not intend to use this to take the initiative to break the rules that Charlie and I set together."

"...you are indeed just and upright."

"Of course, I also know your difficulties, so I will make a statement in the name of Duke Cecil to protect this land in name before Kant Territory regains its legal lord, and if there is a new My lord, my protection will end at the same time."

Patrick blinked, as if he understood Gawain's foresight, so he bowed his head respectfully: "Your arrangements are indeed thorough."

Gawain nodded, and took advantage of this moment to order: "I hope you can issue a notice to tell those dismissed castle servants and serfs directly under the lord that if their lives are difficult, the Cecil family is willing to accept them at any time. Will receive the justice of the free folk in New Cecil."

"Yes, they will certainly appreciate your kindness."

"In addition, Viscount Kant gave me all his property as a gift, but I think you need it more, so except for the few farms near the south that will be included in the Cecil Territory in the future, the property in the castle will be given to me. It’s all left to you, and now the steward is gone, you and the chief knight should use this property properly and spend it where it should be spent, understand?”

Patrick's expression was really surprised this time, and he nodded hastily after being stunned for a few seconds: "Yes... yes, your generosity is moving! I swear by my last name, the old master left Every coin of my life will be used on the right path!"

"Very good, I believe that those of you who have worked hard to help the Kant family manage the family business will still be able to maintain the order of this land in the future," Gao Wen nodded, "In addition, considering that there is a large area between the two territories. The wilderness is blocking, I will send someone to move between the two territories, and help you manage this place, the connection between the Kant Territory and the Cecil Territory will be closer than before."

Patrick bowed his head sincerely: "That's the best."

"There are also some more practical trivial matters. First of all, the issue of distributing charcoal after winter. I heard that in previous years, Viscount Kant and Viscountess would distribute charcoal to poor people after winter, so that they can keep warm for the winter. Sometimes Food will also be distributed—although it is all the result of dreams and phantoms, the benefits that the people have received are real, and I don’t want this tradition to disappear because of the death of the lord. Go post a notice and tell the people that this year will still be Charcoal and food will be distributed, and under the protection of the Cecil family, this winter is still warm. You do the specific affairs every year, so it shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

Patrick nodded again and again: "Yes, of course there is no problem. In fact, we started to make preparations for this as early as half a month ago. The charcoal to be distributed is piled up in the warehouse of the castle..."

After arranging a few more trivial matters, Gawain watched Patrick return to the crowd, watched the fat gentleman begin to convey his wishes among the managers, he himself smiled and nodded, casually He picked up a cup of cold tea from the side and drank it slowly.

A young maid came over in a panic, as if she wanted to save her negligence, but Gawain waved the girl who was still in shock to find a place to rest: "No, herbal tea is very good. By the way, if you find If you don’t have work, remember to come to Cecil to pick it up, we’ll get food, lodging and land.”

"You really don't forget to win people over all the time." Amber stuffed half a piece of snack in her mouth, and gave Gao Wen a rather critical look, "but you gave up the biggest advantage..."

Gao Wen just smiled, and said in a low voice: "You will understand, but don't ask any more questions now."

Amber curled her lips: "God is talking."

Gao Wen didn't explain too much to Amber, but called Knight Philip who was resting beside him: "From now on, you will be in charge of the communication between Kant Land and Cecil Land, and supervise the situation of this land on my behalf."

"Yes, my lord," Knight Philip nodded, but he was still a little worried, "but I have never done anything like this..."

"Don't think too much, I will tell you what to do, other than that, you are responsible for reporting the situation in Kantland to me in time. In addition, you don't need to live here for a long time, you just need to walk here every month A time or two will do. Cavalier, this place is in trouble, and there are people in need of help."

Philip's motivation surged immediately: "Yes, my lord, I must be worthy of your trust!"

Gawain exhaled, looking at the majestic main hall of the castle in front of him, he suddenly felt a little missing the fields and construction site of Cecil Territory.

The aftermath work has been arranged, and there are people to do the specific affairs, so it is time for him to leave.