Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 135: Rebecca's Big Project


Hetty didn't know what her ancestor from seven hundred years ago was thinking at this time, and she was destined not to be able to understand those plans that were too far away and grand for her now, but following Gawain's gaze, she looked at In the camp full of vigor and vitality in the distance, she seemed to be infected and became excited.

A land from scratch, a brand new order, a promised bright future—Hetty thinks that she has passed her girlhood when she is easily touched by external objects, but at this moment, she still can't help but look forward to it, looking forward to it. Watching for something better to happen in this land.

This is the biggest difference between her and those traditional nobles - traditional nobles don't expect changes.

"What I told you today, you just keep it in your mind for the time being." Gao Wen suddenly turned his head and reminded Hetty, "These things are too advanced, if you tell them to the people, they won't understand, but if you tell them to Nobles... If they don't understand, then they will treat you as a lunatic, if they understand, then they will treat you as a sworn enemy."

Hetty was slightly taken aback, but with her intelligence, she quickly understood what Gawain meant.

Those brand-new orders—although only a little clue can be seen now, it is enough to touch the sensitive nerves of the nobles. It may really bring prosperity to this land, but that kind of prosperity does not necessarily mean that the traditional nobles What they like to hear.

After all, they are different from the Cecil family, and their current life is extremely nourishing.

"I understand, but can you talk to Rebecca?" Hetty nodded, but just after finishing speaking, she pursed her lips and shook her head slightly, "I'm afraid that child can't understand these complicated things..."

"No, you underestimated her," Gawain laughed. "Actually, Rebecca is probably smarter than you imagined, but her intelligence has never found a suitable stage. I think she has recently..."

Before Gao Wen finished speaking, a small figure suddenly appeared in his line of sight: Betty ran quickly along the field ridge. The little maid with a few cute freckles came to him, took a few breaths, and then bowed clumsily: "Master! Miss Rebecca is looking for you!"

"What did she want from me..." Gao Wen stopped in the middle of speaking, "Oh, you must have forgotten."

"I didn't forget this time!" Betty straightened up and said crisply, "She said she was about to start work, and asked you to go and see her results!"

Hetty came up from behind: "What started?"

Betty thought for a while, then shook her head: "Forget it!"

Gawain & Hetty: "..."

"Yes, I know what it is." Gao Wen rubbed the head of the little girl in front of him dumbfounded, "It seems that she has studied the magic circle for several days and finally got the 'magic net', but I thought She's going to be tossing around for a longer time—how about it, Hetty, are you going to see it? Anyway, there's nothing important here for the time being, why don't you go and see Rebecca's first 'engineering project' completed how is it?"

"To be honest, I'm really worried about what she will be like. After all, a poor mage who can only use fireballs wants to make such a large-scale magic circle... although they are all elementary runes," Heidi shook with a smile Shaking his head, he looked towards the direction of the wooden shed, "Then Philip Knight, my ancestor and I went to see the situation of the blacksmith shop, and I will leave it to you first."

The young knight immediately stood up straight, and tapped his breastplate with his hand: "I will definitely fulfill my mission!"

A small supervision of land reclamation work stunned him to shout out an epic slogan... Gao Wen couldn't help feeling, how could there be such an old-fashioned and old-fashioned character among the young knights, who even strictly abides by the rules and regulations like the classical knights... Is this really true? What is the power of faith

Gawain and Hetty left, and Betty wandered into the wooden shed after looking left and right to see if she had nothing to do with her. At this time, it was still early for cooking time, and the work of washing clothes had been completed. The little maid who had nothing to do for the time being became interested in the paper with many words and pictures left on the wooden table.

Seeing the little girl's actions, Knight Philip watched her carefully, in case the stupid little girl messed up those important things - he was ready to stop at any time.

And Betty looked at the blueprint with the waterwheel curiously, but soon her interest shifted to the entry form with numbers and names written on it, she approached the table, pointed to the pen and paper: "Can I write? "

Knight Philip put away the pen and paper and looked at the little girl seriously: "Can you write?"

"Can't write," Betty shook her head, and then added, "I can't read either!"

"Then don't touch it," Philip said a little sternly. "The paper, pen and ink are bought by the lord with money, not for you to play with."

Betty froze for a moment, then nodded in frustration: "Oh..."

Knight Philip frowned when he saw the little maid's dejected look. He felt that he might be too strict, but it was his duty to protect the lord's property—especially when there was a shortage of all supplies in the territory, even a piece of paper When all the pens have to be shipped from Tanzan Town, it is even more impossible to let a little girl waste those precious writing tools.

In the end, he comforted Betty a little, but the little girl left here with frustration and regret.

Looking at Betty's back walking on the ridge, Philip couldn't help but think of the conversation between Duke Gawain and Mrs. Hetty that he overheard just now.

Make them literate.

Make everyone literate.

Is it really possible? Is it really possible to do this? Will you really do this

But if this is really done, then the little maid must be able to write.

When he came to the "blacksmith's shop", Gao Wen found that it had become a construction site. There were many busy "workers" in the large open yard, and several soldiers were guarding various supplies piled up in a corner of the yard. Rebecca He was standing in the middle of the yard, holding a large stack of papers in his hand, gesticulating and introducing something to the old blacksmith Hammer, while a few apprentices of Hammer stood obediently by the side, listening attentively.

It looked like that, and it was obvious that Rebecca called Gao Wen over after the project had started successfully.

"Ah! My Lord Ancestor!" Rebecca saw Gawain who was nearly two meters tall from a distance, and then Hetty who was following Gawain, "And Aunt Hetty..."

The little girl's awe of Hetty was quite serious.

"I'll see your progress," Hetty smiled faintly. Although she didn't know how well Rebecca could do, she also felt that she needed to smile when she saw this orderly and decent scene. Encourage, "You seem confident."

"That's right! I've been studying it for several days!" Rebecca said with her arms crossed. Although she was a bit immortal due to staying up late, she was still full of vitality. "This magic circle is really amazing! Those calculation formulas Also... Master Ancestor, let me tell you, those formulas are very easy to use, thousands of times easier to use than those rigid rune arrangements and spell models, and you can apply them in any way, and this magic circle... "

"Stop, stop, stop, we're not here to listen to you showing off," Hetty quickly interrupted Rebecca's chatter. She knew that this niece was really good at calculation and theoretical knowledge, but she was afraid that this girl would start chattering Will annoy my ancestors to death, "Just tell me how you plan to complete the magic circle."

As soon as she said this, Rebecca nodded vigorously: "Oh, I'm going to bury it in the ground..."

"Buried in the ground?!" Hetty was stunned for a moment, "I saw you dug a lot of trenches, but you actually planned to bury it in the ground?!"

When Gawain entered the yard, he also saw the trenches that Rebecca ordered people to dig on the ground—those lines that were either curved or straight, or crossed or parallel formed many geometric structures in this huge yard. , and formed a rough shape of a magic circle as a whole, and in some places that seemed to be nodes, there were also markers such as wooden stakes, and there were some auxiliary white lines drawn around it—considering that almost all The people who work here can't read or write. Rebecca should have done these auxiliary lines and coordinate positioning by herself.

She first draws lines on the ground, and then tells the workers where to dig and how much to dig. This should be her work process.

After hearing Heidi's words, Gawain turned his attention away from those gullies, and he glanced at Hedi curiously: "Is there anything wrong with burying the magic circle underground?"

"No... that's not a taboo," Hetty shook her head, "It's just that most of the magic circles are exposed. On the one hand, it will take a lot of effort to bury them underground, and on the other hand, magicians need to control magic circles." If the magic circle is running or monitoring its condition, burying the magic circle will obviously cause trouble."

What she said is common sense. As a third-level mage (although she only knows how to fireball), Rebecca couldn't have known about it, but this girl still did it, which only shows her jumping head Losing control again... Hetty was a little anxious, afraid that Gawain would blame Rebecca for this, and the self-confidence that the latter had finally built up might be hit hard.

However, this child has been hit a lot since he was a child, so he should get over it after a while, right

While Hetty was thinking wildly, Gawain said, "Let's not talk about why you buried the magic circle in the ground—I want to know first, how did you manage to draw it accurately on the ground?"

Rebecca was stunned for a moment, not knowing what the old ancestor's question meant.

Gao Wen actually asked this question with great astonishment.

On a plane with a length and width of 100 meters, which would cause serious errors when viewed with the naked eye on the surface, Rebecca drew a magic circle full of various geometric figures that requires extremely high precision!

For Gawain's hometown world, this kind of thing is not difficult, there are countless kinds of surveying instruments and mathematical tools that can handle this kind of drawing, and in this world where magic exists, this kind of thing can actually be done—magicians usually You can use Mage's Eye or Eagle Eye to look down from a high altitude, and use this simple and crude way to complete the drawing of a large magic circle, but can Rebecca do it

Except for a few wooden stakes and some auxiliary lines, she doesn't have any advanced tools, and the world doesn't have a perfect mathematical and geometric system to help her, and she doesn't know any other magic except fireball.

She doesn't even know how to master the mage's eye, which can be mastered by a second-level mage.

So how did she do it

Gao Wen repeated his question again: "How did you draw it on the ground accurately?"