Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 14: Journey to the Royal Capital 2


Even though there were only twelve soldiers, even though the surname Cecil had long been far away from the political center of the kingdom, and even though the last part of the family's property in the capital had been taken over to the royal family a hundred years ago, Gawain still used the most eye-catching entered the city in the same way, and unfurled the banner of seven hundred years ago.

That flag was only allowed to be used when Gawain Cecil was still alive. Flying this flag is not so much to show his own sense of existence, but to send a signal to the Ansu royal family today—

"The one who entered the city was not the seventeen-year-old Viscount Cecil, but the Grand Duke of the South."

Hearing the news from the attendant, Francis II immediately understood what the "ancient man" had conveyed to him. The old king walked to the terrace of Silver Castle and looked at the direction of the Cecil family entering the city. .

At this distance, he couldn't see anything—this city was already much bigger than it was back then, even so big that he couldn't see the edge from the highest point of Silver Castle. Were the ancients who had been sleeping until now surprised when they stepped into this city

Will he realize that after seven hundred years, everything is no longer what it used to be

The attendant was still waiting for his order. Francis II withdrew his gaze and looked at this ordinary-looking middle-aged man: "Receive him according to the standard for receiving a duke, and then tell him that I will meet him at noon tomorrow, please The Grand Duke of the Southern Region rested for a day in the Silver Fort to relieve the fatigue of the journey."

The attendant took the order, but before he was about to step down, Francis II stopped him again: "In addition, except for the meeting arrangement, Grand Duke Cecil has fulfilled all the requirements as much as possible—there is no room for loss in terms of etiquette."

The attendant retreated, and a handsome young man with short pale blond hair came up from the side—he had been standing by a nearby pillar before: "Father, what do you think is that?" Is the 'resurrected' grand duke real or fake?"

"This is not important," Francis II looked at his heir, "Although Andrew sent the letter, although we have received a lot of evidence, whether the ancient Grand Duke is real or not depends on the truth." Let's see what happens next. As for now, I can only say...it really wasn't a farce, the revived ancient gave us a big 'surprise'."

The young man lowered his eyelids, pretending to be humbly asking for advice: "What do you think of his reason for coming?"

"Before the meeting, all the intentions of coming here can only be guessed. Judging his behavior style based on the momentum he has created along the way and the rumors that are obviously promoted by others, he will definitely not express his intention clearly in advance," the old man said. The king shook his head, "You can find a chance to contact him and see his attitude, but you have to be careful, we are facing an unprecedented situation, so don't provoke him."

The young man agreed, turned and left the room.

But Francis II turned around and continued to look in the direction of the city, but sighed slightly in his heart.

He is still too young, and his heir is not very good at hiding his true thoughts. He is too concerned about the ancient man who descended from the sky—or climbed out of the ground, so that he can see his true intentions at a glance. Come urgently.

But anyway, it's not a big deal, instead of letting him get in touch with him in private, it's better to take advantage of the opportunity to give this opportunity.

After seeing the attendant leave the palace on horseback, Francis II nodded and said to the air next to him, "Dark Raven, go monitor Gawain Cecil and his party, and report anything."

As soon as the old king finished speaking, a veil under the nearby pillar shook slightly, but no one appeared.

"Also, don't get too close. If it's really a legend from seven hundred years ago, you will definitely be discovered if you approach it rashly." The old king added.

The veils under the colonnades were motionless.

Gawain and his party entered through the main entrance of Saint-Sunil City, and rode all the way through the city's avenue. Almost half of the people in the city knew the news. Before arriving at Silver Castle, the group met the team sent by the king to greet them. .

The welcoming team was very luxurious, and the scene was very grand. The red carpet was spread from the depths of the Silver Fort all the way to Gao Wen's feet. The waiters and maids in costumes scattered flower petals along the way, and trumpeters and drummers played music in two rows , all this means that His Majesty the King may have been preparing for more than one day—but Gawain can still be sure that if his way of entering the city is changed, or the date of entering the city is moved forward, the form of welcome at this moment will be different again .

God knows how many plans His Majesty the King has arranged to deal with this moment.

Although Gawain himself has no life experience dealing with nobles or royal families, he has a lot of relevant knowledge and experience in his mind. Although Gawain Cecil was from the barbaric era at the beginning of Ansu, he At the same time, he also experienced the glory days of the Gondor Empire—he couldn't see what Ansu was like seven hundred years later, but he knew what the Gondor Empire was like seven hundred years ago.

Seven hundred years ago, the human empire that flourished for a time was so complex that even the mainland countries dare not imagine.

"Please follow me to Silver Castle. His Majesty the King has prepared the most luxurious rooms and the best meals, as well as hot spring water to relieve the fatigue of all distinguished guests. The meeting is arranged at noon tomorrow. Please take a good rest tonight."

A reception official with a calm demeanor - I don't know whose surname it is from the inner court nobleman - stood in front of Gawain and said politely. Gawain turned his head to look at Rebecca next to him, but found that this silly girl was curious. Eyes wide open looking around.

Although she tried her best to maintain her stability along the way, in front of the Silver Fort, during the grand welcome ceremony, the lord lady who came from the countryside was decisively stunned, her eyes were no longer enough, and even I don't know whether to look at the neat and gorgeous guard of honor first, or the towering and majestic palace in the distance, whose entire outer wall is covered with silver foil.

"I thought that the king would be impatient to see me." Gawain shrugged and did not get off his horse, but looked down at the reception officer, "After all, it is not so easy to see a person who jumped out of a coffin. "

The reception officer was stunned for a moment, probably because he didn't expect the legendary Grand Duke's speaking style to be like this, but he quickly adjusted: "Your Majesty has considered that everyone is tired, so he arranged the meeting time for tomorrow."

"Really..." Gao Wen deliberately paused for a long time, and continued when the reception official was about to break out in a cold sweat, "Then I would like to thank His Majesty for your kindness. But since we don't meet today, there is no need for me I'm not used to living in his castle—Silver Castle."

The face of the reception officer changed slightly: "Then you..."

"It's more comfortable to live in your own home," Gao Wen smiled, "I just don't know if No. 4 Crown Street has been demolished by you in the past seven hundred years?"

Hearing the words No. 4 on Crown Street, the faces of the reception officials and several nearby inner court officials involuntarily changed slightly: Although Francis II had reminded them, they really did not expect that Gao Wen's request would be in this direction !

It was the residence of Gawain Cecil seven hundred years ago in the royal capital.

Although Gawain Cecil was the Duke of the South, he lived in the southern fief most of the time, but like other pioneers at the same time, he also had his own residence in the royal capital, which was the founding king Charles I. Mansions built for each of the first pioneer knights, and these mansions are located on Crown Street, the closest block to Silver Castle.

Whenever the pioneers went from their fiefs to the capital to discuss matters, they would live in their mansions, which was the rule back then.

Now that seven hundred years have passed, all the pioneers (except for the one who just cheated his body) have died, but every house on Crown Street still maintains the same appearance as before, and the royal family is still investing. They are constantly being refurbished and repaired to ensure their permanent existence.

In fact, they have become a living fossil-like existence, but these living fossils are still inhabited: the descendants of the various pioneers are still alive, and they all inherited the legacy of their ancestors.

The only exception is the Cecil family—Since the talented Grumman Cecil was born, No. 4 Crown Street has been taken over by the royal family for a hundred years...

"Four Crown Street..." the reception officer stammered, "It's still there, but it has been completely renovated many times..."

"Oh, that's for sure. After all, it's just a house, not as strong as a castle," Gawain laughed. "But since it has been renovated, it means that it is well preserved now? It should be fine for me to live in, right?"

"Of course..." The reception officer originally planned to say that he would have to consult the king before making a decision, but after seeing Gawain's half-smile expression, he was speechless, "But..."

"I know, it has already been taken into the royal family, right?" Gao Wen didn't intend to embarrass a person who was just running errands, so he took the initiative to say, "But I heard that there are no people living there now-in fact, the hundred Has no one lived in it for a year?"

"Yes, after all, Mr. Xian left there... a lot of things, no one dared to take them away, and no one is qualified to inherit them today, so No. 4 Crown Street is still vacant."

Gao Wen continued to smile: "Since there is no one to inherit it, it should be fine for me to go back to my house for one night, right?"

"Of course," the reception officer remembered the order passed down to him by the king's servant, and had no choice but to nod, "Then please wait a moment, my lord, and I will lead the way..."

"No need, I still remember the way to my home." Gawain waved his hand, "Just go back and tell the king that I will come to Silver Castle to visit him on time tomorrow at noon."

Then he turned the horse's head and patted Rebecca's head before leaving: "Silly boy, let's go."

Rebecca was shocked for a moment: "Hey? My lord ancestor, aren't we staying in the palace today?"

"What's so good about the palace? When I built it, I told Charlie that the land he chose was not good enough. As a result, the roof cracked a lot in the third year after it was built. Let's go, I'll take you to the place where I lived. A place, that’s like a home.”

Seeing Gao Wen and his party leaving on their own, the reception officer felt the cold sweat that had been brewing for a long time finally flow down his forehead, and then he grabbed the person next to him: "Quickly, send a druid who can turn into a bird! Go to the crown!" Street No. 4, let them prepare quickly!"