Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 140: Make a big death



When Gao Wen heard these three words, he was not too surprised.

He has thought about who or what force will deal with him, and the royal nobles who use this "unconventional" method with ulterior motives only dare to make some small tricks secretly, and the royal family has not yet had any opposition to him. In addition, the Cecil family has not had any conflicts of interest with any force in the world at present, except those cultists who are naturally at odds with everyone.

Among the most important cult forces, the Eternal Sleepers are the most weird and unpredictable, and they are also the best at spiritual magic.

Gawain looked around the surrounding scene again out of curiosity. He had to marvel at the superb skill of this "illusion". Everything in his sight seemed real, whether it was those towering magic towers or the giant energy that shrouded the imperial capital. The shield, or the light beam of the deep blue well next to the imperial capital, can't see the slightest illusion flaws, and there is a real sense of touch here, the round table in front of you and the chair under your body give people a real feeling, Gao Wen even had reason to believe that the refreshments on the table would have a taste when they were eaten.

This is really a world that is easy to sink into.

But the more real this world is, the more vigilant he becomes in his heart.

So he controlled the expression on his face, trying not to let himself show the slightest emotion, and casually praised: "I heard that the Eternal Sleeper is good at creating illusions and dreams, but this is the first time I have come into contact with it personally. I have to say, You are highly skilled in this area."

"If people rely on the so-called sense of sight, touch, and smell to perceive the existence of the world, then as long as these things are perfectly simulated, what is the difference between the so-called reality and illusion?" , "Compared to the sinking and dark reality, wouldn't it be better to have a perfect dream?"

"But in this 'perfect' dream, isn't your outfit a little too eye-catching?" Gawain looked at the white-robed man in front of him, and finally couldn't bear the strange attire and the unmasculine voice of the other party. "No matter what you want to talk to me, you must show your true face, right? And you haven't introduced who you are so far, which doesn't seem to be very in line with the etiquette of talking with people."

"I'm just a mere seeker of the Tao. People who sleep forever don't need any surnames and first names. As for the so-called true face... it really is what people who are bound by the real world would say," the white-robed man sighed, and he The image of his face suddenly changed, the mask melted on his face like flowing water, but under the mask was a face that was constantly changing, even switching between the faces of men, women, old and young, "Unfortunately, People in reality will never understand how great the dream of eternal sleep is. In this perfect world, the so-called individual appearance has become meaningless. So which appearance do you think is more suitable for me? It is this one ... or this one?"

The white-robed man's face was constantly changing, but every face was full of sarcasm and contempt, but Gawain just watched him pinching his face quietly, and waited for half a minute before saying calmly: "Just Let’s change like this, it’s good to keep refreshing.”

The face of the man in white robe suddenly stopped changing, and was fixed on a stern middle-aged face.

"It seems that you have enough patience to spend time with me, but unfortunately I have no patience," the middle-aged man with a stern face finally stopped talking nonsense, and he stared straight into Gawain's eyes, "I'll call your Excellency to This place is actually nothing more than wanting to know one thing from you."

"What's up?"

"What did you see in those lost seas?"

Gao Wen's composure before was more or less a show, but this time the envelopment was real: "What did you say?"

However, the middle-aged man in the white robe took Gawain's bewildered expression as some sort of fool, he frowned: "You don't have to pretend to be confused, you and I both know what the so-called 'Eternal Dark Sea' refers to, Outsiders may not know about your secret voyage, but those who set foot on the voyage with you at that time still came back alive. We all know that you entered the Sea of Eternal Darkness with a clear purpose, and got the rewards there. Something enlightened, something even brought back...and we were very curious about that."

Gao Wen's heart suddenly turned upside down.

This Eternal Sleeper cultist knows a secret that even Gawain Cecil himself can't remember!

What is the eternal dark sea he mentioned? What did he mention about Gawain Cecil's secret voyage? What is enlightenment and what is brought back? !

Gao Wen suddenly thought of those crystals, those crystals that the original owner of his body entrusted to the Mithril Treasury for safekeeping, but did not leave any impression in his memory, could everything be connected here? !

However, Gawain had to forcefully hide all his shock and psychological fluctuations at this time. He desperately hoped that he could get something out of the mouth of the cultist in front of him. Foreign souls, this is the breakthrough point to deceive the other party!

"Is it you who want to know, or the Order of the Eternal Sleepers behind you, or... more people want to know?" He looked at the middle-aged man in front of him with a serious expression, without any wavering in his tone.

"If I say that this is just my personal curiosity, you probably won't believe me," the middle-aged man showed a stiff smile, "This is something that the entire Church of the Eternal Sleepers is concerned about, please believe me, and those who are determined to destroy the world The group is different. Although the Eternal Sleepers are also regarded as a 'cult' by you, all we do is to protect all living beings in the world. Although our methods are sometimes not understood by outsiders, I think that if you The enlightenment you get in the Sea of Eternal Darkness is about the truth of this world...then you will definitely understand what the Eternal Sleeper is doing."

Will Gawain Cecil's enlightenment in the so-called "Eternal Dark Sea" lead him to agree with the behavior of the cult group like the Eternal Sleepers

This sentence is more informative!

Gawain worked harder to straighten his face, staring into the eyes of the middle-aged man, "Who else knows about my affairs in the Sea of Eternal Darkness? How do you know?"

"As I said, some of the people who sailed with you came back alive, and more than one, I can tell you clearly now, including the eyeliner placed by your side by the Eternal Sleeper," the middle-aged man replied frankly, " As for who else knows this secret, please rest assured that there are very few people. Even in the Church of the Eternal Sleepers, only a small number of people above the level of the Nightmare Bishop know part of the situation. We have no intention of spreading this secret. It is not beneficial, and For ordinary people who are forgetful and mediocre, the ancient secrets of seven hundred years ago are not something they will care about."

"I did bring something back from there," Gao Wen decided to relax a little, and then continued the routine, "but how can you be sure that if I learned the truth of the so-called world there, I would definitely understand the thoughts of you cultists? ? In other words, how can you be sure that I will cooperate with you?"

Gawain tried to get the nonsense cultist in front of him to take the initiative to tell the part of the situation he knew, and tell the ins and outs of Gawain Cecil's departure for the Sea of Eternal Darkness, but the middle-aged man in front of him suddenly closed his eyes. mouth, it was not until a few seconds later that he opened his mouth with a half-smile: "Yes, of course I know that you will not cooperate with me, and I also know that you will not answer any of my questions. You are a great hero seven hundred years ago. Maybe because a cultist talked nonsense to you, you can trust and tell the secret to the other party

"For the same reason, why do you think I am here to talk with you and answer your questions one by one?"

As the middle-aged man's voice fell, all the scenes around Gawain suddenly shook violently, the ancient city of Gondor began to collapse, the magic dome in the sky was torn apart, and bursts of noise emerged in his spiritual world !

He finally knew where the real crisis was, and he finally knew why a cunning cultist would actively reveal so much information when he was talking to him. But until now, he didn't realize what the other party's conspiracy was.

Something is invading his consciousness! Peeping into his memory!

"In the dream of the eternal sleeper, even a giant dragon will gradually sink," the middle-aged man stood up, and the round table with snacks and black tea turned into a wriggling starlight in front of him, and gradually dissipated. "Spirit and consciousness are really amazing things. People rely on it to become a person, but people can hardly control its operation. In a person's subconscious, almost everything runs automatically, even if it is a legendary level. Characters will also show their biggest flaws here."

Gao Wen felt that his memory was beginning to loosen, and an outside "reader" was looking for the entry point of these memories. He was struggling to control his thoughts, controlling those memory fragments that began to emerge in his mind like slides, And controlling all of this brought extremely high mental pressure, which made him unable to speak anymore, and could only stare into the eyes of the middle-aged man.

"You are talking to me here, you are gradually opening the door of your memory, whether you are answering or asking, this 'talking' itself is making a connection including now, you listen to my voice, you accept me According to the information sent, during this process, your barriers of will are also constantly disintegrating, but unfortunately, you can hardly stop this process... "The smile of the middle-aged man is getting brighter and brighter, obviously he has already won the victory." Ah, your resistance is indeed very tenacious, quite in line with your status as a great hero, but don't you know? The most powerful power of the Eternal Sleeper is not phantom or mind attack, but stealing other people's memories and processing them into your own The new power... also makes this 'memory path' a kind of springboard, you forget about the meeting and I will leave a teleportation path in your subconscious after reading your memory so that Because my will can 'fall' on your body at any time... That's right, that's right, the figure of that poor mercenary appeared in your mind just now, yes, it is that kind of springboard, the eternal sleeper is in dreams and thoughts Walking in the world, relying on such a springboard... "

Gao Wen silently sorted out his memory fragments in his mind, and did not respond to any provocations from the cultists at all. Finally, before the loud noises in his mind became unbearable, he finished the final sorting.

Under the astonished gaze of the middle-aged man in white robes, Gao Wen raised his head, with a long-hidden smile on his face: "Are you sure... want to see my memory?"

The middle-aged man froze for a moment: "You..."

Gao Wen completely let go of the restrictions of his own mind.

"If there is a wall of memory in everyone's conscious world, then mine is not actually for protecting myself, but for protecting reckless snoopers like you."

Gawain stood up completely, quietly watching the middle-aged man slowly widen his eyes of extreme fear, watching him begin to roar wildly, watching his face melt like wax, watching his The body twisted and collapsed, and even after it collapsed into a puddle of flesh and blood, there was still a howling sound coming out of thin air.

"You dare to look at the surveillance database that has been guaranteed for hundreds of thousands of years, and you don't want your head?"