Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 141: Typhon cloud


When the White Oak that Veronica was on was sailing on the wide waters of the Dorgon River, when the first brick kiln in Cecil Territory emitted smoke and dust, when the powerful nobles and king's advisors in San Sunil City While chattering about the current situation in the south, the situation on the border, and the contradictions between the dragon wizards and magicians in the north, Grand Duke Ferdinand Wendell, the most powerful knight lord of the Typhon Empire, was falling into deep worries.

In his mansion in the imperial capital, he stood on the tall tower, looking down at the majestic imperial capital below him, and occasionally looking at the dark palace shrouded in majesty.

This is Typhon's capital, Aldernan.

The name of this city comes from the ancient giant language, which means "thousand-year city". Although it has only been two hundred years since it stood on this land as the new imperial capital, the proud imperial people undoubtedly believe in the greatness they have built. The city will stand on the land for at least a thousand years like the giant dynasty recorded in the myth, and everything in this city seems to show this kind of proud spirit.

In this city, there are countless towering spiers, and countless statues of heroes carved from huge stones. They rise from the ground and point straight to the sky as if they are challenging the sky. Between the buildings is the "Empire Avenue" which is neatly planned and wide enough for ten carriages to drive side by side. The Empire Avenue stretches out, outlining neat and vigorous areas throughout the city.

The whole city is like a complex geometric figure with a full structure and sharp edges and corners. Everything is planned in an orderly manner. It is completely different from the chaotic, obsolete, and crowded old capitals of other kingdoms, because this city is indeed brand new: The old imperial capital five hundred years ago sank into the ground in a big collapse. His Majesty the Emperor, who had been prepared, built a new imperial capital on this plain before the disaster broke out, and named it "Aldernan" (Millennium City). . Due to the strength of the empire and the careful planning at the beginning, Aldernan has become one of the most magnificent and magnificent cities on the mainland since its establishment. For a long time, Grand Duke Ferdinand also deeply believed that he could live in such a great city. proud to live in such a great city.

But today, he felt a sense of crisis pervading from the bottom of his heart, which made him unbearably uneasy even looking at this bustling capital city.

That talented emperor, Rosetta Augustus the Great, seems to have made up his mind to start a big war with Ansu. He dismissed all the ministers who opposed the war, and even drove out the Earl of Winterhold, who advocated peace. After leaving the palace, his attitude was unprecedented.

To be honest, Grand Duke Ferdinand is not worried about the direction of this war. He believes in the imperial army, just as he believes in his own martial arts and swords. He knows that the Ansu Kingdom in the northwest is an old and weak country. A history as old as Typhon, but was tied by this history, and turned into a sluggish and dying old man. Their army and weapons that had not improved for hundreds of years were no match for imperial soldiers at all. On the other hand, Typhon The empire's several successful military system reforms and administrative reforms have made the country glow with unprecedented vigor and vitality. Whether it is military soldiers, officials at all levels, or domestic people, Typhon is far stronger than that dying neighboring country. There is absolutely no need to worry about the outcome of the war.

What Ferdinand was worried about was only His Majesty the Emperor, and what he was worried about was the state of Rosetta Augustus himself.

His Majesty the Emperor has always been a majestic and decisive person, but he is not yet arbitrary. He will listen carefully to the opinions of every minister, even if these opinions are not enough to shake his determination, he will listen patiently, and will not directly dismiss them. With all the opposing voices, he valued the blood of every nobleman, and he definitely couldn't do anything to humiliate a real and powerful earl in public and drive him out of the palace, but now...he has done both.

Duke Ferdinand thought of the scene when he saw Emperor Rosetta Augustus last time. The majestic Emperor sat on his black iron throne, covered by the shadow of the back of the throne and the crown. Although he patiently listened to the words of his most trusted duke, he replied with a lack of interest, as if he didn't even want to say a word.

And when Ferdinand left, he clearly heard His Majesty the emperor talking to himself in front of a water basin, as if there was an audience hidden in the water basin, talking to the emperor .

Looking away from the distant palace, Pei Dinan sighed deeply.

He thought of the curse passed down in the blood of the Augustus family, the curse that only appeared two hundred years ago and only a few people knew about it.

They will hear voices that ordinary people cannot hear, they will see things that ordinary people cannot see, and they will understand taboo knowledge in a way that ordinary people cannot understand. thought and layout, but in the end...

Their spirits will be dragged into the invisible world, leaving only a mad body in this world.

When he saw Emperor Rosetta last time, His Majesty was thinking clearly and speaking normally, but Ferdinand was deeply worried that the signs of madness might have appeared in that king.

He turned around and pulled a rope by his hand, and the copper bell summoning the servant jingled, and the door of the terrace was pushed open, and a servant in a blue blouse appeared in front of Ferdinand.

"Master," the attendant lowered his head, "what's your order?"

"Bring my coat, and get the carriage ready. I'm going to see the Earl of Winterhold."

The northern foot of the Dark Mountains, New Cecil Territory.

Gao Wen was inspecting the newly built brick kiln factory, and with him, there was Nicholas Egg, who was recently busy "supplementing local knowledge" in the territory.

Brick kilns equipped with magical catalytic and rune trigger devices are lined up in the open space. Driven by the "Magic Net No. 2" buried underground, they are undergoing the first "trial firing".

Since there is still no more accurate temperature control and reliable transportation device, and the current construction capacity of the territory is limited, Gao Wen did not directly take out the "magic tunnel kiln" he had imagined, but prepared to use it first. For simple transformation of traditional kilns, first solve the "whether there is a problem" to carry out the transition at the current stage.

However, although the kiln adopts a relatively primitive form, considering future expansion and transformation, the magic net buried underground in this brick kiln factory is still built in strict accordance with high standards, and its power is even higher than that of the steel factory. However, due to the fact that there is no clue about the digitization of magic power, Gao Wen has not been able to determine the specific power of the two sets of magic nets for the time being.

Feeling the orderly flow of magical power in the surrounding air, the bright Nicholas egg swayed in mid-air, and a metal trilling voice came from inside the sphere: "It must be admitted... Although everything is very primitive, but This world is really interesting, these flowing energies, and the way you make tools and use them, are unimaginable in my worldview."

"This is the difference in the rules of physics," Gao Wen sighed in agreement, "Actually, you should feel lucky that you, a 'traveler' from a different world with different rules, survived unharmed after falling into this world It's a great fortune to come down without self-disintegration because of the different rules."

"Traveler? You use this word well," Nicholas said in a buzzing voice, "You are really my bosom friend. Not only can you understand, you can agree with my experience, but you can always think of the same things as me to tell the truth This is what I was most worried about when I realized that the rules here are different from my hometown. At that time, I was afraid that my body would suddenly disintegrate with a 'bang'. After all, even the material structure of the two sides is different, but Later I figured out that if I really wanted to disintegrate, then I would disintegrate as soon as I fell into this world. Since I was fine at the time, it meant that I was lucky and worried about a ball... "

"Then do you want to understand the reason why you can survive safely?" Gao Wen asked with a smile.

"Then who knows," the metal ball dangled left and right, "I've even forgotten my own name, so I still have time to think about it?"

"To be honest, how serious is your 'amnesia'?" Gao Wen frowned, and asked a question he had been curious about for a long time, "You still remember some common sense in your hometown, such as the environment, physical rules, history, But have you forgotten everything else?"

The metal ball thought for a long time before opening its mouth: "Tsk, the fact is so, what can I do? The most terrifying part of amnesia is here: you don't even know what you have forgotten. All I can remember now is some common sense in life. But these common senses belong to another world. I still remember a set of languages, but it is also useless here... "

As he talked, he seemed to be in a great loss, and gradually fell silent, until half a minute later he sighed in a very human way: "Alas... Actually, I am also working hard, trying to figure out who I really am , What exactly do I do, what can I do, and what am I good at, but you can’t imagine the difficulty in the middle. If you are in a familiar world, it’s okay, the things around you can give some hints, but here, everything Everything in the camp is completely unfamiliar to me, and I can't find anything that can help me recall the past. These days I have been walking around in the camp just to see your production and life, and I want to find out Things I know how to do, but what about the result? I don’t seem to be able to do anything without any results, and there is no job I can get my hands on... I have no hands either!”

Gao Wen stroked his chin: "Then guess what you did in your previous life?"

"Where does this lead me to guess?" The metal ball seems to want to spread his hands, but he has no hands, so he can only dangle, "I don't have the slightest impression of being engaged in a certain job or being good at something, is it possible I didn’t have to work, study, or even go out in my previous life?”

Gao Wen couldn't help but looked the metal ball up and down, and his heart trembled: Hearing the description of this ball, maybe he was a fat man before crossing? (fog)

As for why a fat house depends on the body shape! 8)