Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 145: What did the tide bring


Gawain and Hetty's questioning in unison shortened Rebecca's neck by two-thirds at a speed visible to the naked eye. Gawain even thought that if his tone was stricter, the girl might be able to perform a live performance of the unique skill of shrinking her head into her stomach. .

But no matter how shrinking the neck is, the explanation still has to be explained. Rebecca carefully looked at the two elders who were qualified to hang herself up and beat her, and said honestly, "Don't blame me, I was at the Rune Academy before. When testing a new type of detonation substrate, my aunt suddenly asked me to come over to help with the experiment, so I just put the detonation substrate in my pocket and put it on the experimental table here.”

"You didn't have a safety rule when you were doing magic experiments." Gawain looked at Heidi with twitching corners of his eyes, "This kind of dangerous thing can be put directly on the experiment table."

In his opinion, Rebecca's operation is almost as good as welding a detonator and sawing a light bulb.

"Of course there are safety regulations." Hetty immediately rectified the names of the magicians, but then she turned her head in embarrassment, "But I never let Rebecca get close to the laboratory since she was a child, so she doesn't have enough common sense in this regard. , this is my educational problem."

"Institutionalization really needs to go deep into every aspect, especially in magic laboratories. If you don't receive a complete education in safety rules, you can't participate in experiments at will." Gawain shook his head and sighed. "

"But it stands to reason that this is not dangerous," Rebecca said a little aggrieved, "Although it is the detonation rune substrate, this thing is just a static rune group before it comes into contact with the magic power source. There is no difference between an iron plate with engraved patterns, how could it blow up?"

Gao Wen frowned when he heard that, he knew what Rebecca said was right.

The detonating rune is different from the detonator on the earth. The latter itself has a certain risk of explosion, but the detonating rune itself will not explode.

There is no energy storage structure in it. If this thing wants to explode, it must be combined with a carrier that stores magic power. This is why it is far safer than explosives such as detonators on Earth in Gawain's eyes.

So since it exploded, there is only one explanation for the presence of high-purity magic power near it that was enough to detonate.

"It should still have something to do with that new ore." Gawain looked at the untested sample ores piled up in the other corner of the test bench. These ores were all cut into fist-sized pieces, with magic materials floating slightly one by one. "Hetty, have you tested whether they can store magic power?"

"It doesn't have this property. Although they are good at conducting magic, they can't store magic power at all. The dissipation speed in this respect is similar to that of purple steel or copper." Hetty shook his head, "Could it be that strange magic field?"

This new ore has many weird properties. For example, when it injects magic power quickly, it will "volatize" the magic power into the air at almost the same speed. Volatilize", then the magic power will not dissipate immediately, but will form a strange "field". This condensed magic power field seems to have some unknown function in the eyes of Gawain and Hetty.

Perhaps it was the magic field that activated the detonating rune.

"It's very possible," Gawain nodded, "Hetty, try to stimulate that magic field again, Rebecca, do you have any extra detonation runes?"

"Yes, yes." Rebecca nodded happily, and then she took out a long cloth bag from her mage robe, and she dumped it on the table, and there was a lot of crackling rune substrates , She picked out from the pile of substrates, "Let me see, the scorching rays, the small fireballs, the ones for detonation, the ones for detonation, the ones for detonation, these are all for detonation."

Gawain was dumbfounded as he watched this silly roe deer take out a lot of explosives, and broke out in a cold sweat, "You keep carrying these things with you all the time."

"It's not all the time. I've been working with Jenny on the induction and simplification of the magic circle these two days, so I brought some substrates with me."

"From now on, you'd better search Rebecca before she enters the lab." Gawain's eyes twitched, and he looked at Hetty with a very serious look, "Didn't this kid blow himself up at such a young age "

Heidi's expression was also a little subtle, "It's really strange, she has always been the only one who blows up others, and she has dealt with big fireballs all day long, but she never accidentally blows up herself, at most her face is blackened. It's really rare among mages who often hurt themselves during the early stage."

Gawain was sweating and signaled that the experiment could continue, but before it started, he ordered Rebecca to throw all the extra detonation rune substrates far enough away from the experiment platform.

Although the power of simply detonating the substrate in that magic field seems to be very small, at most there are only some pyrotechnic effects, but God knows if this silly roe deer will have some kind of explosive catalytic halo, isn't she really going to blow up the laboratory? hung on a flagpole

After everything was ready, Hetty placed the detonating rune substrate on a protective circle, then placed two new ores a certain distance away from the rune substrate, and then placed her hand on the two ores , and begin to infuse them with magic.

The two ores glowed slightly, and Gawain could feel that a magic field was indeed generated during the process.

In his vision of magic power, with two ores as the center, an "environment" with an intensity significantly higher than the background radiation of magic power quickly formed, filling the entire laboratory and possibly even extending to a wide area outside the laboratory, and the magic power The brilliance is shining in this area, flickering, erratic. Obviously, it is very unstable as Hetty said.

Turning off the magic vision, Gawain looked at the detonating rune substrate placed on the protective circle.

It doesn't change.

"There seems to be no response." Rebecca scratched her hair, "Is this board broken?"

After Heidi finished releasing her magic power, the three heads gathered together to study why the "detonator" didn't explode.

Gawain recalled the details of Rebecca's previous description, "Did you just say that before the detonation substrate exploded, you also had an ore in your hand ready to input magic power?"

"Yeah, and it's lit up a bit."

"The problem should be here," Gawain nodded. "That extra piece of ore probably played a special role. Find a piece of ore and put it together with the detonation base plate, and bring it closer."

After everything was arranged, Hetty activated the strange magic field again.

Almost at the moment when the magic field appeared, the detonating substrate placed in the protective circle turned into a bright fireball together with the ore next to it.

"It really is this." Rebecca immediately jumped up happily, "It's a resonance, this must be a resonance."

"If two such ores are injected with magic power at the same time, a magic field will be generated, and will the third ore in the magic field resonate synchronously?" Hetty frowned slightly, analyzing the characteristics of these stones, and then looked at To the remaining samples stacked in the corner, "But these things are also located in the magic field, why don't they change?"

"Maybe it's not resonance, but some kind of magic transfer." Gawain took a breath, suppressed the excessive excitement in his heart, and slowly said his guess, "Only when it is connected with the rune substrate or the magic circle." The ores of the ores change, this is because they have energy-consuming units, and energy flows inside them, while other ores do not have the next-level structure that consumes energy, so naturally there will be no changes.”

"Did you mean transfer of magic power?" Hetty looked at the ordinary stones in astonishment, "This is really interesting."

"Their application prospects are very broad," Gawain looked into Heidi's eyes, "If this thing can be purified and mass-produced, perhaps our magic net system can be expanded to an incredible scale, and the transmission range of magic power will be greatly expanded. even extended beyond the territory”

Hetty frowned slightly, "But the magic field it produces is too unstable now. Detonating a rune substrate does not require too stable magic power, but driving those magic machines is different."

"So we need to continue to study and find a way to make it stable," Gao Wen said seriously. "Not only must it be stable, but it must also be controllable. How many of these ores are there?"

"According to the estimation of the exploration team, there are a lot of them. There is a large weathered area in the eastern extension of the Dark Mountain Range. Under the loose and fragile stone layers are all this strange new type of ore."

"A new type of ore." Gao Wen rubbed his chin. "The Rebecca crystal was fired before. Only the special limestone from the dark mountain can form that kind of crystal. In addition, Pittman also discovered a medicinal material with a completely special effect in that mountain."

"I remember your ancestor said that it is the corruption of the natural environment caused by the magic tide that caused the nature of many ordinary mineral plants to change," Hetty said, "and you also speculate that similar new resources are found at the southern foot of the Dark Mountains. There will be more”

"It's not the corruption of the demon tide, it's a gift from nature," Gao Wen corrected seriously, and then he looked out of the window. Through the window in this direction, he could just see a small part of the Dark Mountain, "I I will go to the excavation site of the new ore to have a look, the so-called tide of destruction has brought more things to this world than expected."

While Gawain, Hetty, and Rebecca were researching the new dark mountain ore, another team was also active in the depths of the dark mountain.

Strictly speaking, it is active in the depths of the ruins in the mountains.

Knight Byron and his exploration team have been active in this newly discovered area for more than a week. They have drawn a detailed new map, recorded all the new things they discovered, and sent two messengers to communicate with the outside world. The progress of the exploration has been answered, and Byron believes that this expedition has achieved very good results. Considering that the soldiers will accumulate pressure after staying in the underground ruins for a long time, he judges that it is time to leave this place.

But just as he was sorting out the accumulated information and preparing to arrange his return trip, two soldiers who were in charge of investigating the situation ahead suddenly ran back to the room that was temporarily used as a base for exploration, "My lord, we found a strange place ahead."

"Strange place" Byron frowned. These two soldiers are veterans, and they have followed him to explore here for a long time. They rarely report the situation in such a vague way, which makes him quite concerned.

"Yes, it is a rotunda, but there is a strange stone ring in the center of the hall"
