Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 146: Rebecca's success, and the question of magic


"So here's the 'Rebecca Crystal' you managed to create... well, yes, it looks the same thing."

Sitting in his big tent, looking at the large basket of things that Rebecca brought over excitedly, Gawain nodded slightly.

It was a basket of gray-black, unattractive, weird substances, some were loose like sand, and some were hardened together, but no matter what form it was, there were countless fine particles almost evenly embedded in it, and compared to Rebecca's For the "waste" created in a muddle-headed manner for the first time, the content of crystal particles in this basket of finished products is obviously higher, and the average diameter of the particles seems to be much larger.

This shows that Rebecca not only found the formula, but also vaguely touched the way to improve production.

Hearing Gao Wen's words, even Rebecca, who was straight-headed and had a low EQ, suddenly felt embarrassed. The Viscountess scratched her face that was blackened by the smoke, and smiled like a seventeen-year-old The stupid roe deer who burned out the explosives in the cement kiln: "Hey... Sir ancestor, do you really think this thing can be called this name? Isn't it that only very powerful people can name other things with their own names..."

"You invented these crystals, aren't you good enough?" Gao Wen glanced at this unconfident great-granddaughter on the n+1 floor, "Well, although there is still a lot of room for improvement, this is indeed already possible. A repeatable 'product', the name Rebecca Crystal is well deserved."

Rebecca entered a state of silly joy: "Hey, hey..."

"Don't be silly, tell me how this thing was made," Gao Wen looked at Tietouwa dumbfounded, "Although the emergence of any new material has an element of luck, I still want to know How could such good luck befall us."

"Oh, it's true, it's a complete coincidence," Rebecca scratched her face, "It was actually fired according to the original recipe you gave me, but yesterday I failed when I tried to restore the firing process I tried it several times, but none of the ratios worked. Later, I suspected that it was on the stove, so I ordered someone to check the condition of several kilns, and found that a large piece of the inner wall of one of the kilns had fallen off... "

"A large piece fell off?" Gawain frowned, realizing that the key to the formation of these "Rebecca crystals" might lie in the broken pieces of the kiln wall, "so the materials used to build the kiln were also involved." response?"

"This is one of the reasons, because those kilns also used rune heating, so they were mixed with quartz sand when they were built, and besides the quartz sand, another important reason is the stone from the dark mountains. "

"Stones from the Dark Mountains?" Gawain repeated.

"Yes, I compared several sets of records, and found that there are two biggest differences between that furnace and the others. The first is that the quartz sand used to build the kiln was mixed into the raw materials, and the second is the raw materials used in the raw materials. The limestone was dug from the Dark Mountains. Other furnaces of limestone came from the Whitewater River, and some from the lumberyards to the west. If you use them as raw materials, even if you mix them with quartz sand, they will not work... "

Two conditions, quartz sand and limestone from the dark mountains...

Gao Wen pondered for a while. These two conditions are accurate conclusions drawn by Rebecca after comparing them many times. There is no need to doubt their authenticity. So what role did these two things play in this process

Quartz sand can also be imagined, because it is a weak magical material. Although it is extremely cheap, it is also a genuine magic material, and it is one of the raw materials for making artificial crystals. But what about the limestone from the dark mountains

Why not limestone mined elsewhere

He threw out these questions, and was stunned by Rebecca's question.

The Viscountess didn't think about these details at all, she scratched the back of her head: "I'm just happy, I haven't thought about it yet..."

"The Dark Mountains were once shrouded by demon tides, and many places in the mountains still have traces of being eroded by elemental tides," Gao Wen rubbed his chin and said thoughtfully, "Perhaps this process has changed the properties of some of the minerals... Let them have the characteristics of participating in magical reactions?"

In the absence of more experimental data and theoretical guidance, Gao Wen can only make such a bold guess, but no matter what the real reason is, now Gao Wen is sure of one thing: "Rebecca Crystal" in this It is absolutely unique in the world, at least in the Kingdom of Ansu.

Usually, who would go to the Dark Mountains to dig mountains and burn stones...

"After confirming that the key lies in quartz sand and dark mountain limestone, I tried several methods to increase the proportion and quality of crystals," Rebecca continued, "I found that increasing the proportion of quartz sand can increase the crystal yield rate, but Many crystals will be broken when they are baked. Increasing the proportion of limestone will increase the ability of the finished product to store magic power, but after a certain proportion, it will not form crystals. And I also found that the impact of temperature and firing time is particularly large... Can test There are too many projects, and I can't finish them in a short time, so I burned them out according to the best method now. Here, these are in front of you."

Gao Wen asked bluntly: "Can ordinary people complete this process?"

"Yes, but most people don't understand what you taught me about 'cross-control' and 'observation group', so they can only do as they are taught," Rebecca replied, " And they are very careless, even if they are told how to do it, they will often get the ratio wrong, or misremember the firing time. The time control required for firing crystals is much stricter than firing bricks."

It is imperative to improve the average quality of labor force.

However, there are not even a few qualified cultural teachers in the territory... All the people who can read and write are already overworked. Where can I find someone to form an education team

Go to Tanzanian town to hire? There are not many people in Tanzania who can read! People who can read and write are either the sons of merchants or "respectable people" who have entered the noble mansion and served as housekeepers and clerks. How could these people be willing to come to such a shitty place to follow the pioneering work? It's not that they are poor and white serfs and paupers...

Gao Wen rubbed his head, every time a new problem appeared, he would always do this subconsciously, as if he was confirming his hairline...

"Master Ancestor?" Rebecca asked cautiously.

"No, it's okay. This is a long-term problem to be solved," Gao Wen waved his hand, "You continue to produce according to this 'optimal plan' first, and try a better ratio when you have free time. All in all, these crystals The more particles the better, it is even as important as the output of steel. By the way, we have to find a way to extract the mixed crystals. The black residue next to it is useless. You can try smashing them In order to sieve with water, the crystal is much harder than the residue, and it is also heavier, and it should be easy to separate after being smashed and washed with water."

Rebecca nodded as she listened, and after Gawain finished speaking, she approached with a smile, and asked in a low voice like a stealing kitten: "Um... Lord Ancestor, I heard from Aunt Hetty that you plan to Make this crystal into a magic prop that can explode?"

"Almost the same meaning," Gawain glanced at the girl who always had fantastic ideas, "What do you think?"

"You plan to use the detonation circle in the Gondor-style crystal on this crystal," Rebecca's eyes sparkled, "but have you figured out how to detonate it?"

Gao Wen frowned, this was exactly what he was thinking about.

The detonating magic circles in those Gondor ancient crystals are the same as the common small magic circles. They are magic circles that cannot be self-charged. In the crystal, this part of the energy is provided by the crystal itself, but in the "Art No. 1" he conceived, there is no such energy.

The magic power stored in the Rebecca crystal can't be extracted to participate in other magic reactions except for being directly blown up as an explosive. Therefore, the detonation circle attached to the Rebecca crystal must use other magic power to act as " Starting momentum", so where does this part of the magic come from

Use another energy storage crystal as a "detonating battery"? Then this loses the meaning of "cheap".

Use the magic power of the magician to activate the magic circle? Then this loses the design goal of "letting ordinary people use it".

"Just say it straight. You can tell by the look in your eyes that you have an idea." Gawain glanced at Rebecca. The girl in front of him is really not a person who can hide things. Even if he doesn't ask, she probably won't be able to hold back Don't forget to speak your mind.

"It's like this," Rebecca really didn't hold back, "I studied the detonation circle and found that the magic power it needs to activate is actually quite small..."

Gao Wen nodded: "Of course, after all, it is a magic circle used to self-destruct when the crystal is about to fail. Its activation energy requirements must have been optimized many times."

"Then I discovered one thing," Rebecca continued, "the 'rune trigger' I invented, it will generate an extra magic impact when it is closed for a moment. It is very weak, but it does exist..."

"Wait a minute!" Gawain interrupted Rebecca's words in an instant. He vaguely realized that he had caught a key question that had been ignored for a long time, "You said that the rune trigger structure will produce magic power when it is closed? Are you sure?" Isn't that the magic power released from the magic net buried in the ground?"

"I confirmed it several times, because I have a strong sense of magic power since I was a child, so I can 'see' very clearly," Rebecca nodded emphatically, "When the rune trigger is closed, there is an extra Magic power, and I also found that it is not just the rune trigger, as long as an original complete rune group is disassembled, and when they are closed again, there will be an "instant magic power", and this instant magic power comes and goes quickly. Quick, it only takes a blink of an eye, but if it is going to detonate something, then a blink of an eye is enough."

Gawain immediately fell into deep thought, and woke up when Rebecca was almost dying of nervousness: "Ah... very good, very good, then you can follow your own thinking and combine your rune trigger with the detonating one. Let’s have a try with the combination of the magic circle. You can ask Heidi to help, just say I ordered it.”

Rebecca immediately beamed with joy, but before she was about to leave, she suddenly remembered something: "Oh, yes, Mr. Zu, have you thought about what the name of this explosive tool should be in the future?"

Gao Wen thought for a while, and Baoxiang replied solemnly: "Art."

Rebecca: "Huh? Does this have anything to do with art?"

Gao Wen looked serious: "It's called art."

Rebecca rolled her eyes and thought for a while, and felt that her ancestor might have other meanings, so she nodded happily: "Yes! Art!"

Rebecca left happily, but Gao Wen sat in the tent for a long time unable to calm down.

He was fiddling with a pen in his hand, turning it around unconsciously, and when he realized it, he realized that he had written a line of text on the draft paper:

Magic, what is magic

(Ah, I actually updated another chapter?)