Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 147: Guests from the capital


The moment the unknown woman appeared next to Veronica, Gawain realized that something was wrong—he had been active in this world as a human being for several months, and had observed the earth in the form of a satellite spirit for many years. It can be said that At least he has seen all kinds of weird races on this continent, but he has never seen anyone who looks like this: wearing a human facial features, wearing human clothes, but actually the whole body is full of hair. Translucent light, this form is not so much a person, but more like some kind of elemental creature...

But elemental creatures don't look like this either!

Gao Wen's first reaction was to see a rare creature, maybe it was an ssr, but then he found that the people around him all looked calm, as if they hadn't noticed the strange appearance of the short-haired woman at all. It’s okay to say that a magician like Hetty is calm because he has seen strange magical phenomena, but even a guy like Amber, who can happily find someone to talk about for a long time when he sees a big circle of eggs, is actually calm, There is even time to analyze other people's aesthetic problems... Then there will be a big problem.

The only explanation is that, except for him, the short-haired woman is normal in everyone's eyes.

Therefore, Gao Wen decided to temporarily suppress the great surprise and curiosity in his heart. He forcibly tightened his expression and turned his attention to Veronica's appearance—not to mention, except for the whole body glowing and holographic projection next to her. Apart from the seemingly paralyzed face, Veronica is indeed the most attention-grabbing presence on the scene. Although she is not much better than Hetty in terms of beauty alone, not everyone has that almost inhuman temperament. .

According to rumors, this "Saint Princess" has shown amazing talents since she was a child. In addition to surpassing ordinary people in magic and martial arts, she also possesses incredible spiritual talents inclined to the Holy Light. When he visited the Cathedral, even the bronze bell on the main bell tower was struck by the Holy Light and rang three times automatically, and this was one of the reasons why he finally gave up the right of succession to the throne and converted to the Church of the Holy Light.

Although 90% of these are probably rumors, Gao Wen believes that there are reasons for even rumors.

The two parties exchanged brief greetings on the pier, and the content was nothing more than "Your Duke has worked hard to open up wasteland", "Remember the heroic spirit", "How is the king's health", "I have admired and disrespected for a long time", "When is the meal" and so on. There is no nutritious content (the last one is what Amber said), and in the process of greeting each other, the two parties also made a brief introduction.

Gawain learned the name of the priest woman next to her from Veronica: the name is very common, Sandy, but her identity is unusual. She is a high-ranking priestess of the Church of the Holy Light. Ronica is at the same level, but because she has not received any position in the church and the promotion time is short, she is temporarily accompanying Veronica in the team in the name of assisting Veronica.

The man in clerical attire and the emblem of the Royal Knights is the deputy head of the First Knights of the Royal Family directly under Francis II. His name is Cohen Rollen, and he has the title of earl. From the surname, it can be heard that he has a close relationship with Silas Lauren, the Duke of the Eastern Region. In fact, the deputy head of the Knights is indeed a member of the Lauren family, and he is Silas Lauren's distant cousin. Cousin, but many years ago, he voluntarily gave up his position in the family, and instead accepted the special canonization of Francis II, becoming one of the royal family's inner court nobles.

During this entourage, the duty of the deputy head of the knight order is to protect Veronica's safety.

After exchanging pleasantries, Gawain asked Hetty to arrange for the hundred technicians who were getting off the ship to rest, while he took Amber and Rebecca and accompanied Veronica to the central tent. Go, and the two knights are guarding the left and right.

The soldiers who got off the boat also followed, but Veronica quickly stopped and told the middle-aged man beside her, "Mr. Cohen, please let the soldiers go to rest."

The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, and Veronica shook her head lightly: "In the territory of the Founding Duke, I don't think I need to worry about my own safety—and you don't think that with so many soldiers following Cecil? Is it impolite to be behind the Duke?"

The middle-aged man nodded and waved away the soldiers who followed, but he himself still followed the princess.

Protecting Veronica's safety was a task given to him by Francis II when he set off.

On the way, Gao Wen briefly talked about the situation in the camp, and then, as expected, Veronica took the initiative to ask about the bloody skeletons on the south bank of the Baishui River.

"Those huge skeletons... Are you referring to the deformed monsters that only appear in the demon tide?" Veronica looked into Gawain's eyes and asked seriously.

"That's right, it was the product of the catastrophe seven hundred years ago. I went to the capital to remind you a few months ago," Gawain replied, "They came again a few days ago, but this time we Blocked them. What I want to say is that this batch of monsters wandered from the wasteland of Gondor this time - on those monsters, we found fragments of standard weapons from the Gondor period."

Veronica's footsteps paused slightly, and her tone changed slightly: "The wasteland of Gondor?! Are you sure?"

"Extremely certain."

"This is impossible!" Cohen, the deputy head of the Royal Knights, immediately frowned and exclaimed in a low voice, "To get here from the wasteland of Gondor needs to pass through a strip of plains and dark mountains, and before that there is a magnificent Blocked by the wall, how are those monsters... Is there something wrong with the magnificent wall!?"

As he said that, he involuntarily looked in the direction of the dark mountain range, as if he couldn't hold back at this moment and wanted to go to the mountain to confirm it. Gawain shook his head when he saw this: "The wall is still there now, you climb over it The mountain can still see it, but I'm pretty sure the wall is starting to decay...it's aging faster than we thought it would."

Cohen's breathing became heavy, and the seriousness of the situation was beyond his imagination. He took two deep breaths to calm down: "The sentinel nodes on the Great Wall have been monitored by the Silver Empire. The elves have been here for hundreds of years. The question of the weakening of the walls was never mentioned... ”

"Elves... Elves are a trustworthy race, at least those who worked with us back then were so," Gawain said as he quickly glanced at Amber, who was wandering beside him, and quickly put this elf in his mind. Except for the shame, "Now only seven hundred years have passed. For the elves, it is not enough to replace a generation of population, so I believe they will not deceive the continental countries on this issue. But there is one thing we need to know... here is The northern end of the mainland, while the Silver Empire is at the southernmost end of the continent, separated by a vast wasteland of Gondor, even with the power of the Silver Empire, there will be serious information delays to monitor the Sentinel Tower here."

Cohen frowned, of course he knew this fact, but the elves of the Silver Empire had no choice but to monitor the entire magnificent wall: after the collapse of the Gondor Empire that year, only the ancestral magic mastered by the elves could build With this miraculous protective barrier, other countries and races can only provide some supplies and labor if they are exhausted. Therefore, the "high magic technology part" of the entire magnificent wall is completely based on the ancient magic system of elves. And this magical technique... only the elves can master it.

It's not that the Silver Empire has monopolized technology, but that apart from the elves, the brain structure of other races simply cannot handle the spell models of the elves. Those who have pointed ears are born with special perception and thinking abilities. Their spellcasting The process is complicated and precise, and the magic used by humans is more like a low-end knock-off version compared to elf spells...

Of course, human spells are also good, that is, they can be filled with large quantities: low consumption, high power, and except for the occasional weird ones like Hetty who can't hit people and Rebecca who can only fireballs, they are not bad in all aspects. .

All in all, due to the limitations of the infrastructure of the Great Wall, all the Sentinel Towers have been monitored by the Silver Empire for the past seven hundred years, and the limitations mentioned by Gawain are unavoidable: the elves located in the south of the mainland, it is difficult to Know in time what's going wrong with the northernmost Sentinel Tower.

"Although I have converted to the Holy Light and no longer interfere with the affairs of the kingdom, the teachings of the Holy Light teach us to uphold compassion and love," Veronica suddenly broke the silence, "I will report the situation here when I go back. father, and suggested that he immediately send an envoy to contact the elves."

Then she looked around with some concern: "If the magnificent wall really goes out, this place must bear the brunt. How could these weak people survive... Duke Cecil, I don't question your courage, but for the sake of the people here, Are you considering a change… ”

"Thank you for worrying, but I haven't thought about it yet." Gao Wen smiled and glanced at Veronica, "I have confirmed the situation of the Great Wall, and it will not have any problems again in a short time, and the overall The risk of collapse is next to zero. Besides, if the Wall of Magnificence does come down... what difference does it make where you hide on this continent?"

"I'm curious, how did you stop those monsters?" Cohen couldn't help asking curiously, "I can feel how powerful they were once from the breath left on those skeletons, and the force of this territory …”

Gao Wen chuckled: "Mostly it's luck. These monsters unfortunately encountered a landslide and were discovered by our people a few days before they approached the camp. We made preparations for this. The rest of the reasons are … Consider ye the wisdom and strength of old age.”

Veronica and Cohen: "…"

Amber and Rebecca, who were following Gao Wen, muttered, "Look, I told you that your ancestors could piss people off by talking."

Rebecca looked innocent: "Is it wrong to tell the truth?"

Amber: "...this shameless style must be a tradition in your family."

Rebecca: "You're rude!"

Gao Wen was a little embarrassed listening to the little movement behind him—the two girls thought they suppressed their voices just right, but in fact, everyone present could hear their movements. It's fine to flirt, a traitor like Hu Po is obviously begging for a beating on purpose, but it seems inappropriate to hang her up and beat her on this occasion...

Fortunately, Veronica didn't seem to care about the murmurs of the two young girls. After hearing Gawain's decision to stay here, she only showed an expression that seemed to have been expected, and said quietly: "I I respect your decision, but I hope you know one thing—if the situation in the south worsens, the Kingdom may not have much spare power to provide support."

Although Gao Wen knew from the beginning that with the current system of the Ansu Kingdom, he probably would not get much support from the royal family, and this was just in line with his own wishes, but from Veronica's tone he heard Another layer of meaning came out, so I couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"Eastern border," said the deputy head of the Knights, Cohen, in a low tone, "We and the Typhon Empire... I'm afraid there is no room for relaxation."