Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 148: When the stars are in the right place


Astrology is an extremely important subject on Loren Continent.

Although Gao Wen couldn't understand the connection between those distant celestial bodies in the sky and this small planet under his feet, the power of astrology is real. An excellent astrologer can observe the subtle differences in the positions of the stars. The flow of magic power in the atmosphere, and even the brand-new focus of magic power can be discovered thousands of miles away only by the guidance of the stars. The accuracy of all this is so high that it completely exceeds the concept of "magic stick", and can be used Treat it as a kind of "black box academic".

Of course, due to the obscurity of astrology, there have never been many charlatans in this field, and the characteristics of such scammers are actually easy to identify: they will extend the role of astrology in observing the natural world to the so-called "foreseeers". On the Internet, they claim that they can use the positions of the stars to help you find lost treasures, lost keys, and daughters-in-law who ran away with others, but in fact, the astrology of Loren Continent has no such power at all.

Its main function is to observe the changes of magic power in the natural environment, and on this basis, it can at most make early warnings for some relatively large and regular natural disasters. Shouting is more reliable than relying on those "astrologists".

The reason why Gao Wen suddenly thought of astrology was because he was standing on the upper terrace of the Lord's Mansion, studying the stars in the sky with his eldest granddaughter.

Well, mostly he was watching Hetty study the stars.

Starting today, the three consecutive days will be the best "day of stars" after winter. On these special days, the northern part of the Loren Continent will observe the clearest starry sky and the most stars of the year.

Since this planet does not have a large satellite like the moon, there is naturally no moonlight at night, and without the interference of moonlight, the night sky of this world has amazingly bright stars. Gawain was always impressed by the band of light across the sky that seemed to be a structure of luminous clouds in the distant space, but for Hetty, who was a professional mage, the meaning of the stars was even different.

A mage can feel the changes in magic power from the process of observing the stars, and integrate this perception into his spellcasting skills. This kind of improvement is slow but effective. Hetty never misses any day suitable for stargazing She really hopes that looking at the stars a few more times can improve her spellcasting level, so that her Arcane Missile and Frostbolt can hit the target once in her lifetime...

The tool she uses to observe the starry sky is a special "silver plate". It will reflect the shadows of the stars. Through special casting skills, the shadows reflected in the silver plate can be enlarged and filtered, making it easier to observe.

"I didn't expect you, ancestor, to be interested in astrology," Heidi said while recording the changes in the stars, and glanced at Gao Wen standing beside him with a smile. "This is a boring subject."

"I said a long time ago that I am very interested in the stars," Gawain looked at the stargazing silver plate that Hetty was playing with, and he couldn't help but admire the magic technology of the world itself, although this thing was not useful at all. It is convenient, and there is still a lack of room for improvement, but it can indeed play a role in observing the starry sky, "Hasn't Rebecca studied astrology? Today is an important 'day of the stars' for mages, right?" She's more or less a mage..."

He and Hetty were the only ones on the terrace. As one of the highest-ranking mages in the territory, Rebecca did not appear at this moment.

"She was forced to learn a little bit of stargazing when she was a child, but every time she wanted to throw a big fireball into the sky, trying to blow up the stars and then she didn't let her continue to make trouble," Hetty's tone was full of helplessness, "and said To be honest, astrology has almost zero effect on her improvement. Her magic talent is all in throwing fireballs. And there is a more important point: the astrolabe must be controlled with several specific arcane magics, she knows nothing but big fireballs, she can't even use the astrolabe, she can only stare at the sky... No wonder she was so bored that she threw fireballs into the sky."

The biggest limitation of the astrolabe is really the threshold of use...

Gawain looked at the magic device in Hetty's hand thoughtfully, thinking of something he had arranged for craftsmen to develop a few days ago.

If all goes well, it should still be finished before the end of "Day of Stars."

"I'm preparing a gift for Rebecca. If everything goes well, she will probably be able to watch the stars with us."

"Oh?" Hetty looked at Gawain in surprise. She couldn't imagine what kind of gift the ancestor had prepared to bring Rebecca to the observatory. First, let Rebecca, who only knows the fireball technique, be able to manipulate it. The stargazing device, and secondly, the silly child who wants to throw a big fireball when he sees the stars is interested in this kind of boring knowledge that needs to calm down, which is incredible to her.

But soon she thought of her ancestor's endless whims and various mysterious knowledge reserves. She controlled her curiosity very well, and did not ask too much, but showed a smile: "You really like that kid."

"Aren't you curious what gift I prepared?"

"Curiosity, but I want to keep this kind of curiosity," Hetty blinked, "You always surprise us, this time should be no exception, right?"

Gao Wen smiled and nodded: "Of course."

At this moment, ordinary stargazers like Gawain and Hetty were not the only ones paying attention to the stars.

On the endless sea in the east, the night is over halfway, but the stars are still hanging high in the sky, the brilliant stars seem to be attached to this sky, even if the first ray of morning light has appeared in the east, there is still a third of the sky The stars are clearly visible.

An unnamed island sits alone on the sea. This huge island is one of the few habitats in the endless sea. The Children of the Storm have spent hundreds of years building this place into a well-developed Stronghold, they built farms, villages, foundries and a fortress on a coastal cliff here, and the most important building on the entire island is the "stargazing tower" at the top of the fortress.

At the top of the stargazing tower, the chief priest of the storm in a black robe leveled the astrolabe in his hand. With the injection of magic power, the already dim starlight on the astrolabe became clear and bright again.

He was engrossed in observing the positions of the stars, and everything that had nothing to do with it was forgotten by him, whether it was the bad news that the eastern reefs were destroyed by sea monsters a few months ago, or the Eternal Sleeper's rash contact with Gawain Cecil The weird and disturbing warning that came later, or the fact that the death of all things will advance the progress of the war on the continent, is not as important as the astrolabe in front of him at this moment.

Or rather, not as important as what the astrolabe shows.

The positions of the stars are gradually returning to the correct position, and the surge of magic power will begin. This special surge of magic power will not be very strong, and most mages and priests will not even notice it, but only the son of the storm They know exactly what it means for magic to surge under the attraction of the stars.

"Officer, the griffins sent by Island No. 2 and No. 3 sent news. They observed the same astrology. After eliminating the interference of magic power in the endless sea, the conclusion has been confirmed," a storm priest walked up to the tower, Behind the chief priest, he said respectfully, "The stars are returning to their places."

"I also observed the same scene here," the priest of the storm nodded slightly, and then interrupted his control of the astrolabe, "We can draw up a letter to His Holiness the Pope. Whether the Judgment Day will come or not will be determined within these three days." Let's see."

The Storm Priest's expression was extremely serious. He glanced at the large silver plate behind the officiant and took a slight breath.

The slightly younger priest finally couldn't help asking: "Will 'He' return?"

"When the stars are in the right position, the flesh and blood of the gods will wake up from the long sleep. This is the revelation we have received since we left the land," the priest of the storm would not usually answer such unsteady and immature questions, but in this special At this moment, he also hoped that someone could talk to him, so he continued lightly, "But there is no absolute in the world, because at the same time, there are other ancient data showing that the positions of the stars have been correct more than once, but the world still exists. Then everything is uncertain."

The storm priest nodded silently. In his sight, the waves in the distance were gradually rolling.

The sea, once again lost its calm.

And in the depths of this restless endless ocean, the third group is also paying attention to the changes in the stars.

On the deep and dark seabed, there is a bright artificial light source that illuminates the entire seabed. The luminous balloons floating in the seawater sway slightly with the current. Within their lighting range, you can see countless elegant and slim Figures are gathering from all directions.

A siren commander flicked his long snake tail and came to the front of the assembly point, where a temporary outpost information station was fixed on the seabed, and two deep-water technicians were concentrating on manipulating the control terminal of the information station.

A deep-water technician turned around and bent his tail to the commander: "Sir, the latest monitoring report from the drone shows that the celestial body is entering a specific position, and the energy reading of 'Ao' has risen by three percent. "

Siren Commander nodded: "How's the 'excavation site'?"

"Tissue activity in the giant squid was observed to be on the rise, and the 'explosion' was about to start soon."

Siren Commander left the information station and swam to the assembled compatriots.

Every sea monster tried to keep their faces sullen, and they held their own equipment tightly in their hands. Every snake tail, fish tail, and tentacles were tightly attached to the seabed. They concentrated all their energy on waiting for this moment, and none of the sea monsters There will be some slack in the process.

They have to take what's coming seriously because they know exactly what happens when the stars are in the right place.

This had happened sixteen times in their history, and each time it involved all the sirens.

Commander Kraken swam to the right position, she raised her right hand high, holding the deep water trident tightly in her hand, and every siren focused on her, under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes , the commander shook the sea water and made a sound that could spread throughout the audience:

"Sisters, the stars are moving into their right place.

"We have been preparing for this day for many years!

"Sisters, please remember...

“Be sure to pay attention to the dining order!!!”

Siren Commander waved his trident vigorously, and his voice resounded through the seabed:

"The opportunity to eat with an open belly is in these two days!!"