Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 149: The devoured


Gawain didn't know exactly what happened to his soul, but he was certain that his soul had been completely mutated as early as the moment of time travel, otherwise there would be no explanation for why a person hangs in the sky for tens of millions of years Afterwards, he was able to maintain his sanity, and not only was he sane, but he also had a clear memory of the frighteningly large information and data collected by looking down on the earth for tens of millions of years. In his memory, he can still read it accurately until now.

But one thing is for sure: the souls of the Sleeper cultists apparently have not undergone this transformation.

Traversing hundreds of thousands or even millions of years of vast surveillance records in mere seconds has devastating effects on cultists who are still essentially mortal souls.

When the mind and soul of the Eternal Sleeper cultist gradually collapsed into meaningless fragments, Gawain came into contact with some fragments of consciousness in a trance. These messy and fragmented data flowed into his mind, in his frighteningly large memory There was an almost imperceptible wave in the body. If Gao Wen hadn't been concentrated, he might not have even noticed that he had snatched something from the remnant soul of the cultist. After careful sensing, he confirmed Those are some of the memories left by the cultists.

It is a pity that the amount is very small, and it is fragmented and illogical, and because of the chaotic thinking of the cultists themselves, those memories are also filled with a large number of chaotic, irregular, distorted shadows and crazy conjectures. In the process, the authenticity of these memories becomes impossible to distinguish. Gao Wen is not sure how many of those pictures actually happened, and how many of them were made up in the sleeper's dream.

Only based on the few materials that can be read, he understood the "existence" form of the eternal sleeper in front of him.

The other party seemed to have abandoned his own body or transformed his body into some kind of horrible, inhuman form. He saw some crazy rituals in the memory of the cultists, in which the rituals included limb ablation, The vision of the soul emerging from its body, followed by the scene of the cultist wandering from new body to new body, wandering in the dreams and memories of others.

The Eternal Sleeper appears to have "ascended" his own soul, thereby possessing this terrifying ability to transfer between human minds.

Fortunately, this kind of ascension ceremony is obviously very demanding, and the other party's speeches revealed his status above the bishop in the entire cult group, so there should be very few cultists with this terrible ability, and most of them It should not be active in this world.

The surrounding chaotic space is still disintegrating, and the power supporting its existence has receded. Before this "dream" disappeared completely, Gawain seized the time to concentrate and search hard for the remaining spiritual wisdom of the cultists of the Eternal Sleeper. with potentially valuable information.

In the ancient castle in Kantland, Victor Kant was walking hurriedly in the corridor leading to the lower level of the castle. The lights of the magic spar dimly reflected the entire corridor, but beside the old viscount, the shadow But entrenched like some kind of constant decoration, his body cast a vague shadow on the floor, and the shadow stretched and deformed with his hurried steps, as if it had its own will.

The old viscount's eyes were shining with more and more illusory starlight, his footsteps became more and more hasty, and even gradually appeared a little staggering, he came to the lower level of the castle, and a heavy oak door stood in front of him.

Viscount Victor stood in front of the door, hesitation and bewilderment suddenly appeared on his face, as if there was something attracting him behind the door, but he didn't dare to open the door to verify it.

He hesitated like this for a while, and finally put his hand on the door, but before he pushed the door open with all his strength, the door suddenly opened a wide gap by itself.

A faint light leaked from behind the door, and a long-haired woman in a white dress with a lantern leaned half her body through the crack of the door. This was a woman who looked less than thirty years old, her skin Fair-skinned, with a beautiful face, but with a faint morbidity, her whole body reveals a tender and pitiful temperament. Holding a lantern, she looked at the Viscount standing at the door in surprise and curiosity, and smiled: "Dear Yeah, what's the matter? Are you going to let me out?"

"I... no, it's nothing," the old Viscount hesitated for a moment, but in the next second, all the trance and worried expressions disappeared from his face, and he smiled as if nothing happened, Looking at the young wife in front of him, "It's okay, I just came to see you. There is still a while before the sun goes down, go back to sleep, get a good sleep, and then get up and have dinner with me."

The extraordinarily young Viscountess bit her lips and said in a low voice, "But dear, I'm not sleepy anymore."

"Be obedient, go back to sleep," the old Viscount shook his head, with a gentle smile on his face, "I will come to you later."

The young Viscountess blinked her eyes and seemed to feel relieved. She nodded, and took the lantern and retreated to the door again. The heavy oak door then slowly closed, and there was a sound of door hinges turning in the empty castle corridor. squeak.

Victor Kant stood at the door for a while, with a dazed expression, then regained his usual calm and peaceful expression, turned around and walked towards the direction he came from...

Near the east border of Ansu Kingdom, in an ancient and hidden cave, the headmistress of the Death of All Things Society, Bertila, suddenly opened her eyes wide.

As one of the "foreign affairs bishops" in the church who frequently contacted other cult groups, she has long maintained spiritual contact with several high-ranking Eternal Sleepers, but this time a Eternal Sleeper bishop rashly contacted Gawain Cecil, which made her feel a little nervous Dissatisfied, it's just that it is a matter of other sects after all, and she has no right to interfere or dissuade her, so she can only wait for the other party to complete the contact before asking if they have gained anything.

She believes that the bishop will definitely gain something. After all, today's Gawain Cecil is no longer in full bloom, and seven hundred years of sleep has weakened his body, body and spirit, and a nightmare bishop with near-legendary strength is mentally weak. Competing with such a "pseudo-legendary" at the level, it is impossible to fall into a disadvantage.

But what she waited for was not the news of the great success of the Eternal Sleeper Bishop, but a wail from the soul of the other party, and the great fear spread through the spiritual connection.

Afterwards, the spiritual reaction belonging to the Eternal Sleeper disappeared, as if swallowed by some kind of terrible devourer and completely digested.

Bertila felt the great fear from the spiritual connection, as well as the surprise and panic hidden in the fear, but she couldn't imagine that there was anything in Gawain Cecil's conscious world that could swallow a person. The bishop-level eternal sleeper even made him so fearful before his death. Those believers who are good at manipulating people's hearts are experts in creating and enjoying nightmares. How can their minds be so vulnerable

Amid doubts, Bertila chose to visit several other minds that were connected to her. They were several high-ranking members of the Order of the Eternal Sleepers in Ansu, and they were also the ones who kept in touch with the fallen Bishop of the Eternal Sleepers.

But after the spiritual connection was established, before she asked, a nightmare bishop sent a message: "Bishop Roderick has fallen."

"He was devoured during the spiritual contact with Gawain Cecil." Another nightmare instructor added.

"What happened?" Beltira asked unbearably curiously, "Did he send any news before he fell?!"

The inner spiritual connection between the Sleepers is much stronger than the spiritual connection with outsiders, and Beltera has not heard any words from Bishop Roderick's dying thoughts, but perhaps other Sleepers who are connected can know something.

Several minds in the spiritual connection were silent for a few seconds, and finally, a nightmare bishop replied: "He only had time to send out a word"

In the next second, the words that Roderick screamed before being devoured, with strong obsession and emotional marks, exploded in Bertila's mind:

"Don't spy on this inhuman soul!!"

Gao Wen opened his eyes, and he found himself still standing in the hut where the prisoners were held.

The mercenary leader who was used as a springboard and victim by the Eternal Sleeper has fallen to the ground. This strong man is bleeding from all seven orifices, and his whole head is red as if he had been boiled, and even slightly steaming. His distorted expression is enough to illustrate What horrible pain he suffered before his death, while the mercenary mage was still sitting beside him in a daze, seemingly unaware of what happened beside him.

Hetty, Pittman, Amber and others stood around him, and everyone looked at him with nervous and concerned eyes.

"What's wrong?" Gawain shook his head, completely clearing away the remaining discomfort in his mind, and then took a long breath, "Did I lose consciousness just now?"

"Ancestor, it's great that you're fine!" Hetty finally let out a breath, and the cold sweat dripped from her forehead the moment she relaxed. She rushed up to check on Gao Wen's situation regardless of her demeanor, "Are you okay? Are you okay?" Right? The mercenary just now burst out with a burst of powerful magic power, and then you stood here motionless, everyone of us was terrified!"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Gao Wen comforted his eldest granddaughter, who was already a bit frizzy, and then frowned, "How long have I been unconscious?"

"It's not long, it's only a few minutes." Pittman also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. "It's a good thing you're fine, otherwise I'd have to go sideways today. Some people will say that something went wrong with me tossing fake medicines."

Amber immediately glared at the little old man: "It really has nothing to do with the suspicious ointments and incense you tossed out?!"

"It really has nothing to do with him," Gawain waved his hand, confirming in his mind that the flow of time in that space of consciousness does seem to be different from the outside world. He felt that at least half a day had passed in there, but it was only a few minutes outside, " There was an Eternal Sleeper cultist trying to corrupt my mind just now."

Everyone was shocked: "The Eternal Sleeper?!"

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