Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 150: Rotating wheel with bearings


In fact, to be honest, after encountering this metal egg, Gao Wen finally realized how lucky he was in his current situation—he did not lose his memory, he fell into a world dominated by humans, and he still had the ability to smoothly integrate into the current world. Identity (although this identity is somewhat spooky and supernatural) and a satellite perspective that may be useful, and most importantly, he has memories from Gawain Cecil.

The last point is particularly important. It is precisely because he has memories from two worlds at the same time that he can more easily face the time and space where the physical rules are very different from those on the earth. When times come, use “out of this world” experiences to tide you over.

However, Nicholas Egg can't do this at all. Compared with Gawain's situation, the situation of this metal ball is simply another extreme:

He has amnesia, he has no experience and knowledge that can be effective in this world, he was arrested as a test object as soon as he came here, and most importantly, he fell in the style of an egg-shaped creature on the side of the scary upright ape. on the ground...

If it is said that Gao Wen has entered the difficulty of hell if he wants to farm and climb technology in a world with very different physical rules, then this ball simply smashed through the ceiling of all the kings in hell, and then rolled and fell into the king of hell. Inside the big pot, the bottom of the pot is still spicy durian.

Therefore, Gao Wen had to admire the ball's adaptability and mental toughness: in such a desperate situation, he was able to live so calmly, and became an excellent funny... Could it be because of the metal creature's nerve comparison? hard

"Hey, why are you silent all of a sudden?" Nicholas's voice woke Gawain from his thoughts, and the big metal ball floated around the latter, "I still want to hear your suggestion , what do you think I can do? To be honest, I really want to find something to do now... "

Gawain immediately began to think seriously. In fact, he had been thinking about it before today: this metal ball from another world with magical abilities was probably just an experimental material in the eyes of those Gondor magisters, but in Gawain's eyes, it was an experiment. Potential high-tech talents... Qiu Cai, but he knew that this ball had just woken up from a deep sleep, and he might need some time to adapt and adjust his mentality, so he was not in a hurry to force him to work, but now Mr. Dan took the initiative to speak, he He opened his mouth while organizing his thoughts: "You have the ability to control the flow of magic power and metal, both of which can be of great use to me, but I don't know the specific parameters of your control of magic power and metal, so It's not good to arrange for you."

"In fact, I don't really understand the control of magic power," the metal ball replied, "You call that energy magic power, but in fact, there is no such thing in our world. When I affect the flow of magic power, I am actually shaking my own magnetic cells. —This is an organ in my body that can generate a high-frequency magnetic field. In our world, when the magnetocyte body vibrates, it can form a protective barrier on the body surface, but here I found that the barrier disappeared, but it can affect your mouth That energy called 'magic', make it short-lived..."

Gao Wen immediately interrupted the other party: "You mean magnetic field? You actually use magnetic field to affect the flow of magic power?"

"That's right—including when you used 'magic power' to talk to me, in fact, I also felt its fluctuations through the magnetocyte body... But it's a pity to say that although I can feel magic power and affect it with a magnetic field, I can't. The method is to use magic like your 'mages', that female... the magician named Hetty explained to me what spiritual power and spell models are, but I couldn't understand a word."

Gao Wen didn't pay attention to the second part of the other party's sentence, he was completely attracted by the fact that "the magnetic field affects the magic power", and fell into great confusion: "Are you sure that the 'magnetic field' you generated is really the power of everyone in this world?" The kind of 'magnetic field' you know? You know, the same term may refer to completely opposite phenomena in the two worlds!"

"This can really be confirmed." Nicholas' egg floated up and down vigorously, as if imitating human nodding, "A magnetic field is a magnetic field. Of course, people in this world don't seem to have the concept of a magnetic field. They only know magnetic force. Natural magnets can attract people. The magnetic force of iron, but I have confirmed that the magnetic field I generated with the magnetocyte body is the same as the natural magnetite in this world... What's wrong?"

"I don't know what's wrong," Gawain spread his hands with a wry smile, "I've done a lot of experiments with magnetic fields, but I didn't find that it could affect the flow of magic power. Could it be that the magnetic field I used wasn't strong enough?"

He still didn't finish half a sentence: In addition to using a magnetic field to affect magic power, his experiment with magnetism to generate electricity was also unsuccessful...

"Strength? I don't think it matters much. The magnetic field generated by the magnetocyte body is not strong," said the metal ball dangling. "Maybe it's because of the frequency. You didn't use a high-frequency magnetic field, did you? Those 'magisters' used a vibrating magnetic field to scan me. How high is the frequency... millions of vibrations per second? That seems to be the highest frequency they can produce, but it hasn't reached the magnetocyte One-tenth of the frequency—how about you try harder and turn the frequency of the magnetic field up a bit?"

Gao Wen had a blue vein in his forehead: How could he get a high-frequency magnetic field of tens of millions of hertz in such a broken place in the Middle Ages where technology was still broken!

The Nicholas egg is probably the only high-frequency source in the world that can generate such a frequency magnetic field!

Knowing that there was no way to find a suitable experimental environment at this moment, Gao Wen silently recorded this matter in his heart, and then he was about to ask the other party about his ability to manipulate metal, but when he was about to speak, he suddenly saw The door to the brick kiln was pushed open, and a silly roe deer... a fireball launcher... an iron head... Rebecca ran over here in a hurry.

"Master Ancestor! Lord Ancestor!" Miss Viscount shouted excitedly while running, "Come quickly! Come with me!!"

Seeing the girl's excited look, Gao Wen's first reaction was to hide aside: he was afraid that this silly roe deer would have a twitch and throw seventy or eighty big fireballs on his face...

And after Rebecca ran in front of him and managed to catch his breath, Gawain asked her unhurriedly, "Did you finally blow up Hetty's laboratory with a fireball?"

"Ah... ah?!" Rebecca was taken aback by Gawain's words as soon as she recovered, and then waved her hands vigorously, "No! I'm very careful—let me tell you, the magic engine you proposed , we assembled it over there!"

Gao Wen's originally calm expression was instantly replaced by shock and surprise.

"It's finished?! Have you tested the machine yet?"

"Not yet," Rebecca waved her hands, "I'm waiting for you to test the machine! But Aunt Hetty has already tested all the parts of it, and they all come according to the design drawings, and they can all achieve the corresponding effect. It should be no problem. …”

"Don't talk about it, go now," Gao Wen couldn't restrain his excitement, he pulled Rebecca and walked out of the brick kiln factory, halfway there he remembered that there was a ball, so he turned his head and waved, "You Come and you too—check out the cool stuff we've designed!"

I'm afraid no one would have imagined that the "assembly workshop" of the first generation of magic engines would be so simple.

It is a wooden shed next to the Cecil Steel Plant. Except for some soldiers guarding it, there is no difference between it and other sheds, and there is nothing in it that reminds people of high technology or cutting-edge Magical things: Except for the most precise runes, which are completed in Hetty's laboratory, all the parts of the magic engine are shaped by the hands of blacksmiths and rune craftsmen, so there are neither machine tools nor For the precision mold, Rebecca and Hetty led the craftsmen to complete every processing process of the prototype in the most primitive and laborious way.

If it wasn't for the magical assistance in this world, and Hetty's flame and evocation spells could provide a lot of help, the final assembly and welding of the prototype would probably be a problem.

No matter which world you are in, the birth of any thing is not easy.

In the central open space of the "assembly workshop", a large piece of burlap covered something less than two meters high. Its outline was a little weird, and Gawain could only vaguely recognize that one of the larger protrusions should be a flywheel. structure, while its true face is still obscured.

The old blacksmiths Hammer and Hetty were standing next to the prototype machine, and there were some people standing beside them, some of them were Hammer's apprentices, and the other two were talismans from the royal capital who had just joined the territory. Artisans.

"Rebecca insisted on running to find you by herself," Hetty nodded apologetically to Gawain, "this kid is a little reckless."

"It's understandable that she wants to tell me the good news in person." Gawain took a breath and looked at the machine, "Open it, let me see."

Hetty waved his hand, and a translucent evocation hand appeared in the air, and lifted the drape away.

Below that is a strange-looking machine.

It vaguely has the shadow of a "distant relative" on the earth, with a huge flywheel, as well as the connecting rod connected to the flywheel, the crank, and the crankshaft structure, but it is completely different from any power machine on earth in Gawain's memory. : It does not have a cylinder. Instead, it is a "repulsion mechanism" consisting of slide rails, pistons, and bases located in the middle of the machine. The piston is a square piece of iron, with four slide rails passing through its four corners. Both ends are fixed on a base, and on the side of the base facing the piston, you can see a slightly flickering magic circle, and on the outer edge of the two repulsion circles, there are extended runes, a long The strip-shaped metal plate is connected between the two repulsion circles, and the rune trigger structure on it is connected to one of the repulsion circles, and this metal plate is connected to the crankshaft of the flywheel through a connecting rod and a toggle device.

Whenever the crankshaft rotates half a turn, the rune trigger will be toggled, and the corresponding rune will establish a connection with one of the repulsive circles, until the crankshaft rotates another half turn, the rune trigger will leave this circle and enter another circle The connection range, activate the repulsion mechanism on the opposite side...

In addition to the rune trigger used to "switch the direction of repulsion", there is another rune trigger that controls the "total energy" of the two repulsion circles, which is also controlled by a connecting rod, and the control rod is located in this machine side.

The special repulsion mechanism makes this machine not need a cylinder structure, and thus circumvents the greatest precision threshold: mechanical precision, replaced by its precision requirements for magic runes—and this happens to be "this world "Features.

Hetty looked at the magic engine in front of her with some ecstasy. It had a completely different appearance and inner mechanism from any magical creation in this world. Even though she herself participated in the manufacture of the engine, she was still a little lost at this moment. , but soon she came back to her senses and looked at Gao Wen: "My lord ancestor, please turn off the mechanism."

It is located on the edge of the Cecil Iron and Steel Plant. The engine can receive the energy from the magic net in this place. Although there is no "amplifier" like the "amplifier" in the steel plant compound to enhance the energy transmission efficiency, as a low-power The verification machine, these energies are enough.

Gao Wen shook his head: "We designed this together, you two come with me."

Hetty seemed a little hesitant, but Rebecca didn't think about it that much at all. She couldn't control her curiosity, and with Gawain's permission, she rushed to the machine in two steps, and waved vigorously: "Aunt Hetty! You Come on!"

Hetty smiled, let go of all hesitation, and came to Gawain's side.

The three hands were put together on the handle that controlled the connection of the total energy, and then Gawain counted down to three, and the three of them pressed the handle down forcefully together.

The magic power circuit was instantly connected, and the repulsion mechanism at the core of the engine was then lit up. With the lighting of one of the magic circles, the rough and simple "iron piston" slowly moved in front of everyone's eyes.

It seems to be to drive the heavy flywheel, it moves very slowly at first, but when the flywheel is activated, the piston moves quickly to the end of the entire repulsion mechanism—the rune trigger for switching also takes effect, and the first one that lights up The magic circle went out, and the other repulsive magic circle lit up almost at the same time.

The flywheel made a full turn, and then turned faster and faster, faster and faster—the whole machine was accompanied by loud noise and shaking, but it was really running!