Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 151: after winter


The incident in Kant Land has finally come to an end for the time being, and it seems to be the last wave of this eventful year. With the advent of the foggy moon, everything in the southern border has gone into hibernation as the temperature drops. This troubled place finally Calm down.

However, the construction of Cecil Territory has just begun. With the rapid improvement of various basic machinery and equipment and various factory buildings, a large number of new people who have poured into this land find that they have a lot of work to do in this cold winter. Of course, what greets them is not only winter work, but also hot meals served in the factory cafeteria, winter clothes specially customized for workers, and charcoal subsidies for every household.

For the poor in previous years, as long as the winter comes, they can only keep a little food at home and count the food in the basket to calculate how long the winter will be over. This is an unimaginable good life for them. Compared with it, That little bit of added work is hardly worth mentioning.

According to Gao Wen, the development of the territory will not be truly on the right track until the winter construction plan is successfully launched.

Large and solid four-wheeled carriages were driving on the gravel road, creaking under the wheels, withered and yellow leaves scattered all over the road, and all the fallen leaves of maple and giant wood with only branches left. The bleak scene will inevitably make travelers feel depressed, but there is only a warm force in Joan's heart.

Before the worst frosts came, she and her brother found the last settlement in the mountains.

She stood on the leading carriage, stood up and looked at the entire convoy behind her. The seven carriages carried forty-six homeless people with yellow and skinny faces, and the drivers were all wearing strange enchanted armor and equipped with magical weapons. Powerful warriors, these Cecil combat soldiers strictly abide by the orders of the lord, and take protecting her and her younger brother and the refugees in the convoy as their duty under any circumstances. None of the soldiers harmed a civilian and on weekdays, it never happened that soldiers bullied civilians.

This surprised her at first, but now it has become normal.

It was an incredible force, and they were going to an even more incredible place.

She never believed that there would be any noble who sincerely sheltered civilians, and she never thought that the homeless could get free help in a strange land, but what she least expected was that she would become a " Envoys" and "representatives" to promote and realize this process. In the past dozens of days, she and her younger brother traveled all over the mountains, forests and wilderness in the north of Baishui River and south of Kant Land. The refugee colony on the verge of extinction, and then taking those fathers and villagers who are struggling on the verge of life and death to a safe place, this process is like a dream.

Joan looked at the last carriage, from which Tom got up, and was swinging his arms violently at her, waving the flag in his hand and gesticulating in the strange position of "everything is normal" which was his own creation, and He also created a whole bunch of "remote orders" with different meanings, waving flags and lights to send messages through the ranks, which he obviously enjoyed and was very proud of.

The words "doing things for the lord" seemed to have greatly encouraged her cowardly younger brother. Even without any substantive position or appointment letter, Tom was more than ten times more energetic than before. Joan once felt that Tom was too reckless. His actions may have annoyed the accompanying soldiers, but the result now is that the "semaphore" and "lantern language" invented by Tom have reached the ears of the lord, and the lord greatly praised him, and even standardized those orders. Taught the soldiers on the territory...

Joan responded to Tom's signal with a smile, then turned and continued to look ahead.

You can already see the smoke and the watchtower of the territory.

The refugees on the carriage also noticed the changes ahead, and some people inevitably became nervous, some got up from the straw and torn cotton, looked at the soldiers standing guard on the tower in the distance, and some looked at Joan uneasily: "Joan Miss, can we really...can make a home there?"

An Orion daughter would be respectfully and nervously called "Miss" by the common people, which made Joan feel quite weird, she quickly shook her head with a smile: "Don't call me that, I am a commoner just like you Don't worry, the hard times are over, the front is Duke Cecil's territory, we will settle down there, and everyone will settle down."

The carriage passed the bridge, the huge copper bell was rang immediately, the sound of "Dang Dang" pierced the air, and the sentinel shouted from the tower the call sign that was often sounded these days: "New-ding-entry-in! "

The homeless huddled in the straw and cotton waking up, lying on the railing of the carriage one by one, they saw the tall gates opened in front of their eyes, and the carriage drove up a road made of bricks and strange "rocks". On the paved avenue, row upon row of brand-new houses spread out at the end of the avenue, and the smoke from the kitchen drifted into the sky. The carriage drove to the east at the first intersection, heading for a river beach square.


Once again, the mighty voice of the soldiers exploded in the air, and the carriages of the refugees entered the square with the call sign. Rows of wooden sheds stood on the edge of the square, and the recorders for registering the population and the soldiers maintaining order were already in place. A huge pot was propped up in the center of the square, the fire was raging under the pot, and the aroma of stewed food was wafting from the cauldron.

A woman with a big belly and a round waist stood by the stove, stirring the pot of chowder with a long-handled spoon. and protect their stomachs, weakened by prolonged starvation, from injury.

The moment they saw the food, the forty-six sallow and emaciated refugees in the seven carriages seemed to feel at ease instantly.

Joan could feel this sudden relief, because not long ago, she was also a member of the carriage who felt suddenly relieved.

And the day when the last group of refugees arrived safely in the territory was also the day when the Gawain family finally left their tents and moved into the new "castle".

With the help of Rebecca's "alternative cement", coupled with Hetty's magic assistance and Nicholas' egg's control over metal building materials, the construction of the new mansion was completed much faster than Gawain expected. A brand new three-story The mansion is located on the open land near the original camp. No lord's castle in history has been completed so quickly. Naturally, this should be attributed to the building materials researched by Rebecca, but Gawain believes that the more important reason is that he did not like Like those traditional nobles, they insisted on using natural boulders to build castles, and they had to build castles on mountains.

It is far easier to build a large house with bricks and tiles on flat ground than to build a castle with stones on the top of a mountain.

Gawain knew that the architectural requirements of traditional castles were to defend against the enemy. It would be more appropriate to describe them as "military fortresses" than to say that they were some kind of residences, but he did not intend to build a new castle like that in Cecil Territory. One is that it is a waste of time and money, the second is that he is not used to living in that kind of cold and hard stone house, and the third is that he does not need it.

In case of an emergency, the ancient facility in the mountain is definitely much stronger and more reliable than any kind of contemporary castle.

This three-story house should be the most luxurious large-scale building in the territory at present, but if it is placed in a noble mansion of the same period, I am afraid it can only be described as "too simple". Gawain personally designed it to get rid of it. All the luxurious but uncomfortable disadvantages of traditional aristocratic mansions were eliminated, and all its structures were arranged for practical and useful purposes. When Gao Wen finally moved into the spacious and bright study room with walls, he suddenly felt that he had racked his brains before. The design is all worth it.

Although there are no gorgeously carved marble window sills, no shining crystal sculptures, no dome paintings and exquisite pillars in the style of the northern countries, but he has two magic laboratories and a mechanical workshop, as well as this beautiful big mansion in front of him. Study room This study room has walls!

Amber also wandered around in the study. The half-elf lady seemed to be more satisfied with the house than Gawain. She checked the locks on every door, and checked all the cabinets and drawers in the study. Finally, she Opening the window facing the "Central Square", looking down at the courtyard below, I admired from the bottom of my heart: "In the future, I can finally open the window and enter..."

"Get nervous and go to the next door." Gawain raised his head from the book and glanced at the half-elf. "Remember to walk through the door."

"Tch, I was just joking why are you so serious," Amber wobbled to Gao Wen's desk, "But then again, you are really weird, I thought you lived in a tent so For a long time, you wanted to build a gorgeous fortress or palace, but you ended up building such a place?"

"Build a palace on a territory with a total population of only a few thousand?" Gawain smiled, "I'm not so extravagant."

"I just heard the commotion at the river beach square. It should be that the last batch of refugees has finally arrived." Amber's ears trembled. "You can feel at ease this time... By the way, why have you been looking down?"

Gao Wen raised his hand and raised the big book with a hard cover and a gold-plated title that he had been reading since just now: "A book that is quite popular in the central and southern regions, it is said that 70% of the books are The readers are noble ladies and ladies."

Amber's expression became weird in an instant: "The book that Miss Madam likes to read? You actually like to read this kind of... Damn?!"

Her sentence turned into an exclamation, because the title of the book was so catchy: Gawain Cecil's Affair with Heroes and Princesses.

Then Miss Half Elf's expression became even weirder: "You... your hobby..."

"What kind of hobby? I'm studying my own biography," Gao Wen sighed. "Of course it's really an accident to see something like this..."

Gao Wen sighed even deeper in his heart: Seven hundred years later, when he opened the coffin and saw his own book, this achievement really cannot be replicated.

Amber immediately came over cheaply: "Hey, let me see, let me see... you guys still have this kind of story circulating? Those who wrote the book are really... tsk tsk..."

"It is generally believed that arranging a bunch of romantic affairs for ancient heroes is a kind of praise and gilt. After all, those people are dead, and they will not jump out to point out their mistakes and make trouble for them, and most of the heroes who are gilded I'm still very happy that when they think so, they definitely didn't expect me to crawl out," Gao Wen curled his lips, "I still admire them a little bit, I have lived for thirty-five years in total, and I have married one wife in my whole life, and they are able to In my thirty-five years of busy life, I have arranged more than eighty confidante, how did this tm list get in there?"

"You're scolding, you're scolding, hey!"

"Hey, you uncle! Go and call Pittman over!"

Amber was startled: "This book belongs to him? That old and dishonest..."

"It's not his." Gao Wen squinted at Amber, "I want to ask him what kind of race the 'sea monster' mentioned in this book is. This is the only one among several biographies that mentions that I went to sea. experienced, but in that experience it brought up a species that I didn't know at all!"
