Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 152: go home


Regarding Gao Wen's third request, Viscount Andrew also readily agreed.

Although he didn't know why Gao Wen wanted so many people who could read and write to go to the territory, he was not interested in it. In his mind, this was the most insignificant part of the three things: although the people who could read and write were a minority, But for the bustling town of Tanzania, it is not too difficult to find such a group of educated people who live in poverty. It is easy to attract a group of such people from the chamber of commerce and the church.

Buying large quantities of magic materials at low prices for a long time, convening the population, and recruiting middle- and low-level intellectuals. After finishing the three most important things, Gao Wen seemed to mention those ancient magic materials dug out by Viscount Andrew under his own territory as if casually. remains.

"I'm afraid I know the relics you mentioned." Gao Wen didn't mention the existence of the same relics in the Dark Mountains, but directly used his "identity as an ancient person" to open the topic, "You know, I was active seven hundred years ago That was when the Gondor Empire was still flourishing. According to the history of the empire that I have, the relics that appeared in this area are most likely the "outpost research stations" left by the Gondor Empire in the Starfire era, and most of them were in the middle and late Starfire era. .”

Viscount Andrew is obviously not an ignorant person (in fact, apart from Rebecca, there are few nobles in the kingdom with a bad history), he immediately showed a surprised expression: "Isn't it about a thousand years ago? ?! Those ancient magic mechanisms are still functioning!"

"That's right, the magic devices inside the ancient ruins a thousand years ago can still be used. This is not unimaginable for the Gondor Empire. Compared with those magic mechanisms, the eternal stone slabs sealed in the ruins Fragments are the ones that people care about more," Gao Wen shook his head, "Even the Gondor Empire cared about the Eternal Slate, and they wouldn't throw such an important "sacred object" in the abandoned research institute for no reason. "

Viscount Andrew's brows were gradually furrowed. He had heard the deep meaning in Gao Wen's words, and he said after a long time: "I thought I found a treasure, but now I realize that the Leslie family has been sitting in a treasure for generations. On the volcano…”

Then he looked up at Gawain with an extremely serious expression: "I know what you mean, and I also know that you are the person who knows the Gondor Empire best. In this age, there is probably no scholar who can surpass your knowledge in this regard. So I hope that I can get your guidance on matters related to the underground ruins."

Gao Wen smiled slightly: This is indeed a wise decision. The viscount was obviously not dazzled by the possible "treasure" or he had been dazzled before, but after being subjected to such a great change and knowing the truth about the ruins , he has completely calmed down.

An eternal stone slab has made the place very restless, and there may be something more dangerous and terrifying than the eternal stone slab sealed in the ruins. Needless to say, everyone standing here at this moment can probably imagine it.

Oh, maybe Amber standing next to her couldn't have imagined that she was looking at the ceiling in a daze at this time, wondering what she was thinking about, and it probably had something to do with dinner.

"I suggest that you explore those underground palaces and corridors more cautiously, but no matter what you find that you don't know, you'd better come to me and discuss it," Gao Wen nodded and said, "Of course, you can also stop working on this aspect temporarily. This is a safer option. All in all, those things are in your territory, and you can do whatever you want."

It was getting late now, and the group simply stayed in the castle, which was gradually getting rid of the evil magic. In the early morning of the next day, Gawain bid farewell to Viscount Andrew and left the place with his people.

Gawain was slightly relieved when he saw the orderlies who were running around the streets of the town and loudly announcing new orders from the lord's castle.

In the foreseeable next period of time, that Viscount Andrew may be extremely busy. Under the influence of cultists, just a few days is enough to accumulate unimaginable chaos, and it is not easy to deal with these chaos. Martial law will be lifted, big businessmen and mine owners need to be appeased, and those who died in this crisis will also A burial is required...but then it's nothing to worry about.

The group left Tanzania Town and looked back at the re-opened town gate. Amber couldn't help turning her head and looked at Gao Wen curiously: "Speaking of which, you are quite decent, that Viscount Andrew is at his weakest moment, And you were holding his life just now, to be honest, if the most insidious nobleman took the opportunity to annex the Leslie family's property at this time, you didn't take advantage of it?"

Gao Wen glanced at Amber and smiled meaningfully: "No, you don't understand, I have already robbed."

Amber frowned and looked Gao Wen up and down for a long time: "You didn't sleep well last night, did you? Are you talking nonsense?"

Gao Wen just smiled and didn't explain in detail.

"Let's go back to Goring's Mill first," he pointed to the southeast, "and take that little mute with him. He is the one who saved the life of Knight Byron."

Knight Byron looked at Gawain slightly moved: "Thank you for your kindness. But the child is probably the 'property' of a wealthy businessman in Tanzania Town, so we will take it away..."

Gao Wen waved his hand: "I have already mentioned this matter to Viscount Andrew, he will go to find the owner of the child and help us redeem the child's free body. These are trivial matters, so don't worry about them."

In the dilapidated and abandoned Goring Mill, they met the dumb child again.

The mute child fully remembered what Gawain told him before he left, and stayed in the mill all day and night waiting for them to come back. In the open space in front of the mill, a small bonfire was raised, earnestly roasting a handful of unknown dried fruits picked from the forest.

Seeing that Gawain and his party had returned safely, the dumb boy let out a cheer, and then ran up happily. He stretched out his hand in front of Knight Byron, holding a handful of freshly baked dried fruit in his hand.

"It seems that he likes you very much." Amber glanced at the middle-aged knight with a smile, "and even left you something to eat."

"I've never been a person who pleases children." Byron took the dried fruit and scratched his hair with the other hand in embarrassment. "I don't know what's going on."

Cavalier Philip thought for a while, and asked Byron seriously: "I remember you don't have a family, right?"

"What's the matter if you don't have a family?" Byron glanced at Philip, "I'm different from you who have a bunch of girls posting you everywhere..."

"It's not a sin to be ugly, don't worry about it," Philip comforted Byron honestly and earnestly, and said before the other party jumped up, "Why don't you adopt this child and make him your heir?"

Byron was stunned on the spot: "Huh?"

"It's quite reasonable," Philip said with a serious face. "First of all, he saved your life. As a knight, you can't live up to this kindness. Secondly, this boy has many good qualities. He is brave, kind, and upright. And he has a certain amount of wisdom. Although he is very thin now, his physical strength can be made up for through acquired training. Of course, his disability is a problem, and now regeneration magic has no effect on him, so he will enter the noble family in the future. The circle is about…”

"Okay, please stop talking, please stop talking," Byron interrupted Philip in the middle of his long speech, "I didn't say no. And when you didn't come before... I actually thought of this .”

While talking, he smiled self-deprecatingly: "At that time, I thought that if I could survive this time, I would bring this child back to the territory, but at that time I really didn't expect that I really survived."

After speaking, he turned to Gawain with a serious expression, ready to apply to his lord and take the oath again in accordance with the general procedure for knights to adopt sons, but before he could speak, Gawain nodded with a smile: " I've given my permission. You might as well ask the boy what he thinks."

"Did you hear what we said just now?" Byron lowered his head, trying to adjust his expression to an approachable state with a little awkwardness, and said to the dumb child with a smile, "I am willing to adopt you, are you willing?"

The mute child raised his head, looked around at these adults a little bit in a daze, then lowered his head, and nodded slowly.

Gawain and his party returned to New Cecil Territory, which was located in the lower reaches of the Whitewater River, after riding on the fast horses that had been tied near the mill.

Heidi and Rebecca finally let go of the hanging heart.

Rebecca was very thorough. In fact, Gao Wen even suspected that this silly girl was not worried about him at all. After hearing the news of the ancestor's return, the first thing the girl rushed over was to pull herself to tell her the story of the adventure in the castle and the fight against the heretics. Moreover, Hetty was standing next to her at that time, and her aunt was staring at her. She was about to convulse, but she didn't feel it. It can only be said that the silly roe deer's head just flicked, and she would never be aware of the atmosphere before being beaten.

However, Gawain just smiled knowingly at Rebecca's jumping off: probably in this girl's heart, her legendary ancestor who was resurrected seven hundred years ago is really omnipotent, just a cultist, not at all cause for concern.

What's more, her super powerful ancestor still brought her proud crystal grenade to the battle.

Speaking of the crystal grenade, Gao Wen felt that he still had to boast about the idiot, so after returning to his camp, the first thing he did was to pat Rebecca on the head with a smile: "Your crystal grenade is indeed very powerful. great effect."

"Really?!" Rebecca's eyes were about to shine, "Have you used that thing?!"

Gao Wen smiled: "I only used one, but that one directly blew up an arm of the cultist. That's a level five fallen druid."

Of course, there are many specific factors, such as the cultist was injured at the time, he did not have time to cast a more powerful protective spell, such as he held the explosive by himself... But anyway, there is a fact that it will not changed:

Even a child can learn to detonate a crystal grenade, which can injure the body of a fifth-level extraordinary powerhouse.

This made Rebecca cheer loudly, and even the cheering tent could be heard far away.

Byron and Knight Philip, who were already walking outside the tent, couldn't help but glanced at each other when they heard the Viscountess's cheers.

"It seems that our eldest lady has been praised," Byron smiled. "She has been smiling every day recently."

"She used to smile every day." Philip didn't show any expression, just looked down at the little mute who was following Byron, "Besides anything else, you should take your 'adopted son' to wash and change clothes first. From today onwards, he is a member of the Cecil Land, and he is still the child of a knight, so he must pay attention to his image."

Byron showed a frowning expression: "Alas... Who would have thought that I am so old, I don't have a wife, but I have to learn how to take care of my children first..."

On Gawain's side, after Rebecca and Hetty reported the situation in the territory for the past two days and left, he lowered his head and looked at the two things he had just placed on the table.

One is a fragment of the Eternal Tablet, and the other... is a ring of mithril from a cultist.

Is a cult member of the Doom Society actually a big customer of Mithril Treasure... Maybe it's time to contact that my little pony lady.