Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 153: first shot


Gao Wen said the name of the weapon that he had been brewing in his heart for a long time. Nicholas obviously didn't have much reaction to the word, but Rebecca next to him was already happy: "This name sounds very powerful!"

"It's really good if you understand it?" Amber squinted at Rebecca, "How did these words come together so abruptly..."

"Master Ancestor is like this. He can always think of some names that sound powerful even though he doesn't understand what they mean." Rebecca looked proud, as if saying that she was very powerful. "If you have an opinion, it's purely I envy who made you not have such a powerful ancestor."

Amber immediately raised her eyebrows: "No matter how powerful your ancestor is, I dug it out!"

Gao Wen saw that these two people were about to turn the topic off again, so he immediately stood in the middle: "You two be quiet, you two are quiet! We are here to do business!"

The huge silver-white monster has been floating by the side from the beginning to the end, watching silently. At this time, seeing the two "female humans" finally quiet down, he said calmly: "Then talk about the 'thermal energy'." Ray gun' right... It's okay for me to process the parts, but I have to prepare the drawings first, or if the structure is simple, I can explain it directly to me on the spot, but it's better to compare it with some real objects."

"In fact, we have already built the main parts by hand. Now we mainly study together how to combine them firmly and create a 'shell' suitable for human use," Gao Wen said, taking out the The substrate of the magic power capacitor, the magic storage crystal, the scorching ray substrate, and several blueprints with schematic diagrams of the principle, "Eggy, look at these, let me tell you the principle of the heat ray gun..."

The huge silver-white antic suddenly made a buzzing voice: "You still call me Eggy!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, you can just make up your own brain. First, let's talk about the position of the rune trigger..."

Gawain's conception of the heat ray gun has not been a day or two. In fact, after the crystal grenade appeared, he was thinking about what the second weapon that could be equipped with soldiers in large quantities should be.

The crystal grenade, a throwing explosive weapon, is powerful and has an extremely simple structure. After the basic machine tool was built, it has achieved small-scale mass production. Byron is training soldiers to become familiar with this new "magic tool." However, the limitations of crystallized grenades are also obvious: the throwing distance is limited by the strength of the human arm, and it is basically impossible to achieve precise strikes. When throwing, it requires a large range of motion and a long preparation time. After throwing out, there is an explosion delay...

Obviously, soldiers need another kind of supernatural weapon to make up for the lack of crystal grenades, and it should preferably be a ranged weapon. The world has gone far enough in the art of swords and swords.

Guns are the easiest thing for Gao Wen to think of, but they are extremely difficult to achieve in this world.

Without gunpowder or even steam, it becomes extremely difficult to launch solid projectiles at high speed. Gawain has tried many methods of producing instantaneous high-temperature and high-pressure gas, but all of them have had little effect; he also put his thinking on "magic "For example, using the repulsion circle to push the projectile, but soon he found that with the current technology, it is difficult to shrink the repulsion circle to the extent that it can be engraved on the bottom of the barrel, and even if it is really reduced to this level, The instantaneous thrust of a single repulsive circle is not enough to give the warhead enough lethality.

He also considered the convenience of using magic to realize the "railgun" in advance, using the wind-earth hybrid rune group that can generate a strong magnetic field to create an accelerated orbit and launch projectiles, but he soon discovered that there is a lack of a The "control circuit" with fast enough response can realize the rapid opening and closing of each rune group. The traditional rune trigger is mechanical operation, and it is difficult to perform sequential switching in the process group of projectile acceleration, and the use of rune connection can realize the function similar to the clock circuit. … Unfortunately, there is still no clue in this regard.

The difference in physical laws makes many technological breakthroughs that are difficult to achieve on earth easy in this world, but at the same time, it also makes many things that are easy on earth difficult to do here.

As for the traditional bows and crossbows in this world, it is not that Gao Wen has never thought of making magical improvements, but no matter how much the bows and crossbows are improved, it is still difficult to achieve "cheap, mass-produced, fast firing, continuous firing, low training requirements, High performance potential" and so on a lot of requirements...

Perhaps when the magic industry technology tree reaches a certain level, traditional crossbows will come into Gawain's sight again, but at least not yet.

After a lot of hard work and trials, Gao Wen stroked his hairline one day, and suddenly realized something in his heart:

Why do you have to use biu bullets? !

What made him realize this was that Rebecca, who was bouncing past him, said it was a bouncing fireball launcher...

At that time, he suddenly realized that he knew where his thinking was limited: no matter what method he used to push the physical projectile, even if he used magic thinking, he was still limited by the experience of the earth. Such powerful spells, why not just throw the "bullets" aside and study those spells carefully

After collecting and sorting out the information of various basic spells, what finally came into his sight was the fireball launch... no, it was the scorching ray.

And after the scorching ray's substrate was produced, he needed to fight against the inherent experience in his mind again.

What form does the new weapon need

Several people sat down next to a workbench in the Machinery Manufacturing Institute. The Nicholas egg was floating on the opposite side of the workbench, and the substrates, crystals, and blueprints were all placed on the table. Looking at these things, Gao Wen felt that the "classic gun shape" in his mind might not work here.

These are palm-sized hexagonal metal plates. They have no barrels, magazines, bolts, and barrel structures. Compared with the long classic gun shape, they are more suitable for being assembled into a disc-like shape. thing.

Of course, Gawain can forcibly make a strange shell for them according to the guns on the earth, because he knows that the classic shape is the result of countless years of actual combat verification: the handle is easy to hold, and the long barrel is easy to point. and aiming, but the problem is...

Considering the actual situation of the scorching ray substrate and the efficiency of the magic circle's power supply, the muzzle of the gun will probably be a stack of metal blocks the size of a palm, and the center of gravity of the whole gun will be in the front. Let alone aiming, it can be directly used as a warhammer Estimates are more reliable...

Then consider that the next generation of weapons may even launch frostbolts and ball lightning, and even be used to unleash thunderstorms, summon elementals, and generate shields, so it is even more unnecessary to stereotype this weapon as a classic gun on Earth.

Gawain looked at those metal substrates, tried to get rid of all images related to "guns" in his mind, and told himself over and over again: This is a magic item, this is a magic item...

After almost hypnotizing himself, he picked up the substrates one by one, and gestured on his arm: "How about we assemble them into a gauntlet?"

Rebecca tried her best to imagine, and suddenly shook Gawain's arm happily: "Sounds very handsome! I've been thinking about how to make these boards into the shape of a staff, but I didn't think of this at all!"

Amber curled her lips: "Tch, what's the matter, I thought of it too, isn't the stalker's sleeve arrow in this form? I just didn't have time to say..."

It's rare that Rebecca's brain circuit was solidified once, and was surpassed by Amber...

And Nicholas Dan listened to it in a daze: "What is the sleeve arrow? How do you assemble it into the gauntlet? Speaking of which, I haven't figured out what the structure and principle of your hands are until now..."

Gawain looked at the iron ball star with weird eyes, and suddenly realized where the biggest shortcoming of this golden thigh was: simply asking him to make parts according to the blueprint was okay, but when it came to ergonomics, this guy was 100% blind. As a ball, he doesn't know how to use his hands!

But this is not important, Gao Wen quickly sent someone to find a gauntlet and returned, and then explained to Nicholas egg while drawing his idea on the blueprint: "Just like this, put the scorching ray substrate on the front , the magic power capacitor is placed at the rear end, and a red copper substrate is used as the guide connection in the middle. The control of the rune trigger can be extended by a metal wire from the side of the gauntlet, and it can be pulled by the thumb. Of course, in order to prevent false triggering, it also needs to In addition to the kind of safety device on the crystal grenade, we can get one between the magic power capacitor and the scorching ray substrate, which is the safest... "

"Simple, simple," Nicholas bobbed his body up and down while listening, "what else do you want?"

Amber said from the side: "Don't make the arm armor into one piece, the lower part should be adjustable."

Gao Wen glanced at her in surprise, and the latter rolled his eyes: "Don't really think that I'm ignorant, okay? At least I have used the sleeve arrow."

"All right, all right, your suggestion is indeed useful," Gao Wen said dumbfoundedly, and then nodded to Nicholas Egg, "Let's leave it at that for now, the main thing now is to get a sample out to see if it works, and then we'll know when it's actually tested." Is there any room for improvement."

There was a low humming sound inside the Nicholas egg, and the nearby metal ingots and the two substrates on the table floated up: "Then look at mine! It will be done in a while!"

The iron ball star man is right, he really did it in a while. Under the condition that the precision requirements are low and only a few components need to be processed, those metal ingots and substrates were even shaped in less than a minute. grouped together.

It was an unremarkable, even rather "clumsy" gauntlet from the traditional point of view.

In order to stuff the rune substrate into the protective case and leave room for the trigger, the assembled "heat energy ray gun" made the whole gauntlet thicker than the traditional gauntlet by more than two circles. Its upper part is raised high and has an ellipsoidal shape. , an opening is reserved at the front end, and there is a short metal guard plate extending below the opening. The metal guard plate is actually a "safety" device. When it is inserted back, the magic flow will be cut off, and the user's hand will It can move freely, but the thermal energy ray gun cannot be fired. When the shield is pulled out, the thermal energy ray gun enters the ready state, and the user's hand is restricted from turning upwards, so that he will not be caught by the hot beam due to carelessness. Penetrating palms...

Since it was only a test product assembled for the first time, its image could not be said to be very gorgeous, but Gawain still put the clumsy gauntlet on his arm with a slightly excited mood, and buckled it after adjusting the tightness.

While pulling the safety device on the front of the gauntlet, he put the metal finger cot for firing on his thumb, and then pointed the front of the gauntlet to the ground in front of him.

Nicholas turned around slightly, and an iron-gray metal ingot floated over and landed where Gawain was aiming.

"How many soldiers are there in our territory now?" Gawain casually asked Rebecca while aiming.

Rebecca thought for a while: "The newly trained recruits haven't left the camp yet. If you don't count the two knights, but only the combat soldiers... one hundred and six people."

Gao Wen pulled the trigger, and with a light "poof", a hot light beam shot out from the gauntlet, and the metal ingot on the ground was hit directly, and it rolled several times on the ground continuously due to the small-scale explosion caused by the magic power , showering a shower of sparks and metal debris along the way.

When the tumbling stopped, its surface was already red, and a deep pit was even melted out.

"Then, we have one hundred and six second-level transcendents who can use scorching rays."

(I recommend a book, "My Daughter is a Ghost", which is relaxing and enjoyable, full of ideas. It is a story about raising a daughter (correctly). It can effectively alleviate the book shortage. Is this considered to be a baby daddy?) 8 )