Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 157: On this special day


When the stars are in the right place, there will always be a series of hidden changes in this world shrouded in magic and god power.

However, only a few people can perceive this change, and observe the knowledge and truth that were hidden deep in the world in the past.

In Saint-Sunil, Ansu Royal City, in the high-level prayer room of the Holy Light Cathedral, the "Saint Princess" Veronica is kneeling quietly in front of the statue of the God of Holy Light, with her hands folded on her chest, her eyes open She was tightly closed and motionless, and the hazy holy light shrouded her body, making the whole room warm and bright. Anyone who saw this scene in this situation would feel the incredible piety and devotion from this princess. Holy and deeply touching.

However, Veronica didn't pray for long. She slowly opened her eyes, stood up unhurriedly and turned to the door. After waiting quietly for two seconds, the door of the prayer room was closed. Noisily pushed away.

A high-ranking priestess with short hair and an ordinary face came in. She exuded a quiet and soft light, with a pious and holy aura similar to Veronica. After the light, the priestess nodded slightly: "The Pope is looking for you."

"I see." Veronica said softly, but before leaving the prayer room, she couldn't help but stop and take a deep look at her long-time friend.

Sandy stood there quietly, still so quiet and gentle. This kind girl who grew up with him has become an excellent high-ranking priestess like herself, but the relationship between the two can never go back to the past up.

In Veronica's line of sight, Sandy was shrouded in a mass of radiance, which even penetrated her skin and bones, making her whole body present a translucent light-forged feeling. Veronica looked at Sandy's body. In that light-cast body, where the heart should be, there was a crystal-like bright light jumping at the moment. Just looking at that light, Veronica felt I felt that the holy light on my body was agitated slightly.

"Any questions?" Sandy noticed Veronica's pause and turned her head slightly to ask.

Veronica shook her head: "No, praise the Holy Light."

Leaving from the prayer room and heading to the Great Cathedral, you have to pass through an open-air garden and two long corridors in the middle. The highest-ranking clergymen of the Church of the Holy Light walked back and forth on these sacred stone roads. These pious and holy People triggered the resonance of the holy light, making this palace shrouded in bright light even after nightfall. Veronica folded her hands in the wide sleeves of the priest's robe, and walked quietly on the road with her head slightly lowered. She didn't talk to anyone, and didn't look around, just like every devout priest would put her whole body and soul into it. Immerse yourself in the perception of the Holy Light.

She saw high-ranking priests walking past her one after another. Under their gorgeous robes of priests, there were groups of hazy lights. Some of these lights were only floating on the surface of the flesh and blood, and some had completely replaced them. The essence of "humanity", and this mass of light-cast body is the expression of piety, and it is also the most powerful guarantee of the Holy Light Church.

Veronica walked through the corridor, and the attendant pushed open the door of the Great Cathedral for her. She saw the spokesperson of the God of Holy Light in the world, the supreme ruler of the Holy Light Church, and the most prestigious religion on the Loren Continent. The leader, St. Ivan III, is sitting quietly on the golden throne of the Cathedral.

This old man who has lived for 150 years is thin and thin, with white beard and hair. Age spots and wrinkles representing the passage of time can be seen everywhere on the exposed skin. He looks dying, old and weak, as if he will be called by the Lord at any time. But Veronica is very clear that weakness is only his appearance, and the endless holy light has endowed him with real power. As long as the old man's thinking is still functioning and his brain is not dead, he can mobilize his surging energy at any time. The light force destroys all enemies of the church, or shelters all devout believers.

In Veronica's sight, St. Ivan III doesn't even have a human form at all. He is a flaming torch of holy light, sitting on the luxurious golden seat, while the torch of holy light In the hazy and illusory shadow behind, she could even see a trace of the God of Holy Light's face, as well as some silhouettes from the God Realm.

"Veronica, my Lord's pious child, you are here," Saint Ivan III said, with gentleness and trust in his low and slow tone, "The Lord is calling you."

"I have been enlightened in prayer," Veronica bowed her head, and said respectfully, "The stars are arriving at the right position, and the power of resonance among the celestial bodies will open the way to the truth. The time to accept the call has come."

"Come on, the most gifted spiritual daughter in the past seven hundred years, you have accepted the highest inheritance of the Church of the Holy Light, accepted my personal guidance, and come into contact with the most mysterious knowledge and the most holy and powerful power. I have made sufficient preparations for this day..." The old voice of St. Ivan III echoed in the cathedral, and along with his words, a platinum scepter gradually emerged from the air and floated to Veronie In front of Ka, "My child, hold this scepter and face the enlightenment that the Lord has left for you. This is your destiny."

Veronica looked at the platinum scepter quietly, her face was expressionless, but she didn't move either.

The voice of St. Ivan III seemed to come from far away: "My child? What are you waiting for?"

The light power in the Great Cathedral began to stir slightly, while Veronica stretched out her hand, slowly but firmly grasping the scepter.

"I would love to talk to the Lord."

A majestic beam of light rises from the Great Cathedral, the beam of light even penetrates the thick dome of the Great Cathedral, penetrates the thick clouds, and shoots straight to the bottom of the ultimate mysterious star "Ao" in the distant space. direction.

At this moment, solemn sacred music appeared out of thin air, and all the bells in the entire cathedral rang at the same time. The priests in the church and the believers in the city stopped their work one after another, and they listened attentively to the sound of every second. Sound, everyone involuntarily showed a calm and peaceful smile on their faces, and drew the emblem of the God of Holy Light on their chests, and began to pray devoutly.

But Veronica felt that her spirit transcended her body, and she "seeed" her field of vision was rising rapidly, rising rapidly, and soon passed the dome of the cathedral, and the entire city of Saint-Sunil also shrank in her field of vision. As a small point, she passed through the clouds, passed through the dark starry sky, passed through countless indescribable ghosts and visions, and finally, she stopped this crazy journey in a place full of endless brilliance.

She stood in an endlessly wide place, and the light-cast city walls, towers, and holy symbols stood at the end of the field of vision, and there were rivers like falling stars across the sky, and slanted into the earth.

And directly in front of her field of vision is the "Lord".

The Lord is a huge light-forged crystal, and He floats in the very center of this light-forged kingdom. The crystal-like substance forms His body. The crystal has no shape, and the whole is like a changeable, multi-edged, multi-angled, multi-faceted The crystal nucleus was floating in the air, and even though he didn't speak, Veronica heard a voice echoing in her mind:

"Come forward, touch him, listen to him...

"He is your protector, the haven your souls long for...

"Only under His protection are you safe..."

Veronica stared at the constantly changing polyhedral crystal nucleus, her legs were already shaking, her body seemed to break free from the control of her brain and moved forward, and a huge force was still tearing her at the same time The spirit makes her heterogeneous from the inside out, becoming an extension of the changeable crystal...

Endless power, knowledge, mysteries, power, money, and even eternity with God are all within reach at this moment.

Veronica took a deep breath and smiled: "We have waited too long for this day..."

On the second day of the "Day of Stars", the skies in the south remained clear: another fine day for stargazing.

After dinner, Hetty immediately went back to her room to get her silver astrolabe, but Rebecca just stood in front of the window sill and stared blankly at the night sky outside. Looking at the twinkling stars, she suddenly frowned. Nose, with a slightly annoyed look on his face.

But no one noticed the Viscountess, she just stared blankly for a while, then turned and walked towards her room.

The "Day of the Stars" was an important day for mages, but it had little to do with her.

She couldn't control the astrolabe, and naturally she couldn't comprehend any magic-related mysteries from the changes in the astrology. When she was a child, she also stood on the terrace with Aunt Hetty and her teachers, staring at the night sky with wide eyes. but…

That was super boring stuff.

She doesn't like stars at all.

Rebecca was walking back to the room, trying to fill her head with runes and magic circles, not thinking about other things, but a tall figure was waiting in the corridor, so she had to stop step.

"Master Ancestor?" She looked at Gao Wen blankly, "What's the matter?"

"Today is the day when the stars shine brightest, don't you go to the balcony to watch the stars like Hetty?"

"No," Rebecca shook her head vigorously, showing a nonchalant look, "I can't read anymore, every time I look at the stars, I feel sleepy..."

Looking at the girl who was not good at disguising in front of him, Gao Wen couldn't help laughing: "I have a gift for you."

"Gift?" Rebecca's eyes lit up slightly, "What gift?!"

Gao Wen took the thing from his side that he spent a lot of effort to make the craftsmen successfully trial-produce: "A good thing that allows you to see many stars without using an astrolabe."

Rebecca looked at the thing curiously. It was a large metal tube with uneven thickness. Its two sections seemed to be inlaid with lenses made of crystal, and there was an adjustable knob in the middle of the tube, and Buckle device for connecting with the bracket.

Its style is really weird, and it is different from the machine drawings drawn by the ancestors before, but for some reason, Rebecca was deeply attracted by it when she saw this thing at first sight.

"What is this?" she asked curiously.

"Binoculars," Gawain smiled, "Eagle Eye without mana."