Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 158: dream again


Hearing Gao Wen's words, everyone turned pale with shock: "The Eternal Sleeper?!"

This was completely beyond their expectations. Even Hetty, who has always been calm, almost couldn't hold her staff. She stared at the leader of the mercenary who fell dead on the ground with wide eyes: "This mercenary is the evil spirit of the Eternal Sleeper." Christians pretending to be?!"

"No, he was just used as a springboard by the Eternal Sleeper," Gawain rubbed his brows, talking about the information he got from the cultists, "This guy probably had a bad dream sometime in the past, and a powerful The Eternal Sleeper cultist left coordinates in his mind with the help of nightmares, so that he became a one-time 'carrier', allowing that cultist to quickly 'come' when needed."

Such a weird fact made Amber get goosebumps: "Why does this kind of cultist sound more evil than the death of all things?!"

"The Eternal Sleeper is indeed weirder than the death of all things," Pittman said in a deep voice. As a Druid who has truly received the inheritance, he knows a lot about cultists. "The Eternal Sleeper is the fallen, Transformed, they were originally priests who comforted people and expelled nightmares, but after the fall, they became experts in weaving nightmares and fears. The most powerful bishops of eternal sleep have the ability to walk in people's dreams , and they can link people and people's dreams together, so that they can be more elusive and unpredictable. Their special abilities make them more terrifying than ordinary cultists, but the good news is that... the behavior of the eternal sleepers It’s not as extreme and bloody as Doom or Son of the Storm, they just pull people into all kinds of nightmares or visions, occasionally do kidnapping, but rarely initiate killing.”

Hearing this, Hetty also said thoughtfully: "I've also heard about the Eternal Sleepers' Cult. They really rarely cause large-scale deaths, but their actions are more weird than other cults. It's weird, I personally feel that they seem to be hiding some huge plan, and the cult group that doesn't usually kill people is even more terrifying."

Gao Wen felt the same: "As long as it is a dark sect, there is no one that is not dangerous. If they don't kill people, it only means that they will do things that are more terrible than killing people, and those things are more difficult to prevent than killing people. Besides... The Eternal Sleeper It is the only dark sect other than the Sons of the Storm that deals with the Doom Society. Both the Doom and the Sons of the Storm are cruel and bloody sects, and the Eternal Sleepers who can get along with them... cannot be good people."

"The more I listened, the more panicked I became," Amber couldn't help but rubbed her arms, as if she wanted to rub off the goosebumps, and then she looked up at Gawain curiously, "Then you were dragged by the Eternal Sleeper just now?" In their 'nightmare'? And then? You escaped?"

Gawain smiled: "We competed in the conscious world, and then that guy died, probably not a powerful character."

Amber snorted, and Hetty also looked at her great-grandfather with admiration and conviction. Only Pittman looked up and down suspiciously at Gao Wen: "The eternal sleeper who can carry out the descending of thoughts... will be a small character. ?”

"Anyway, not as good as me," Gao Wen shrugged, "Anyway, that guy is dead, it doesn't matter how powerful he was in life."

Hetty seemed a little worried: "But the key is why an Eternal Sleeper cultist attacked you... The last death of all things meeting can be said to be an accident. The real goal of the fallen druid was Tanzania Town, but this time The Eternal Sleeper is obviously coming for you, the mercenary leader clearly called out your name when he was 'occupied'!"

Gao Wen's expression became serious, he knew that Hetty's worry was not unreasonable.

The resurrected Gawain Cecil has indeed begun to attract the attention of certain dark forces.

Although there are not many memories read from the remnant soul of the cultist, some of his recent thoughts and experiences can be pieced together. Gao Wen can be sure that the cultist has been active in the southern border for many years. He left nightmare coordinates on thousands of victims in this area, and the mercenary leader happened to be one of them. The incident itself was just a coincidence, but the Eternal Sleeper behind the mercenary leader was staring at him not every day or two.

From the conversation, I learned that the cultist was very concerned about a certain secret voyage of Gawain Cecil and the so-called "Sea of Eternal Darkness", so after Gawain uncovered the coffin and spread the news, the cultist may This contact was already planned.

And the mercenary leader who happened to fall into the hands of Gao Wen just gave him a perfect opportunity in advance, but the cultist himself would not have thought that he would be directly killed by this opportunity...

A bishop of the Eternal Sleeper just died for no reason, but this does not mean the end of the harassment. Gawain believed that there must be other dark sects or mysterious organizations staring at his so-called "Eternal Dark Sea" and "Secret Voyage". "I'm afraid it involves a huge secret, which is enough to make the most vigilant and hidden cult bishops take risks, and it will naturally arouse the curiosity of other lurkers.

But the problem is that Gao Wen himself is very curious about what the so-called "Eternal Dark Sea" is!

Up to now, the only thing Gawain can comfort himself is that the Bishop of the Eternal Sleeper died very quickly and neatly. He died on the territory of the Cecil family without causing any disturbance. This may be a warning to some snoopers .

Anyway, if there were any daring ones who wanted to make trouble, Gao Wen had no other choice but to continue. After all, he was now dragging his family, so he couldn't just say a word that didn't agree with him, right

Pittman looked at Gawain with a serious expression, then at Hetty with a worried expression, he sighed softly, and said with a serious expression: "My lord, I think it's time for you to seriously consider my resignation this time." applied… "

"If you really wanted to run, you would have disappeared by now. Are you the kind of person who would greet the boss well before running away?" Gawain glanced at the shame of the druid, then waved his hand, "Anyway, come here I’ll continue, three or two small fish and shrimps won’t be able to cause much trouble, I don’t believe those cultists who have lived with their tails between their legs for 700 years dare to organize a large army to fight them now.”

Afterwards, he glanced at the mage mercenary sitting next to him, who was still groggy.

Seeing this, Hetty immediately asked, "Ancestor, do you want to continue the interrogation?"

Gao Wen shook his head: "It's no longer needed, keep him locked up and we'll see the situation after a while."

He didn't consider directly executing the mage mercenary, but he didn't intend to let him go. If the rescue of the refugees in the northern wilderness was regarded as a battle, the mercenary in front of him was a prisoner of the Cecil family. According to the law, such prisoners of war will be directly treated as slaves, and they will use lifelong labor to make up for the weapons and manpower lost by their masters in capturing him on the battlefield. However, Gawain has not yet figured out what to arrange for this "prisoner of war slave" Such reform through labor.

The Cecil Territory is currently in short supply, so Gawain doesn't mind letting such a prisoner use his labor force to make use of his value. This is much more cost-effective than execution or exile, but the other party is a second-level spellcaster after all, so throw him directly. Digging in the mines to the west is a waste, and Gao Wen is still worried, so what to ask him to do... really has to be carefully considered.

Hetty had no objection to Gawain's arrangement, but she was still very concerned about the purpose of these mercenaries hunting refugees in the wilderness north of the White Water River: "Aren't we going to investigate the matter of the Kant family hiring these mercenaries to hunt refugees? "

"Ah... yes," Gao Wen couldn't help but rubbed his forehead. It seems that the confrontation with the cultist in the conscious world still had an impact, and he completely forgot the original purpose of interrogating the two mercenaries, "I A little tired, forget about this matter. Well, Heidi, Pittman, this matter is entrusted to you two. Before the effect of the potion and ritual is over, ask the Kant family why they caught slaves in Frost Moon .I have to go back and take a rest, and you can just tell me the results of the interrogation later."

After arranging the affairs here, Gao Wen returned to his tent.

He was indeed exhausted. The exhaustion in the depths of the spiritual world took so long to surface, making him realize that his confrontation with the cultist was not as easy as he imagined.

Even as a satellite spirit, mobilizing that huge memory to devour another mind is not so easy.

Not long after returning to the tent, he fell asleep on his bed and fell asleep quickly.

He "opened" his eyes in an unfamiliar place, and found himself standing in a long corridor.

This corridor is a typical Ansu style. It has the same interior and support structure as the castle buildings favored by southern aristocrats. The supporting columns on both sides of the corridor are half-buried in the walls, and each supporting column is inlaid with a lamp. Lighted magic spar lamp.

But this was not the old castle of the Cecil family, nor the castle of the Leslie family in Tanzania, nor the interior of any castle that Gawain remembered.

Almost immediately, Gao Wen realized that he might have entered a dream again, and it was a dream that he entered in a waking state. The experience he had just had with the cultists made him instantly alert and vigilant. I couldn't help muttering in my heart:

"Why did another wave come so soon? Are these cultists the gourd babies who saved Grandpa?"

But soon, he found that the situation this time was different from before. He didn't wake up in a completely chaotic space, and no one broke into his dream with ghosts. The feeling of being able to wake up at any time is more like a normal dream than being dragged into the imaginary space by the eternal sleeper.

The only difference from falling into a dream is that he remains unusually awake.

No, there are more differences...

Gao Wen looked at his hand with a feeling, and consciously outlined the shape of a certain object. The next second, he found that there was an extra can of Coke in his hand.

In this lucid dream, he seems to be able to create what his heart desires.