Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 159: Metal Master


The old blacksmith Hammer stared wide-eyed, looking at the strange machine that was running at high speed with astonishment and bewilderment.

Its core is filled with the brilliance of magic power. The repulsive mechanism that can be described in a simple way is reciprocating under the action of a simple magic circle and a series of mechanical structures. The heavy flywheel is rotating rapidly under the drive of the connecting rod and the crankshaft. The speed is faster than any windmill, waterwheel and human-operated crank. He deeply knows how heavy the big iron wheel is. It is something that can easily break a person's bones when it turns, but it is driven like this, And it's easy to drive.

The two rune craftsmen standing next to him saw more and thought more.

They are servants trained by magicians. If rune masters are "circuit engineers" who design the blueprints of magic circles, then rune craftsmen are "mechanical engineers" who are responsible for manufacturing the mechanical parts of magic organs. What they understand in this regard is naturally Much more than ordinary blacksmiths.

Rune craftsmen manufacture all kinds of mechanisms and magic props on weekdays. They are naturally no strangers to the most basic gadgets like the repulsive magic circle, but they never thought that this simple, magic-level thing could be It only needs a set of effective mechanical structure to produce such a miraculous effect, so that the repulsive magic circle that can only be used to push the mechanism door or the falling rock trap can be automatically cycled, even though the entire magic energy engine is driven by magic power , but its inner principle is completely different from any previous magic props!

In the magic energy engine, magic power is no longer the only and all power. It is no longer used roughly, but is transformed, amplified, and turned into something more... practical in a more ingenious and indirect way. .

At the beginning, they were required to work with a group of blacksmiths and blacksmith apprentices. The rune craftsmen still had a bit of resentment in their hearts, but after seeing the finished product's magic engine, their resentment was involuntarily replaced by some kind of enlightenment. They finally realized what the matron named Hetty meant when they first arrived in this territory, when she said to them, "Let go of all old ideas and shackles, and submit to the new order of this land" Compared with the new things seen in this land, those rules and restrictions are really not worth mentioning.

An apprentice blacksmith stared at the magic engine that was constantly running, and couldn't help muttering to himself: "This is what we built..."

Hammer hurriedly interrupted his apprentice: "No, this is the Duke and the Viscount, as well as the wisdom of Mrs. Hetty."

"No," Gawain interrupted Hammer's words, "This is what you made, there is no doubt, the honor belongs to everyone who worked hard, so those who contributed to the manufacture of the magic engine can not only get Rewards and honors will be given to each of you, and the names of each of you will be recorded, made into nameplates and inlaid on the first generation of magic engines, and recorded in Cecil's history book."

The craftsmen and apprentices looked at each other, and Hammer twirled his beard vigorously, even accidentally pulling off a few of them without noticing, until the two experienced rune craftsmen from the royal capital saluted and thanked, the old blacksmith Only then did he finally react, and hurriedly followed up to thank him.

Meanwhile, Gao Wen withdrew his gaze, looking at the prototype of the magic engine that was still functioning normally with uncontrollable joy and excitement.

It makes a lot of noise, and the flywheel drives the whole machine to vibrate violently. Due to the error in the accuracy of the parts, these are unavoidable problems. Gao Wen can be sure that a considerable part of the power of this machine will be in those Non-compliant parts are lost in friction, and its output power and overall lifespan will also be compromised, but these are the minutiae. The most important thing is that this machine is running as I expected.

Solve whether it is necessary first, and then consider whether it is good or bad.

Gao Wen looked at the primitive machine almost fascinated, but suddenly, doubts and worries surfaced in his eyes.

It's just that this subtle emotional change quickly disappeared.

On the other side, Hetty has already started to test the machine's strength: she directly used her Evocation Hand or Gravity Technique to slowly put pressure on the output shaft of the machine, and after trying several times in a row, she couldn't help but speak with admiration: " This machine is very powerful. I probably tried it. When it rotates at full speed, it can even pull up a half-ton iron block directly vertically. If you use the pulley block or reduction gear you mentioned earlier, its It is not known how much the power can be amplified. In addition, this is because we use relatively cheap rune materials, and the connecting rod is also made of ordinary steel instead of stronger purple steel, so its room for improvement is quite huge.”

Rebecca doesn't know all kinds of useful auxiliary magic, and she can't throw a big fireball on it to test the blood bar of the machine at this time, so she scratched her chin and thought about more practical things: "Master Zu, what do you think of this machine? What can you do?"

Gao Wen gave the girl a funny look: "Tell me your opinion."

"Many monotonous and repetitive tasks that require a lot of strength seem to be entrusted to it. For example, let it drive the mill? Drive the big saw in the sawmill? Its strength is definitely strong enough, and it does not need to consider the influence of wind direction and river water at all! "

"There are many uses. It can drive waterwheels, tow mine carts on the other side of the mine, can be used to pump water from mines, can drive a sledgehammer to forge steel, and with a suitable mold, it can also be used to press biscuits. In that way, a whole piece of steel plate can be directly pressed into armor or other parts. It can also be placed in a brick kiln factory to drive other machines to press bricks, instead of requiring a dozen serfs to make them one by one with wooden frame molds as it is now. Blank..."

Gao Wen casually talked about what he thinks is the most important application direction at present, while the people around him are lost one by one. They have never had the concept of replacing labor with machines, even if there are windmills, mills, and water mills in this world. Things like this are quite crude and crude things. How could they think of all kinds of machines that can be connected to the magic engine

Hammer, on the other hand, couldn't help his eyes light up when he heard that a machine drives a sledgehammer to forge steel and directly forge steel plates into armor parts. His professional intuition made him instantly realize that this is a bright road.

But Rebecca's eyes were shining all the time. Basically, as long as Gawain popped out a usage, a lot of lever bearings and gears would pop up in her mind, even though those things couldn't be assembled yet. There is no machine available, but she feels that as long as she gives herself a little time, she can toss out the things that her ancestors conceived one by one!

But at this moment, Hetty frowned and said worriedly: "The key is that we only have one machine... It takes time and effort to manufacture a new magic energy engine, and it must be within the coverage of the magic net to operate. It's very problematic."

While talking, she pulled the lever to cut off the energy of the magic engine, and it gradually calmed down: the noise of this thing is not ordinary, it is spinning here, and people around have to shout when they talk.

"It doesn't cost much to lay the magic net. After all, they are all basic runes, and the blueprints are ready-made. It's a problem that it's not easy to make machines... The main reason is that it takes too much time to build these parts by hand," Gao Wen rubbed his chin, "but this is There is no other way, we still have to build it manually... "

At this moment, a voice with a metallic tremolo suddenly broke in: "Ahem, I have something to say."

The Nicholas egg, which was covered in silver and silver, slowly floated over.

Rebecca cheered up when she saw the shiny metal ball: "Eggy, do you have an idea?!"

"I'm not called Eggy!" Nicholas Eggy immediately rose two or three meters into the air (if it weren't for the roof blocking it, I'm afraid he would have planned to fly higher), the voice from inside the sphere was furious, "You at least call me Eggy Boss Egg!"

Rebecca was not intimidated by the ball at all: "Ah good Eggy, do you have a solution?"

Nicholas Egg: "…"

"Don't compete with her, just tell me your way," Gawain interrupted the upcoming verbal battle, and looked seriously at the metal ball that was slowly returning to its normal height, "I know you are good at controlling metal balls. ,Could it be that… "

"Yeah, I finally know what I can do here!" Nicholas's voice sounded very pleasant. The metal leftovers that were ready to be returned to the furnace floated one by one and were pulled around the silver-white metal ball, "I can help you forge iron!"

As his words fell, the metal scraps floating in the air made creaking sounds one after another, as if there was a huge pressure on their surface, they began to deform slowly, and Gawain soon It is found that this deformation is not just the obvious signs of melting of some metals under the action of external force, they are not only being squeezed, but also being forged!

In just a few minutes, these metals turned into large and small, intricately structured parts and all kinds of grotesque gadgets, and even lifelike metal sculptures of everyone present.

There was complete silence in the shed.

Nicholas Egg seemed to be very satisfied with his performance. He triumphantly placed those parts on the ground, and then sent the metal sculptures to everyone's hands: "How is it? This is much more efficient than yours, right?"

Hammer took over the metal sculpture that belonged to him, but his hands couldn't help but tremble slightly with such a powerful ability... Will there be a need for blacksmiths in the territory in the future? !

Is it really the same as what the lord said last time, the blacksmith who beats things with a hammer is going to be useless? Will it be useless so soon

The rune craftsmen at the scene felt the same fear. Even Hetty and Rebecca were shocked and felt that with this ball, all the craftsmen who deal with metal in the territory might lose their jobs...

Only Gao Wen, although he was also shocked by the speed at which the Nicholas egg quickly formed a metal form, but immediately after that, his attention was completely on the other side.

He looked at the lifelike metal sculpture in his hand, looked at its eyebrows and hair that had been accurately reduced according to strict proportions, and suddenly looked up at Nicholas Egg: "How accurate can you be?!" 8)