Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 161: What the fuck did I hear? !


Regarding the fragment of the Eternal Slate, Gawain has not yet thought of how to start researching it, but regarding the cultist wearing the Mithril Ring, Gawain felt that it is necessary to ask the agent lady from the Mithril Vault to find out.

After all, the other party had promised at the time that as a major customer of Mithril Treasure, you could ask her for advice at any time.

Moreover, the territory needs to be developed, and the Mithril Treasure may also be of some help. Gao Wen will not let go of anything that can help him.

He rubbed his own mithril ring, injected magic power into the ring according to the way Melita told him at the time, and with the vibration of his mental power, he felt that a delicate magic was activated in the ring, and the metal It started to heat up slightly, and a strange magic wave was released.

Looking at the slightly shining ring, he couldn't help but start thinking: What is the principle of this thing

He has not yet been able to determine whether this world can use electromagnetic waves to communicate (probably not), but magic communication technology already exists. This is an ancient and mysterious skill that can make the originally closed magic circle realize external communication. Although the information exchange function is single, due to the lack of data on the original spell model and the existence of a technical black box, its spellcasting level is as high as level four, so Hetty can't use it.

Magic communication is limited by many factors. The level of the caster, the quality of the casting materials, the interference of the magic environment, and even the difference between day and night will affect its distance and effect. The most powerful magic communication device is the "Star of the Stars" at the top of the Temple of the Stars. "Eye" artifact, it can allow that floating city to send messages to the entire Silver Empire, but the exact principle of that, in fact, even the group of silver elves can't figure it out.

Gao Wen always felt that this kind of magic that can transmit information remotely may be related to the essence of the "magic environment" in this world, but the spell model and magic circle model of the communication spell belong to a kind of "black box", which is inherited from ancient times The things that come down, people know why they don’t know why, and they haven’t been able to optimize them for so many years, and they can’t figure out what the mechanism of those runes is. I'm afraid no one knows what "Gourd" looks like.

And this small mithril ring actually has the ability to send spells. The technical strength of the mithril treasure house seems very unusual...

Gawain thought about these things, and suddenly felt the ring vibrate, and then a slightly distorted young female voice came from inside: "This is Melita Bernia, Duke Gawain Cecil , very glad to receive your message, it seems that you are finally going to use the mithril treasury."

This thing also has a vibration reminder? Gao Wen was startled, and put the ring to his lips: "I want to consult you about something."

"Ah, as a senior customer of Mithril Treasury, all consulting services are free. What do you want to ask?"

"When your Mithril Treasure House selects big customers...do you have any screening criteria?"

"Screening conditions?" The person on the opposite side of the ring seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then replied, "Of course there are screening conditions. It is not so easy to become a big customer, but this involves a very complicated review process. Explain it..."

Gao Wen interrupted Melita: "I don't need to explain in detail, I just want to know if I am a cultist, can I become your big customer?"

"Cultist? It depends on what kind of cultist it is," Melita said calmly. "Sometimes, cultists pay more generously than kings. As businessmen, we always welcome such generous customers." …”

"Cultist of the Doom Society."

Melita's voice suddenly faltered, and after a second of silence, she said firmly: "The death of all things will not be included! We don't do business with them!"

Gao Wen was a little surprised, and asked, "Why?"

"The end of all things will be the most insane group of all cultists. Their ideas lead to the possibility that they will not cooperate with any organization. All things will end in their eyes. Everything is to be destroyed, including other heretical sects. Including people who do business with them, even the gods and their own gods, we don't want to deal with this kind of lunatics. In fact, there are only two or three dark people who are as crazy as them in the whole world. Sects, including the sons of the storm who spend all day in the sea announcing that the world will one day be swallowed up by infinite distortion, and the group of eternal sleepers who have everything in their dreams, that is, their thinking is closer to the death of all things and has the same intensity. self-destructive tendencies, that’s why we can come together, who would deal with that kind of lunatic?”

After a long speech in a hurry, Melita then added: "Of course, it is not ruled out that the peripheral members of the Death of All Things Society may have business dealings with the Mithril Treasury while hiding their identities. After all, they are living people. The organization also needs to develop and operate, but they will definitely not become a major customer of Mithril Treasury, they will not pass those strict assessments at all, and they will definitely be exposed."

"But I have a mithril ring representing the identity of an important customer here, which I got from a cult member of the Death of All Things Society."

"No..." Melita probably wanted to say that this is impossible, but halfway through the sentence she realized that it might be true no matter whether it was impossible or not, so she changed her mouth, "Have you confirmed the authenticity of the ring? Secret The shape of the Silver Ring is not special, maybe someone imitated it... "

"The material is the same as the real one. It's too expensive to be an imitation. As for whether the inside is real... I can't verify the identity of this thing," Gao Wen fiddled with the cultist's ring with the other hand , said casually, "Is it possible that the cultists snatched it from others?"

"If the ring is real, it can't be snatched." Melita's tone became serious, "The Mithril Ring was designed with the risk of being stolen by people with bad intentions in mind, so it has identity recognition. After leaving the original owner, its function will be locked and cannot be used again, and if the thief takes the ring to the agent of Mithril Treasury to bluff, the agent of the treasure house can immediately identify the state of the ring through secret methods... In short In short, it is useless to snatch or steal it, and a magical item that suddenly expires automatically after being snatched, it is impossible for a cultist who is naturally vigilant to carry it with confidence."

Gao Wen stroked the ring in his hand: "That is to say, there really is a cult member of the Doom Society who has become your big client."

"Or the reverse is also true...some important person has degenerated into a cultist," Melita's voice became serious, "Duke Cecil, I will go to your place to confirm this in person, and I will visit you in a few days .”

Although he knew that the Mithril Treasure House had great powers, Gao Wen asked casually, "Do you know how to get here?"

Melita's voice seemed to be filled with a smile: "Of course, as your exclusive agent, I have been paying attention to your actions."

When Gao Wen heard it, he couldn't help getting goosebumps all over his body: Why does this sound so awkward...

After confirming that Miss my little pony will come over to check the situation in person, Gao Wen didn't intend to talk too much in the magic communication, and after a few casual words, he decided to end this communication: "The details will be discussed after you come over." , if there is nothing else, I will hang up first."

Melita's exclamation suddenly came from the ring: "You are going to die again?!"

Gao Wen: "... I mean end the arraignment!"

After cutting off the magic communication, Gawain's veins slowly subsided. Then he exhaled, put away the cultist's ring of mithril, and his eyes fell on the fragments of the eternal slate on the table.

Until now, he has not ventured to establish any spiritual connection with this "stone slab". Although he knows that this thing will not cause any real physical harm (after all, so many believers in this world are alive and well), but with It is too hard to say whether one's spirit will be affected after touching the Eternal Slate.

After Veronica's visit last time, Gawain became more wary of the gods in this world, especially when he saw the "priestess Sandy" who looked normal in the eyes of others and looked like a special light and shadow in his eyes. ", his guard was more suspicious of his own particularity.

He knows that he is a traveler from another world. Although the body is the original one here, the soul is not. Perhaps it is the deviation of the soul that caused the priestess in his eyes to become a holographic projection. Does this mean his "" "Vision" can see some things that ordinary people in this world can't see

And the power of the Eternal Slate is likely to act directly on the soul. Will there be any big problems with his special soul

With these thoughts in mind, he unconsciously turned the palm-sized metal plate over and over again. Suddenly, his eyes fell on the irregularly mosaic crystals on the back of the metal plate.

The crystals and the grooves on the metal plate combined to form complex lines. At first Gawain thought they were some kind of magic circle, but after careful observation, he found that those lines were completely different from the magic circle he knew. Now his attention was diverted from the unresolvable lines and settled entirely on the crystals of unknown material.

He felt that the material of those crystals was somewhat familiar.

After observing for a long time, he suddenly remembered something, and quickly got up to fetch some crystals.

A whole piece and a few pieces of broken ones were the mysterious crystals brought out from the capital at the beginning, which led him to re-establish contact with the satellite.

After comparing, he finally confirmed one thing: the small crystals inlaid on the back of the Eternal Slab... are exactly the same in material and appearance as the mysterious crystal left by Gawain Cecil back then!

Huge astonishment and doubts surged at the same time: The Eternal Slate is actually related to these crystals? And these crystals can help him reconnect with the moons in the sky... So are the eternal stones related to those moons

He was thinking, and unconsciously fiddled with those crystals and the eternal slate inlaid with crystals, but when he didn't pay attention, the tiny crystals inlaid on the "slate" were slowly emitting light.

Gawain finally noticed those bright lights, his first reaction was to quickly move those crystals and eternal stone slabs away, but before he could take any action, a sudden dizziness stopped all his movements.

The sensations of the limbs became sluggish and numb, and the five senses and six senses seemed to be far away from him. Gao Wen felt that his mind seemed to be pulled away from his body. He could clearly see and hear the surrounding situation, but he felt that those auditory and visual senses did not belong to him. Like himself, he felt that his consciousness first floated up, and then sank infinitely, "immersing" into a strange and ethereal state, and the vague auditory hallucinations in his mind became more and more clear during this process...

Finally, he "heard" that a lot of strange "information" was emerging in his mind:

"...The annihilation team...return to the team and report the results..."

"It has been confirmed that the fire god has no life response, and the annihilation bomb has entered the field, over."

"... observed... the dome of holy light collapsed, and the god of holy light has no life response... waiting for instructions, over."

"Observed... The Temple of Mysteries is disintegrating, the Goddess of Mystery and Magic is escaping, and the Sixth Hunting Corps is leaving..."

"The God of Storm has no life response... Start destroying the Temple of the Storm, over."

"The Eighth Heavy Bomber Fleet arrived at the designated coordinates... and started bombing the Kingdom of Shadow God, over."

"...Bombing Fleet... Dismantling the Temple of the Dead... Observed... Disintegration of the Pale Bulwark..."

"... confirm that the god of death has no life response, and is heading to the realm of the god of war, over."

"... The God of Nature has no life response, over."

The extremely chaotic noise and the feeling of dizziness appeared at the same time, waking Gao Wen up from the "immersion state". He broke out of this weird state with sweat profusely, and then his face was bewildered and his mind was full of horror.

Damn chicken, what the hell did I just hear? !

I.tm heard.got.what? !