Sword of Daybreaker

Chapter 163: A door?


The long years of being a monitoring satellite in the sky did not change the essence of Gao Wen's personality, but it brought him a special perspective to see everything in the world—when necessary, he can analyze it with an attitude of almost a bystander The changes of this world, and summed up some possible laws from the changes that lasted thousands of years or tens of thousands of years, and these laws are for the species living on the ground (including those elves that can live for thousands of years) , are difficult to summarize.

It is precisely because he has seen the ups and downs of civilization on the surface many times that Gao Wen can speculate that the magic wave happened more than once - even if he did not capture any of them, it is enough to guess what happened in the middle from the front and rear surveillance screens.

In Gao Wen's other speculation, he believed that the scale of the demon tide should be uncertain.

A large-scale demon tide may lead to the reshaping of the civilization of the entire planet, while a small-scale demon tide-the disaster of Gondor's destruction seven hundred years ago is probably just a "small demon tide".

Although it destroyed the most powerful Gondor Empire in human history, its scope was only in the central part of the continent. Among other things, the Silver Empire of the elves and the Dwarf Kingdom in the west were not affected at all.

Or... seven hundred years ago that wasn't an official demon tide at all, but just some kind of "prelude"

Various guesses and associations involuntarily emerged in Gao Wen's mind, many of which were actually made up by himself out of thin air, and Amber, who was next to him, watched Gao Wen's silence for a long time, and finally couldn't help poking Poke his arm: "Hey, what are you thinking?"

"I just thought of one thing," Gawain woke up and asked casually, "You said, if one day all the resources familiar to human beings on the earth changed, such as the properties of various magic materials, what would happen? what happened?"

Amber froze for a moment: "Why do you think so fast..."

Gao Wen tapped Amber's head: "Just tell me what will happen."

"Then everyone must be in a mess," Amber replied casually, "especially mages, they probably won't be able to find spell-casting materials at once, and many spell materials have to be summarized..."

After hearing Amber's answer, Gao Wen sighed softly after a long silence: "Mortal civilization is really fragile... isn't it."

Amber's ears trembled: "You speak really strangely."

Gawain stood up and turned to look at Home and other members of the exploration team who were waiting by the side. These people did not dare to disturb the lord when he was thinking. At this time, they saw Gawain get up, and they moved slightly closer. .

"This kind of ore needs a name," Gawain nodded slightly to Home, "I named it the Home Stone."

"My... my lord?" Hom, who was a serf not long ago, was startled when he heard Gawain's words, and he repeated with his eyes wide open in disbelief, "Hom's rough stone? This... I am not qualified Ah! How can I have this honor..."

"In exploring unknown areas, discoverers are always great, so there is no need to shirk," Gao Wen waved his hand, "In the future, we may discover more valuable things in this land, and naming them after the discoverers will be a kind of Simple and easy to do—and very motivating for the explorer."

"Yes... thank you!" Holm straightened up abruptly. It was the first time his waist, which had been slumped ahead of time due to heavy labor, straightened again in so many years. His entire back was aching, but he still tried to straighten his body, "I... I..."

This commoner, who was so shallow that he could barely read and write, couldn't find the right words to describe his mood, and Gao Wen didn't care about it, he just waved his hand: "Everyone in the exploration team If you have merit, I will ask Hetty to record it for you and convert it into a reward according to the Contribution Act."

Then he looked towards the direction of the mountain path - just now he saw a combat soldier running over, and the opponent stood still on the mountain path, waiting for him.

"What's the matter?" Gao Wen came to the soldiers and asked.

"My lord, I brought the report from the ruins," the soldier stood up straight and saluted to report, "Knight Byron found a strange magic device and a hall full of runes in the lower area of the ruins, I hope you can go there yourself take a look."

A new area has been discovered deep in the ruins? !

Gao Wen frowned, and immediately waved to Amber: "Come with me."

The two walked up the mountain path under the leadership of the soldiers. After a rather long journey, they finally reached the deepest part of the ancient facility.

"It's really big inside..." Looking at the tall corridors around and the dim magic spar lamps on both sides of the corridor, Amber couldn't help but sigh, "It takes so long to walk in a straight road..."

"This is the result of Knight Byron having already cleared the way." Gawain nodded. He noticed that the magic spar lamps in the corridors on both sides were newly installed. Considering the cost issue and the output power of the portable honeycomb magic net unit, The distance between those magic spars is very far, so the overall lighting in the corridor is very dim. However, compared with the original completely dark environment of the ruins, the restored corridor is still much better than before.

In that rotunda, Gawain saw the middle-aged knight whom he had not seen for many days.

The many days of exploring the ruins did not make this Mr. Knight look haggard and tired. His condition was even surprisingly good. It seemed that he had rediscovered the feeling he had when he was a mercenary in the process. Byron's face looked bright, As soon as he saw Gao Wen, he greeted him: "My lord, you should read this! I bet these two sets of words on the door are describing the function of this room - but we haven't figured out what it means after studying for a long time. "

Gawain looked in the direction of Byron's finger, and saw that on both sides of the gate inside the entrance of the rotunda, there was indeed a metal plate without any signs of rust, and neat ancient characters were engraved on the metal plate with a technology similar to laser etching. .

"The writing on the left is to pay attention to safety and beware of accidents, and the writing on the right is to lock the door when people leave the scene—what's wrong?"

Byron: "..."

On the spot, Gao Wen saw the faces of the soldiers behind Byron blushing. If it weren't for the suppression of military discipline, they would probably have the heart to roll on the ground.

"In the future, don't bother studying things that aren't your specialty," Gawain sighed, and patted the shoulder of the middle-aged fried dough stick knight. "Even Hetty can't fully understand these ancient characters. Why are you joining in the fun?"

Byron broke out in a cold sweat. He turned around in embarrassment and pointed to the center of the rotunda: "... what you said, my lord, you should take a look at this..."

Gawain looked towards the center of the hall—in fact, from the moment he entered the door, he had already noticed the wonderful thing with overwhelming presence.

It was a ring set vertically on the ground, and about one-third of the structure was buried deep underground. The inner diameter of the ring is about four meters, and densely packed magic lines and symbol marks can be seen on the ring. Rare metals and magic crystals are inlaid on the magic nodes everywhere, which shows that it should be some kind of Power-hungry device.

On the ground around the ring, you can see the same complex and huge magic symbol system, as well as several metal devices fixed on the ground and connected to the magic patterns on the surface, which look like consoles.

"This is... some kind of door?" Gawain rubbed his chin. The shape of the ring reminded him of something similar to a portal, but he was skeptical about the judgment of the "portal"—even if it was just now During the heyday of the Tudor Empire, long-distance teleportation spells were still a theoretical product. This world did not have such a convenient space for teleportation magic. If there were mature teleportation gates in the Gondor Starfire era a thousand years ago, it is impossible for them to not spread at all. down.

It is more likely to be a kind of "Magic Gate" for small-scale space transformation, used to link different spaces located at the same coordinates. This technology was quite mature in the Gondor era.

"We suspected that this thing was a stone at first, but in fact it is some kind of metal, but no one knows its material," Byron Knight continued to report, "In addition, we also found several blocked objects on this floor. The rooms, where some ingots of the same material as the rings were piled up, it seems that the people here planned to build more rings or expand it—but then they evacuated, and the work was put on hold. "

"Unknown metal material..." Gao Wen said to himself, "If it's not ancient alloys, then it can only be caused by the magic tide to change their properties. If the reason is the latter, then the research will be very troublesome. "

Knight Byron didn't hear clearly: "My lord, what did you say?"

"No, it's nothing," Gawain waved his hand, and at the same time, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Amber had sauntered to the side of the ring at some point, and was poking the purple spot on the surface of the ring with her precious little dagger. Black crystals, he yelled suddenly, "Hey! What are you doing! This thing can't..."

"Don't worry, I won't steal it!" Amber immediately glared at Gao Wen, and loudly dismissed the suspicion of her occupational disease, "I just feel that the power fluctuations left by this crystal are a little...familiar."

"Are you familiar with it?" Gawain was taken aback, "Have you seen this kind of crystal before?"

Hu Po looked at the crystals inlaid on the ring like an expert and scholar, and touched his smooth chin with his free left hand: "Based on my many years of crime experience..."

Gao Wen: "... what?"

"Ahem, work experience, work experience," Amber realized herself, and quickly changed her words. Unfortunately, everyone at the scene had heard it, so she continued to say brazenly, "According to my experience, this kind of crystal should be Rare Shadow Affinity Crystals—the most expensive of all elemental crystals. And to be honest, the purity is also frighteningly high, such high-purity Shadow Crystals are now rare.”

"Shadow?" Gawain blinked. He knew the existence of elemental crystals. This special magic crystal is formed by ordinary magic crystals undergoing long-term erosion and transformation in an environment with high element concentration. Due to the scarcity of shadow environments in nature, it can It is even rarer to maintain the shadow environment for a long time and the concentration reaches the standard, so the elemental crystals prone to shadow are the most expensive and rare. Although Gawain Cecil was known as a polymath back then, his main skills were in herbalism, In terms of survival in the wilderness, territory building, and monster slaying, there is not much research on magic crystals, but as a person who dared to pry the grave of the founder of the country, and is a shadow-friendly and insane person, it is not surprising that she has seen this kind of crystal .

"Could it be related to the Shadow Realm?" Gawain asked speculatively.

Amber patted her chest: "Then I'll go in and see the situation first!"

"Wait a minute," Gawain grabbed her arm before she entered the Shadow Realm, "Take me in together."

Amber was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered the horrible experience of facing the flesh and blood of the gods when she entered the Shadow Realm in the relic laboratory, she broke out in a layer of cold sweat, and quickly grabbed Gawain's arm: "Then you will have to go ahead later ah!"

Gawain looked at the half-elf who suddenly became cowardly, dumbfounded, and waved his hand: "Let's go."

Amber took a deep breath to calm down, and then activated her shadow-friendly talent.

The familiar trance struck again, and Gao Wen felt that the scene in front of him began to shake, but just when he vaguely saw the scene of the Shadow Realm, Amber beside him suddenly let out an "oops", and then the two of them stood together. "falling out" of the critical state.

Amber rubbed her head in a daze, and it took a while to realize: "It seems... was ejected?"